At that time.

The atmosphere at the scene seemed to be frozen.

All players hold their breath, waiting for the final result.

It all depends on Shen Jian whether to continue to survive and struggle in this five-star movie dungeon; or to disintegrate the villain organization in advance and live a relatively stable dungeon life.

To this.

Even though most players don't think Shen Jian can succeed, they still look forward to a miracle happening.

Zhuo Fan also looked serious.

According to Wang Lan, the Tianshen Temple organization founded by the protagonist had two attempts to test the Yin Cao headquarters, but the results were not optimistic.

Both attacks were stopped outside Naihe Bridge.

I haven't even entered the City of Fusi, where Yin Cao's headquarters is located.

The biggest obstacle is undoubtedly Meng Jiangnu who comforted her late husband on the Naihe Bridge.

Facing a top ghost king, he actually had nothing to do.

We can only see how Shen Jian operates.

If it doesn't work, they still have a way out and can return to where they were.


Shen Jian moved.

In full view of everyone, we boarded the Naihe Bridge directly.

Footsteps stepped on it, making a heavy treading sound.

This sudden sound immediately attracted Meng Jiangnu's attention. She raised her head, revealing a sad face with disheveled hair and red eyes.


Meng Jiangnu cried louder.

The period of mourning is equivalent to the process of practicing. Once disturbed by others, the soul will not be able to escape.

Shen Jian's entry broke this pattern.

Just for a moment.

Meng Jiangnu cried louder.

What flowed out of his eyes was no longer tears, but blood.

A large amount of blood flowed down the face from the eye sockets, gathered at the bottom, and finally dripped to the ground.

There was a sound of water droplets.

Such a scene seems extremely penetrating.

Everyone present felt their scalps go numb.

Because no one knows whether this is also a pattern of killing.

If caught, the supernatural attack launched by a top ghost king would be enough to wipe out anyone except Shen Jian, leaving no room for resistance.

This is the cruelty of the supernatural world.

They dare not be careless.


On the contrary, Shen Jian walked onto the Naihe Bridge and raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the extremely unpleasant mourning.


He kicked over the incense basin burning with will-o'-the-wisp.

He cursed and said:

You're crying. It's so unpleasant. Give me a smile. If you smile happily, I will let you go.

Zhuo Fan:!

School belle ghost:! !

Meng Jiangnu:! ! !

this moment.

The whole audience was stunned.

Meng Jiangnu, who was trying her best to mourn, suddenly froze up and looked at Shen Jian in disbelief.


are you crazy.

What do you want from me? Are you kicking me? Still swearing?

What about quality?

Your qualities as a ghost have been eaten by dogs.

Even the dead people's belongings were smashed.

Think of this.

Meng Jiangnu's eyes showed a look of overwhelming resentment.

She stood up and stared at Shen Jian. The blood and tears in her eyes flowed down faster and faster, soaking her clothes and staining the bridge deck red.

Some of the ghost blood fell into the black river under the bridge.

Heihe also rioted.

It stirred up endless waves.

In the face of such natural disasters, both humans and ghosts appear to be very vulnerable.

Once submerged, there may be no chance to get up again.

at this time.

Meng Jiangnu also had a solemn expression on her face.

He opened his mouth, faintly planning to cry again.


The next second.

The moment Meng Jiangnu opened her mouth, Shen Jian stuffed a mourning stick into her mouth.

The original Woo sound turned into a Gurgling sound.

Meng Jiangnu:? ? ?

Treat me to a stick if you don't agree with me?

You are quite wild.

I'm afraid my career during my lifetime was not very healthy.

Gulu gulu... Meng Jiangnu's eyes widened, and she was about to take out the white bone rod. Shen Jian had already put his hand on her shoulder and said in a teasing tone: Jie Jie Jie, smile for me, laugh well, I like children who love to laugh best.

Hmm, see you.

Meng Jiangnu's pupils widened even more.

What was going on with this intruder? Why did she feel so creepy just because he had a hand on her body?

It was as if he was being targeted by something terrifying.

Even the top ghost king's body couldn't help but tremble at this moment, which gave her the absurd idea of ​​​​escaping from here.

Is it because of this man?

How can this be.

Her supernatural power is bound to Heihe.

Although she is standing on the Naihe Bridge, she actually belongs to the Black River. Generally speaking, she is a water ghost, but outsiders call her the river god.

Here, she is Meng Jiangnu who is trying to break the Naihe Bridge with tears.

How could anyone suppress her.

This is something that even the Lord of Yincao Palace cannot do.

She tried to struggle again.

Still unmoved.

The small hand seemed to become the hand of God at this moment, making it impossible for her to break away no matter what.

Meng Jiangnu was a little panicked.

She was about to speak, but was blocked by the mourning stick and couldn't say a word.

So she whined.

Shen Jian pulled out the mourning stick and patted her shoulder, Smile.

Ahem, I...

Huh? Why don't you laugh? I like to hear women's cheerful laughter the most.

Shen Jian's eyes gradually became dangerous, and he punched the other person's face with the wail stick in his hand. His faint eyes shone with a faint luster, and the oppression he exuded made Meng Jiangnv tremble.


Forced to help.

Meng Jiangnu could only show a smile that was uglier than crying.

Family members, who knows?

I was mourning in the center of the bridge, and a man with a low head came over, kicked over my incense basin, and threatened me to make me laugh.

Who can understand this grievance?

Tsk, laughing is worse than crying. You are also talented.

Shen Jian hit Meng Jiangnu on the back of the head in disgust and stuffed her into a sack.

A top ghost king, even though he is the lord of the underworld, he cannot give up this high-quality resource.

By capturing her, there will be an underworld agent who can take charge of patrolling a city.

And there are more than a dozen such top ghost kings in Yincao headquarters.

I have to say, this harvest is very rich.

another side.

Looking at this dramatic scene, no one in the audience spoke.

Every pupil is shaking.


This is the end?

A top ghost king can be solved in just three strikes, five divided by two?

Damn it!


Your whole process of imprisoning the top ghost king is too childish, just like a fucking show.

If they hadn't known that no one from the Yin Cao headquarters would act with them, would they really doubt that this was possible?

It was so easy that they had the illusion that I could do it too.

Is this mysterious and evil man really just the top ghost king?

The school beauty ghost fell into panic.

Can a top ghost king suppress a ghost of the same level in an instant and then imprison him without any pressure?

Just kidding.

This is not something that is at least one stage higher than the level of terror, and it is impossible to do such a cool thing.


Is this man who suddenly appeared and saved their lives a ghost and god that only exists in legends?

Think of this.

Her beauty turned pale.

Wutong City doesn't even have many top ghost kings. When did a ghost-level existence appear?

This is too incredible.

Just like dreaming.

It wasn't until Shen Jian walked across the Naihe Bridge and headed towards the City of Fusei that they realized it and hurriedly followed him.

I just feel my heart pounding.

His eyes kept scanning Shen Jian's back, his eyes filled with excitement, fear, and a hint of inferiority.

The legendary ghosts and gods appeared, were observed closely by them, and even saved their lives. If the school beauty ghost and the others said they were not excited, it would be a lie.

They were just a group of red-clad fierce ghosts. Even if their parents were above the Ghost King level, there was still a huge gap between them and Shen Jian.

But they are lucky enough to be able to follow ghosts and gods. In their eyes, this is already a blessing.

If you say it out loud, it will cause a stir and arouse jealousy.

The three of them whispered.

Sister Chu, how long has it been and your fiancé hasn't come yet? That so-called jade pendant is not meant to deceive you, right?

Sister Chu, why don't you dump Lin Yan and chase Mr. Shen? He is a ghost. If you can catch up, you will be famous in this life.

The two best friends were blowing pillow wind into the school belle's ears.

Encourage the school beauty to pursue Shen Jian.

after all.

They knew that with their looks, there was no chance of competition. On the contrary, they were school beauties and had an absolute beauty advantage. With a reverse chase, they might be able to seduce ghosts and gods.

In this case, as best friends, they might also be able to take advantage of it.

Don't talk nonsense, why would ghosts and gods be interested in such things?

The school belle looked at the two girlfriends who were talking indiscriminately.

Then he carefully looked at Shen Jian who was walking in front, with an indescribable complex feeling in his eyes.

at the same time.

She was also wondering, why didn't Lin Yan come?

Logically speaking, the jade pendant cannot be fake.

Because she had already used it once. That time, she crushed the jade pendant, and within thirty seconds, Lin Yan came to her side.

But this time it has been more than an hour, and there is still no sign of Lin Yan.

Nothing will happen, right?

The school beauty ghost is a little worried.

the other side.


Shen Jian also stopped suddenly.

Looking far ahead at the Yin Cao headquarters, the city was in vain.

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Because he sensed that there were a large number of supernatural fluctuations colliding together in the City of Death in front of him.

One of them turned out to be the protagonist Lin Yan.

The reason why the protagonist of Dare Love can't make it over is because he is trapped in the underworld's base camp?

Think of this.

Shen Jian strode away.

This is his great eldest son, a key figure related to the collapse of the dungeon, so he can't do it anymore.

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