Chapter 623 Auntie, you are so beautiful...

at the same time.

Outside the bookstore.

Wang Lan grabbed the notebook in his hand and looked around nervously.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the sack on the side.

I just feel my scalp is numb.

If she had read correctly before, this sack should be filled with ghost kings.

There are also two abyss-level ghost kings among them.

Once these ghost kings are allowed to come out, not to mention a group of players, even two five-star players will die here.


Shen Jian caught them all.

She was standing outside the coffee shop and saw clearly that Shen Jian took out a ghost weapon to intimidate the ghosts, and then used some method to make the ghost kings willingly enter the sack without any effort. The force of blowing dust came out.

When has she ever seen such a scene?

It’s all incredible.

She didn't understand at all what method Shen Jian used to make a group of ghost kings trust him so much.

Think of this.

Wang Lan looked at the notebook in his hand.

Since arriving at the bookstore, there are no more prophetic words in the notebook, as if it has completely lost its supernatural effect.

Such a discovery also made her feel incredible.

According to what she observed at the beginning, the supernatural effect of this prophetic ghost will last until the death of the victim. Even if something unexpected happens, it will end with she survived.

Just like her time.

However, this time, the supernatural power of the precognitive ghost disappeared for no reason.

Based on the unusual lines of text that appeared at the end of the notebook, she suspected that this bookstore was the location of the precognitive ghost.

at this time.

Someone sent a new message in the chat interface.

[Liancheng: @Sister Lan, how are you doing over there? According to what other players said, the precognitive ghost's power failed for the third time, and it was all related to King Yama. What did you find at the scene? 】

See this.

Wang Lan pondered.

This is a private message.

And she is an ally with the player whose ID is [Liancheng].

They had known each other several times before in the movie. Because they were both ghost masters, they naturally joined forces to overcome difficulties together. Moreover, as an executive of a large company, she has a clear understanding of people's hearts. She can It was obvious that this male player was interested in pursuing her.

Before, she might have agreed.

But now, she doesn't want to.

If she wanted to find someone, she would naturally look for someone like Shen Jian.

She believed that with her charm and active offensive, Shen Jian would be fascinated soon.


She replied perfunctorily.

[Sister Lan: He is very strong...]

[Liancheng:? 】

Of course I know he is very strong. How can he reach level 58 if he is not strong? But a level 58 player cannot survive in a supernatural land full of ghost kings, and it will cause him to suffer over and over again. The supernatural failure of foreseeing ghosts.

This is the crux of the matter.

What you said is so strong, it's just nonsense.

[Liancheng: What I mean is, does he have any special props or items on him? You also know my supernatural power. I can target anyone and steal an item from the other person. If it is something that can run rampant in the dungeon I can steal the supernatural item and let's clear the dungeon. 】

[Sister Lan: It’s best not to, otherwise I won’t be able to protect you. 】

[Sister Lan: Stop talking, he’s out. 】

Wang Lan closed the chat interface.

Shaked his head.

Don't say that she really didn't understand Shen Jian's methods. Even if she did, she wouldn't suggest that the other party activate his supernatural powers to steal. After all, in her opinion, Shen Jian used hard power to conquer the evil spirits. Once he was noticed, If someone uses supernatural powers on him, they will definitely fight to the death.

I just hope that his ally will listen to his advice.

Just thinking about it.

Shen Jian walked out of the bookstore.

Behind him was a well-dressed fierce ghost with a strong bookish aura.

at once.

Wang Lan's scalp felt numb.

Because she realized that this ghost was the King of Ghosts.

And the parchment in the other person's hand made her immediately think that this was the prophetic ghost.

Don't be nervous, we're on our own.

Shen Jian waved his hand and said calmly.

Wang Lan:?

She was stunned.

One of our own? !

Damn it.

After convincing people with virtue, you developed a routine to turn ghosts into your own?

Could it be that he was beaten again?

she muttered.

He became more and more curious about Shen Jian's strength.

Even a five-star player can't do this.

If you want to turn a ghost king into one of your own, first of all, your own supernatural strength cannot be weaker than the abyss level, or even the abyss level.

after all.

Although they are ghost masters, they are still human beings. As humans, they will have flaws, they will slack off, and they will die if they are attacked.

Even if you have the strength to crush the Ghost King, you would not dare to keep a Ghost King next to you, because it is undoubtedly an extra time bomb.

However, in Shen Jian's eyes, there seemed to be no such concerns.

A feeling of calm and calm.

The desire to explore in her eyes became stronger.

Although a woman's curiosity about a man is the beginning of her downfall, she doesn't care.


Lucky Ghost, who followed Shen to exercise, seemed to have noticed something.

The parchment roll in his hand began to move.

The black writing continues to write.

My name is Wang Lan. When you read this sentence, I am still alive...

I am very lucky. My life was saved by the great earth...the great Him. This will be the most glorious moment in my life. I have a connection with the supreme Him.

For this reason, I am very curious about everything about Him.

“I want to know Him, pursue Him, have Him think about me, surrender to me.”

When I write this.

The parchment seemed to be disgusted.

No longer activate supernatural powers.

Instead, write it yourself.



It is also this moment.

The whole place fell silent.

Shen Jian:......

Lucky Ghost:......

Wang Lan:? ! !

Her cheeks turned red little by little as she looked at the words that continued to appear on the parchment.

A strong sense of shame came over me.

Make her feel ashamed.


She opened her mouth to say something, but the words were stuck in her throat and she still couldn't speak out. She was so embarrassed that she almost left the three rooms and one living room.

Damn it.

You are a precognitive ghost. You don’t predict other people’s death situations, but you predict my psychological construction activities?

You are a dog.

So inhuman.

If I can't beat you, I'll let you see how thick the soles of my size 36 high heels are today.

See this scene.

The lucky ghost couldn't help but laugh.

Finally, someone like him experienced this sense of shame.

Fortunately, Shen Jian was the only one present when he spoke. Otherwise, he would not have been able to imagine himself saying dog-licking quotes when outsiders were around.

the other side.

Shen Jian raised his brows, glanced at Wang Lan, who had his head lowered in intense shame, and was so embarrassed that he was holding the house on the ground, and glanced at the parchment.

Don't use supernatural powers in messy places. If you are free, find out the number of moneyless ghosts in this copy for me. I can use them.

Hear the command.

The parchment reacted again.

This time, it was Lucky Ghost's turn to panic.

Because every time he answered Shen Jian's question, Parchment would reply through his mouth.

No, don't.

The lucky ghost howled.

next second

He spoke uncontrollably:


Great, sacred and lofty master, your words are like the shining sun and golden words. Everything you think and speak is the supreme oracle. For me, who is so small and humble, to be able to listen to this oracle is the greatest honor of my life...

The lucky ghost uttered devout praise that welled up from deep in his heart.


The lucky ghost lies helplessly in the shadows, crawling darkly like a maggot. This world should be destroyed.

Wang Lan:......

She was dumbfounded.

Is there anyone in this world who licks so much? !


This level of outrageousness is comparable to that of a licking dog trying to find a boyfriend for a goddess.


How did you overcome your shame and say this string of words?

Compared to you, this is too normal for me.

After such a comparison, Wang Lan suddenly felt much better.

She just wants to pursue Shen Jian, unlike this prophetic ghost, who is a mad and stubborn licker.

See this scene.

Shen Jian supported his forehead.

His decision turned out to be the right one.

If he let the parchment follow him, he might have to go to the toilet.

With this thought.

Shen Jian turned and left.

Leaving behind the parchment with big eyes and small eyes and the lucky ghost.

at the same time.

Shen Jian returned to Su's Medical Center quietly.

at this time.

It was almost three o'clock in the morning.

He soon noticed that the protagonist's mother in the next room was tossing and turning.

My mood is even more ups and downs.

To this.

Shen Jian was not surprised.

I wonder which woman who has just experienced something like that can still fall asleep carelessly.


He lives next door and is a strong young man. There is only a wall between them.

The beautiful woman's reaction was normal.

Think about it.

Shen Jian shouted in a low voice: Aunt Zhi, are you asleep?

a long time.

no response.

There was dead silence in the room.

As if already asleep.

But for Shen Jian, he could detect even the smallest breath or heartbeat.

He could tell that the beautiful woman was opening her eyes now, wondering what he wanted to say.


Shen Jian was talking to himself, and the words of ghosts and gods were also effective.

Aunt Zhi, you are so beautiful. Not only are you beautiful, but you are also kind-hearted. You saved me, but I fell in love with you.... I really deserve to die. I don't deserve your treatment.

I will leave here tomorrow because I have no shame in staying any longer. Thank you Aunt Zhi for everything you did for me today. I will never forget what happened today.

Also, I want to say, Aunt Zhi, you are really beautiful. I was stunned when I was eating.

Shen Jian opened his mouth and came.

Under the influence of the clerical ability of Words of Ghosts and Gods, his words became more and more sincere.

Especially when the other party cannot see his eyes or face, just listening to his voice is like a person repenting, regretting that he has blasphemed the angel in white in his mind, and blaming himself for this.

I can only take advantage of the opportunity to speak my inner monologue alone when no one can hear me.

Another bedroom.

Ghost doctor Su Zhi was lying on the bed, eyes wide open, listening to Shen Jian's murmurs full of self-blame.

While feeling ashamed, I also had a different and wonderful feeling in my heart.

She really didn't expect that Shen Jian would confess to her face to face.

Although this sounds more like a little boy hiding a little secret in his heart that he dare not tell.

after all.

Shen Jian didn't know she was awake.

Although these words were spoken to her, they were more like a muttered expression.

Is she really that attractive?

How could she be fascinated by such a handsome young man whom she had just met less than a day ago?

For a while.

Her face is a little rosy...

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