Chapter 655 Auntie is drunk...

at the same time.

Rebirth outside the Garden.

The protagonist Lin Yan and his party, who were sent out by Shen Jian, were standing at the door of the villa area, feeling a little dazed.

Is this the end?

The evil organization Yin Cao, which was regarded as a taboo by the residents of Wutong City, was successfully dismantled today by a mysterious man. The other party single-handedly fought against the entire Yin Cao organization members, not only crushing them throughout the process, but not even seeing any injuries.

The two best friends of the school beauty ghost looked back at the entrance of the ghost realm, and then at the protagonist Lin Yan, feeling a little pity in their hearts.

Compared with Shen Jian, although Lin Yan's own conditions are already very good, the gap is still very obvious.

In their view, Lin Yan is a successful entrepreneurial millionaire with a bright future and amazing potential.

Shen Jian is a billionaire who has already become famous and has faded out of everyone's sight.

In terms of age, the two are similar.

In terms of appearance, Shen Jian wins.

In terms of strength, Shen Jian was the winner.

Lin Yan is undoubtedly the most dazzling presence in Scarlet University.

But under Shen Jian's background, everything he was proud of became a backdrop.

Shen Jian's advantages are highlighted even more clearly.


Shen Jian is a legendary ghost and god. If they can get involved with Shen Jian, they can show off for a lifetime.


You need to rely on the school belle to form a bond.

However, Lin Yan's existence made all this come to nothing.

And they could also see that the school belle still had some emotional fluctuations in the process, but because of Lin Yan's presence, they could only cut off this little thought.

The school belle also saw the gazes of her two best friends. She glanced at her fiancé out of the corner of her eye, feeling a little guilty.

Because at the beginning, she was really attracted to Shen Jian, a mysterious and powerful man.

This is a kind of betrayal to Lin Yan.

She is obviously not this kind of person.

But Shen Jian's performance in the Underworld is really too dazzling.

It makes people want to understand and explore the secrets of this man more and more, and let him sink for himself.

She believed that no woman would not feel moved by all this.


She has a fiancé.

Her fiancé was also very kind to her. Although the marriage contract was made by her elders, she didn't know it and had fiercely opposed it at first. However, in the process, she was also moved by Lin Yan's various behaviors and had no idea about the marriage contract. So resistant.

Shen Jian, this mysterious man who suddenly appeared in her life, was just a passer-by to her after all, representing a little thought she had buried deep in her heart.

After today.

They may never have the chance to see him again.

The school beauty ghost looked back with complicated eyes.

Then he set his sights on Lin Yan.

To this.

The protagonist Lin Yan didn't notice at all.

He never thought that his fiancée had cheated on her once.

He looked at the entrance to the Underworld.

His eyes were full of emotion.

He never thought that the Yin Cao organization, which was so powerful that even the master of the Celestial Temple was quite afraid of him, would one day end everything in such a ridiculous way.

If the master of the palace dies, a large number of ghosts and ghosts will die.

All the judges died, some were punished, and the rest, how could the outcome be any better?

after all.

Judging from what Shen Jian did, he must have hated Yin Cao deeply, so he took the most brutal method to overthrow Yin Cao.

How could such a person not know the principle of eradicating the roots?

It can be said.

Yincao is not far from destruction.

Think of this.

Lin Yan was a little sad.

Without Yin Cao, Wutong City can be considered stable.

As the master of the Celestial Temple, he basically has nothing to do.

All that's left is to enjoy college and then remotely command the Temple of Heaven to develop it into the number one force in Wutong City.

The whole process can be said to be boring.

No ripples.


He remembered the information he had received before.

Su Zhi, a female doctor at Su's Medical Center, is his mother whom he has not seen for more than ten years.

Su Rou, a female professor at Scarlet University, is his aunt he has never met.

As for his father, he died long before he was picked up by his master.

I don’t know if my mother has renewed her relationship in recent years.

If so, how should he face this strange stepfather?

Think of these questions.

His mood was up and down.

But it soon turned into determination.

Mengyao, in a few days, I will take you home to meet my mother.

Lin Yan said solemnly.

Well, it's up to you...

The school belle had no objection.

Rather than letting Shen Jian continue to mess with her mood, it would be better to cut it off as soon as possible.

That man is, after all, out of reach.

the other side.

Different from Li Gui's various complicated reactions, Zhuo Fan, the player with the ID [Liancheng], had one thought in his mind at this time: Heifer takes a plane - awesome.

He couldn't wait to share it.

He couldn't be the only one to be frightened by something like this.

[Liancheng: Brother Shen is awesome! 】

The message was sent less than three seconds ago.

A barrage of messages followed.

Holy shit, what's going on? Please explain clearly.

Stop being the Riddler.

What's the result? Tell me, I'm so anxious.

All players are looking forward to it.

After all, this battle is related to whether all of them can safely pass this five-star movie copy.


They think there is little hope, but they are still delusional.

I want to see Shen Jian create miracles.

[Liancheng: Win, Yin Cao is completely finished. Brother Shen single-handedly turned the entire Yin Cao headquarters upside down, killing hundreds of Yin Cao members above the Ghost King level at once. Even two top Ghost King level judges died. , and I suspect that the Lord of Yincao Palace is also dead. 】

As soon as this news came out.

The entire chat interface fell into dead silence.

No one said anything for a long time.


A human player dismantled the final villain boss of a five-star movie copy?

Hundreds of ghost kings died, including the palace master?

Damn it!

What is the difference between this kind of achievement and the destruction of Yin Cao?

Is this really something humans can do?

It’s too dreamy.

It's as bizarre and outrageous as hearing a fairy tale.

If the person who said this was not one of the parties involved, they would just think it was a story. No, this was even more exaggerated than a story.

Writing stories must also be based on normal logic.

In normal logic, Yincao is invincible and is a taboo nightmare that hangs over Wutong City.

Even if they were making up stories, storytellers would not dare to make up stories like this.

However, reality often does not require logic.

From Zhuo Fan, they learned all about Shen Jian's achievements.

Especially after learning about Shen Jian's story of summoning a stone giant that was over a kilometer tall and killing a Ghost King-level ghost with one punch and one kick, all the players were shocked.

When they thought of that scene, their scalps felt numb.

My mind fell into an unreasonable shock.

This kind of power is simply not something that humans or ghost masters can achieve.

Even the legendary five-star players can't do it at all.

Think of this.

Instead, they felt even more confused.

Who is Shen Jian?

Why is his painting style completely different from these players?

He must have grown up eating Wei Li. Otherwise, if they were both human beings, why would the gap between them be so big?

This is so dreamy.

It simply subverts their worldview.

But then.

They collectively burst into cheers again.

Although I can't understand it, it doesn't stop me from saying, Brother Shen is awesome.

As soon as I entered the dungeon, I could tell at a glance that Brother Shen has the talent to be a god. He is a plug-in sent to us by Thriller Games.

Upstairs, you clearly said before: I bet he will be the first to die.

What the hell...don't frame me falsely.

Stop arguing, what's there to argue about? I'll tell you, did Brother Shen ever look at me one more time before entering the dungeon? Is this a hint to me that I have potential?

You go away too...Brother Shen is obviously looking at me.

The chat interface is full of contention.

Consecrate Shen Jian as a true god.

In fact, this is exactly the case.

In the eyes of these players, Shen Jian disintegrated the Yin Cao organization and eliminated the biggest difficulty in this five-star movie dungeon. All that was left was to wait for the protagonist to advance to Ghosts and Gods, and the dungeon would be automatically cleared.

To know.

This is a five-star movie copy.

Even in a thriller game, it is a five-star dungeon difficulty level. A group of players with an average level of no more than 20 or 30 levels can survive a dungeon of this level.

How is this different from a miracle?

And Shen Jian, who solved all this by himself, is their god, so what's the problem?

If Shen Jian hadn't seen it, they would have knelt down on one knee and said, You are my god.

As the initiator of all this, Shen Jian has returned to Su's Medical Center.

He prepared an elaborate dinner.

The time was chosen when Ghost Professor Su Rou was not around.

Because he knew that as long as Su Rou was around, Su Zhi, a beautiful woman, would not have a closer relationship with him, even if the favorability between them was close to 90 points.


Shen Jian deliberately chose today to be a day when Su Rou was preparing lessons at school.

When the beautiful woman dragged her heavy body back to the second floor to prepare dinner.

But he found that the lights in the room were not turned on and the curtains were closed.

Make the living room look a little dark.

The next second.

A flickering candle rose in the darkness.

The beautiful woman was stunned.

Look again.

On the dining table, two lit candles ignited out of thin air, and the half-covered fire barely illuminated everything.

It also illuminated Shen Jian's appearance.

Xiao Shen? What happened to you today? You also prepared a candlelight dinner.

Su Zhi walked over.

Totally curious about it all.

Candlelight dinner is a ritual that has only become popular in the past ten years. She has only heard about it, but never thought that one day she would see it with her own eyes and become the rightful owner.

Aunt Zhi, this is what I carefully prepared for you.

Shen Jian smiled.

Thanks to my aunt's help these days, I was able to recover so quickly. This is what I should do.

Hear this.

The beautiful woman pursed her lips.

Sitting there Yingying.

Looking at Shen Jian from afar.

Under the swaying candlelight, it seemed that Su Zhi's cheeks were slightly rosy.

You should prepare this kind of young man's thing for your girlfriend, rather than with an old woman like me. It's a bit of a waste.

She said against her will.

Candlelight dinner means nothing though.

But she began to clearly understand Shen Jian's little thoughts.

Now that she was showing such a serious attitude, she became even more unable to extricate herself.

What woman doesn't need to be loved?

What woman doesn't like surprises? Don't like romance?

She said complaining words, but she didn't know how happy she was in her heart.

Aunt Zhi, you are not old at all. You only look two or three years older than me. You are at your prime.

As Shen Jian spoke, he poured some wine into Su Zhi's cup.

With nearly 90 points of favorability, he didn't need to get the beautiful woman in front of him drunk in order for the relationship between the two to reach the final step.

Wine is just the introduction.

It was to make Su Zhi subconsciously think that she was drunk and would express various thoughts.

At times like this, wine becomes the best cover.


After three rounds of drinking.

The two of them were immersed in such an ambiguous atmosphere.


Su Zhi's cheeks were obviously a little redder due to a few glasses of wine.

The red color is attractive.

at this time.

She was looking at Shen Jian with a gentle look that she had never seen before.

There is something charming in his eyes.

Shen Jian's eyes moved.

[Ghost Doctor Su Zhi]

[Current status: confusing, complicated, and emotional. 】

[Favorability: 90 (intimacy)]

See this.

Shen Jian's heart also felt a little turbulent.

A beautiful woman like this is so beautiful that one can't help but take a bite.


Shen Jian stood up.

Came to Su Zhi's position.

He stared at the beautiful woman's face, which flashed a bit of panic and shame.

Xiao Shen, don't add more wine. My aunt seems to have had a little too much. You can go back.

Shen Jian was unmoved.

She said with deep eyes: Aunt Zhi, you are so beautiful...

The words fell.

Shen Jian leaned down.

Kissed those gorgeous red lips.

Under the flickering of candlelight.

The two figures are almost overlapping.

The wine glass in Su Zhi's hand tightened and then loosened, and finally fell down, letting Shen Jian's behavior go...

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