It hurts... it hurts so much, it hurts me to death.

The shrill screams came to mind intermittently.

A pale ghost hand with only half of its wrist exposed holds a shovel, struggling to pull at the black soil. The sound is creepy, making people feel pity, making them restless, and causing negative emotions to surge into their hearts.

Shen Jian saw it.

There were bursts of weird smiles on his face.

He was still thinking about how he would find the location of the ghost and god in such a big place. No, here comes the tour guide.


Shen Jian stepped forward very enthusiastically.

Brother, I'm here. I'm not a good person...I'm not a bad person. Do you need help? Tell me.

Shen Jian snatched the shovel away.

asked with concern.

He pulled the black soil again, and his expression became angry: Who is riding a horse so cruelly, stuffing a good person into the soil? This is trying to suffocate you to death. You are not a thing. Are you okay? Is there anywhere? pain?

Graveyard Ghost:......

He was stunned.

Ghost Hand even forgot to take back his shovel.

He looked at the stunned Qing above in shock.

Entering a strange place for the first time, and encountering strangers asking for help, how can you be so caring?

Are you still a ghost?

Are the ghosts outside so ignorant of the world?


Did he really meet a good ghost?

Under normal circumstances, even if a Degui encounters him asking for help for the first time, he will not help him. Instead, he will just watch and walk away. If his behavior is worse, he will even attack him in turn, take away his shovel, and then Dismember half of his wrist.


These are all his traps.

The reason why he exposed the shovel was because he was sure that those of his kind would not give up this ghost weapon.

As long as these same kind go to the cemetery because of greed, the outcome is doomed.

but now……

He met a kind man who helped him.

For a while.

The grave ghost was silent.

There was even a hint of embarrassment in taking action.

But this thought went away just as quickly as it came.

Since he is a kind-hearted person, he should be pointed at gunpoint, so he probably wouldn't mind being suppressed in the cemetery here instead of him.

With this thought.

The Graveyard Ghost grabbed the bloody half of his wrist towards Shen Jian, and his gloomy voice suddenly echoed: My whole body hurts. I am buried in this cemetery. I feel so lonely. Since you call me brother, I guess you won't mind……

His eyes were full of resentment and distortion, and his voice was hoarse. The sharp ghost sound was even harsher than fingernails scraping against the floor.

The words have not yet finished.

Shen Jian nodded.

You feel pain all over your body, right? According to my extensive experience in dozens of surgeries and deaths, your situation is very dangerous. The pressure of the soil has seriously squeezed your body organs, which is why you have symptoms. Symptoms of pain all over the body, but it’s okay, don’t worry, I have a solution.”

The words fell.

A dark glint flashed in Shen Jian's eyes.

Lift your foot and step hard.

Along with the rumbling sound, the grave ghost discovered in horror that the black soil in which he was buried continued to rise, forming a stone pillar.

And his body was wrapped in this stone pillar.

Graveyard Ghost:! ! !

He was stunned.

This scene simply blinded his 24K titanium alloy eyes.

Damn it.

This black soil is a supernatural thing that can suppress supernatural beings and bury powerful ghosts. Even a top ghost king like him cannot escape through his own efforts once he is buried.

But what does he see now?

The shape of the black soil was changed.

Although the supernatural suppression effect is still there, it is no longer complete. Give him some time and he will be able to break free on his own.

This stupid young good man actually has such strength?

It shouldn't be.


Shen Jian continued: This will make it easier to operate. I'll get the medical equipment.

Say it.

Shen Jian took out a blood-stained chainsaw from his body.

The gears turn.

The chainsaw began to roar.

Graveyard Ghost:? ? ?

He was stunned for a moment.

His eyes immediately straightened.

The two exposed arms struggled wildly.

What a medical device!

Even if you take out a scalpel, I will unconditionally believe that you are a doctor, but why the hell do you take out a chainsaw?


Even in orthopedics, there is no reason to use a chainsaw to cut bones.

The grave ghost was extremely frightened.

No, no, I can break free on my own, don't come over here!

He resisted desperately.

But most of his body was suppressed by the black soil, and he had no supernatural power to use at all. He could only watch Shen Jian getting closer and closer to him. The sound of the chainsaw gears turning made him feel that he might as well be buried underground.

Don't resist, I'm here to help you. You're already in pain all over. If you wait any longer, it's likely to cause organ failure all over your body. The plan for now is to dismember you piece by piece, so as to ensure that you don't get sick. It will relapse.

Shen Jian explained patiently.

Soothe the patient's emotions.

It gives people a feeling of abundant medical ethics.

It's almost like they are medical parents, giving them meticulous attention.

See it.

The ghost on the grave cries for father and mother.

What the hell, I cried to death.

You are worried that my whole body organs will fail, but you are not worried that you will dismember me and I will die completely?

You know Mercy Rescue.

I saved the person as required. As for whether he can survive, I don’t know.

Wait, brother, don't treat me. I'm still useful. I really am still useful.

The grave ghost screamed.

He finally understood.

He regarded this guy as a stupid good-hearted person, and he was simply blind.

This is clearly a living King of Hell, a living species.

Death is not scary. For evil ghosts, death is just a process of falling into deep sleep. After more than ten years, decades, or hundreds of years, they will still revive and wake up again.

But the torture before death and the fear before death are truly painful experiences.

This guy knows how to intimidate people.

If you put it outside, it would be like a crying child.

Hear this.

Shen Jian's movements stagnated.

He raised his eyebrows, as if he was a little regretful and disappointed.

It's such a pity that I can't help you, brother.

Graveyard Ghost:......

The corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

Thank you so much.

Your treatment is extremely explosive in the entire medical field.

The patients who take care of you will definitely go to heaven in the future.

After all, being tortured by you has already cleansed me of my sins, and it won’t make sense if I don’t go to heaven.

Brother, tell me. I will definitely tell you what you want to know.

The grave ghost swallowed his saliva wildly.

He no longer believed in Shen Jian's bad qualities, but under the roof, he had to lower his head and tell the other party the information he was interested in. He still had a chance to live. If he didn't tell him, he would just wait to become one piece after another.

Don't be nervous, I can't eat people.

Shen Jian looked at the other party with a smile, Do you know where the ghosts and gods here are buried?

The grave ghost was slightly startled.

Nodding wildly.

I know, of course I know. I came here in the first place because I learned that the city lord of Entertainment City hid a treasure here. But I didn't expect that this place would be so dangerous. Even a top ghost king like me They’re all in trouble.”

This time.

It was Shen Jian's turn to be stunned.

Are you from the entertainment city?

Uh... didn't a being like you, brother, come here after hearing about this?

He said weakly.

As a local ghost in the entertainment city, he has seen various movies released by the city owner. Each movie is a brand new supernatural place. In these supernatural places, except for the protagonist of the movie, there are no other horrors. The presence.

And with Shen Jian's ability to suppress the black soil with his kick, he was at least at the level of a ghost. Apart from coming from the entertainment city, he really couldn't imagine any other possibility.

make it clear.

...Yes, the city lord of the entertainment city said something like this more than a year ago: Do ​​you want strength? Do you want rights? Do you want freedom? Go find it, I will hide all the authority that symbolizes strength and freedom In the movie.

Since then, the ghosts in the Entertainment City have been like crazy, constantly pouring into movies everywhere, looking for the authority that the city lord said symbolizes strength and freedom, and we all believe that the higher the level of the supernatural place, the more powerful it will be. Possibly having these, they flocked here.”

According to our investigation, the authority mentioned by the city lord is hidden here. To be more precise, it should be hidden in the ghosts and gods buried here.

Hear this.

Shen Jian's eyes were filled with confusion.


Could this be referring to the third authority of Luo Fengtian?

The owner of a Luo Fengtian is willing to give up the complete authority to control a Luo Fengtian, split it up, and let other evil ghosts obtain it?

What a joke.

Even the most selfless saint would not choose to give up this right.

Because this not only means strength, but also the power to actually dominate Luo Fengtian in the underworld.

Without these, the world-weary ghost and god is just an ordinary world-destroying ghost and god. Although it is rare, it has no uniqueness.


Shen Jian then thought about the authority of the Qing Kingdom except Luo Fengtian. According to Her Royal Highness the Princess, the authority of the Qing Kingdom suddenly split one day and was divided into nine parts and scattered in various places.

Before that, Emperor Qing was also the master of Luo Fengtian.

This time was more than a year ago.

This time...

Shen Jian was shocked.

Isn't this the time when he obtains the status of King of Yama and officially begins the process of rebuilding the underworld?

The underworld reappeared, and Luo Feng sensed this phenomenon for six days.

No longer willing to be controlled by other ghosts and gods, so he collapsed on his own?

And the world-weary ghosts and gods noticed this, and were forced to choose to let the ghosts of Entertainment City inherit part of their authority?

So how can she control these people to ensure that complete authority is always in her hands?

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

If his guess is true, it is really incredible information.

Because this means that no ghost or god can cross the underworld and control Luo Feng for six days.

It is okay when the underworld is not around. Once the underworld reappears, the authority will return to the underworld.

Look at it this way.

This so-called God Burial Valley is most likely a trap.

Think of this.

Shen Jian is not worried but happy.

According to the grave ghost, part of Luo Fengtian's authority in this third place is here.

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