Do you think my doing this is a great merit and has directly saved the happiness of a family?

Shen Jian smiled very sinisterly.

He took out a black steel rod and stared directly at the young man in front of him.

Story Ghost:? ? !

He was stunned.

He never expected that he would hear such an answer.

Damn it.

Do you know what you're talking about?

Good guy, you help other people's wives to relieve their loneliness, and you also ask other people's husbands to help you raise wild children. Such a bad behavior turns into a good deed in your mouth. Can you achieve perfect merit?


I don't know if you can save other people's families like this, but once you are discovered and an honest person gets angry, it will definitely kill three people.

You are a bitch, you are nothing.

Story Ghost looked at Shen Jian as if he had seen a ghost.

Among the three supernatural powers he carries, ghosts turning back means death, ghost stories are curses, and ghosts calling people means control.

This control is not limited to the limbs, but also the mouth.

Under his supernatural influence, the other party cannot lie.

In other words.

This man with a steel rod in his hand is really a social scum who destroys other people's families.

Have you eaten your rice?

Do you need to persecute others like this?

If you do this, you will have no choice but to go to hell and experience all the punishments on the eighteen levels of hell before you can be reincarnated in the animal realm and work as a cow and horse for this family. are really weak.

Story Ghost pointed at Shen Jian, his eyes full of gloom.

Because he is an honest man, and he also happens to have a beautiful wife. He cannot imagine that if his wife is abused by other men, and gives birth to a child without telling him, and lies to him that it is his, then he will What was the reaction?

this moment.

He broke his guard.

His tone also became unfriendly, and he said in a ghostly manner: Haha, you want to find her? Isn't she already behind you?

The words fell.

After Shen exercised, a crazy woman wearing red clothes, her face covered in blood, and holding a bloody kitchen knife stood there, as if she had been there from the beginning.

at this time.

The heroine in the story looked at Shen Jian with a sinister smile.

The kitchen knife in his hand has been raised.

See this.

Story Ghost was looking forward to it, looking forward to seeing Shen Jian's frightened expression.

A strange story that only exists in stories suddenly appears, and a madman. Even if it is a ghost, it is impossible for him to have no fear threshold at all.

Ghosts scare people, but ghosts can also scare ghosts.

And because they are both powerful ghosts, they know better than anyone else how to use them to make ghosts lose their hearts to the greatest extent.


Instead of seeing the horrified expression, Shen Jian discovered that the heroine was actually a moneyless ghost.


Ghosts that only exist in stories and don't even have the ability to be known by people mean they don't have any luck.

What surprised Shen Jian even more was that this story ghost could summon this type of moneyless ghost out of thin air.

This is not a ghost, this is clearly a treasure trove for him to unlock the three evil paths, the last of the six paths of reincarnation.

Shen Jian has not forgotten that the condition for unlocking the Hungry Ghost Path is 50 moneyless ghosts, and he has been here for at least two weeks to get a copy of the movie. Only a quarter of it was collected.

And most of them were collected by relying on the magic of parchment.

At this point, parchment has irreplaceable value.

And the story ghost in front of me is equally astonishingly valuable.

The more I think about it.

Shen Jian's eyes became more intense.

The moment the woman raised the kitchen knife, he turned around and broke her wrist.

The surprise in his eyes only increased instead of decreasing.

woman:! ! !


You are so excited to see a ghost that goes crazy and kills people randomly.

Couldn't what you just said be true?

Think of this.

The woman's face also darkened.

Although she killed her husband, she still loved her husband.

Her body will not be allowed to be touched by other men.


She raised her foot and teased her vaginal leg.

I want to confiscate this bastard's crime tools so that he can no longer harm other families.

Haha, brother, this woman is quite fierce. I like this kind of strong woman, she is fierce.

Shen Jian smiled and said:

When we meet for the first time, I have nothing to express. I will just give you a heart so that you can see my sincerity.


Shen Jian grabbed his heart with his five fingers.

Take it out.

A lively beating heart was just exposed to the air.

Shen Jian held his heart and looked at the woman with a tender expression, as if he was expressing his feelings, proving that what he said was true.

Story Ghost:? ? !

He was confused.

He lowered his head with a stiff expression.

He looked at a big hole in his heart, and then looked at Shen Jian in shock.

It’s your uncle’s fault.

You have nothing to express, so don't express it.


If you fucking insist on showing off, why are you ripping out my heart?

You pay for it yourself.

No matter what happens, why don't you take out that woman?

Use my heart as a greeting gift, you know how to use local materials.

What? Isn't your sincerity enough? If not, tell me. I still have liver, lungs, kidneys and various small intestines here. I don't believe I can't satisfy you.


Shen Jian's eyes turned to the story ghost again.

His eyes have scanned all kinds of organs.

A pair of kidneys, the black market price is 150,000.

A heart has a black market price of 200,000.

There are also parts such as the liver, lungs, duodenum, small intestine, etc. From his professional perspective as a famous doctor, it shouldn't be a problem to scrape together one million thriller coins.

Story Ghost:! ! !

Facing Shen Jian's eyes that automatically marked the value of his organs, he panicked.

Subconsciously he took several steps back.

I felt vaguely that all the organs in my body were in danger.

It's so shameless for this dog to send you something.

Be generous to others.

Let him suffer.


He couldn't bear it anymore.

Revealing his death state, a terrifying grimace looked at Shen Jian ferociously, his head began to turn 180 degrees, and at the same time he did not forget to shout: Do it, entangle him, two against one, the advantage is ours.

The woman pounced forward, intending to bite off Shen Jian's neck.

At the same time, buy time for the story ghost to activate the murderous supernatural power of the ghost's return.


The next second.

Shen Jian gave an ordinary slap, and the story ghost's head had already turned ninety degrees. Under the fierce blessing of Pei Ran's huge force, it rotated an unknown number of times to one hundred and eighty degrees.

at last.

The whole head fell off.

at the same time.

The black steel rod in his hand pushed out.

Old sister-in-law, you are overestimating my sincerity. It seems that I can't help your husband relieve your loneliness.

The words fell.

Shen Jian knocked the woman away directly.

It really breaks your lungs.


Just what happened in three seconds.

In a confrontation, two abyss-level ghost kings who were close to the top ghost kings were defeated in such an overwhelming manner. The process was almost like a college student going to kindergarten.

They punched Nanshan Nursing Home and kicked Beihai Kindergarten.

These two sentences can perfectly describe everything that happened in front of me.

What stands out is the ease.

See this scene.

Even after accepting the fact that Shen Jian was very strong and could crush a large group of blood corpses with one hand, they still felt the trembling from their hearts.

In the past, the abyss-level ghost king, who was majestic in the outside world, was still the leader who was infinitely close to the top ghost king. Such a existence in Wutong City would undoubtedly be the target of many people's fawning.

But here, in front of this man, they were as weak as children.


If you become arrogant because of this and think that you can defeat the Abyss-level Ghost King, you will definitely end up in a miserable situation.

The reason why this scene is like a father beating his son is simply that Shen Jian is too strong, so strong that even without using supernatural powers, he can still easily crush the Abyss level.

They couldn't imagine such strength.

I'm afraid only the palace master of Yincao has such ability.

Following Shen Jian, they were right.

The school belle and her two best friends looked at Shen Jian showing off his power with sideways glances.

Ghosts all have a strong mentality.

Worshiping beings with a higher level of terror.

The reason why ghosts and gods can become the belief of ghosts is because the level of terror is too unfathomable and the number is so small that they have become legendary existences.

They are no exception when it comes to worshiping the stronger.

And Shen Jian is not only supernatural and unfathomable, he is also handsome, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. It is actually very rare for such an appearance to appear on a male ghost.

If you add the label of a top ghost king on the basis of this appearance, it will not be rare, but rare in the world.

This is the perfect candidate for all single and married female ghosts in Wutong City.

Even the school beauty who is used to seeing excellent men can't help but have some different emotions.

It's a bit like... hoping that Shen Jian will see her beauty.

If she could be pursued by such a man, she felt that it would be difficult for her to control him.

the other side.

Zhuo Fan, who didn't know what the three ghosts were thinking, was looking at the chat interface and watching Shen Jian put the story ghost's head on his hand and spin it in circles.

[Sister Lan: Damn it, you interrupted me just now, and I forgot to tell you the following information. After passing the gate of hell, you will arrive at Huangquan Road. According to the records of Tianshen Temple, Huangquan Road is even more dangerous. If you don't pay attention, the whole army will be wiped out. , because this ghost is targeting a lineup with a large number of members. 】

[Sister Lan: There is only one ghost on Huangquan Road, but it is a special individual. It has three different supernatural powers. Among them, the ghost who turns around is the most dangerous. Once he is looked back at, he will die. 】

[Sister Lan: But this is a single attack. The most difficult thing to deal with is the third kind of supernatural being, which is storytelling. The stories told by ghosts will eventually form a ghost story. The more people there are, the faster the supernatural superposition will appear. The more ghost stories you get, the more ghost stories you will get, so you cannot face the ghost in this level. You must pass through the Underworld Road before the ghost opens his mouth. 】

[Sister Lan: If you have a shielding supernatural being, it will be easy to get over here. If you don’t have one, you can only use one person to lure away the ghost. This way...]

[Player Liancheng uploads a photo. 】

All players were stunned.

Some are not tight.

Going deep into the enemy's hinterland, why don't you quickly discuss countermeasures based on the intelligence content at this time, and instead take photos leisurely?

You really think this is a sightseeing trip.

You still take photos for nostalgia, right?

Do you still want to carve a label Zhuofan travels everywhere to record your wonderful life?


They click on the photo.

in the photo.

Shen Jian was riding on a headless ghost, shooting his bow left and right.

Beat the opponent until he cannot take care of himself.

There was a head next to it, with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Next to it, a female ghost in red was holding her stomach, as if she had suffered some unbearable pain, and was wailing miserably.

[Liancheng: @Sister Lan, Nuo, this is what you call the danger of Huangquan Road. I don’t know whether it is dangerous or not, but I know that the rest of their lives will not be much better. 】

A group of players:...

Wang Lan:......

Damn it!

Too sloppy.

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