Xiao Shen, you are drunk, and Auntie is a little dizzy. You can go back and rest. Auntie will take care of these dishes.

I don’t know how long it took.

Until a slight feeling of suffocation swept over me.

Su Zhicai felt like she was just waking up from a dream. She pushed Shen Jian away, feeling the warm breath leaving her lips, and a cloud of cloud rose on her bright and charming face.

Although she had many close interactions with Shen Jian, this was the first time she acted so blatantly like today.

It's wine.

She must have been under the influence of alcohol to do this.

The beautiful woman reluctantly made an excuse for herself.

Just want to get up.


A broad arm hugged him.

Shen Jian hugged the other party, rested his chin on the beautiful woman's shoulder, and said, Aunt Zhi, you didn't reject me, I'm very happy... Also, I'm not drunk at all, I'm very sober, and I know myself doing what.

Hear the words.

Su Zhi's heart trembled.

Is this little man confessing to her?

Although Shen Jian had expressed his little thoughts to her in the past, he would only listen to her, stay with her for a while, take advantage of her, or secretly monologue in the dead of night.

Such a straightforward way of expressing love in front of her caught her off guard.

Thinking about Shen Jian's purpose of preparing the candlelight dinner, it was probably because without alcohol, the little boy would not dare to say such things in front of her.

Feeling Shen Jian's broad arms, she felt her heartbeat speed up a little.

I am more and more immersed in such beauty.

But the reserve of being a woman still made her wake up briefly.

Xiao Shen, my aunt is a little drunk and is going to go back to rest. Let's clean up these dishes tomorrow.


She struggled slightly.

The force was so small that Shen Jian almost thought the other party was tickling him.

See this.

The strange color in Shen Jian's eyes deepened.

This beautiful woman is telling the truth now.

On the surface, she said she was drunk and wanted to go back to rest, but she didn't struggle as hard and snuggled into his arms.

The young woman's fragrance wafting through her nostrils was like poison.

If it had been anyone else, his bestiality would have already emerged.


Shen Jian can hold it back.

We are not afraid of bad people being educated, but we are afraid of bad people being patient.


Shen Jian clearly demonstrated this.

Even though he was agitated, he still did not choose to go further and attack other areas. Instead, he hugged the beautiful woman and immersed himself in this ambiguous atmosphere.

Hear Su Zhi's words.

Shen Jian wanted to refuse.

But after looking at the environment in the living room where there was no place to exercise, after thinking for a while, he said: Okay, Aunt Zhi, let me help you go back.

Say it.

Shen Jian helped Su Zhi up and pushed open the bedroom door.

The layout of the bedroom is very simple, not much different from the room he is in, but the room is full of life.

There was a dressing table, eye shadow, lipstick, and a few medical books on it.

It can be seen from the fact that the packaging box of the cosmetics is still lying aside that it has only been unpacked recently and has not been used a few times.

On the bed, a set of home pajamas were neatly placed aside.

There were also several sets of more sexy, hollow-style clothes scattered on the bed, with the labels on them not even taken off.


He also saw several pieces of underwear.

It is a lace black pattern style.

Shen Jian suddenly remembered.

some days ago.

Su Zhi did come back with a few shopping bags.

Did I originally buy this kind of sexier clothes...

The smile on his face became more and more obvious.

Su Zhi also noticed this scene.

The look in his eyes is embarrassing.

Folding the clothes in a panic.

At the same time, he did not forget to explain: Xiao Shen, don't get me wrong, I just want to feel the dressing style of young people nowadays.

As she spoke, she turned to look at Shen Jian.

She happened to meet Shen Jian's fiery gaze staring at a certain part of her back.

She said coquettishly: Xiao Shen, where are you looking?

This little man really never forgets to take advantage of her.


She actually got used to it.

I'm used to this kind of intimacy with this little boy.

Even she didn't dare to admit that she bought these clothes just to wear them for Shen Jian.

This is the outfit she chose based on the dressing guide.

It has only one purpose: to charm this man to death.

Okay, Xiao Shen, my aunt has gone back to the room now. You should go back too. It's getting late...

The beautiful woman hasn't finished speaking yet.

Shen Jian has already walked up.

The heat in his eyes was barely concealed, Auntie, I don't want to leave tonight. I think your place is warmer.

Su Zhi:......

Worn excuses like Geng Nuan have been found.

It's easy to guess what this little man is thinking.

Seeing Shen Jian approaching step by step, her face became more and more rosy, and her eyes became a little blurred under the influence of alcohol.


Shen Jian kissed her lips again.

This time.

Su Zhi closed her eyes.

After all, he didn't push it away.


It all depends on alcohol.

She was drunk, so she handed herself over in a daze.

With this thought.

She began to respond enthusiastically to Shen Jian's expression.

Unlike those young girls, once they are emotional and identify this person, they will pour out their emotions without reservation.

Coupled with the fact that she has been living as an ascetic for more than ten years, once this kind of emotion comes out, it will be impossible to stop it.

If you don't have any skills, you will definitely lose everything.


Shen Jian possesses the personalities of eight kings of hell.


He glanced at the properties panel.

[Strength: 310] (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

【Speed: 310】

[Yin Qi: 130000. 】


With the growth of King Yama's passive talent, his four-dimensional attributes have reached an inhuman concept.

If there is a Superman in this world, he is the number one Superman.

If there is no Superman, he is the first Superman.

Indestructible as a diamond, with an iron wall and a body of steel, all the words used to describe his unparalleled physique can be applied to him.

Such him.

It is no longer a question of twenty times a night.

It's a question of how many days it lasts.

This night.

Undoubtedly, it was thunder from the sky that struck the fire from the earth.

The next day.

The dusk clouds sprinkled in front of the window.

Shen Jian woke up leisurely.

It was already dusk of the second day.

In fact.

He woke up early in the morning.

I did a trivial thing.

That is to go to the door of Su's Medical Center and put a notice saying it is closed today.

Then the fierce battle continued.

Seriously, this is already the second war.

Think of this.

The corners of Shen Jian's mouth curved.

Glancing around him, Su Zhi was no longer around.

The sound of cooking came from the direction of the kitchen.

Simply putting on an open pajamas, Shen Jian came to the kitchen.

He hugged this radiant and beautiful woman from behind.

Su Zhi turned around.

Facing Shen Jian's sharp and handsome face, a blush appeared on his pretty fair face.

She looks charming, bright and moving, with an indescribable charm of a young woman.

at this time.

Feeling the warmth behind her, Su Zhi became shy.

last night.

She actually ate the tender grass of Shen Jian.

This was so different from her original intention.

Originally, she was thinking about a little man like Shen Jian, who would be lucky enough to capture him.

did not expect.

It was actually intercepted by herself.

She, an old woman whose son was about the same size as Shen Jian, one day actually experienced this feeling that she had never experienced in her life.

She is guilty.

Think of this.

She turned her head away with evasive eyes.

The voice was thin and said: Xiao Shen, you haven't eaten for a day. Just wait a little longer and you'll be fine soon.

Aunt Zhi, do you just want to tell me this?

With a smile on his face, Shen Jian pushed the beautiful woman's hair behind her ears with his hands, with an ambiguous tone in his tone.

Xiao Shen, we were all drunk after drinking last night.

Su Zhi stammered.

It doesn't matter, but I won't give up.

Shen Jian whispered.

Su Zhi's heart was pounding.

He was proud of his own charm, but also shy of Shen Jian's bolder offensive.

Since the candlelight dinner last night.

That's what she discovered.

Shen Jian no longer hid his feelings for her, but showed them openly.

Whether it was the domineering tone last night or the gentle whispering today, it was so addictive.

Also, Aunt Zhi, you still smell so good that I can't help but want to bully you again.

Say it.

Shen Jian left the kitchen.

The beautiful woman in the kitchen was the only one left, and her body almost collapsed.

Out of the kitchen.

Shen Jian had to admit that the protagonist's mother had her own unique charm.

I believe that no man can tolerate the style of a young housewife.

He is also included.

If he wasn't worried about frightening this beautiful woman and causing her psychological shadow, he really wanted to put her in the room where the protagonist originally slept...


Think of this.

Shen Jian suppressed this thought.

Otherwise he will turn into a beast.

The next few days.

The relationship between the two has undergone subtle changes.

in the past.

If Shen Jian wants to take advantage, he still needs a suitable excuse or reason. Even if the reason is flimsy and can be seen through at a glance, it still has a fig leaf.

And now.

If he wanted to, he could do it at any time.

It’s just that I can’t trick myself into getting into bed.

To this.

Shen Jian didn't care.

Because he knows that with the current favorability of the protagonist's mother, it is only a matter of time before they transition to the stage of husband and wife.

after all.

She did not refuse her other excessive actions.

this phenomenon.

Naturally, the ghost professor Su Rou noticed it.

She looked suspiciously at Shen Jian and his sister, who seemed to be flirting with each other. It had only been a few days, but they had already reached this stage?


She didn't come back for just a day or two.

Has your home been stolen?

The action is fast enough.

Could it be that you had already planned this and were just waiting for my absence?

She pouted.

Decided to test the relationship between the two to what extent it has reached.


Taking advantage of Shen Jian's absence.

She looked at her sister unintentionally and asked, Sister, didn't you want to tell me? For example... young lady husband?

Su Zhi was shocked.

His eyes looked left and right.

He is one of my patients. Where do you think he is? At most...it's just a normal friendship.

See this.

Su Rou's inner desire to provoke her sister became stronger and stronger.

The deeper she delved into psychology, the more she couldn't control her strange thoughts. Especially when she saw her sister's appearance of being obviously immersed in happiness and sweetness, but poorly disguised in front of her, she wanted to snatch it away. Walk.

Sister, are you sure?

Sure, you are such a good professor, why are you gossiping?

Then...if anything happens to me and him, there should be no problem, right?

Hear this.

Su Zhi was startled.

His eyes suddenly raised.

The originally warm and gentle expression also wrinkled subconsciously.

Looking directly at Su Rou's faint smile, she didn't know whether she was joking or serious.

For a while.

The atmosphere solidified.

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