Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 645 You have a story and I have a stick. It’s a perfect match.

On the road.

Zhuo Fan followed Shen Jianjian while replying frantically on the chat interface.

[Liancheng: Damn it, damn it, you can never imagine who I met and what I saw. 】

[Sister Lan: If you were the protagonist, you would never be so excited. I guess you are meeting a player and the boss of Yama. 】

[Mr. Qi: Haha, I have a guess. You should have seen the scene where the master casually crushed the devil to death, and now he is thinking about how to lick elegantly without being regarded as a dog licker. 】

Zhuo Fan:......

See here.

His face suddenly stiffened.

People are hard to break down.


You must be the roundworms in my stomach, you actually know this.

If you do this, I feel so unfulfilled.

[Liancheng: I almost forgot that you all know Brother Shen. This is boring. 】

[Mr. Qi: Oh, I remember that not long ago, you had the attitude of the difficulty of the dungeon has increased because of the masters. Now you are calling Brother Shen, the efficiency is good. 】


[Liancheng: I’ll give you two hundred thriller coins to withdraw this sentence. 】

Player Mr. Qi withdrew a message.

Zhuo Fan coughed dryly, glanced at Shen Jian in front of him, and subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

He did complain about Shen Jian back then.

Because if he were not a level 58 player, how could they possibly match the unprecedented five-star movie copy? But as Shen Jian showed his presence one after another, his thoughts faded away.

It wasn't until Shen Jian saved him once that this thought completely dissipated.

If it weren't for Shen Jian, he would have died just now.

Maybe the school beauty can survive, but he, a human disguised as a ghost, is definitely one of the rare delicacies in the ghost's diet. It is only a matter of time before his body is torn into pieces and eaten alive.


Even without Shen Jian, he would have entered at least a three-star movie copy. With his strength, there is no guarantee that he can pass the level. At most, it will be easier in the early stage.

But in the later stages, they will definitely have to deal with evil ghosts.

By then.

Whether you survive or not depends entirely on luck.

But it's different now.

In addition to relying on luck, he can also rely on his thighs.

With the ability that Shen Jian has shown, even the top ghost king can match it, and the villain organization Yin Cao in the five-star movie copy here has only a top ghost king.

In other words.

In addition to joining the Tianshen Temple and fighting against the Yin Cao organization, they have a third option, which is to follow Shen Jian.

If they really had to choose a side, most people would choose Shen Jian.

Nothing else.

Humanity itself is a lineup.

Instead of getting along with the evil ghosts, they would rather hug each other and follow Shen Jian, who is also a human being.

There is no doubt about it.

at this time.

[Sister Lan: Where are you now? Did you choose to return or go deep into the enemy's hinterland? 】

[Liancheng: ...You really know Brother Shen well. Brother Shen has chosen to go to the base camp of the Yin Cao organization. We are following him in, and the protagonist’s fiancée is also following. I think this has gone beyond the fixed plot of the dungeon itself. A self-explanation of the modified version of Liao Mo. 】

[Mr. Qi: How normal. The precognitive ghost in Nancheng District and the supernatural game APP in Beicheng District are basically related to the protagonist. If there is no expert, the protagonist should be the one to solve these problems. But even if they are robbed by the expert, There is no butterfly effect. 】

[Sister Lan: Don’t talk so much, the matter in front of you is the most important thing. If Mr. Shen can disintegrate the Yin Cao organization from the source, then we will be completely safe. After that, we only need to wait until the protagonist is promoted to ghost and god, and we can complete the level perfectly. , for this purpose, I prepared a lot of information. 】

[Sister Lan: @Liancheng, write it down, it’s very important. 】

[Sister Lan: According to the information I checked, Tianshen Temple had two attacks on the Yincao organization. Although they did not invade the City of Fusei, they also learned a lot of information. 】

[Sister Lan: Yin Cao is the name of the organization, but it is also a very large ghost realm. If you want to truly touch the core of Yin Cao, you must go to Wushu City. There is only one road leading to Wushu City. It starts from Guimen Pass and passes through Huangquan Road. After crossing Naihe Bridge, we finally arrived at Yincao headquarters. 】

[Sister Lan: This process will encounter a lot of obstacles, especially the blood corpses guarding in front of the ghost gate. Pay special attention to them. Although these blood corpses are not very intelligent, they have the supernatural strength of the abyss-level ghost king. The two of them working together are enough to suppress A true abyss-level ghost king, not afraid of life and death, and extremely ferocious. If you want to pass here, I suggest...]

[Liancheng: Well, these bloody corpses have all been beaten into minced flesh. Brother Shen killed them all in less than thirty seconds, one with each hand. 】

Zhuo Fan was sending a chat message while not forgetting to look at the four bloody corpses licking their faces in front of him, feeling a little nervous.

Fearless of life and death, extremely ferocious, are these really the four little ones in front of him?

It's too inconsistent.

Facing them, these blood corpses struck hard.

Facing Shen Jian, he became a licking ghost.

The style of painting has become different.

[Liancheng: That’s not right, there are four bloody corpses that survived and turned into ghost traitors, letting Brother Shen do whatever he wants. 】

[Sister Lan:...]


He is truly worthy of being a boss.

In such a short time, they actually broke through the gate of hell and sent away all the bloody corpses.

To know.

Judging from the records of the Heavenly Temple alone, these blood corpses are the front line against the enemy. With more than a dozen abyss-level blood corpses, even if the top ghost king comes, it is impossible to walk past them.

The original Tianshen Temple lost a lot of people in order to pass through here.

did not expect.

In Shen Jian's eyes, these bloody corpses were so vulnerable.

She seemed to be able to imagine the majesty of Shen Jian hitting a bloody corpse with one palm.

has hope.

Shen Jian really has hope that he can put an end to the Yin Cao organization and solve the final boss in advance.

Think of this.

Not only Wang Lan's face was full of excitement, but the other players also showed excited expressions.

Although things have developed beyond their imagination.

But it can be seen from these words that the players with the highest levels in the game collectively believe that the boss with the ID [King of Yama] is capable of dismantling Yin Cao.

to be honest.

they can't imagine this

I feel like everything is so dreamy.

How could one player's power be compared to the evil organization that occupies half of Wutong City?

Even though this big boss has some incredible power, his personal power is too fragile before the battle of the sea of ​​​​people.

Not to mention, even with personal power, the players cannot achieve the level of crushing.

But this does not prevent them from having some hope in their hearts.

If they can really dismantle the underworld as Wang Lan said, they can successfully clear the five-star movie copy and become the first players to clear the level in the history of Entertainment City.

By then.

They will wear honor.

the other side.

Shen Jian paid no attention to the conversation between the players.

at this time.

He had already been led by the blood corpse to a white jade cobblestone path leading deeper into the villa.

Is this Huangquan Road?

Shen Jian's eyes showed some interest.

He had already obtained the authentic Underworld Road to Underworld in the copy of Yongye Kingdom. He wanted to know what the effect of the Underworld Road in Yin Cao's words was.

Think about it for a moment.

Shen Jian stepped onto the cobblestone path.

No supernatural reactions.

Nothing unusual appeared.

Think about it.

He started walking further down the trail.

As it goes deeper and deeper.

A change occurred.

on the way.

The door of a villa suddenly opened, and a young man walked out, his face frighteningly white.

Looking in the direction of Shen Jian, he began to shout:

Friend, help me, I have a story...

The sound spread out and reached Shen Jian's ears.

next moment.

He paused in his steps.

The idea of ​​turning around and helping this young man actually came up in his heart.

And this thought became more and more frequent, like some kind of spreading supernatural virus, gradually occupying his mind, leaving only one thought in his mind, and that was to turn back.

Shen Jian pondered for a moment.

Ghost calling people + ghost turning back?

Maybe some kind of supernatural power needs to be added that takes time to activate.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's eyes were a little disappointed.

From a functional point of view, it does fit the idea of ​​​​no turning back on Huangquan Road, but it is too simple and crude.

If this was considered a road to hell, then he could make hundreds or thousands of them.

But thinking that the gate of hell is the gate of the villa community, Shen Jian suddenly felt that this seemed quite normal.

after all.

This is just a supernatural place that touches the underworld, how can it have supporting facilities that exceed those of the underworld.

It was his expectations that were too high.

Think of this.

Shen Jian sighed.

When he looked again, there was only a faint look in his eyes.

He stopped and then turned around.

With a sinister expression on his face, he said: Great, you have a story and I have a stick. We are a perfect match.

young people:? ? ?

Is this what this sentence says?

There was some confusion in his eyes.

But seeing Shen Jian turn around and walk towards him, a sinister expression flashed across his face again.

This intruder has been tricked.

He possesses rare plural supernatural powers.

The supernatural power of one ghost can be used as three ghosts.

The ghost calls for control, the ghost turns around and kills, and the ghost story imposes a curse.

Because of this, even if he is only at the abyss level, once his supernatural power is unleashed, the top ghost king must be controlled by him.

Are you sure you want to hear my story?

The young man chuckled again and asked again.

Shen Jian nodded.

Signaling him to speak quickly.

This is a true story. The male and female protagonists in the story are a couple. One day, the husband discovers something strange about his wife. She always gets up in the middle of the night and gestures everywhere with a kitchen knife, which makes the husband feel creepy and suspects that his wife is possessed.

However, before he took his wife for treatment, the wife discovered her husband's abnormality, blocked her husband in the room, cut off his head, and started making soup.

However, the amazing thing is that the next day, my husband came back and greeted me as if nothing happened, as if he had no idea what happened yesterday.

Then... the wife killed her husband over and over again, but the husband appeared over and over again.

Until the end, my wife was completely crazy.

Hey, do you know why?

When he said this, the young man raised his head and looked at Shen Jian.

It was as if he wanted to hear Shen Jian tell the answer himself.


Shen Jian just shook his head: I just want to know where this wife is now. It's not easy for her to be a woman. I really want to help her husband relieve her loneliness. In this way, she may be able to give up this idea. Continue to reconcile as before, and after giving birth to the child, as long as he gives up the idea of ​​going for a paternity test, this will be a harmonious and happy family.

And I will also have countless merits.

young people:……

God really relieves loneliness!

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