Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 658 I call you senior, do you want to be my father?

at this time.

The scene seemed a little strange.

Shen Jian opened the door and saw Lin Yan, the protagonist of the movie copy, and his school beauty fiancée. His eyes were a little strange.

Lin Yan looked at Shen Jian walking out of his home with the same dull look on his face.

He subconsciously glanced at the clinic downstairs.

That's right.

It's Su's Medical Clinic.

According to the information collected by Tianshen Temple, the Su's Medical Clinic in front of him was the small clinic of his mother whom he had not seen for a long time.

But why...

Will Shen Jian appear here?

This doesn't look like a patient.

And what kind of patient would end up in a doctor's home? Something is wrong.

This is so fucking wrong.

Thoughts are spinning.

Shen Jian also suppressed the strange look on his face, raised his eyebrows pretending not to know, What are you doing here?

Lin Yan:......

I should be the one asking you this.

This is my home, but why do you, a legendary ghost and god, appear here?

He was slightly stunned.

My mother has been a single widow for more than ten years. When has a man lived in the house?

The appearance of Shen Jian made him think of some absurd possibility.

I...this is my home.

Lin Yan hesitated and said.

Your family? Aunt Zhi seems to have indeed said that she has a son.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

Lin Yan:......

Hearing this title, he looked at Shen Jian with more and more strange eyes.


At this time, the beautiful woman also came over.

I heard what Lin Yan said.

The process of mother and son recognizing each other was more prosaic than Shen Jian imagined.

Except for the excitement and tears she showed at the beginning, Su Zhi's reaction was not too intense, and her eyes fell on him most of the time.

He hesitated to speak.

To this.

Shen Jian could also guess what the beautiful woman was thinking.

It's just that I don't know how to explain his relationship.

In terms of age, he is about the same age as Lin Yan.

From a mother's point of view, she felt that she was shameless and had a relationship with a little man and was immersed in it, which was equivalent to finding a stepfather for her son.

Whether a son can accept a stepfather who is as old as himself is a question.

Whether the lover can accept having a cheap son is also a question.

Faced with double problems, Su Zhi's reaction was normal.


In Shen Jian's view, the beautiful woman with a favorability score of over 90 points had a better attitude towards him than Lin Yan. It was almost obvious in her eyes that she was worried about whether he would be unhappy.

In this state, I dare not ask Su Zhi to give up her son, but if she had to choose one of the two, Su Zhi would definitely choose him.

This is the effect of 95 points of favorability.

After the interaction in the past few days, the beautiful woman's favorability continued to rise after breaking through 90 points, and finally reached the current 95 points, only missing the last 5 points to reach the stage of extreme love.

This stage is rare among all the fierce ghosts he has conquered.

Basically, it has reached the point where we will remain together until death.

If done properly, even if you want to experience the joy of a threesome, it's not impossible.


Shen Jian made room and came outside the medical center.

The school beauty ghost also followed behind.

Looking at Shen Jian's back, she didn't know what to say.

I originally thought that I would never interact with Shen Jian again in this life, so I decided to cut off the little thoughts in my heart.

Unexpectedly, less than a few days later, she would see Shen Jian again.

It was still at the home of her fiancé's mother, where her future mother-in-law lived.

Judging from Mother Lin’s reaction.

She didn't think that Shen Jian had nothing to do with her future mother-in-law.

For a single widow to be willing to let a man live in her home, this in itself is a very obvious sign.

In other words.

Shen Jian not only had interactions with her, but also had many interactions with her.


This man could very well be her future father-in-law.

The thought of this.

She didn't know how to react.

This is simply a super senior.

It's impossible to fix her.

A man who had some small thoughts was actually intercepted by his future mother-in-law, who may very well become his father-in-law.

If you tell me this, no one will believe it.

Too grassy.

Even if it was her, she wouldn't know what to say.


In a state of confusion, the school beauty accidentally tripped over the steps, lost her center of gravity, and fell down the stairs.

Be careful.

Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

A top-notch red-clothed man actually tripped over the steps.


Think so.

He still subconsciously caught the school beauty ghost, and subconsciously put his palms around his waist and hugged her into his arms.

this moment.

The school beauty ghost was completely confused.

Because the posture between the two of them is too ambiguous.

Most of her body was pressed against Shen Jianjian.

Got stuck somewhere.

The touching sensation made her heart sway.

The next second.

The school belle stood up from Shen Jian's arms in a panic, and said with a rosy face, Thank you.

She didn't know if her voice was normal when she said this, but she knew that her face must have turned red.

By the way, I haven't introduced myself formally yet. My name is Chu Mengyao. Thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you, I would have died long ago.

It's just a little effort.

Shen Jian waved his hand, his eyes a little different.

[School Beauty Ghost Chu Mengyao]

[Level: Red level. 】

[Introduction: The fiancée of the protagonist Lin Yan was engaged by the protagonist's master more than ten years ago. She agreed to fulfill the engagement until the protagonist comes down the mountain. She is the main wife of the protagonist Ming Media. She behaves like a young lady, has a strong character, and is kind to those who alienate her. Strong feelings. 】

[Current status: turmoil, conflict, nervousness, shyness. 】

[Favorability: 63 (ambiguous)]

Shen Jian:? ? ?

Looking at the value on the favorability panel, he looked slightly surprised.

Could this school beauty have Stockholm Syndrome?

He remembered that when he broke into the underworld, he ignored the school beauty, let alone said a word.

Logically speaking, the relationship between the two should be better than that between strangers.

But in fact, the other party's favorability level reached 63 points quietly.

At this stage, we have entered the stage of boyfriend and girlfriend.

Think of this.

Shen Jian raised his eyelids slightly and looked seriously at the school beauty who was lightly wearing makeup.

She has eyebrows, a slim waist, and slender, autumn eyes. She has the youthful and beautiful demeanor of a girl who leads the family. Her looks are equally good, no better than the two sisters upstairs.

It's just a different temperament.

And such a young and charming school beauty is most likely his future daughter-in-law.

And it seems that this daughter-in-law seems to have a good impression of him.


Shen Jian's mood fluctuated.

The strangeness in his eyes deepened.

Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, these buffs are all stacked up.

It’s simply overwhelming.


Shen Jian took the initiative to start the chat.


Su Zhi went downstairs.

Seeing her lover and her future daughter-in-law, who were having a great time with each other, she frowned slightly, feeling a little disgusted.

This little Shen is so good.

But it seems that girls like it too much.


Her sister seemed to be ill and asked her for no reason if something could happen with Shen Jian, but unfortunately, she couldn't tell whether her sister was teasing her about eating young grass, or whether she really had this idea.

And now, the fiancée who was brought back by her son, her future daughter-in-law, was also talking and laughing with Shen Jian. Although there was no clue in her behavior, she always had a bad feeling.


She stepped forward and said, Mengyao, please come over here. Go up and talk to my son.

Okay, auntie, I'll go up first.

The school belle was a little regretful that the conversation was interrupted.

She looked up at this beautiful woman who was dressed in ordinary clothes, but had a mature style that was not for her age. She also looked at her capital, which would drip to her feet when eating ice cream, and she was a little frustrated.

She felt that the reason why Shen Jian had a relationship with her future mother-in-law was because men have superficial values ​​and only know how to look at something external.

In this regard, she truly failed.

But she refused.

She is not small, abcde can also occupy the second line.

There are still advantages, but they are not as good as those of mature women.

If her future mother-in-law intercepts her because of this, she will definitely be mentally unbalanced.

Xiao Shen, do you look good?

Su Zhi asked.

Auntie, what are you talking about? I can't tell the difference between beauty and ugliness. I only know that Aunt Zhi is the most beautiful.

Think about it.

Shen Jian put his arms around the beautiful woman's waist, brought it close to her ear, and said affectionately.

Su Zhi's body went limp.

The heat in her ears made her tremble.

He said angrily: Don't make trouble, there are still people upstairs.

After slapping away Shen Jian's mischievous hand, the beautiful woman walked downstairs in a swaying manner.

Shen Jian smiled.

Also followed.

I saw the protagonist Lin Yan sitting on the sofa.

at this time.

Lin Yan turned around and looked at him inexplicably.

As if to say: I call you senior, do you want to be my father?

Shen Jian:......

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