Looking at the scarlet panel.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that the Valley of the Buried Gods is about to arrive, otherwise the horror game would not suddenly activate hidden plot missions.

According to Qi Shan, the biggest difference between Entertainment City’s movie dungeons and thriller game dungeons is that the former not only needs to survive to the end, but also must participate in the final climax of the movie in order to receive settlement rewards.

Under normal circumstances, the climax of the five-star movie copy here is the final battle between the Celestial Temple and the Yinsao. Because of this, players will try their best to join the Celestial Temple.

But now...

The plot is messed up.

First, the master of Yin Cao Palace was promoted to a ghost and god, and then he killed the master of Yin Cao Palace and took control of Yin Cao.

The result of this is that the final battle of the movie is ended prematurely.

to this end.

Eventually the plot changed to the Valley of the Buried Gods.

According to the prompts of the horror game, the ghosts and gods in the God Burial Valley should not have fully recovered, otherwise the mission would still be to prevent the ghosts and gods from being born.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

What kind of rubbish ghosts and gods are you? Why are you so incompetent?

He has left the protagonist for several days and has not been able to revive on his own, which is so low.

It still depends on him.

Thoughts are spinning.

The chat interface also exploded.

All the players were like cats with explosive fur, terrified.

Fuck you, what's going on? All the secrets are gone, how can a thriller game trick us? It's so shameless, are we not going to stop until we die?

I cried to death. In order to prevent us from passing the level easily, they created ghosts and gods. Jimei, who knows? Horror games are so kind.

Don't be so crazy. Think of a solution quickly. It's a real ghost and god. If we don't stop him, Wutong City will be destroyed. How can we be better off?

The players were horrified.

They all came up with ideas.

at the same time.

Their eyes couldn't help but look at an ID.

【King of Yama】

This is the real boss.

He single-handedly overthrew the largest villain organization in five-star movie copies, and his strength was terrifying and inhuman.

It makes them doubt their life.

If it's Shen Jian, they are not without hope.

No matter how powerful the legendary ghosts and gods are, they cannot break into the Yin Cao headquarters single-handedly and kill everyone in and out. However, Shen Jian did it.

This shows that Shen Jian at least has the strength of a ghost.

Suppressing a ghost that has not yet fully recovered is not a problem at all.

At this time.

Wang Lan spoke.

[Sister Lan: Don’t panic, read the mission prompts. Although this place is dangerous, it is not without a way to survive, and there are a lot of resources hidden in it. There are even ways to advance to the level of ghosts and gods. If you can get one or two by luck, you will be ahead of others of the same level. A lot of players. 】

[Sister Lan: Although I didn’t see any information related to the Valley of the Buried Gods in the Tianshen Temple’s information, everything that appears in the copy of the movie is traceable and is the protagonist’s chance. After entering the Valley of the Buried Gods, we are completely You can move forward by following other forces, which is allowed by the rules of the thriller game. 】

[Mr. Qi: Well said, I have a question now, where is the God Burial Valley? There are no specific clues even in the information about the Temple of Heaven. It is conceivable that this mysterious place must have appeared for the first time. Where should we find it? 】

[Sister Lan:...]

The players looked at each other.


They have never heard of the Valley of the Buried Gods, where should they go to find it?

You can't go through Wutong City all over again.

Shen Jian looked at the chat interface.

Think for a moment.

Take out your phone and click on the supernatural game APP.

[Master of Yincao Palace: @Second Judge, how is the blocked supernatural land in Beicheng District? 】

Before three seconds, the news came.

[Second Judge: The situation is very bad. According to our judgment, the supernatural fluctuations here are becoming more and more frequent. It has probably reached a critical point. I am afraid that it is only a day or two away from happening. 】

[Master of Yin Cao Hall: Great. 】

[Second Judge:...? 】

See this line of text.

The second judge Xufa's mouth twitched slightly.

A terrifying ghost has resurrected and is trying to come to Wutong City. How happy are you?

He suddenly felt that this new palace master was really good at eating oil cakes.

the other side.

Shen Jian withdrew his gaze.

Since this ghost and god can't help, he can only help.

Help the other person recover as quickly as possible.


As the God Burial Valley was about to be born, the last dragon energy with a 30% share also showed a weak reaction.

Shen Jian pondered.

The world-weary ghosts and gods divided a complete dragon energy into five parts.

40% of it was injected into the dragon-patterned ring in the hands of the protagonist Lin Yan, and the remaining 60% was dispersed in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 30%.

He collected two and owned 15% of the shares. The protagonist Lin Yan also collected one on the way to the DC area and owned 55% of the shares. The remaining 30% was located in the God Burial Valley.

Shen Jian was very concerned about this.

After all, this was related to the authority of the first Luo Feng Tian Zhou Jue Yin Tian Palace. After collecting the current one, he would have six dragon energies in his hands.

Coupled with the promise made to him by the glorious ghosts and gods, and the one in Emperor Qing's hands, all he needed was the last burst of dragon energy to completely recover the first Luo Fengtian.

Its importance is beyond words.

The reason why he didn't take it from the protagonist was just because he didn't want the copy to collapse, and before the dragon energy was completely recovered, the thing he took from the protagonist was also incomplete, so there was no need to destroy the filial piety between father and son.

time flies.

The next day.

Shen Jian opened his eyes.

A line of scarlet words appeared in front of him.

[God Burial Valley has been born, and the hidden plot mission is officially in effect. 】

[Story mission: Prevent ghosts and gods from being born. 】

[Task Tips: All players need to participate in this task. If the player reaches the destruction ending, the player's task will fail; if the player reaches the happy ending, the copy will be rewarded based on the task participation. 】

[Note: There is a time limit for the opening of God Burial Valley, please arrive at the specified time. 】

[Note: Those who do not enter the God Burial Valley will be deemed to have failed the mission. 】

[Countdown: 3 hours. 】

[Wish players good luck. 】

As the scarlet panel flashed by.

All the players were excited again.

Fuck, where is the God Burial Valley? Give me a hint.

Nima, 3 hours is too short. It's basically enough for two journeys. It takes two trials and errors. It's basically cool.

Everyone, please pay attention to the weird things about you. There is a ghost and god buried in this burial place. It is definitely not a simple supernatural place. It should be easy to identify.

[Sister Lan: No need to guess, the recognition is indeed very high. In Beicheng District, according to the information from Tianshen Temple, half an hour ago, a valley-type supernatural place came to Beicheng District, causing a huge sensation. This should be a thriller. The Valley of the Gods that the game calls. 】

See this.

Many players dare not be careless.

They all chose to rush to Beicheng District as quickly as possible.

On the one hand, the threat of the mission countdown is on the one hand, but on the other hand, they also want to arrive as soon as possible so that they can prepare early, join up with other players, and help each other.


There is another tacit reason.

That is to wait for Shen Jian to arrive and then hug his thigh.

Whether it is the supernatural incident in Nancheng District where Wang Lan is located, or the incident at Scarlet University in Beicheng District where Qi Shan is located, or the incident at the Yin Cao headquarters in DC District where Zhuo Fan is located, the reason why these people can survive the supernatural incident is not because of how powerful they are. , but followed by a person.

That is Shen Jian.

With Shen Jian here, they only need to calm down and call 666 to survive without any injuries.

Who is willing to give up such a big golden thigh?

They all want to lick their pussy faces and beg to be taken.

To this.

Shen Jian didn't know and had no interest in knowing.

At this time, he encountered a new problem.

My dear husband~, are you free? Would you like to go somewhere with me?

Ghost Professor Su Rou stood in front of Shen Jian's room door and asked in a strange tone.

Where to go?

No, it's Beicheng District, a rumored supernatural place. With my young wife's strength, it should be more than enough to accompany me to find some supernatural objects that can increase the level of terror.

Hear this.

Shen Jian was slightly startled.

Not a coincidence.

He was getting ready to go.

But at this moment.

The beautiful woman came out of the kitchen, frowned and looked at her sister, her eyes a little wary and said: Su Rou, what do you want to do?

Her tone was a bit harsh.

If Su Rou hadn't provoked her before, she would have been very happy to let Shen Jian help her only sister, but now, she only had to be on guard.

Because she was not sure whether Su Rou's words were true or false.

She couldn't guarantee that something wouldn't happen if Shen Jian was left alone with her eccentric sister.

Sister, didn't I tell you to ask my husband to protect me? There must be good things in this supernatural place that suddenly comes. I want to increase the level of terror, but I am worried that the ghost king level is not strong enough, so I want to Young lady, please help me.

Ghost Professor Su Rou gave the reason.

The excuse is impeccable.

Sister, what are you worried about? Do you think my husband is not strong enough to protect me?

She blinked.

A hint of cunning flashed across his intellectual face.

Su Zhi:......

Her frown deepened.

I really couldn't tell what my sister was thinking.

Are you really interested in Xiao Shen, or are you just saying these words to stimulate her?

Uncle...Auntie, otherwise I'd better go with you. I also deeply realize that my strength is insufficient, and I also want to increase the level of terror.

At this time.

The school belle pursed her lips and said.

There is some movement in the eyes.

Hear the words.

The beautiful woman was startled, and then her eyes lit up.


Let his future daughter-in-law go with him, so that he won't have to worry about his little sister making any little moves.

It can also serve as a warning.


This daughter-in-law is her monitor.

Help her spy on the little butterflies trying to seduce her lover.

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