Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 624 You need to trim your nails, otherwise you will hurt yourself

The next day.

Shen Jian was making the bed, as if he didn't intend to stay there any longer.


At this time.

The door opened.

A beautiful woman stood at the door, wearing a long-sleeved one-piece dress with the skirt hanging down to her ankles. She covered her hot figure tightly and at the same time, exposed her best parts without leaving any trace. One side is displayed.

This is the style of a beautiful woman.

They no longer need to show off their beauty through overly revealing clothes. Even in home clothes, they can look like mature women.

If you dress it up again, its style will be even more swaying.

Shen Jian saw it.

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes.

It seems that the monologue under the words of ghosts and gods has a very obvious effect.

Last night, he deliberately started by blaming himself to express his feelings. Although it was just an unintentional attempt, this self-talk, which is analogous to confession, has a poisonous effect on this kind of beautiful women.

Especially when the other party has a certain liking for him. The lethality is even greater.


Shen Jian pretended to be flustered and said:

Aunt Zhi, it's just early morning, why are you awake?

See this.

There was something strange in the beautiful woman's eyes.

Her delicate beautiful eyes glanced at Shen Jian angrily.

The reason why she knew so accurately that Shen Jian was leaving was because of his upsetting confessions last night.

These words, like a depth charge, caused huge waves in her peaceful and comfortable life.

She never thought that even though she was already a mother of a child, she could still attract a young man like Shen Jian.

She was so praised that she began to suspect that no one had followed her over the years. It was not that she was unattractive, but that others were blind.

It can be said.

Shen Jian's words did make her feel some inexplicable feelings in her heart.

So much so.

When she listened to Shen Jian's monologue last night, her palms began to move unconsciously...

Fortunately, she is a doctor and has developed a good habit of cutting her nails once a day. Otherwise, she would be afraid of hurting herself even if she wanted to do it.

Think of this.

The beautiful woman's face turned slightly red.

Then he looked at Shen Jian and said angrily: I should be asking you this, why are you, a wounded patient, awake so early?

She did not ask what to do with Shen Jian's condition after he left, because this would reveal the little secret hidden in this little man's heart. In this case, Shen Jian would definitely be more determined to leave out of shame.

to this end.

She decided to take a soft approach.

Aunt Zhi, I think... I'd better not stay and cause trouble for you.

Shen Jian opened his mouth.

The words of ghosts and gods are activated.

No! Su Zhi refused with a serious face, Before your injury is healed, as your attending doctor, I will never allow you to leave without permission.

But, my injury won't heal for a while. If something like yesterday happens, I have to trouble Aunt Zhi. I...

Hear this.

Su Zhi blushed, obviously thinking of something, but seeing Shen Jian still wanting to leave, she gritted her teeth and said: I don't mind the trouble, you saved me, this is what I should do, not to mention you called Call me aunt and she will definitely help you, don't think too much.

Shen Jian blinked.

An imperceptible smile flashed across his face.

If the beautiful woman was still very resistant to helping him take a bath before, then after this time, it seemed more logical.


In daily life, through a little physical contact, you can lower the other party's defense line until she gets used to it.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's eyes moved.

[Ghost Doctor Su Zhi]

[Current status: Shy, conflicted, happy. 】

[Favorability: 63 (ambiguous)]

See this.

Shen Jian hesitated and said, Okay then.

Don't lie to me, Aunt Zhi. If you still want to leave, you must tell her and she will help you.

The beautiful woman smiled warmly.

Okay, now that you're up, let me help you check your condition. You should not be an ordinary red-shirted person. I saw your condition yesterday. The supernatural toxin entered your body and the yin energy dissipated quickly. This proves that you have been infected. It’s been a long time since you’ve used supernatural toxins. In this case, you can still use the Ghost Realm, which is not something that a normal red-clad ghost can do.”


The beautiful woman checked on Shen Jian again.

Shen Jian didn't hide it either: Aunt Zhi's miraculous doctor has a wonderful plan.

Hmph, I don't know what happened to you to make the other party use such vicious supernatural poison on you, but I think it is definitely extremely dangerous. I promise, don't be reckless until you fully recover.

Su Zhi said worriedly.

The stronger Shen Jian is, the greater the crisis he encounters, and the terror of the enemy is beyond her imagination. She is just a woman. Although she has medical skills, she is obviously not at the level where others can give her face.

There's nothing I can do to help.

We can only dissuade Shen Jian from being reckless when encountering problems.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

He looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with burning eyes.

Su Zhi also noticed Shen Jian's fiery gaze. She was a little confused and shy in her eyes. After all, after knowing Shen Jian's little thoughts from last night, she knew that the little boy in front of her had other thoughts about her.

But she comforted herself that Shen Jian had little experience and had not seen many good girls before he had thoughts about an old woman like her. As long as Shen Jian was exposed to more young and beautiful girls, his attention would be transfer.

He would no longer be interested in a widow like her whose sons had grown up.

Xiao Shen, after dinner, you come down to the medical center. It's not good to stay up there all the time.

Just do it.

Su Zhi immediately decided to let Shen Jian meet more girls.

Although her medical clinic is not a big clinic, there are not many visitors every day, especially female college students from ghost schools. Many come here for medical treatment.

Finding one for Shen Jian shouldn't be a problem.


After breakfast.

Shen Jian followed Su Zhi to the medical clinic. He basically sat at the door and greeted patients when they came.

It's quite leisurely.

Those who come to the small clinic for medical treatment are not seriously ill. With the medical skills of the protagonist's mother who is close to a famous doctor, it will not take long for them to be cured.

that's all.

Shen Jian stayed here for the next few days.

He did nothing but chatted with Su Zhi in a polite manner. As time went by, the relationship between the two made full progress.

Now he can say some ambiguous words to the protagonist's mother.


He would always rub the beautiful woman's shoulder intentionally or unintentionally, or when the beautiful woman asked him what type of girl he liked, he would reply that he liked Aunt Zhi.

When the two of them stayed on the same sofa, they no longer felt the discomfort they felt before.

Shen Jian could clearly detect that this beautiful woman was becoming more and more relaxed and less vigilant towards him. Sometimes she would just call him while wearing patterned hollow pajamas.

This clearly goes beyond the patient-to-patient relationship.

Their relationship is more like close friends of both sexes.

Su Zhi also noticed this development, but her attitude was a little contradictory and confused.

On the one hand, Shen Jian's appearance filled the void of her boring, endless, ordinary life for more than ten years, made her life ups and downs, and made up for her longing for her son.

On the other hand, acting like this in front of a boy who has small thoughts about her, she was afraid that Shen Jian would lose control and do something that would affect their relationship.

This contradiction made it difficult for her to let go.

To this.

Shen Jian was not in a hurry, but worked slowly and carefully.

When dealing with a very independent widow like the protagonist's mother, being too eager will scare them away, while being too slow will make them calm down and rethink their relationship.

The degree here must be grasped well.

Just like sand, you cannot hold it with a strong grip.

But if you put a little water on it, you can shape it into whatever shape you want.

He looked forward to the day of shaping sand into various shapes.

Shen Jian smiled.

Have a plan in mind.

this day.

Shen Jian was guarding the door as usual.

Several female college students rushed over and called for the doctor.

The leader, Shen Jian, knew the man he had saved from the robbers before.

Full of youth and girlishness.

Apart from the fact that his face is a bit pale and he likes to walk with his head in his hands, he is really good.

I heard from Aunt Zhi that the other party was a flower.

I wanted to introduce him to him before.

What's wrong?

Su Zhi hurriedly ran out. The white coat was put on her body, covering her figure, but it could not block her impressive size.

Doctor Su, my friend suddenly collapsed for some reason.

The head-holding female ghost lifted out a female ghost with a pale face and gray skin behind her.

Su Zhi frowned.

He fell down for no reason, it wasn't a death, and there was no dissipation of Yin Qi, so it could only be a supernatural attack.

Did she offend anyone?

No, and we were walking on the road at the time. If someone planned to attack us, we wouldn't have noticed it at all. But it wasn't until she fell that we realized something was wrong.

By the way, this is her cell phone. She was looking at it, and then her face changed.

A female college student said nervously.

Su Zhi took it and looked at it, wondering: Supernatural... game?

Dr. Su, haven't you heard of it? This game is very popular recently. Almost everyone at Scarlet University plays it. It is said that every time a level is passed, a large amount of horror coins will be awarded. If you can clear all the levels, you can achieve it. A wish of the passer.”

Hear this.

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.

Scarlet University is the school where the protagonist is.

It is also the main scene of this movie copy.

The protagonist's downhill life begins when Scarlet University protects his fiancée, the campus beauty.

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