After a conversation with his mother, Lin Yan finally understood everything.

Although he also saw that his mother had hidden a lot from him, especially the matter with Shen Jian, she basically didn't reveal much to him. She only said that Shen Jian was a patient she had treated.


He's not a fool.

As a top ghost king, his perception was astonishing. Naturally, he also saw his mother's unusual attitude towards Shen Jian. How could this attitude be explained clearly in the relationship between a patient and a doctor?

He looked at Shen Jian and randomly glanced outside. The meaning was obvious: let's talk.

Shen Jian nodded.

The two disappeared from the spot.

When it reappears.

We have arrived at the building of the Tianshen Temple headquarters.

Senior, have you known my identity for a long time?

The protagonist Lin Yan said solemnly.

He finally figured out why Shen Jian called him Xiao Yan when he was at Yincao headquarters before. This was because he knew his identity.


He only chose to come here today to recognize his relatives. Before that, his mother had no idea that he had gone down the mountain, let alone that he had returned to Wuwutong City.

In this case, how would Shen Jian know his true identity?

The only thing he could think of was that Shen Jian had investigated him privately.

If this is the case, then Shen Jian's intention to get close to his mother is very suspicious.

So be it.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

His expression didn't change much.

When Aunt Zhi mentioned to me that she had a missing son, I kept paying attention. Then I found you at Scarlet University, who has the same bloodline as hers, and confirmed that you are Aunt Zhi's son.

Shen Jian opened his mouth and came.

The words of ghosts and gods spread.

There is no worry that the protagonist will notice anything is wrong.

after all.

In the other party's impression, he is a mysterious ghost and god. It is normal to have some special powers. Coupled with the effect of the words of ghosts and gods, no matter how rational and vigilant the person is, they will not have any doubts about his words. .

As for why I didn't tell you, I was worried that you wouldn't be able to accept it.

But... Xiao Yan, you should understand your mother. She also has the right to choose happiness. You don't want to see that your mother has suffered for more than ten years and will die alone in the future.

Lin Yan:......

He had mixed feelings.

A face is like a chameleon, constantly changing.

What could he say?

In this case, what else could he say?

Saying that he is against his mother finding happiness?

How could his son, who had been missing for more than ten years, have the position to say such a thing.

But, why is there something so wrong with this special meow?

A man of the same age as himself suddenly became his father.

He also occupied his mother.

Which son would accept such a thing?

What's the difference between this and the curse word I'll fuck your mother?

In his opinion, mother and father are a couple, and he is his mother's only son. Now he founded the Tianshen Temple and became one of the top big shots in Wutong City. Logically speaking, he recognized his relatives this time just for Take your mother with you and live a good life.

However, the reality is that not only did the mother find a lover who was one generation younger than herself, she also did not care about her son as much as she imagined, and her heart was all set on her lover, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

But he couldn't tell where exactly he felt uncomfortable.

He could only show an expression of constipation that was uglier than eating shit.

The most important thing is that he seems to be unable to defeat this father.

Not even qualified to weigh the opponent.

This made him, who was already irritable, even more irritable.

Otherwise, he could rely on the intelligence capabilities of the Tianshen Temple to find evidence of Shen Jian's ulterior motives, and then use his own powerful strength to expose his flaws, and ultimately save his mother from being deceived.

It's a pity that this is completely impossible to achieve for Shen Jianjian.

Think of this.

The protagonist Lin Yan's mentality collapsed.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word. He could only lower his head and remain silent.

Like a defeated lion, he watched his mother being taken away by other lions. In the end, he might have a younger brother who is more than 20 years younger.

Seeing Lin Yan's expression of constipation.

A strange and imperceptible look flashed across Shen Jian's face.

In front of the protagonist, he pried away his mother and made him accept that he had a dad of the same age. This can be regarded as a quite successful experience in the NTR world.


Shen Jian patted Lin Yan on the shoulder.

He said earnestly: Xiao Yan, since you have chosen to recognize your relatives, you must be sensible in the future and don't worry your mother. The fiancée you brought back is also my future daughter-in-law. It seems that it won't be long before I I have to prepare wedding gifts for you.”

Lin Yan:......


There's still something wrong with riding a horse.

The more he thought about it, the less he could accept it.

His face turned green.

It’s really unimaginable that at my own wedding, I have to kowtow to a peer and call me daddy.

If he said this, his reputation as the master of the Heavenly Temple would be completely ruined.

He slapped Shen Jian's hand away and said solemnly: Senior, with your strength, why should you focus on my mother? If you need it, I can help you find someone better than my mother in Wutong City.


Shen Jian pressed the record button and named [Recording 1: Xiao Yan said bad things about his mother].

Xiao Yan, are you saying that your mother is old and not as competitive as other women?

Lin Yan:? ? ?

He was confused.

Looking at the scene where he took out his mobile phone to record what he just said, a hundred thousand whys flashed through his heart.

What the hell are you, you're a god, you're talking to me and you're recording and preserving the evidence?

Damn it!

You are a dog.

This kind of behavior is simply crazy.

But what he just said was said by him himself.

There is no refutation.

See this.

Lin Yan couldn't hold himself any longer.

I, I have never said such a thing. What I just meant was...

He hesitated.

I can't fix it anymore.

Shen Jian smiled and said: Don't worry, I won't tell Aunt Zhi. Moreover, my relationship with Aunt Zhi is closer than you think. Even if there is a wedding, we will go first. You still need to wait.

Lin Yan:......

He looked up in disbelief.

Could it be that my mother has been taken over?

When he thought of his mother being suppressed by a peer in his former home...


He couldn't imagine it.

This is blasphemy against the mother.


Lin Yan hasn't finished speaking yet.

Shen Jian had already waved his hand to interrupt.

If you continue teasing me, I'm afraid I'll get very angry.

Okay, let's end the conversation between our father and son about this matter.

But, Xiao Yan, I really want to ask you something.

Shen Jian's face turned serious and asked.

Aunt Zhi said that your master took you away when you were three years old and disappeared. He was suspected to be a ghost. Is that true?

Lin Yan frowned: What's the problem?

Do you remember where you were taken up the mountain?

No comment, this is my secret. My master also said, don't let anyone disturb her.

Lin Yan refused to answer.

Not to mention that he still can't accept the fact that Shen Jian is likely to become his father, even if he is his real father, he will not tell anyone.

after all.

The reason why he has achieved what he has now is all due to his master. In his eyes, the status of his master is not much lower than that of his parents. Telling him about it is tantamount to betraying his master.

Is it the God Burial Valley?

The next second.

Shen Jian said in a faint tone.

Lin Yan:! ! !

Hear this.

His pupils shrank sharply.

Eyelids exploded.

Looking at Shen Jian in disbelief.

He didn't seem to understand where Shen Jian heard this name.

See it.

Shen Jian's eyes also fluttered.

It is indeed here.

Reclaiming Luo Fengtian's third authority was his highest mission in the Entertainment City dungeon.

to this end.

He broke into the Yin Cao and became the new master of the Yin Cao Palace. He was determined to find clues to the world-weary ghosts and gods. Finally, he found the God Burial Valley in Beicheng District.

This is the only area he has not set foot on.

The scope of the copy of the movie here is the entire Wutong City. He has searched the three major urban areas in the east, south and west of Wutong City. Not only is there no whereabouts of world-weary ghosts and gods, but he has also not found the whereabouts of the protagonist who has been on the mountain for more than ten years.

Look at it this way.

God Burial Valley became the final answer.


The reaction of the protagonist Lin Yan also proves this point. do you know about God Burial Valley?

Lin Yan took a few steps back and frowned.

Shen Jian said calmly: This is the information I found at the Yin Cao headquarters. The reason why their background has greatly increased is because the master of the Yin Cao Palace found the God Burial Valley and drew strength from it.

Based on the clues, I found this place and concluded that due to the feeding of the Yin Cao Palace Master, this supernatural place will soon come to Wutong City. Are you sure your master is normal?

Hear this.

Lin Yan's expression changed, and his expression was uncertain.

There was a moment of silence.

He spoke with difficulty: I, I don't know, I haven't seen her again since I was driven down the mountain by the master. The Valley of the Burial Gods you mentioned, I once heard the master mention it. She said it was a place of extreme darkness. There is an extremely terrifying ghost buried on the ground. Once it revives, the entire Wutong City will be destroyed, so she cannot leave.

If the God Burial Valley comes to Wutong City, it means something must have happened to my master.

Speaking of which.

Lin Yan's tone became heavier.

He is extremely familiar with the God Burial Valley.

Because of this, he knows better than anyone how dangerous that place is.

The top ghost king went in and had to keep his head down.

To a certain extent, the God Burial Valley is far more dangerous than the Yin Cao headquarters.

Once it comes to Wutong City, it will definitely be a disaster.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

Did he guess wrong?

Isn’t the protagonist’s master a misanthropic ghost?

Or is it that this is also a planned plot, and the so-called accident is just because the world-weary ghosts and gods stood by and watched?

What is the reason for supporting Yin Cao?

He felt more and more that this world-weary ghost seemed to have become spiritual.

On the one hand, he is helping the protagonist, and on the other hand, he is supporting Yin Cao, leaving the protagonist powerless to resist.

To be more precise, it should be said that there are two world-weary ghosts and gods.

The one who helps the protagonist is slightly weak, and the one who helps Yin Cao is extremely strong.

Otherwise, the situation would not have become what it is now.

I'm afraid something is wrong with this God Burial Valley.

Think of this.

Shen Jian became excited.

I am not afraid of the plot changing, I am afraid that the plot will remain the same.

The plot remains unchanged, which means that until the last moment, there is no chance for world-weary ghosts and gods to appear.

And now.

The script was a complete mess.

Coupled with the fact that he did not listen to Horror Game's choice to prevent the ghost and god in the God Burial Valley from resurrecting, the next plot will definitely exceed everyone's expectations.

By then, there will be no shortage of people who should appear on stage.


Lin Yan subconsciously said: Dad...ah, senior, thank you for sharing this information. I will go find out about this matter. I may need senior's help in the future.

His tone was a little forced.

After all, the person he chose to ask for help was the person who wanted to be his father.

If it weren't for the fact that he had no other choice, he really wouldn't believe it, but among the people he knew, Shen Jian was undoubtedly the most powerful one. He still couldn't figure out how terrifying the level of terror was.

But he guessed that Shen Jian was at least on the same level as his master.

If it is really impossible to limit the arrival of the God Burial Valley, then Shen Jian is definitely the most reliable backer.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

Think about it.

There are no restrictions on the protagonist's actions.

If the God Burial Valley was so easy to stop, it wouldn't be the last opportunity before the decisive battle.

In addition, the script has been changed and muddied by demons. How can the protagonist, a top ghost king, have the ability to stop it?

Go back first. Aunt Zhi misses you very much. Please stay at least for a few days.

Shen Jian said.

Lin Yan:......

Mad, this is my home.

You are not the master yet, why do you act like you are in charge?

Those who didn’t know, thought I was the outsider.

There was strong resistance in his eyes.

But there is no way.

He could only follow Shen Jian back to the hospital.

Seeing that the father and son came back without any abnormality, the beautiful woman Su Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. She was really worried about what kind of conflict would happen between them.

One is her biological son whom she has missed for more than ten years.

One is a lover who awakens her nature as a woman and brings her happiness.

These two people are important in her heart

If there is a conflict, she will undoubtedly suffer the most if she is caught in the middle.


The two are in harmony.

He looks like a loving father and a filial son.

The next few days.

The protagonist Lin Yan experienced what it means to be ignored.

He saw his fiancée visiting from time to time and chatting happily with Shen Jian.

He didn't have any doubts about this, but he felt that his fiancée was a little too flattering to his future father-in-law... Damn, this guy wasn't even his father.

The mother was also flirting with Shen Jian, and even when they were in the kitchen, the two stayed for a long time. Lin Yan even saw the hanging hand on his mother, but the mother did not stop her, but her eyes were silky. looking at each other.

If it weren't for something wrong, he suspected that the two of them would have gone too far.

As for his aunt Su Rou, she did not communicate with Shen Jian that frequently and was not at home most of the time. However, he was still keenly aware that there seemed to be something wrong with the way her aunt looked at Shen Jian.

In the entire family, he is the one who looks most like an outsider.

Can this world get better?

His son was not even valued as much as an outsider.

This is also the day.

A scarlet panel appeared in front of Shen Jian's eyes.

【warn! warn! warn! 】

[A mutation has been detected in the copy, the plot has changed, and the hidden plot mission is now activated. 】

[Hidden plot: Go to the God Burial Valley to prevent ghosts and gods from being born. 】

[Content: The protagonist advances to the land of ghosts and gods, which contains a lot of resources. Go here to prevent the dormant ghosts and gods from resurrecting and destroying Wutong City. 】

[Note: This plot mission is a mandatory mode. Players need to participate in the final plot process. The final reward will be calculated based on the mission participation. 】

[Note: It is detected that this task is far beyond the normal player level, and forces can be bound. The exploration process of the forces will determine the player's participation. 】

[Note: Wutong City is destroyed, the copy automatically collapses, and the player's mission fails. 】

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