Too sloppy.

All the players were stunned.

Although they had been psychologically prepared for Shen Jian's intensity, they still felt unreal when they saw Shen Jian beating up two abyss-level ghosts who were infinitely close to the top ghost kings.

With such strength, no wonder Wang Lan and others felt that Shen Jian could dismantle the Yin Cao group.

They are both humans and players, but they have to admit that the gap between people is still quite big.

They can stay furious all day long in a state of extreme rage.

But others can single-handedly defeat the final boss of the five-star movie copy.

As human beings, we are sorry.

the other side.

Shen Jian finally stopped.

He shook his muscles and bones extremely comfortably.

Compared with flashy lightning techniques, supernatural beliefs, and magical powers, beatings from close range to the flesh can make him feel more happy.

Under his words and deeds, Story Ghost also understood the truth that evil cannot defeat justice, decisively rebelled and joined the side of justice.

Those who know the current affairs are the best. If you have such awareness, you will be able to do great things in the future. I will also accept the wife you summoned.

Shen Jian stuffed the woman in red into the sack with a smile.

A moneyless ghost is also a valuable unlocking material.

How can it be wasted.

Story Ghost:......

He put his head back on again in grief and indignation.

Bullying ghosts is too much.

This man insulted him and made him switch to other evil forces.

Although they are all professional villain organizations, this experience of being forced to rebel is still too dark.

How will this make him raise his head in front of his peers in the future?

The more he thought about it, the gloomier his face became.

But looking at Shen Jian's sweeping gaze, he shuddered. The resentment in his eyes immediately dissipated, and he no longer had any disrespectful thoughts.

Without him, it would be too painful for this man to fight ghosts.

To know.

Even if the top ghost king attacks him, he will only be injured and his supernatural power will be damaged. The so-called pain should not exist in an abyss-level ghost king like him. However, in front of this man, his supernatural powers are as if they are not there at all. Every punch hits him. Everything on his body would remind him of the frail human body.

That kind of pain is several levels worse than the pain in the waist without anesthesia.

As for the summoned paper man's wife, he couldn't control that much. Anyway, he didn't let the red woman's husband manifest. If he didn't know, it wouldn't be considered cheating.

In life, sometimes you have to be a little confused.

Just thinking about it.

Shen Jian suddenly said: I heard that your supernatural powers can be superimposed to make more weird stories appear in the story? Call this woman's husband out to me.

Story Ghost:? ? !

He raised his head sharply.

The mouth opens wide.

Damn it.

Forget about playing with other people’s wives, now you want other people’s husbands to come over too?

It's too grassy.

Have people outside reached this level of thinking?

Isn't this considered immoral?

hurry up.

Shen Jian said urgently.

He needs to know if the story ghost's supernatural power can help him solve the problem of unlocking the hungry ghost realm.

There was a moment of silence.

Although the story ghost couldn't bear it, he still had no choice but to choose to help the evildoer.

In life, sometimes if you know more, you will be able to endure it.


He brings to the surface the husband of the woman in the story.

Shen Jian's originally excited face immediately collapsed.

His brows furrowed even more.

This is not a moneyless man.

Even in ghost stories, do ghost stories also share blessings?

Think about it.

Shen Jian asked the story ghost to summon strange stories from other stories.

This time.

There was a smile on Shen Jian's face again.

Not considered a failure.

In the ten summons, a total of three wealthless ghosts were brought, and the probability was quite high.

Following this trend, it is not difficult to gather the conditions for unlocking the Hungry Ghost Path.

And don't forget, parchment is also a way.

With the double blessing, it is only a matter of time before everything comes together.

Think of this.

Shen Jian glanced at the story ghost who had been squeezed dry, and let him go for the time being.

If you collect three moneyless ghosts in one day, you will get 30 in ten days.

He is still very tolerant of old hens that can lay eggs.

Do you know any secrets about Yin Cao?

Shen Jian asked casually as he walked deeper along Huangquan Road.

Story Ghost straightened his head, slightly stunned.

Xinmi? Does it count that the number of Yincao judges suddenly increased?

What's the meaning?

Story Ghost explained: I am the only guard on Huangquan Road. Every time a member of the Yin Cao walks out, I will know. I found that in the past year, the number of judges has increased. From the originally fixed five judges, The number suddenly increased to more than a dozen, and even the terror levels of other ghost generals have improved to a certain extent, and they are almost catching up with me.

Hear this.

Shen Jian frowned slightly.

The Yin Cao is divided into four levels: ghost envoys, ghost generals, judges, and palace masters.

The Netherworld Ghost Envoy is at the Ghost King level, the Ghost General is at the Abyss level, and the Judge is at the Unsolvable level, which is the top level of the Ghost King.

According to Story Ghost, the number of top ghost kings within the Yin Cao is increasing rapidly.

Even the terrifying level of the ghost general has been raised from the abyss level to infinitely close to the top ghost king, and the overall strength level has soared by a stage.

This is extremely unreasonable.

There is also something wrong with the fact that the master of Yincao Palace is suspected to have been promoted to a ghost or god.

Because according to the normal plot outline, even if the Lord of the Yin Cao Hall is promoted to a ghost, he will only be promoted at the final decisive battle moment when the movie is about to end.

Otherwise, the protagonist has no power to resist at all.

In other words, is there something helping the Yin Cao organization?

World-weary ghosts and gods?

The only thing Shen Jian could think of was the world-weary ghosts and gods who arranged this movie farm.


This incident happened a year ago and had nothing to do with him.

Think of this.

The confusion in Shen Jian's eyes deepened.

Isn’t the purpose of world-weary ghosts and gods to train the protagonist to advance to the level of ghosts and gods?

Why does the plot deviate so much?

According to Yincao's current lineup, neither of the two Celestial Temples is a match.

It can be said that the protagonist has no chance of winning.

With this thought.

Shen Jian quickly walked out of Huangquan Road.

Came to Naihe Bridge.

The so-called Naihe Bridge is an ancient arch bridge.

Under the arch bridge is the Black River, which is nearly 100 meters wide.

Once it falls, there will be absolutely no good ending.

Zhuo Fan and the others could even see that a large number of dead bones were buried under the Black River.

Saw this scene.

Everyone turned pale.

This black river is really terrifying.

Just staring at it gave them a feeling of mourning. Under such supernatural influence, they wanted to dig out their own eyes, blind their ears, and bet their mouths with stones.

Only in this way can we not be affected by Heihe all the time.

Just standing a hundred meters away had such a great supernatural effect on them. They couldn't imagine how loud this mourning sound would be if they walked onto the arch bridge.

I'm afraid if I didn't stand there for a second, I would choose to commit suicide by drowning in the river.

The school belle and her two best friends shivered.

They were just ordinary red-clad ghosts, and they had never seen such a terrifying place.

If they were trapped in such a ghost place alone, they might not have the courage to go on, and would choose to end their lives directly and fall into a state of panic to escape reality.

Even if the red-level ghost is like this, Zhuo Fan, who only controls two ghost ghosts, can imagine this.

He covered his head and his whole body was shaking violently.

One face became even more distorted.

There was blood and tears oozing out of his eyes.

He opened the chat interface with difficulty.

[Liancheng: @Sister Lan, Wang Lan, what’s going on with this Naihe Bridge? If you have any information, don't hide it, tell it quickly. 】

[Sister Lan: Let me make sure first, you haven’t crossed the Naihe Bridge yet, have you? 】


His face twitched.

I can understand Wang Lan's mood very well.

It seemed that Shen Jian's previous two performances had affected her ability to collect intelligence.

Anyone who has worked hard to collect intelligence and plan the best route for her teammates will hope that their teammates will follow the route she gave.


When Shen Jian walked through the gate of hell, he slapped all the bloody corpses to death.

While walking on Huangquan Road, he beat up the guard again.

With such a customs clearance method, it can be said that it makes no difference whether there is intelligence or not.

This time.

Wang Lan was diagnosed with autism on the spot.

That's why questions like this are asked.

[Liancheng: I'm sure Brother Shen hasn't walked onto the Naihe Bridge yet. If you have any information, tell it as soon as possible, otherwise you won't be able to use your customs clearance strategy. 】

[Sister Lan:...]

[Sister Lan: I checked, and there is also only one ghost in Naihe Bridge. According to the Temple of Heaven, this is a Meng Jiangnu. A bonfire will be set up in the middle of Naihe Bridge to commemorate her husband who was buried at the bottom of the river, and she will cry during the process. 】

[Sister Lan: Crying in mourning is not a rare supernatural phenomenon, but the tricky thing is that this Meng Jiangnu is a top ghost king, and when she is crying in mourning, the black river will also flow with it. If you want to pass here, you can only find out her mourning first. Laws, otherwise even if the top ghost king comes, he will not be able to pass. 】

See this.

Many players were shocked when they heard this.

A top-notch ghost king blocking the road, you know, even before reaching Yin Cao's headquarters, such a terrifying ghost appeared. Yin Cao's background must be too scary.

Moreover, it is not easy to figure out the pattern of Meng Jiangnu's mourning.

This means that someone needs to endure the supernatural attack of a top ghost king until the mourning stops.


Even the top ghost king would not dare to let a being of the same level superimpose supernatural powers to the limit.

[Liancheng: If this is the case, how did the Tianshen Temple invade here in the first place? 】

[Sister Lan: Who said that the Tianshen Temple was invaded? The original Tianshen Temple was blocked outside the Naihe Bridge because the protagonist did not take action. 】

[Sister Lan: In other words, even the Tianshen Temple has not fully figured out the true background of Meng Jiangnu, but she can stop so many people from the Tianshen Temple. One can imagine how terrifying her supernatural power is. 】

Following Wang Lan’s news.

All the players couldn't help but feel their breath suffocating.

As powerful as the Tianshen Temple, it was actually blocked outside the Naihe Bridge, and even the Fusidian Chengdu at the Yin Cao headquarters never entered.

This Yin Cao is indeed the ultimate villain, an existence that the current protagonist cannot match.

What about Shen Jian?

With such a terrifying background, can Shen Jian's power alone be stronger than that of the Celestial Temple?

They were confused, puzzled, and a little bit disappointed.

Because today, they are either witnessing death or witnessing miracles.

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