East urban area.

A farewell garden.

In a medium-sized bungalow.

The player with the ID [Liancheng] is hiding in a cellar.

His name is Zhuo Fan, and like Wang Lan, he was an unlucky guy who was sent to the entertainment city at the same time and was forced to participate in a copy of the movie.

Jigsaw controls two mediocre ghosts. Although his strength is not very strong, he is still a ghost controller at least. He is still able to protect himself when encountering ordinary ghosts.

But today.

Not to mention self-preservation, whether one can die without pain is another question.

at this time.

He hid in the corner of the cellar, not daring to breathe.

Hiding here with him are the school beauty heroine from the copy of the movie here and two best friends.

See this.

His intestines were about to turn green.

The reason why he followed the school beauty was that he felt it was safest to stay with the school beauty, but he obviously forgot that although the school beauty was safe, the passerby NPCs they followed were not necessarily safe.

According to the normal plot development, he will most likely sacrifice to heaven.

He will hold on until the protagonist gets stuck in rescuing his fiancée, completely completes his mission, and then witnesses the relationship between the male and female protagonists warming up without resting in peace.

He would never accept this kind of development.

Even if he is cannon fodder, he should be the one who survives until the finale.

Miss Chu, you can contact Brother Lin Yan. In this situation, if we hesitate for a while, we will end up like the previous few people.

Zhuo Fan lowered his voice and persuaded.

After following the protagonist for so long, he has already figured out the relationship between the protagonist and this school beauty.

The marriage contract between the two was made by their elders. In order to repay the life-saving grace of the protagonist's master, the school belle's parents chose to make the marriage contract between them since they were young.

The protagonist went down the mountain this time, nominally to fulfill the agreement.

However, the school beauty was unwilling.

After retreating, the protagonist became a bodyguard around the school beauty, and obtained an admission quota to the Scarlet University for personal protection.

As a novel lover, he has naturally seen similar plots.

Understand that unless they all die, none of the school beauties will think of asking the protagonist for help.

And his strength is the weakest. Once he is found by the blood corpse again, he will definitely die.


He couldn't care less.

Said directly and matter-of-factly.

He did not expose the identity and strength of the protagonist, because in this case, even if he could survive, he would not be able to escape the judgment of the Temple of Heaven, but he could remind the school belle ghost and make her realize that the only one who can save them at this moment is the protagonist.

as expected.

Hearing Zhuo Fan's words, the school beauty ghost also immediately thought of something.

He took out a ghost jade pendant from his body.

Crush it.

See this.

Zhuo Fan's mouth twitched slightly.

As expected, he said that the school beauty had other ways to contact the protagonist, otherwise any communication would fail once the ghost realm was launched.

With the protagonist's ability, how could he not leave some special connections?

If he hadn't reminded her, the school beauty might not have thought of it until the last moment.

He resisted the thought of complaining.

Turn to study their current situation.

There is no doubt that they have entered the ghost realm.

There is no way to escape by ordinary means.

Among all the people present, the campus beauty ghost with the highest level of terror is the top red-coat, two best friends are at the red-coat level, and then there is him, a ghost controller who is comparable to a half-step red-coat.

Such a lineup can't even deal with a ghost king.

Not to mention the ghost realm spread out by an abyss-level ghost king.

This is your home, don't you have anything to say?


Zhuo Fan looked at a porcelain-faced female ghost who was so frightened that her face turned pale.

His identity was introduced by this female ghost's friend, and his friend died ten minutes ago.

I...I don't know why this happened. I received a call from my dad saying that something happened at home and asked me to come back. That's why I chose to come back.

Who would have known that my house had been covered in a ghost realm, and as soon as I entered, I was discovered by a bloody corpse that appeared inexplicably.

The porcelain-faced ghost hugged his legs and buried his head in them, trying to escape reality.

See this.

Zhuo Fan didn't know what to say.

He asked about the school beauty ghost again, Miss Chu, this jade pendant on your body, are there any other items left by Brother Lin? We are in a ghost domain and will be discovered at any time. It will take time to wait for rescue. Take advantage of this time. , we may be able to break through the ghost realm and escape first.

He said with an expectant look on his face.


The school belle ghost shook his head, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes: No, he is only a ghost king level. Whether he can deal with an abyss level ghost is a question, let alone just rely on a supernatural object to tear him apart. This is simply impossible in a ghost realm of this magnitude.”

In her eyes.

Lin Yan is just a ghost king.

It can protect her, but it can't solve the problem here.

That's it...

Hearing this answer, Zhuo Fan's heart became cold.

Does this mean he has to die?

If the school beauty ghost can't delay being found and buy more time for the protagonist, they will be caught by the blood corpse before the protagonist arrives.

He just couldn't figure it out. Why were there four or five abyss-level blood corpses in an ordinary residential area?

Think this is where great white sharks are raised.

At this time.

A line of chat interface appeared in front of him.

[Sister Lan: You are lucky. The place you are in is probably the headquarters of the Yin Cao organization. Hold on as soon as possible. Not only is the protagonist there, but the big boss, King Yama, is also there. You just need to hold on until any one of them arrives. , can all be rescued. 】

[Liancheng: Can’t you hold on? 】

[Sister Lan: ...Then after returning to the real world, I will leave some money to your parents, enough for them to live in their old age. This is the only thing I can do. 】

See this.

Zhuo Fan's eyes turned gray,

His fists were also clenched unconsciously.

He could almost predict his ending.

This place turned out to be the Yin Cao headquarters. No wonder he always found it strange that there were so many abyss-level blood corpses here.

But if it’s Yincao’s base camp, it wouldn’t be surprising.

On the contrary, it is extremely normal.

Hey hey hey, I caught you, little mice.

A plaintive and eerie voice sounded in Zhuo Fan's ears.

next moment.

Zhuo Fan froze.

The neck mechanical system turns around.

in the dark.

Two red light spots emitted from the glass bottle.

Zhuo Fan discovered that the red dots came from the wine bottle in the wine cellar, and after looking carefully, he felt his scalp numb. Where were the red dots? They were clearly a pair of red ghost eyes.

Immediately afterwards.

A bloody hand without outer skin stretched out from the wine bottle, and then a bloody ghost face appeared with a thick and stern expression on his face.

A playful expression of catching prey.


at the same time.

The cellar door was opened.

Three equally bloody corpses with no skin and exposed flesh also walked in, staring directly at the four people present.

The sinister smile is enough to make anyone die.

If you are timid, you may even have a heart attack.

this moment.

The air seems to be frozen,

Everyone's face was ashen, and under the threat of the four abyss-level blood corpses, they felt their breathing was suffocated.

A kind of breathless palpitations.

Zhuo Fan's eyes also widened, his whole body was shaking, and he seemed to be frightened.

This script is wrong.

Under the current situation, unless the protagonist uses flying, it is impossible to get here. And isn't this a drama about a hero saving a beauty and warming up his relationship? Plot?


If this is the case, not only will his identity as a human being be discovered, but he will also have no value at all and be a discardable type.

Think of this.

He wanted to cry but had no tears.

Almost scared to death.

Someone, help me~~

A trembling cry for help resounded throughout the sky.

at the same time.

The entrance of the villa area.

Shen Jian appears.

His eyes swept away.

Rows of villas and small bungalows are scattered here and there.

It will undoubtedly take some time to find the real entrance to the Yin Cao headquarters from these places.

But he had a better idea.

That is to force the other party out.


A trembling cry for help sounded in Shen Jian's ears.

Coming from the third row of mansions on the left.

See this.

Shen Jian grinned.

This protagonist is not very efficient.

In this case, let's start with the destruction of this place.

very nice.

He wanted to experiment.

The Lord of the Seventh Hall of the Ten Halls of Yama, King Taishan, what level of clerical ability can he achieve.

The next second.

Shen Jian stepped out.

One hundred meters per step.


Stretch out your fingers.

The surrounding buildings decomposed quickly like grains of sand, forming a giant hand of rock rising into the sky.

He took a photo of the foreign-style building fiercely.

Let go of that hostage and let me do it!

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