The Lord of the Seventh Palace of the Ten Palaces of Hell, King Taishan, is the eighth Yama position he obtained after unlocking the animal path, one of the six paths of reincarnation.

His clerical ability, Words of Ghosts and Gods, is very effective in practical applications, helping him accomplish many things easily.

As for its derived ability, the Evidence of Mount Tai, Shen Jian only knew that it was a talent similar to the Mountain God's magical power to move mountains, but he had never used it in actual combat, and he could only have a partial understanding of its effects.

at the moment.

This villa area with buildings everywhere is undoubtedly the best expression of King Taishan's talent.

Following Shen Jian's thought.

Fingers extended.

The rows of bungalows were suddenly decomposed, reorganized, and shaped like grains of sand, and then formed a giant hand holding up the sky, which was suddenly photographed like the sky tilting down.

Who is calling for help? No need to thank me, I'm just an ordinary and kind-hearted person passing by.

Shen Jian grinned.

He has made up his mind to turn this place upside down. He still doesn't believe that this underworld organization is just a bunch of turtles. As long as one comes out, he can follow the clues and dig them all out.

the other side.

Zhuo Fan shouted in horror.

He is only thirty years old, and even if the evil ghost revives, he can still rely on various supernatural things exchanged for thriller coins to extend his life to three to five years. It can be said that he is at the peak of his life.

If he died like this, wouldn't all the sins he suffered in the past have been in vain?

He was unwilling to give in.

But at this time, who else can save him?

Just when he was despairing, he suddenly heard an excited sound coming from outside. Along with a mirror-like click sound, the ghost realm in front of him immediately collapsed, revealing the original appearance of the foreign-style building.

And the pair of big hands that stood above the roof of the building and were suddenly photographed.

Zhuo Fan:! ! !

He was stunned.

Damn it!

I stepped on the horse and howled to death without expecting anyone to save me.

But now, someone actually responded to him.

Saving people when stuck is indeed a magical skill for warming up emotions.

At this moment of despair and death, when someone saves you from fire and water, the gratitude, excitement, and excitement brought by it cannot be described in words.

If he were a woman, he would also have a good impression of the rescuer.

The protagonist is indeed a protagonist, mastering this magical skill to the fullest.

Zhuo Fan looked happy.

Okay brother, we are here!

he shouted.

It has been determined that the person outside is the protagonist Lin Yan. Besides the protagonist, who else can suddenly destroy the ghost realm created by the abyss-level blood zombies?

Coupled with the fact that the jade pendant crushed by the Colonel's flower ghost, the person who took action was naturally recognized as the protagonist immediately.

Hear sounds.

The four bloody corpses were also stunned.

The next moment.


There was an earth-shaking loud noise and exploded.

The whole foreign-style building first shook violently, and then fell apart.

Amidst the loud bang, a tall and expensive Western-style building that symbolized status collapsed.

The figures of Zhuo Fan and his party and four blood corpses were revealed between Qingtian's giant fingers.

Blood Corpse:? ? ?

They were also confused.

Looking at the destroyed villa with dull eyes, his eyes seemed to say:

I'll go to your uncle.

Is this how you save people?

Just smash the house to pieces?

Aren't you worried about hurting the hostages and killing the caller and the perpetrator together?


When it comes to rescuing hostages, you are several versions ahead of us.

Maybe he went to study with a fighting nation with strong folk customs.


If you smash the three-story house in front of you with one palm and demolish the building if you disagree, are you still a human being?

God is so ordinary.

If you call this ordinary, then who are we?

Crooked melons and cracked dates?

at this time.

The four bloody corpses were completely shocked.

With the blessing of the ghost realm, they could also collapse a three-story bungalow, but they couldn't do it like Shen Jian, who could just crush it with a big hand.

This is shocking.

the other side.

A huge movement was detected.

Many villa owners came out to check.

They are all gatekeepers guarding the entrance of Yincao headquarters. They are responsible for killing the evil ghosts who accidentally enter and make this place a desert.

Shen Jian's entry naturally attracted their attention.

Just when they were expecting Shen Jian to enter their jurisdiction, they saw that the man who broke in here just raised his hand lightly and created a hundred-meter-long hand that held up the sky and held the third person. Three rows of small bungalows were reduced to ruins.

Smoke and dust billowed.

They all stared at all this with wide eyes and astonishment.

Died young.

Do you want this?

Did you load some fucking fantasy template? How can you cover the sky with just one hand?

This is not consistent with the supernatural view at all.

Besides being ridiculous, it's just unbelievable.

They would rather suspect that they are under an illusion than admit that ghosts have such power.

What level of terror is this?

Top ghost king?


Or above ghosts and gods?

Think of this.

Everyone was silent.

The atmosphere at the scene fell into a deadly silence.


One person is unaffected.

That is Shen Jian.

A trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

Because he discovered that these bloody corpses were said to be ghosts, but in fact they were somewhere between supernatural creatures and ghost slaves.


The body used is not one's own.

Instead, a strange ghost was stuffed into a mindless blood corpse, turning it into a watchdog that only knew how to obey orders and had abyss-level supernatural powers.

This method made Shen Jian think of the soul-trapping technology of the supernatural game APP.

Not only are such vicious ghosts not suitable to be underworld agents, they will be excluded by the rules of the underworld, and they are not moneyless ghosts. If they are caught, they will be of no use except being thrown into the eighteenth level of hell to be tortured.

Because of this, Shen Jian was very disappointed.

Starting room.

His strength also increased a bit.

The surrounding buildings began to rapidly decompose and take shape, forming giant hands made of rocks.

Haha, don't be afraid, just treat it as a sap, it'll be fine.

Shen Jian said with a smile.

The words fell.

Several nearby small bungalows also suffered fatal blows.

Make an overwhelmed sound.


With the roar, the steel and concrete were torn apart, the load-bearing columns were crushed, and the beams were compressed.


Save the ghost.

Gan, we are just watching a show, why are you killing us? You can do whatever you want.

Fuck you, man, spare your life.


Amidst the shrill screams.

The surrounding bungalows were accompanied by the wails of bloody corpses, and little by little, they were completely crushed into meat pies and fell into a state of death.

With this level of damage, he would not be able to wake up even for three to five hundred years.

Do it all.

Shen Jian took back his hand.

His eyes fell on the first four bloody corpses.

Just did a preliminary test.

The derivative ability of King Taishan is really easy to use. It is much stronger than the mountain god's magical power of moving mountains. It is worthy of the magical power that only the King of Hell can master.

The mountain god's magical power of moving mountains is to integrate itself into the mountains and fight with the help of the power of the mountains. The size of the mountains affects the ability of the mountain gods, and the magical power of moving mountains is to directly lose the mountain and cannot perform more subtle operations.

The derived abilities of King Tarzan are different.

On the premise of moving mountains, it also adds diversified control capabilities.

The scope of control does not need to be limited to a mountain range, but can control any land line.

He can make any element related to earth change with his thoughts.

The earth is like this, and so are the buildings...


Shen Jian glanced at the four blood corpses and Zhuo Fan and his group.


The four bloody corpses knelt down on the spot.

The whole person was frightened.

You must know that they are all abyss-level blood corpses. Even if they cannot match the real abyss-level ghost king in terms of hard power, if the two join forces, the abyss-level ghost king will be completely suppressed by them.

But now.

What did they see?

Someone crushed to death a dozen abyss-level blood corpses guarding the door with just one hand. They watched the whole process. It could be said that the blood corpses had no resistance at all.

The other party's expression was as simple as crushing an ant casually.

Who can stop such a terrifying existence?

Although their minds are not bright, they are not fools.


Even a fool will be frightened and frightened after seeing such a spectacular scene, and will subconsciously stay away from the source of danger.

Not to mention them.

A man has gold at his knees, and he can do it against his will if he has no choice but to do so.

Kneel down and they won't suffer.

at the same time.

Zhuo Fan also saw the source of all this.

His eyes widened.

There was extreme astonishment on his face.

The person who unleashed such a powerful method was actually not the protagonist, but the Yama King player who single-handedly destroyed the supernatural game APP.

is this real?

Although he knew that Shen Jian was very powerful. He had demonstrated the ability to escape safely from a place where a group of ghost kings gathered when he was in Nancheng District, and he had completed plot tasks alone in Beicheng District. However, regarding Shen Jian's strength, he and most of them had no idea. Players are the same, but they only scratch the surface.

It is believed that Shen Jian most likely has the supernatural strength to compete with the abyss-level ghost king, but it is still inferior to the top ghost king.

Although this kind of strength puzzled him, fortunately it was still within the tolerance range.

But is it possible for players to imagine this method of raising their hands to cover the sky and turning their hands around?

He has some doubts about life.

They are both players, and they are also ghost masters, but they just lack one ghost to control. The difference is bigger than the difference between a human and a dog.

He couldn't imagine it.

The expression management of the others is not much better than Zhuo Fan.

The school beauty ghost and her two best friends also looked at Shen Jian with palpitating expressions. Just now, they almost thought that Shen Jian was planning to crush them to death together with the bloody corpse.

The fear at that moment cannot be described in words.

They knew that this was a man on a level that they could not imagine.

If he wanted to, he could easily obliterate them at any time.

There is such a terrifying existence in Wutong City?

While the school beauty ghost was observing, Shen Jian also set his sights on the other party.

Even though her face was stained by dust and her skirt was dirty, it still couldn't hide her beautiful face lightly painted with pink and pink. Her delicate appearance was worthy of being recognized as the school belle of Scarlet University.

According to the kinship relationship, this girl should be considered his... daughter-in-law?

Thinking of this, Shen Jian couldn't help but look a little weird.

He and the school belle looked about the same age, but they grew up a generation out of thin air.

Not only did he gain a cheap son, but he also gained a daughter-in-law.

This is my first experience.

He doesn't know when his cheap stepson will come back. If he knows that his mother has a lover of the same age, or a husband, he doesn't know how the protagonist will feel then.

Do you accept it in shock, or are you unable to accept this reality?

If it were discovered that he was an unknown person from the Temple of Heaven, tsk...

Shen Jian clicked his tongue, suddenly wanting to see this scene.

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