time flies.

Su's Medical Clinic.

Because of the addition of ghost professor Su Rou, Shen Jian's life began to become tense and exciting.

Create an ambiguous atmosphere with the protagonist's mother in the small clinic in the morning.

In the evening, she faced the protagonist's aunt's teasing and enthusiastically responded to her special habit of stealing men.

Shen Jian discovered.

The more ambiguous the atmosphere between him and Su Zhi became, the more intense Su Rou's offensive became.

From cautiously stealing kisses, to interacting intimately with Shen Jian across a wall from her sister.

Everything about him was the last territory that was not lost.

this day.

Shen Jian returned to the bedroom.

She wiped the red mark on her neck with her palm, erasing the mark of Su Rou's deliberate declaration of sovereignty, with some emotion in her eyes.

He almost thought that this intellectual female professor was a fairy.

But through these few days of contact, he discovered the fact that Su Rou was just a single mother.

Most of the time is spent studying.

Even after becoming a professor, he still stayed true to his original intention. On the basis of ideological and political studies, he also studied psychology by himself and became an expert in this field. Once such a person is aroused, no one can dissuade him.

This special hobby is also a kind of evil thought that the other party has hidden in his heart over time after becoming a psychology expert.


Psychology experts are either physically abnormal or mentally abnormal.

Think of this.

Shen Jian summarized what he gained during this period.

Ghost doctor Su Zhi's favorability has reached 83 points, officially entering the stage of intimacy. If it weren't for Su Rou's arrival, he might have been able to eat this beautiful homely woman with holy hands and healing heart.

Press the protagonist's mother down...

The favorability of Ghost Professor Su Rou also has a tendency to catch up from behind and has reached 75 points.

Falling faster than her sister.

There are already signs of being intoxicated with this desire.

Just like her research topic: reason and morality are nothing compared to desire.

The so-called cold and arrogant face, the iceberg beauty professor, is just her usual disguise.

In fact, this is a psychological abnormality in a certain sense.

The moral concepts are different from those of normal ghosts.

She is playful, likes to play, has a bold temperament, is unpretentious, and most importantly, likes to provoke her sister.


There is also a clue to the most important thing.

That is Judge Yincao.

After a few days, the effect of the words of ghosts and gods has been greatly weakened. The bald dean has obviously discovered something is wrong and is wandering around the east city.

But just for today.

The other party stopped at a certain location.

Displayed according to the map.

The area nearby is not a hotel or inn, but a remote villa area.

Shen Jian knew that the Yin Cao headquarters he was looking for might be here.


Shen Jian disappeared on the spot.

The bald dean has stayed in this villa area for so long. Even if it is not the Yincao headquarters, he still has important connections.

In Shen Jian's view.

Even if there is no specific location, as long as there are coordinates, he can follow the clues and find it.

It’s time for this underworld to have a new owner.

Not long after Shen Jian disappeared.

A sudden distress message appeared in the chat interface.

[Liancheng: Save me! 】

[Liancheng: Save me~]

[Liancheng: Who can help me...]

A series of text messages were sent to the chat interface separately.

He looked very anxious.

Some of the news was scattered, as if he was being hunted and had hurriedly sent out some messages asking for help.

[Mr. Qi: @Liancheng, have you encountered a ghost? Aren't you in the Art Department of Scarlet University? When you meet a ghost next to the protagonist, you let the protagonist act cool. 】

[Liancheng: Don’t be sarcastic. If I were next to the protagonist, do you think I would ask for help? The protagonist hasn't been in school at all these days. She's on leave. Even the school beauty doesn't know where her boyfriend has gone. 】

[Sister Lan: Well, I do know where the protagonist went, but can we still encounter ghosts at Scarlet University? Could it be that there is another strange story? 】

[Lian Cheng: None, remember what I said. I relied on the initial favorability bonus to become a passerby NPC next to the protagonist’s fiancee’s best friend’s friend. A few days ago, the protagonist’s fiancée’s best friend’s home Something big happened and I went along and got into big trouble. 】

[Liancheng: Now not only am I in danger, but also the protagonist’s fiancée is in trouble. The number one boy next to the protagonist is already dead. This bought us a certain amount of time, but we can’t escape! 】

[Sister Lan:? ? ! 】

[Sister Lan: I have recently upgraded my intelligence and learned a lot of the secrets of the Celestial Temple. The No. 1 brother you mentioned was actually sent by the protagonist to protect his girlfriend. He has the strength of an abyss-level ghost king. He is dead. ? ! 】

[Liancheng: That’s right, he left behind a broken queen and was swallowed by the blood corpse, leaving no trace behind. Is he an abyss-level ghost king? Oh my god, that’s it. 】

at this time.

All the players looked at each other.

From these conversations, we can see the despair and powerlessness of the player with the ID [Liancheng].

Although this player does not have much presence in this five-star movie copy, no one can ignore his presence.

Because he is the player with the highest level in the game besides Shen Jian and Wang Lan.

Not only does he have a game level of 45, but he also controls two fierce ghost puzzles. His strength is at the Qingyi level, and he is considered a leader. He can temporarily compete with the half-step red.

Among all players, he is already at the top level.

But faced with a crisis that could kill the Abyss-level Ghost King, he was still too weak. Once he was targeted, he didn't even have a chance to escape.

And this level of threat has exceeded the limit of what their players can help.

Even if they wanted to help, they couldn't do anything.

I am afraid.

Only Shen Jian, who completed the plot mission alone, had a chance to rescue him.

Of course, just by chance...

See this.

Qi Shan and Wang Lan didn't know what to say.

Unlike other players who don't know the truth, they know how capable Shen Jian is and have exchanged information with each other. They know that Shen Jian can at least rival the top ghost king.

If Shen Jian takes action, saving the opponent should not be a problem.


After all, they were just a group of people who wanted to hold each other's backs and couldn't make the decision for Shen Jian.


If Shen Jian wanted to save someone, he would naturally do it after seeing the content in the chat interface. If he didn't want to, it would be useless for them to say it. After all, they didn't have that much face.

Think about it.

[Sister Lan: Where are you? I may be able to use the authority of the Heavenly Temple to help you find a way out, or ask you to seek asylum from the members of the Heavenly Temple. 】

a long time.

There was a reply in the chat interface.

[Liancheng: I am in a suburban villa in the east city. If you go to the left, you will find the place where I disappeared in the third row of villas. There is something wrong with this place. There are too many ghosts, and the level of terror is almost endless. , the blood corpse that can kill the abyss-level ghost king, I just saw three more. 】

[Sister Lan: Huh? East urban area? According to the clues I have, the protagonist seems to be over there. 】

[Mr. Qi: Damn, I get it. It’s another plot where the protagonist is stuck and rescues someone, and the protagonist’s fiancée is also there, which is a proper drama to enhance the relationship. 】

[Liancheng: ...In other words, I just experienced the path of a cannon fodder? If I hadn't had the moral integrity to run with the school belle, my ending would have been to stay behind like that number one kid until we were all dead, and then the protagonist would appear, save the school belle, and make their relationship warm up, and then the others would have died in vain. ? 】

[Mr. Qi:...]

[Sister Lan:...]

Judging from the current situation, this seems to be the case.

Following the protagonist, if your fate is not strong enough, it is indeed easy to become cannon fodder.


According to Liancheng's words, something is indeed wrong with this place.

The best friend of the protagonist's fiancée, no matter how rich she is, no matter how nice the place she lives in, having a ghost king-level ghost is already the limit.

There may be abyss-level ghost kings, but they will never appear in groups. On the contrary, such a lineup seems to be organized and disciplined.

And in the entire Wutong City, there are people with this kind of strength...

Wang Lan's face changed slightly.


Is this place another base for the Yin Cao organization?

Is the reason why the protagonist went to the east city area because he discovered Yin Cao's stronghold?

But it seems that Tianshen Temple has not received this information.

Think about it.

Wang Lan decided to pass the information to Shen Jian.

Because from her understanding of Shen Jian and what she learned from Qishan, she felt that Shen Jian was very interested in the underworld organization.

[Sister Lan: Boss, we have discovered a new Yin Cao base. There may be clues to the Yin Cao headquarters here. 】

[King Yama: I am right here. This is the headquarters of Yin Cao. 】

Wang Lan:? ? !

Seeing this line of text,

Her pupils widened.

The protagonist is over there, Shen Jian is over there, and the Yin Cao headquarters is over there, could it be possible...

Is this the final stage of this movie copy?


They haven't arrived yet.

Why don't you call them when you have a party?

That's too much.

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