The impact of a thousand-meter giant appearing on a battlefield full of fierce ghosts was too great.


This is too foul.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They could almost imagine how huge the destructive power of this rock giant's casual kick would be.

Is there a referee?

We apply to withdraw from the game, or we can send that man off the field.

Damn it, dare to cheat in front of them, shameless.

The ghosts shouted.

Unfortunately to no avail.

They could only watch helplessly as the giant, which was more than a kilometer tall, looked down at them. The deathly look in his eyes was like the gaze of the god of death, and then.

One step out.

He stepped directly into the lineup surrounded by fierce ghosts.


The terrifying force poured down.

The compacted earth was trampled into a large crater of dozens of centimeters, and the surrounding ground also cracked, spreading like a spider web, creating huge ravines.

In an instant.

Dozens or hundreds of ghost king-level ghosts were swept away by the kinetic energy contained in this kick. Their consciousness blackened and they fell into a state of death.

This jio.

Hundreds of ghost kings.

The bald dean felt his heart bleed.

His grandma, if this trend continues, a lineup of five hundred or more ghosts will only be enough for this thousand-meter giant to step on it.

It's simply too strong.

Someone please come and ban this cheating account.

This also destroys the balance of the game too much.

the other side.

Shen Jian stood there with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

It is worthy of being a clerical ability that can only be possessed by King Taishan, the Lord of the Seventh Palace of the Underworld.

In terms of controlling mountains, King Taishan undoubtedly has greater power than the mountain god.

Not only can you mobilize the power of mountains anywhere at will, but you can also reorganize, shape, and change them according to your own ideas. This alone is far inferior to the magical power of moving mountains.

According to Shen Jian's judgment, a thousand-meter giant is still not the limit of the Taishan King's priesthood. If he really lets go, he can even increase the size of the rock giant to over 10,000 meters.

But if this happens, he will probably explode the copy of the movie.

To deal with an Yincao headquarters, a thousand-meter giant is enough.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's eyes fell back on the frightened, helpless and panicked Li Gui in front of him. He grinned at them and showed what he thought was a friendly smile:

I see that the place where you all live is a bit old, so I am kind-hearted and can't see you suffering, so I decided to help you.


They were slightly stunned.

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

We are enemies, you want to help us?

Are you so kind?

All the ghost kings were startled and suspicious.

Shen Jian's words sounded like a weasel giving New Year greetings to a chicken.


What if?

What if this ghost and god didn't want to start a war with them in the first place, but broke into the City of Vain for other reasons?

In this case, except for the hundreds of unlucky ones who were trampled to death, nothing will happen to them today.

As for the bald judge who seemed to have a grudge against Shen Jian, they could only wish him good luck.

Who told you to force yourself to do anything before starting a war? Don't you know what is not good to hear? Don't you know what it means to have trouble come from your mouth?

They are not nannies, so they will not take care of her.

With this thought, the ghosts pricked up their ears and listened carefully.


They heard Shen Jian open his mouth and say: It is the most correct choice for you to rest in peace.

But I think you seem to prefer modern-style buildings, so let me put some effort into helping you build a modern apartment in the style of hell.

The check-in process may be a bit thrilling, but don't worry, I'm a professional. In my more than 20 years of experience, no customer has ever given me a negative review. All of them are positive reviews.

These words.

He was stunned by all the fierce ghosts.

Never had a negative review?

So awesome?

And this modern hell-style apartment. How did you use these two completely different terms together?

It's so against the rules.

But this sounds good.

It’s the so-called check-in process. What exactly is it?

Just thinking about it.

The group of ghosts suddenly saw that when Shen Jian finished speaking, the thousand-meter-high rock giant raised his hand, spread his fingers, and then gathered them together to form a fist.

The next second.

Smashed down with a bang.

Ghosts:! ! !

See this scene.

Then think of the thrilling check-in method mentioned by Shen Jian.


It turns out that you, a modern apartment with the style of hell, really want to send them to hell.

From what you're saying, no one has ever given a bad review. Could it be that the ghosts you served were all dead in the end?

The so-called positive comments are automatic positive comments after the time has expired?

Think of this.

The ghosts couldn't stand it on the spot.

This man's speech actually required them to do reading comprehension in order to understand it.

Too much.

You will die if you are more frank.


The bald dean couldn't help it.


He roared angrily and was the first to flee towards the depths of Fusui City.

Being hit by this punch is no joke.

Even if he is a top ghost king, he still has to panic on the spot.

If you don't run away, you'll just have to check in with your bags in hell.

This sound.

It also made the Yin Cao Ghost King present react.

Looking at the kilometer giant's movements of clenching his hands into fists, they all looked horrified, turned around and ran away.

Run, run.

Don't push me.

Mad, who the hell is pulling my ass? It's already this time, how can you still come and be gone again?

Fuck, carpe diem, right?

The ghosts began to disperse.

Started to run away.

While running away, he showed fear.

at the same time.

Shen Jian also controlled the thousand-meter giant and threw this punch.


A terrifying loud noise instantly reverberated throughout the Yin Cao Ghost Realm, and the vast and powerful force poured out crazily. The sky exploded, the earth roared, and the earth and rocks cracked, rising straight into the sky, forming an endless sandstorm.

Its power is comparable to a magnitude 10 earthquake or a magnitude 12 typhoon.

A large number of fleeing ghosts didn't even make a sound, their bodies exploded and were torn into several pieces by the endless wind of fists.

With one punch, the world became dead.

A large number of ghost corpses were buried in the ruins.

The supernatural aura has reached an extremely low level.

Even if an ordinary person comes here, he can control the remains of an abyss-level ghost king without any hindrance and become the best among ghost masters.

for all this.

Shen Jian's expression did not change.

He just glanced twice, then put aside the wailing ghost kings, and led the thousand-meter giant deeper into the City of Fushun.

Only Zhuo Fan, who was too shocked to wake up, and the school beauty ghosts remained where they were.

Until Shen Jian left.

They barely reacted.

Looking at the surroundings, except for the two or three meters of land around them that remained intact, the rest of the area had been turned into ruins.

Bloody ruins.

Flesh and blood were flying everywhere, broken limbs were everywhere, and wails were everywhere.

They saw that a large number of ghost king-level ghosts were buried here, with no supernatural beings at all.

They saw a small number of abyss-level ghost kings being crushed under the rubble, screaming miserably.

They saw...a scene of doomsday disaster.

It was unimaginable that such a scene could have been caused by a single punch.

It is even more unimaginable that the thousand-meter giant who can punch this punch is actually controlled by humans.

That mysterious and violent man was the most terrifying presence in the room.

the other side.

Just as Shen Jian threw a devastating punch.

Dead in vain deep in the city.

Eighteen figures felt something at the same time and looked aside.

The protagonist, Lin Yan, was besieged in an open space. He was covered in blood, his body was cracked, and there were horrific dismemberment marks all over his body.

He taunted ruthlessly: It seems that in addition to arresting me, there are other intruders breaking into your Yincao today. It's really lively. Do you want to go and take a look? This movement is much better than mine.

Lin Yan said with fear.

Since arriving in the east city, he has begun to use dragon-marked rings to devour other abyss-level ghost kings to increase his level of terror. Unexpectedly, he suddenly sensed a supernatural message for help from his fiancée.

However, when he entered the villa area, he was teleported directly here.

The seventeen underworld judges seemed to have known for a long time that he would appear here, and directly launched a long-planned supernatural attack, causing him to almost die on the spot.

Only then did he understand.

This is a trap.

Yin Cao investigated his true identity and set up a trap to let his fiancee enter here, and then used the supernatural message asking for help to attract him.

The effect is also very impressive.

The seventeen top ghost kings surrounded and killed him, leaving him in a deadlock.

If it weren't for the life-saving supernatural thing that his master finally gave him, he would have been unable to survive.

Even so, he could hardly hold on until now.

If I don't leave, I'm afraid I'll never have another chance.

Hear this.

The seventeen Yin Cao judges were unmoved. Although there was suspicion in their eyes, they continued to attack Lin Yan.

Because catching Lin Yan was an order from the Yin Cao Palace Master.

This is the Prime Directive.

According to the palace master, Lin Yan's value is far higher than other intruders.

No matter what happens, the master of the Heavenly Temple must be captured first.

Give up, you can't run away.

Haha, the battle between Tianshen Temple and Yincao should be over.

The Ghost Realm is blocked. It's useless for you to delay any longer.

All the judges were sarcastic.

Bullying the few with no scruples.

Seeing that these people were so determined to kill him, the protagonist Lin Yan also looked grim.

It seems there is no other way.

That's what I thought.

boom! boom! boom!

A shocking shock suddenly sounded out.

This movement attracted everyone's attention.

They looked at each other.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, a rock giant over a kilometer tall rushed towards him quickly.

The excitement reached its peak.

Not to mention all the sinister judges, even Lin Yan's face changed drastically.

From these stone giants, he felt unprecedented oppression.

If he was fighting this thousand-meter giant, he might not be able to last even half an hour, no, even a stick of incense.

Is this also the background of Yin Cao? !

In horror.

A voice sounded.

Xiao Yan, as a father... bah, here I come.

Lin Yan:......


Xiao Yan?

Why does the elder call the junior?

Do I know you?

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