Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 652 Do you want to erase the King of Hell from the book of life and death?


This figure who came out from the deepest part of the Yin Cao Ghost Realm is clearly the master of the Yin Cao Palace. At the same time, he is also a ghost god who has been promoted.

Lin Yan's face was full of surprise.

When it comes to understanding the Yin Cao, he, the master of the Heavenly Temple, is not inferior to anyone. In the first battle between the Heavenly Temple and the Yin Cao, he once fought against the Yin Cao master from a distance.

At that time, he could see that the master of Yincao Palace was not a ghost or god, but was infinitely close to the top ghost king at this level.

Yin Cao's power is not as invincible as he imagined.

But now.

The number of judges in Yincao suddenly increased to seventeen.

Under this premise, if the master of Yincao Hall has not been promoted to ghosts and gods, he will never be able to suppress these evil ghosts.


How did he become a ghost?

From the original fight in the air, he can basically be sure that it is not easy for the master of Yin Cao Hall to advance to the level of ghosts and gods. Let alone a few years, he can be promoted within a hundred years, even if he is lucky.

But how long has it been now?

From the time he came down from the mountain to the founding of the Tianshen Temple to now, less than a year has passed.

At this point in time, it is impossible for the Lord of Yin Cao Hall to advance to the level of Ghost God.

Who is helping him?

What is the source behind it?

Lin Yan's face was solemn.

His eyes stayed on the master of Yin Cao Hall for a few seconds, and then fell on Shen Jianjian.

There is also this mysterious ghost and god who seems to know him, and his body is also full of fog.

Only then did he realize that when he was ordered to protect his fiancée and enjoy his college time at Scarlet University, earth-shaking changes had taken place in Wutong City, but he was not aware of it.

the other side.

Shen Jian looked around.

He met a pair of eyes that had no emotion at all.

This is a man wearing an ancient black and red official robe. His appearance is not ferocious at all. He is similar to a normal middle-aged human man. Not to mention compared to the thousand-meter stone giant, even compared to the ghostly presence of all the people present. Compared with the judges, he is not as good as him.

Overall, it seems relatively low-key.

If it were thrown into the real world, I'm afraid it wouldn't attract any attention. At most, it would be a middle-aged man with some indifference.


The moment he appeared.

All the judges present were shocked.

They all lowered their heads, sweating profusely.

Even the young judge who had surrendered to the enemy was shrouded in fear at the moment and did not dare to look at him.

The atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

You failed...

The master of Yincao Palace spoke indifferently.

His eyes scanned around the judges, resting on the young judge for one second, then glanced at the protagonist Lin Yan, paused for three seconds, and finally focused on Shen Jianjian.

Hear this.

All the judges were even more frightened.

He didn't even dare to take a breath.

I just feel very wronged.

It’s really not their fault that things are like this.

Who would have thought that Shen Jian could summon a thousand-meter-long stone giant to fight? You, the palace master, don't even have this ability.

Can you blame us for losing?

If you were brave enough, why didn't you just come forward when the stone giant smashed one of our judges to death?

Not too timid.

Now all the mistakes are attributed to us.


Leaders generally have evil intentions, and it is so natural to find someone to take the blame for.

Those who didn’t know, thought it was really our fault for betraying the trust of the old man.

They secretly arranged it and complained crazily in their hearts.

Although they are all old antiques, at this time they couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​rectifying Yincao's workplace.

If the boss is disobedient, then change the boss.

No matter whose hands work is, it is not work.


Complaints are complaints.

They didn't dare to let the other party know these words.

I can only bear it with fear and fear, like a doormat.

at this time.

The Lord of Yincao Palace spoke again.

Is it you who kills my Yin Cao judge and ruins my Yin Cao plan?

His voice contained no emotion, not even anger, and was calm.

Even if it was Lin Yan, he couldn't help but feel a little creepy.

The Yincao Palace Master in front of him made him feel a little scary.

See this.

The corners of Shen Jian's lips curled up.

Don't accept it? I can also give you a punch.

Lord of the Yin Cao Palace:...

It seemed that Shen Jian was a little too brave, which made him unable to answer the question for a while.

He looked up at the towering thousand-meter-high stone giant, and his eyelids twitched as he looked at the face without any emotion.

If you were punched by this stone giant, it would be really hard for a god to save you.

Even if he has advanced to the level of ghost and god, he still cannot withstand it.

Because of this, he couldn't let Shen Jian make the first move.

See this.

The master of Yincao Hall did not hesitate at all.

He immediately said: Since you did it, then you can die. You did not die from lack of strength, but from arrogance.

The Lord of this palace pronounces the verdict——

You will die immediately for your sin of arrogance.

The words fell.

There is an extra pen in the hand of the Yin Cao Palace Master.

He raised his pen, and thousands of threads intertwined in the air, forming a piece of paper.

Appearing above Shen Jian's head.

Silk threads were densely spread all over Shen Jianjian's body, as if imprisoning his fate.

It was forcibly displayed on the paper.

at the same time.

On the back of the paper, there is a faint shadow of an ancient book.

There are three words written on that book.

Book of life and death!

this moment.

When he saw the name of the book clearly, Lin Yan's body trembled violently, and a look of astonishment immediately appeared on his cynical face.

His pupils were widened.

Book of Life and Death? The legendary fragments of the Book of the Earth can judge all living beings and easily erase a person's existence from the book of life and death?!

he exclaimed.

His face was full of disbelief.

How could such a thing exist?

Although the Yin Cao organization is strong, it is just a forcible attack on the legendary Yin Cao underworld. But now, the master of the Yin Cao Palace has actually taken out the book of life and death. So is the pen in his hand a judge's pen?

Think of this.

Lin Yan yelled: Senior, stop him, those are the Book of Life and Death and the Judge's Pen. Once your existence is erased, it will be completely over.

His voice was filled with fear.

I don’t know why this kind of supernatural thing that can decide life and death at will appears in the body of the Yincao Palace Master who has just been promoted to a ghost.

But this does not prevent him from knowing that once he is denied by the Book of Life and Death, everything will be over.

Not to mention ghosts and gods, even world-destroying ghosts and gods will die completely once they are denied by the Book of Life and Death.

Not dead, but dissipated.

Does not exist in the world.

This is a divine item that can truly kill evil spirits from the source.

It's useless, he has been marked in the Book of Life and Death, and his life is already in my hands.

The master of Yincao Palace laughed ferociously.

This was the first time that he showed obvious mood swings, and he was feeling happy that he could easily kill Shen Jian.

What about summoning a thousand-meter stone giant?

So what if you could kill a ghost like him with one punch?

The supernatural competition is not only about strength, but also about who strikes first.

If Shen Jian strikes first, he will die.

If he strikes first, Shen Jian will die.


He won when Shen Jian committed the crime of arrogance, allowing him to use the Book of Life and Death to take the lead.

Even if there are various harsh conditions for using the Book of Life and Death, and even if he has to lose half his life and fall into a long dormancy, as long as he can kill Shen Jian, it will be all worth it.

at the same time.

Shen Jian glanced at the thread wrapped around his body. No, it should be said to be the thread of fate.

A bit of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Because this so-called paper really has some power of the Book of Life and Death,

Even the pen in the hands of the Yincao Palace Master has some mysterious features similar to the Judge's Pen.

It felt like a ray of supernatural power had been intercepted from the Book of Life and Death and the Judge's Pen, and made into a so-called imitation.

This has a similar effect.

Think of this.

The surprise in Shen Jian's eyes deepened.

I originally thought that this underworld man was trying to force his way into the underworld, but I didn't expect that there was something really good.

This pirated book of life and death and the judge's pen would be an excellent choice if they could be combined with the original ones.


Shen Jian kindly reminded: If I were you, I wouldn't just scribble on it.

Haha, are you surrendering?

Hear this.

The master of Yincao Palace smiled sinisterly.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to let Shen Jian go.

Even with the threat of life and death, he did not dare to accept Shen Jian's surrender.

after all.

He had no way to restrain Shen Jian. Once he gave up using the Book of Life and Death, Shen Jian could punch him down and kill him.

He would not do such a stupid thing.


He didn't mind letting this invincible ghost and god lose his dignity before erasing Shen Jian.

If you come over here on your knees and lick my shoes, I will treat you as a sincere surrender.

The master of Yin Cao Palace expressed his request in a sad voice.

Just when he thought Shen Jian would comply, he saw Shen Jian raise his hand, and the towering thousand-meter-high stone giant suddenly raised his hand as well.

Lord of Yincao Hall:! ! !

His pupils shrank violently.

All the souls of the dead are gone.


If you don't want to, just don't want to. Why are you so anxious?

Do you think you can't die quickly enough?

I'll make it happen for you.

The Master of Yincao Hall looked gloomy. It was clear that he had the upper hand and controlled Shen Jian's life and death, but the moment the other party raised his hand, he still felt an unspeakable palpitation, giving him a sense of imminent death. .

This is undoubtedly a shame for him as a ghost and god.


He hesitated no more.

The pen in his hand touched the void.

A big cross also appeared on the white paper above Shen Jian's head.

This means erasing the existence of Shen Jian from the book of life and death.

It also means that this person will no longer exist in this world.

Just when the Lord of Yincao Hall felt that everything was stable.

The next second.

The thin crosses of life and death began to disappear automatically, and then the entire paper seemed to be unable to bear the cost, and was torn apart with a sharp sound.

The thread of fate wrapped around Shen Jianjian also broke.

The master of Yincao Palace was confused.

Don't know what happened.

Another second.

The pen in his hand suddenly broke into two pieces.


This is still not the limit.

As the book of life and death, the judge's pen, and the thread of fate shattered, the master of the Yincao Palace suddenly found that the hand holding the pen began to shatter from the fingers inch by inch, and mirror-like cracks continued to appear on his body.

Pain spread through him.

that moment.

He seemed to understand something in his heart.

He erased an existence that was beyond his imagination.

He couldn't afford the price of erasing this existence.


It backfired on him.

who is he?

Who is he?

Why can't even the Book of Life and Death erase his existence? !

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