Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 649: This is outrageous. Please use your magical powers.

The city died in vain.

When Shen Jian came here, what he saw was a piece of ruins.

Rather than saying it is a city, it is better to say that it is an enclosed gathering place, surrounded by ten buildings. The so-called City of Wasted Death is just a way to put money on the face.

Just like the gate at the gate of Bieyuan is called Guimen Pass, the cobblestone path is called Huangquan Road, and the arch bridge crossing the water is called Naihe Bridge.

Among them, Naihe Bridge is a bit mysterious.

The rest is just a forced visit to the underworld.

The same is true for the City of Wasted Death.

Based on the location, Shen Jian stepped into the real headquarters of this underworld.

So does the rest of the people.


I don't know what Shen Jian is worried about, but he insists on running.

Are you afraid of waiting for the members of Huiyin Cao to get off work?

They suppressed their inner desire to complain and focused their attention on this place.

Just at the first glance, their entire faces became frightened.

Not because he met another top ghost king, but because he met the ghost king.

However, a numeral must be added before this noun.

A lot.

In an instant.

As Shen Jian and others broke in, fierce ghosts walked out of the villa. Compared with the ghosts outside, these ghost kings who walked out looked particularly ferocious, and their bodies were entangled with extremely evil thoughts.

From these ghost kings, it seems that they have experienced endless pain, and the sounds of wailing and calling for life are constantly coming from the supernatural aura.

Immediately afterwards.

Another group of evil spirits came out.

Different from the first batch of fierce ghosts, the terror level of this batch of ghosts has all reached the abyss level. They are wearing black underworld clothes, and their bodies are constantly exuding wisps of black energy, which are evil thoughts.

This is a group of existences that have completely turned into evil spirits.

In their eyes, they have no kindred, no companions, and no friends. Their code of conduct is just one: anyone who is not of my own race can be killed.

And this species only refers to themselves.

In other words, what the evil spirits want to destroy is everyone.

Even if they are both members of the Yin Cao, it is the same.

Shen Jian became more and more curious.

Being able to make all these evil ghosts obey the instructions, the possibility that the master of the Yincao Palace is a ghost is close to 100%.

The reason why he didn't dare to say 100% was because he felt strange about the world-weary ghost and god's choice.

Obviously the main purpose of setting up this movie copy is to allow the protagonist to advance to the level of ghost and god, but now, the plot is in chaos.

The master of Yin Cao Hall has been promoted to ghost and god. The foundation of Yin Cao organization has increased several times out of thin air. The two heavenly temples are no match for Yin Cao. Even if the protagonist Lin Yan is now promoted to ghost and god, the power of Yin Cao is still not equal to that of Yin Cao.

some of.

Could something else have happened?

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

He became more and more eager to see the ghost and god whose name was left on his game board.


A group of people following behind saw this scene.

My scalp almost exploded.

I just feel like my brain has gone blank.

Ghost King.

Densely packed ghost king level ghosts.

There is no need to count them in detail. Just a cursory glance shows that there are more than 300 ghost king-level ghosts here, and there are more than 70 abyss-level ghost kings.

This amount is so abnormal.

It has exceeded everyone's imagination.

Even if the ghost kings in the entire Wutong City are counted, there may not be as many as three hundred. Where did an organization that didn't even occupy Wutong City get the resources to cultivate three hundred ghost kings at once?

The same is true for the number of abyss-level ghost kings.

It completely exceeds the limit that Wutong City can have.

This is no longer a personal issue, but a safety issue for all people in Wutong City.

Once Yin Cao with such strength starts a dispute in Wutong City, no one can stop the lineup of 300 ghost kings and 70 abyss-level ghost kings.

Wutong City will be reduced to a wasteland.

Think of this.

The faces of the three school beauties turned extremely ugly.

I was even more upset inside.

They were just a group of college students. How could they encounter a disaster that could destroy Wutong City?

Are they asking them to save the world?


They have nothing now, so they need to use their heads to save them.

But the mysterious man who is suspected of being a ghost has a subtle possibility.


Their minds have changed.

I no longer think that Shen Jian can end Yin Cao.

For this number of ghosts, quantitative changes have already produced qualitative changes.

Even though this is a group of powerful ghosts that cannot even reach the top ghost kings, under the huge numerical advantage, the ghosts and gods have to temporarily avoid the edge.

If you insist on having your own way, even ghosts and gods may be bitten to death by ants.

They are finished.

Looking at this army of ghosts that could cover the entire Wutong City, everyone's legs and feet felt weak, and their hearts were even more frightened. They subconsciously wanted to escape from here, but the soles of their feet seemed to be rooted here, unable to move at all.

One can only watch in horror as these evil ghosts increase in number and focus on them.

We meet again, you fake undercover.

At this time.

As a large number of evil ghosts walked out, a fat man with Mediterranean hair also walked out.

He is the bald dean of Scarlet University and one of the judges of the underworld.

He looked at Shen Jian, his expression gradually darkened.

Because of Shen Jian's Long live Yin Cao, he mistakenly believed that he was a senior official of Yin Cao and handed over the source code of the supernatural game APP. As a result, after returning to Yin Cao, he became a laughing stock and suffered unspeakable punishment.

If the palace master hadn't recognized him for his hard work and being a top ghost king, he would have fallen into a permanent slumber.

Now that he saw Shen Jian again, one can imagine the resentment in his heart.

Haha, you followed me here. The reason you didn't take action against me was because you planned to use me to track the location of the headquarters. Unfortunately... when you plotted against me, I was plotting against you.

The bald dean showed a look that was selective and devouring, and said pitifully:

The moment you choose to enter here, Yin Cao has already understood your actions. Even if you are hidden deep enough, no matter how strong you are, you are only at the level of a ghost. If all our Yin Cao personnel are dispatched, even if you have three heads and six arms, you can only die. it's here.

In fact, if we hadn't invaded another more important character here, which needs to be dealt with by the other judges, you wouldn't be able to cross even the Naihe Bridge, let alone the City of Fusi.

Hear this.

Shen Jian looked as usual.

He looked into the depths of the City of Death.

The bald dean also noticed Shen Jian's gaze, and the grin on his face became more obvious.

I almost forgot. You are suspected of being a ghost, and your perception is more amazing than we imagined. But even if you find out, it is useless. Except for me, the eighteen judges of the underworld are all over there, the master of the Celestial Temple. Being able to hold on for nearly half an hour is already the limit. Even if you go, you can't change the outcome, let alone you can't make it through.

Hear this.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

The power of the eighteen judges, that is, the eighteen top ghost kings, is indeed terrifying when placed in a five-star movie copy. It has far exceeded the standard.

Really plus the ghost-level Lord of the Yin Cao Palace.

This is no longer the difficulty level of a five-star copy, but a six-star one.

It is a six-star dungeon difficulty that horror game players have never heard of.

However, the protagonist can actually hold on for half an hour in the hands of seventeen top ghost kings. This strength is also beyond the standard. Shen Jian guesses that the protagonist also has high-standard supernatural objects in his hands.

Ordinary ghost-level supernatural objects will not work. It must be a supernatural object close to the world-destroying ghost-god level, in order for the protagonist to burst out with such power and briefly compete with the seventeen top ghost kings.

However, this creates another problem.

The protagonist has such a powerful supernatural object in his hand. There is no doubt that this must be a gift from the world-weary ghosts and gods. But in a normal movie plot, why would the world-weary ghosts and gods give such a level of supernatural objects to the protagonist?

after all.

A supernatural object that can compete with seventeen top ghost kings at once. If the master of Yin Cao Hall is careless, he may be killed instantly with one blow and fall into a state of death.

This trump card is too much.

It is incompatible with the normal plot.

Moreover, the behavior of world-weary ghosts and gods making bets and improving their foundations also seems to be very timid.

That feeling.

It's like there are two different world-weary ghosts and gods, betting on the protagonist and the underworld side at the same time, striving for victory.

And the results are very obvious.

The world-weary ghosts and gods who bet on the underworld organization are even better.

Think of this.

Shen Jian had some speculations.


Zhuo Fan obviously heard what the bald dean said.

His pupils shrank violently.

In another battlefield that they don't know about, there are seventeen judges from Yin Cao besieging the Lord of the Heavenly Temple?

My day.

Isn't that the protagonist?

When he was complaining about why the protagonist didn't stop to save people, it turned out that the protagonist had already arrived, but was sent into the enemy's nest and was surrounded by the enemy?

This is really, really tragic.

Sure enough, only the protagonist will receive such special treatment.

If it were an ordinary top ghost king, he would be dismembered into pieces in less than a minute.

As for the school beauties, their faces also turned pale.

They didn't know that Lin Yan was the master of the Temple of Heaven, but they heard the words seventeen judges.

In addition to the more than 300 ghost kings and 70 abyss-level ghosts present, there are actually 18 top ghost kings in Yin Cao, as well as an even more unfathomable Yin Cao Palace Master. Such a lineup is no longer something that ghosts and gods can deal with.


Even ghosts and gods must die when they come.

Can't even run away.

In addition to being frightened.

The bald dean seemed to have sensed something, and then he cast his gaze on Shen Jianjian and said with a sinister smile: The outcome is already clear. The master of the Heavenly Temple has lost. The supernatural power in his body is about to be exhausted. Next, it's time to now you.

Speaking of which.

He licked his lips, eyes filled with greed.

I have the body of a ghost and a god. I don't know what benefits I can get from eating you.

The words fell.

All the evil ghosts started moving again.

Pairs of indescribably vicious eyes fell on Shen Jian and his party.

Just for a moment.

Zhuo Fan's face turned pale.

The heart beats violently.

It was as if something indescribable was clutching my heart, and with just a slight squeeze, my heart would violently die.

The same is true for the rest of the population.

The school belles and ghosts were trembling all over.

The four bloody corpses were already hugging each other, wanting to cry but without tears.

We are just forced.

Why should we be included in the enemy's queue?

The story ghost also twitched the corners of his mouth.

He had been guarding Huangquan Road for so long, and he didn't even know that the City of Fusi had such amazing heritage.

If he had known this, he might as well have been beaten to death.

Save yourself from being beaten violently first and now having to face the bites of hundreds of ghosts.

Tired, destroy it.

With such a lineup, let alone resistance, it was a question of whether he could die happily. He no longer had any hope.

But before death.

He wanted to see Shen Jian's frightened expression.

In this way, even if he gets sick, he will feel better psychologically.

Think of this.

Story Ghost's eyes suddenly fell on Shen Jianjian.


He was slightly startled.

Because he didn't see expressions of fear, fear, despair, and other painful and struggling expressions on Shen Jian's face. Instead, he saw... Shen Jian's mouth curled up, revealing a similar sinister smile.

He saw excitement on Shen Jian's face.

Just when the story ghost was confused.

Shen Jian moved.

It's time to deal with you as soon as possible. Don't let anything happen to my dear son.

Shen Jian grinned.

next moment.


The earth shook.

In the astonishment of everyone in the audience.

A 100-meter-long hand rose up from the ground in front of Shen Jian. The ground was like water waves, rippled and shattered inch by inch.

More than a dozen ghost kings within the range were knocked flat on the spot by the giant rock hand rising from the ground.


This is far from the limit.

As the black pupils in Shen Jian's eyes were gradually covered by the dark luster, an extremely terrifying aura erupted on Shen Jianyan.

The next second.


Along with the sound, the hundred-meter giant hand made of rock slammed onto the ground. With a strong pull, the ground was torn apart again. An unimaginably huge rock giant broke out of the ground, with its body upright, covering the sky. Block out the sun.

Like the arrival of the ancient demon god.

Its size is so huge that it is a thousand meters long.

Standing tall against the sky and the earth, straight into the sky.

Zhuo Fan:!

Yin Cao Yifang:! !

Bald Dean:! ! !

this moment.

The world seemed to have come to a standstill.

Both the evil spirit and the bald dean were stunned at this moment.

All of them raised their heads and looked blankly at the thousand-meter giant in front of them.

The whole ghost was dumbfounded.

I'm crazy.

Are you still a ghost?

This is too exaggerated.

Although ghosts and gods are legendary existences with the suffix god, they are still essentially powerful ghosts, but they are just more powerful and supernatural than normal ghosts.

But the body of a thousand-meter giant is definitely something that ghosts and gods can do?

Isn't this a joke?

If ghosts and gods were so powerful, how could there be existences that could rival them? How could there be such a thing as there are too many top ghost kings, so ghosts and gods have to avoid the edge?

The bald dean's entire face was stiff at this moment.

Damn it, damn it!

He roared inwardly.

From the recollection of the scene at the Gate of Hell early in the morning, he knew that Shen Jian had the information to summon a giant 100-meter rock hand. Although such power shocked him, it was not enough to scare him away.

But now.

Are you telling me that the hundred-meter rock giant hand you summoned before is just the tip of the iceberg of this giant?

You think you are playing a collectible card game. The left hand, right hand, left leg and right leg appear one after another.

At this moment.

The bald dean was extremely horrified.

In front of this thousand-meter rock giant with his head in the sky and his feet on the ground, even though he was the top ghost king, he still felt like an ant. Under the gaze of the giant's dead eyes, he felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

I just feel cold all over my body.

It's a hot day, but my hands and feet are cold.

Can this world get any better...

Are ghosts and gods now so ferocious? Are they going to give us top ghost kings a way to survive?

Like this, let alone the eighteen top ghost kings, even if there are eighteen more ghost kings, they won't have the courage to fight.


The bald dean also thought of a more serious problem.

What will happen when a thousand-meter giant appears on a battlefield full of ghosts?

I'm afraid it's not just a casual kick, it's a large-scale attack that affects hundreds of meters.

With a sweep of his arm, dozens or dozens of ghost kings were gone.

There were nearly five hundred fierce ghosts present, and they already had all the information about Yin Cao. But how many times would this be enough for this thousand-meter giant?

Think of this.

The bald dean felt a chill in his heart.

he knows.

The Yincao headquarters is finished.

He's done.

Everyone present was finished.

When they were plotting against Shen Jian, the ghost and god, and leading him step by step to the City of Vain Death, in preparation to devour the god, others simply turned the table over and stopped playing.

Where the hell can I talk about this?

Who would have thought that Shen Jian would have such great power.

Taking six useless cards, he directly created an invincible dark mage.

Too old!

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