Boom boom boom...

A rock giant over a kilometer high rushed over quickly, billowing up smoke. Wherever it passed, the earth shook, the sky roared, and the sound was extremely shocking.

It was like an ancient war god descended and launched a charge.

Not to mention facing each other, just standing in front of this giant requires great courage.

this moment.

The seventeen Yin Cao judges were all stunned.

What is this horse riding? !

Reinforcements from the Lord of the Heavenly Temple?

It's noisy.

If the other party had such support, wouldn't it be more convenient to directly destroy the Yin Cao headquarters?

Besides, Wutong City should not have such a terrifying existence at all.


All the judges' eyes fell on Shen Jianjian.

The horror on his face was no longer concealed.

Naturally, they also knew about Shen Jian's intrusion into the ghost realm of Yin Cao, and learned from the bald judge that this man was suspected to be a ghost. Because of this, Yin Cao mobilized all his strength and prepared to snipe this man.

And now.

Shen Jian appears here.

He also controlled the body of a thousand-meter-long stone giant that even ghosts and gods could not imagine. This was enough to prove that the bald judge failed and even wiped out his entire army.

Could it be that the amazing noise they heard just now was caused by this stone giant?

Think of this.

The judges looked gloomy.

Fear and fear flashed across every grimace.

Although their combined strength is enough to compete with real ghosts and gods, this meow has obviously exceeded the normal threshold of ghosts and gods.

Together, they may not be the Stone Giant's opponent.


Why did such a mysterious ghost appear in Wutong City? Didn't this delay their get off work?

According to the normal plan, they will deal with the master of the Temple of Heaven, and Shen Jian will be led by the bald judge and the members of the underworld to fight together, delaying time until they join the battle and completely complete the miracle of devouring the gods.

That way, they can complete their workload now.


Reality often doesn't keep up with fantasy.

Instead of being solved, Yin Cao was solved by Shen Jian.

And the other party seemed to know the master of the Temple of Heaven.

Like reinforcements coming in to reinforce.


At this moment.

There is also a big danger above their heads.

the other side.

The protagonist Lin Yan also looked at Shen Jian solemnly.

Judging from the situation at the scene, this mysterious male ghost does not seem to be part of a conspiracy.

On the contrary, it seems to be from his side.


He really doesn't know the other person.

God is so strict.

Ever since he was promoted to the top ghost king, and then came down the mountain under the guidance of his master to found the Celestial Temple, his seniority has never been so low.

On weekdays, I am either called brother or sir.

Xiao Yan...

This title only exists as a nickname for a junior from a senior generation.

However, this man looked about the same size as him.

How can you get a promotion out of thin air?


Shen Jian said: Xiao Yan, are you okay?

Lin Yan:......

Although he guessed that the other party was here to save him, he heard the other party call him Xiao Yan from a person of his own age, which gave him a strong sense of disobedience.

He was the top ghost king and the founder of Tianshen Temple, one of the largest forces in Wutong City, and was directly regarded as a junior.

Lin Yan didn't say anything.

Shen Jian thought for a while.

There was no intention of explaining it.

Listening to him and seeing it with your own eyes are two different things.

He was ready to give his former boss's boss a bit of a stepfather shock.

But not now.

When he thought about the protagonist's mother's favorable impression of him, Shen Jian's heart agitated. His relationship with Lin's mother might break through the last layer of defense at any time.

It may be an eye contact, or it may be a time alone, or it may be a natural breakthrough when the atmosphere is ambiguous.

Only on this point, Shen Jian was very sure.

Xiao Yan, do you need rescue?

Shen Jian said again.

Lin Yan:......

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Brother, can't you see my current situation?

you still need to ask?

When Lin Yan met Shen Jian's eyes, he was a little stunned, but when he thought that this was reinforcements and showing goodwill to himself, Xiao Yan would just be Xiao Yan.

The other party is a legendary ghost and god.

And among the ghosts and gods, he is also one of the best.

Even compared to his master, he was no worse at all.

Being called Xiao Yan and having an extra backer doesn't seem to be a disadvantage.


After a mental battle, Lin Yan nodded.

I need help.

The enemies are the judges from Yincao headquarters, and they are all top ghost kings. This situation is very abnormal. Logically speaking, it is impossible for Wutong City to give birth to so many top ghost kings. There may be some source behind this, which is also above ghosts and gods. Be careful……

Lin Yan explained.

Ask Shen Jian to be careful about being attacked.

As the master of the Heavenly Temple, he noticed something was wrong with Yin Cao early on.

To know.

As one of the largest forces in Wutong City, Tianshen Temple has attracted a large number of people to join it relying on its reputation even though it was founded less than a year ago.

In addition to him, there are three top ghost kings in the Temple of Heaven.

This kind of lineup is already under the shadow of the underworld.

According to his information, there are only five judges in Yin Cao.

But now.

That's a total of seventeen.

This kind of growth cannot be normal.

There must be some source that is helping Yin Cao destroy the number of top ghost kings.

And this source is far beyond what he can access now.

The words fell.

Shen Jian slapped him down.

The slap that covered the sky and the sun and shook the world hit a judge who was about to escape.


In an instant.

Screams sounded.

The judge who was photographed was in panic, with his big hand prints on the ground that covered the sky.

The next second.

The giant hand was raised.

Judge Yincao, who was crushed under the giant hand, was squeezed into tomato juice on the spot.

There is nothing supernatural about him.

what did you just say?

Shen Jian looked back at the protagonist, tilted his head and said.

Lin Yan:!

No, I didn't say anything.

He finally saw it.

This eldest brother's strength has reached the point where he can punch a top ghost king with one punch. Even if the master of Yincao Hall is promoted to ghost and god on the spot, he may not be a match for this man.


What should be worried is the Yincao headquarters.

Lin Yan shook his head for a while.

This yin Cao is really determined to die.

A being of this level dared to offend, so much so that the other party came over to kill him, as if he was going to shake this place up.

To this.

He could only observe three seconds of silence.

It was not just Lin Yan who was silent, but also the sixteen judges.

They watched the operation of killing a top ghost king with just a slap, and the fear in their hearts could not be increased.

I'm going to pay homage to the uncle.

How could a ghost be so terrifyingly powerful?

I'm afraid that for their palace master, it's just a matter of persisting in a few punches in front of this man.

Think of this.

They shivered.

Your Excellency, Yin Cao is willing to give you an explanation. No matter what you need, Yin Cao can satisfy it without exception.

One of the most senior judges was pushed out and said cautiously.

Oh, anything?

Of course, as long as you can leave here, no matter what the price, I can pay it.

The old judge couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Shen Jian's relaxed tone. The most important thing now was to send away this god of plague.

If he doesn't leave, Yin Cao will be useless.

What if I want all of you killed?

No problem, everyone's lives are prepared... huh?

The old judge was stunned at first, and then became speechless.

Damn it, you don't even plan to walk past us, do you?

Then say die.

The old judge retreated in defeat.

All the judges frowned and began to retreat, retreating behind the youngest judge and protecting him in front of them.

Young Judge:? ? ?


Workplace isolation, right?

I just became a judge in the shortest time, not the shortest time in joining the underworld.

It should be you old guys who burst into gold coins.

Inwardly terrified.

The young judge looked at Shen Jian's chilling eyes and said weakly: Brother, if I surrender to the enemy, can I get more impression points?

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

Of course, from today on, you are the boss among them.

All the judges:!

Young Judge:! !

It turns out that surrender is possible?

Before the young judge could respond, the others had already taken the lead and said:

No, the enemy is trying to drive a wedge between us.

You are a person from the underworld in life, and a ghost from the underworld in death. You'd better think clearly about the consequences of leaving the underworld.

Don't forget, we still have the Palace Master here. Surrendering to the enemy now is equivalent to jumping in front of the Palace Master repeatedly. Once you take this step, there will be no turning back.

Think twice, how can you, the dignified Judge Yincao, rush to join you and become your younger brother?

Don't be impulsive. You are the youngest among us and have little experience in life. You can be easily deceived. You cannot control this kind of thing.

All the judges warned him one after another.

Trying to dispel the young judge's astonishing statement.

If the palace master knew about this, it would be more serious than the bald judge who lost the source code of the supernatural game APP.

Yin Cao has never been merciless towards traitors.

Even the top ghost king is no exception.


The young judge just looked at the others with disdain, then bowed his head and said, I like being the younger brother the most. Being the younger brother makes me glorious.

See this.

A smile appeared in Shen Jian's eyes.

He had not planned to kill all the top ghost king-level judges. After all, after he mastered the underworld, he would still need these people to help him find the whereabouts of world-weary ghosts and gods.


There is another benefit to this.

That was the source ghost behind it, the palace master of the Yin Cao organization, who couldn't bear it anymore.

The enemy persuades one of his own people to surrender in front of his own gate, and one of his own people rushes to act as his younger brother. This is simply throwing his face, the master of the underworld, on the ground. If he doesn't show up, he will be no different from a tortoise.


A supernatural threat enveloped the entire place.

Immediately afterwards.

A figure came from the deepest place.

He was walking in a dark shadow. Every time he took a step, the underground shadow would spread rapidly, swallowing up everything along the way. Whether it was buildings, trees, or even the ground itself, it seemed to be swallowing up everything.

Just for a moment.

The shadow spreads.

Lin Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Because his guess came true.

The Lord of the Yin Cao Palace has really become a ghost!

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