Yincao Palace.

Shen Jian sat in the empty hall, observing the intelligence collected over the past few days.

He posted a task on the supernatural game APP, asking a group of judges to go to Beicheng District to investigate the secret place that the master of Yincao Hall tried his best to hide.

He guessed that this place was the so-called Valley of the Buried Gods, and was related to world-weary ghosts and gods.

Judging from the degree of plot modification, something must have happened when the world-weary ghosts and gods were building this copy of the five-star movie. This would disrupt the original plot and allow the master of the Yincao Palace to advance to the ghosts and gods in advance. The protagonist has a way to survive.

after all.

According to the plot summary he had watched when he first entered the dungeon, this so-called God Burial Valley should be the last climax before the final battle of the movie.

it's here.

The master of Yincao Hall will be promoted to ghost and god.

And the protagonist will definitely get a greater opportunity, and at the critical moment, he will also advance to the level of ghost and god, and defeat the Yin Cao organization.

This is a normal script.

And now, everything is in chaos.

After he became the master of Yincao Hall, his plot mission changed from promoting ghosts and gods to preventing ghosts and gods from being born.

It's a bit of a sign that he has dropped from the villain's big boss to a small boss.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

His eyes scanned the supernatural game APP.

Checking all kinds of information sent back by the judges.

[Grand Judge: Palace Master, I checked around Beicheng District and found that there is no supernatural place that fits the criteria of a valley at all. There are not even mountains. There are high-rise buildings everywhere. I suspect that this place is already located in a hidden ghost land. middle. 】

[Second Judge: Nonsense, if it wasn’t located in the Ghost Zone, this place would have been discovered long ago. 】

[Grand Judge: Oh, let me go, you are itchy, right? I am reporting information to the palace master, why are you interrupting? 】

[Second Judge: Oh, who is not a authority dog? Besides, I also have information to collect. Palace Master, I followed the path of the blood corpse and found a strange place. This place may be the source of the birth of the blood corpse. 】

Shen Jian's eyes clearly lit up.

[Master of Yincao Hall: Please tell me in detail. 】

[Second Judge: Yes, Palace Master. I found an abandoned old house. No one lived in this place, but there were extremely strong fluctuations of Yin Qi. The supernatural threat it generated made even me feel palpitations, and it seemed to have reached the level of ghosts and gods. 】

[Second Judge: However, the environment in Wutong City cannot give birth to ghosts and gods at all. I suspect that this place was set up by the old palace master to make this place a forbidden place and not let anyone get close to it. But who am I? I am the right-hand man of the Lord of the Palace, and the Lord of the Palace stands behind me, silently supporting my work. Even if I die, I will die without regrets, so I rushed in without hesitation and found that I had entered a place. A special ghost realm. 】

See this.

The Grand Judge was so angry that his back molars almost broke.

Damn it.

Why hadn't he noticed before that this second-in-command was actually a bit more proficient in flattery than he was?

He must have stayed up late at night and studied secretly behind the back of his brothers.

This kind of behavior is shameful.

[Second Judge: Here, I found a blood pool with several blood corpses floating on it. They have no supernatural fluctuations. Obviously, they are ghost slaves controlled by the old palace master. Now that they have no source, they have also fallen into Dead state. 】

[Second Judge: Then, I entered the blood pool again and determined that this place was the place where other judges were promoted to the top ghost kings. I followed the blood pool to find the source and found a sealed supernatural place. The blood pool was connecting Looking at this place, I speculated that... a ghost and god might be buried in this place. 】

Finished reading.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

Could this place be the so-called God Burial Valley?

Who was buried?

He can't be a world-weary ghost or god.

Think of this.

Shen Jian shook his head.

This guess is ridiculous.

World-destroying ghosts and gods, even if placed in the underworld, still have the capital to become the city god of a province.

It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to kill this kind of existence.

He didn't think there was anything in the horror world, or the deep ghost realm, that could kill a world-destroying ghost and god.

Not to mention.

It was clearly marked on his game board that he had received the attention of world-weary ghosts and gods.


Even if the person buried was not a world-weary ghost or god, it must have something to do with her.

Shen Jian secretly made a conclusion in his heart.

[Master of Yin Cao Palace: Is there anything else? 】

[Second Judge: Is it true? When I traced the source along the blood pool, I found that the corpses of many evil spirits disappeared along the blood pool in this supernatural place. The old palace master started the supernatural game and collected the corpses of evil spirits, probably to feed this supernatural place. According to my observation, this supernatural place seems to be full, which means... the snapshot has entered reality, and it may come to Beicheng District in a few days. 】

Shen Jian glanced at his plot mission as the master of Yincao Palace, and combined with the words of the second judge, he finally understood something.

It won't be long before the God Burial Valley is born, and the ghosts and gods fed there will revive. By then, no one knows what an awakened ghost and god will do.

So the plot mission is to prevent ghosts and gods from being born.

Got this figured out

Shen Jian relaxed.

[Master of the Yin Cao Palace: Okay, I understand. Come back and leave this supernatural place alone. 】

[Second Judge:...? 】

No, ignore?

He was a little stunned.

In this case, shouldn't it be more appropriate to send people to break the restrictions of the supernatural land and prevent the ghosts and gods that may exist inside from resurrecting?

Never mind what the hell it is?

Although we are a villain organization, who said that villains will all help each other?

On the contrary, just because we are villains, we should eliminate the influence of other villains in advance, otherwise we will be found sooner or later and cause trouble for the development of Yin Cao.

Relying on this method, Yin Cao did not know how many emerging villain forces were eliminated and unified, so that he could gradually become the largest force in Wutong City and become Wutong City's nightmare.

But now...

Their new palace master is ready to abandon this fine tradition.

Are you sure this isn't a stupid move?

[Master of Yin Cao Palace: I have my own plan. 】

You have a plan to die.

You are a hands-off shopkeeper. After becoming the master of Yincao Hall, you delegated all power, leaving yourself with the title of mere commander, and you don't care about anything.

If you have a plan, can you still hide it from us?

The second judge resisted his strong desire to complain.

Preparing to persuade.

Another sentence came.

[Master of Yincao Hall: Let’s talk about obliteration. 】

Second Judge: ...

Other judges:…

The corners of their mouths twitched wildly.


You are awesome.

Seeing that Shen Jian had made up his mind, and the warning of obliteration, they did not dare to say anything more.

With a heavy heart, I returned to the underworld.

This Yin Cao will take pills sooner or later.

the other side.

Shen Jian returned to Su's Medical Center.

The mood was great.


Why does he want to prevent the ghosts and gods from resurrecting in the God Burial Valley?

No reason.

Even if this ghost is not a world-weary ghost, he is still related to the other party.

As long as he captures this ghost and god, is he afraid that he will not know the whereabouts of the world-weary ghost and god?

With this thought.

Shen Jian went up to the second floor and just opened the door.

I vaguely noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Look away.

on the sofa.

Su Zhi, a beautiful woman in a white roomy dress, sat on the far left side of the sofa, with a plate of fruit in front of her, eating and watching TV.

Su Rou, an intellectual female professor wearing a classic black and white uniform, wearing lensless black-rimmed glasses, sat on the far right side of the sofa, scrolling through her phone and looking at the TV screen.

There was something strange in his eyes.

Something is wrong with these two people.

According to the information he has observed over the past few days, Su Zhi's elder sister has a pretty good attitude towards her younger sister. There is no age gap or strangeness about living in two different places at all.

But now...

The two of them seemed to be at war with each other.

Everyone goes about their own business and doesn't say anything.

The sitting position nakedly displays this contradiction.

Shen Jian:?

What happened?

Just thinking about it.

The two women also noticed Shen Jian's appearance.

Two pairs of aggressive eyes came together at once.

Xiao Shen, are you tired? Auntie cut some fruit for you, come here quickly.

Su Zhi waved.

He completely ignored his sister.

Ghost Professor Su Rou also looked a little funny at her sister who seemed to be declaring her sovereignty.

She didn't expect that a tentative remark would cause her sister to have such a big reaction.

Originally, he would disguise himself a little in front of her and just be secretly ambiguous.

but now.

It's a bit above board.

But this just shows that my sister is duplicitous. She is clearly having an affair with a young man who is a generation behind her, but she refuses to admit it. How can she be called a normal friend? A normal friend will let him live in your house?

But this is better.

In this situation, if a man can steal my sister...

She felt excited when she thought about this possibility.

I'm sorry, sister, your sister and I have no morals.

A strange blush flashed across Su Rou's face.

Shen Jian:......

He looked at the two sisters, with some guessing in his eyes.

Judging from this reaction, could it be related to him?

Is this Su Rou going to tell anyone about her moral corruption?

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly, dismissing this possibility.


If this could not be said, the beautiful woman's attitude towards him would not be like this.

He pondered for a moment.

Prepare to find a time to talk to the aunt of the protagonist with extremely low morals.

at this time.

The doorbell rings.

I'll drive it.

Shen Jian stayed away from this aggressive gaze.

opened the door.

Two surprised and puzzled voices sounded.


Shen Jian was startled.


It is the protagonist Lin Yan and his school beauty fiancée.

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