
The sudden contact between lips made the female professor who kept saying that she lacked morals widen her eyes.

Although she did intend to tease this young husband like this, she did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to kiss her.

When she thought of her sister still in the kitchen not far away, there was a strange color in her eyes.

My heart was pounding, and I just felt an abnormal stimulation.

As a university professor and a teacher of ideological and political education, she should be the most ethical and respected model.

But since she came into contact with psychology a few years ago and became a self-taught psychology expert, she has come across too many cases of cheating, both psychological and physical.


She started thinking about a question.

Is this kind of immoral thing really so addictive?

As time went by, some thoughts that she shouldn't have also appeared in her.

for example……

Stealing other people's boyfriends.

But she picked over and over again, but couldn't find one she was satisfied with.

She thinks those women's boyfriends are terrible.

Either the level of horror is not as good as hers, or it's just too long to look at.

What she wants is a perfect experimental subject, not someone who she despises temporarily and ruins herself.

no doubt.

Shen Jian is the perfect experimental subject.

The relationship between him and his sister is obviously unusual. It is most likely that they are already in the ambiguous stage, and they are not far away from breaking the last window.

This fits the concept of someone else’s boyfriend.

In terms of strength, Shen Jian can instantly kill an abyss-level murderer with one strike, and he can remain calm in front of Judge Yin Cao, who is at the top ghost king level. No one will believe him if he says he is not at the level of a top ghost king.

More importantly, at the level of a top ghost king, Shen Jian's appearance is the best among all. Among all the ghosts she has seen, no one can compare with Shen Jian in terms of appearance.


Shen Jian helped her twice.

It would be a lie to say that she was not touched in her heart.

It could be said that she could never find a more perfect person than Shen Jian.

In this regard, she was even a little jealous of her sister.

after all.

It was Shen Jian who launched an offensive against his sister, rather than her sister finding a pretty boy to hide herself by chance.

The two have completely different meanings.

The former shows that her sister is more charming than her.

The latter can only be considered lucky for my sister.

to this end.

She was a little dissatisfied.

With this taboo thought in mind, he went to the medical center where his sister lived and took advantage of the injury to stay there.

Start executing her plan.


Until I almost suffocate.

The two are separated.

Ghost Professor Su Rou's intellectual cheeks were unusually rosy and she breathed heavily.

He looked at Shen Jian with a hint of charm between his brows.

It makes people want to execute him on the spot.

She is just like an OL girl with glasses who seduces people into committing crimes.

Or a well-known professor.

The blessings brought by these identities are hardly inferior to those of the widow Su Zhi.

Little husband, what do you mean?

Ghost Professor Su Rou said with a rosy face.

Although she chose to start the project, Shen Jian's initiative really exceeded her expectations.

She mistakenly underestimated Shen Jian's courage.

As a result, the initiative was lost in the early stages of the experiment.

She didn't expect to give her kiss so soon.

According to the original plan, she should start with seduction first, and let Shen Jian's attention slowly shift from her sister to her.

Then gradually relax restrictions.

She completely made this man fall for her.

Be her person.

However, Shen Jian's boldness caused her plan to go awry from the beginning.


She deliberately said angrily: If I tell my sister about this, you will be kicked out.

Hear this.

Shen Jian looked as usual.

He has seen this skill of raking down and raking away many times.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

He leaned into her ear and said, If you want to refuse, why did you respond to me enthusiastically just now?

Ghost Professor Su Rou:...

Damn it.

As expected, the progress was too fast and I was caught.

But it doesn’t matter.

Anyway, the ultimate plan is to steal my sister’s man.

She just needs to let this man surrender under her skirt, which can also satisfy the taboo thoughts she has always had.

See this.

The intellectual female professor whispered: Do you know a class I once taught?

Her delicate hand slid down Shen Jian's chest.

what class?

This course is that reason and morality are the most vulnerable in the face of desire. Do you think I am right?

Shen Jian was also not to be outdone.

in response to her bold demeanor.

I haven't studied this, but you are an ideological and political teacher, so what you say should be right, just like... now.

Shen Jian never pretended to be a gentleman when it came to this free professor.

on the sofa.

The two of them were inseparable.


The beautiful woman walked out of the kitchen carrying the dishes.

You two...why are you sitting so far away?

Su Zhi looked at the two people sitting on opposite sides of each other strangely, looking a little nervous.

Also, Su Rou, this is not your home. There are other men here. Can you put your clothes on? You are still a professor. Don't teach others bad things.

Hearing his sister's voice.

There was a faint blush on Su Rou's face. She looked down at the white shirt with three buttons unbuttoned, and hurriedly buttoned it up.

He glanced at Shen Jian secretly from the corner of his eye.

An inexplicable strangeness came to her.

Shen Jian was relaxed.

No matter how courageous Su Rou was, she would not dare to touch his clothes in this situation.

Aunt Zhi, let me help you carry it.

Shen Jian took a few glances.

Immediately went up to help.

Although he didn't know the purpose of the protagonist's aunt, he could clearly feel that the reason why Su Rou did this was related to Su Zhi, her sister.

The ideological and moral standards on the favorability panel are extremely low. It probably refers to knowing that my sister is having an affair with someone, but still choosing to stick to her and compete with her for a man.


If he wanted this intellectual female professor to continue giving him free money, all he had to do was continue to have an affair with Su Zhi.

When he thinks that he can be with the protagonist's mother and the protagonist's aunt at the same time...

Shen Jian's heart skipped a beat.

The strange color in his eyes deepened.

the other side.

Temple of Heaven.

Wang Lan, who newly joined the Intelligence Department, looked at the latest information in his hand and chose to report it to the palace master.

She did not choose to report it at all levels, but bypassed everyone and directly contacted the founder of the Shangtian Temple, Lin Yan, the protagonist of the copy of the movie here.


The top floor of a building.

A golden ghost realm spreads across the sky.

next moment.

The protagonist Lin Yan appears here.

He looked at Wang Lan in front of him and said in a very unkind tone: You are new here. You should know the seriousness of reporting beyond the level. If the value of the information is not worth the punishment, you know the consequences.

Yes. Wang Lan said neither humble nor arrogantly: I have received the latest information, sir. I think I have completed the mission you issued about the behind-the-scenes instructions behind the supernatural game APP.

that's all?

Lin Yan's face turned cold.

There was a sinister look on that face that was not handsome but very attractive.

Do you think I haven't paid attention to the intelligence? If that were the case, you would have been carried out lying down today.

Sir, the supernatural game APP has been dismantled. Starting today, this game will completely disappear.

Wang Lan still said calmly.


Lin Yan was startled.

He originally wanted to let the Celestial Temple collect information and then dismantle the source behind it.

Unexpectedly, the mission just issued a few days ago was told today that the source behind the supernatural game had been disintegrated?

This is not a joke.

Besides him, who else in Wutong City has such ability?

Could it be Yin Cao?

But isn’t this supernatural game APP from Yincao?

At this moment.

The protagonist is confused.

He also learned from the parchment prediction last night that the mastermind behind the supernatural game was the Yin Cao Organization. Unexpectedly, he was stillborn before he started taking action.

It felt like God had played a short-term joke on him.

what do you know?

Lin Yan said suspiciously.

A newcomer who has just joined the Intelligence Department of the Temple of Heaven, and has the lowest level of terror, the red-coat level. How can a person of this level know about this matter before he, the master of the temple?

Sir, I have an informant. She is a participant in the supernatural game. She told me today that the supernatural game has been shut down and the APP software has disappeared. She also told me that this matter is related to the latest rumor from Scarlet University. Something to do with ogres.”

Wang Lan prepared the draft and explained.

This she, of course, refers to the gray female ghost.

But the source of her information was from Qi Shan.

This is unclear.

Telling her clearly would only harm her teammates, so she chose to hide it.


Yes, according to the information from Scarlet University last night, I have reason to suspect that the ogre, in the process of foraging for food, accidentally solved the source ghost of the supernatural game APP hidden in Scarlet University, and also obtained source code.

Hear the words.

The protagonist is lost in thought.

His face became more solemn.

This most bizarre ogre is actually so terrifying.

As the number one enemy of Yin Cao and the master of the Temple of Heaven, he knew clearly that the one who could be entrusted with such an important task must be a top ghost king at the judge level.

The top ghost king of this level actually died in the hands of the ogre.

This is amazing.

He speculated that in terms of terror level, the ogres were no worse than him.

Coupled with the shameless skill of restarting the ghost realm, maybe... he is no match for the ogre.

Think of this.

Lin Yan's cynical face showed a huge sense of crisis.

He had always thought that except for the palace master of the Yin Cao Organization, there was nothing he could fear in Wutong City. Unexpectedly, not long after that, a strange ogre that he had never heard of appeared.

Its restaurant location is also located at Scarlet University.

His fiancée is over there.

Such a potential threat is too deadly.

He must be eradicated as soon as possible.

The Ghost Realm can't be restrained when it restarts, so it can only be killed in one go through strength that far exceeds that of the top Ghost King.


At least ghost level is required.

Think of this.

Lin Yan knew that it might be time for him to go out and improve himself.


He came to his senses.

Very good. This information is very important. Your choice is correct. What do you need?

Wang Lan was delighted: Sir, I need permission to read all the information on the Temple of Heaven. I want to investigate the Yin Cao organization.

This investigation was naturally not prepared for her.

But for Shen Jian.

Ever since she learned that Shen Jian had completed plot tasks by himself and created a strange ogre, she knew that Shen Jian had the ability to clear the dungeon by himself.

Under this situation, the only way she could participate in the mission, become familiar with Shen Jian, and maintain a relationship was to prepare various materials and intelligence.

And this is inseparable from the intelligence gathering capabilities of the Temple of Heaven.


Wang Lan left the top floor.

His face lit up with joy.

Using the first-hand information between players, she successfully gained the attention of the protagonist and gained the authority to use the intelligence gathering capabilities of the Temple of Heaven. In this case, she is not just a salty fish who can only call 666.

The first thing she needs to do is to quickly go through all the information about the battle between the Temple of Heaven and Yincao. She needs this.

Because she felt that Shen Jian would not stick to the rules, let alone wait for the protagonist to advance to the level of ghost and god before attacking Yin Cao.

By then.

She is undoubtedly the right-hand man who can provide information.

at the same time.

The protagonist Lin Yan watched Wang Lan leave and began to take action.

There are not many abyss-level ghosts in Beicheng District, and he has basically packed them all up. If you want to improve yourself, you can only go to other districts.

some of.

The east city area is undoubtedly the best choice.

Think of this.

He remembered another piece of information.

Since the founding of the Heavenly Temple, he has searched for the whereabouts of his biological parents.

Found it not long ago.

The location is a small clinic in XC District.

It's called Su's Medical Center.

According to the intelligence, there is a female ghost doctor known as the holy hand that heals the heart there, who is his biological mother.

At the same time, the most beautiful professor at Scarlet University is probably his aunt.

And he is now the master of the Heavenly Temple, and he is a top ghost king himself. If he goes back, it can be regarded as a glorious homecoming.


It's time for him to find a chance to get to know his mother.

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