this moment.

The world turned scarlet.

A slender figure suddenly appeared in the bookstore.

Lucky Ghost raised his head, and just by looking at it, he couldn't help feeling palpitations in his heart.

It felt like someone was standing on the starry sky, overlooking the sun, moon and stars, sitting and watching the starry sky flow and the stars and rivers reverse. A feeling of weakness all over his body, as if all his ambitions were meaningless, came to his heart.

Is this an existence whose name is not even dared to be praised on parchment and can only be replaced with an asterisk?


Why does he, a human being, have such power?

At this moment.

Lucky Ghost couldn't figure it out and his mind fell into a daze.

He couldn't imagine that weak humans could possess such power.

Even the world-weary ghosts and gods who created this supernatural world, Parchment dared to call him by his real name without any hint of cowardice. However, when tracing the identity of this human being, Parchment changed his mind. Not only did he sell him, but he also took him seriously. Started licking the dog.

Did he forget that he had provoked this human being before?

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Originally, he had no doubts about the quality of Parchment. Even if the other party was so narcissistic that he called himself The Great Master Parchment, he never felt anything was wrong.

after all.

Predicting the death of others, interfering with the fate of others, and affecting the lives of others are all enough to prove the horror of parchment.

In his opinion.

The supernatural power of parchment is definitely higher than that of ghosts and gods.

but now……

The great Lord Parchment has turned into a humble little paper boy.

This stark contrast made him realize that in Parchment's heart, this human being was more terrifying than world-weary ghosts and gods.

Think of this.

The lucky ghost looked uncertain.

I wanted to resist, but I was completely powerless.

He knew that he could not keep the parchment.

the other side.

Shen Jian appeared inside the bookstore.

At first glance, I saw a well-dressed lucky guy who looked like a decadent failed scholar.

A few waves flashed in his eyes.

The 5% share of dragon energy he felt was in this ghost.

And the black writing that keeps appearing in the opponent's hand, like the parchment made of scrolls, should be the precognitive ghost in the player's mouth.

at this point.

Shen Jian really didn't expect it.

He originally thought that the precognitive ghost was a special ghost with the ability to move, but he didn't expect that it was actually a parchment scroll.

The so-called dragon energy is not in him, but appears in an unrelated ghost king.

From this point of view, it is precisely because of this 5% share of dragon energy that the lucky ghost got the parchment, causing the current desolate situation in Nancheng District.

See this.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

He looked at the lucky ghost with indifferent eyes.

that moment.

The lucky ghost only feels that death is so close.

But he would rather die standing than die like a coward in the end.


He has no control over all this.

Suddenly, an inexplicable emotion surged into his heart.

He couldn't help but whisper, with deep respect.

Great Lord of the Underworld, Lord of the Underworld, your arrival brings billions of rays of light, so dazzling and bright.

Where you are is the order of the underworld, and the place you pass is the land of grace, the hometown of ghosts, and the legendary Garden of Eden.

Only you, and only you, can sweep away the filth in the world...

The words have not yet finished.

Lucky Ghost's eyes widened and he covered his mouth tightly.

Just now.

Is the parchment controlling his body and talking?

Does he still have such ability?


You licked it too much.

To say you are a licker is an understatement.

You're such a proper pug.

Still wagging his tail.


If you want to flatter me, write on the fucking parchment, what are you doing with my body?

Those who didn’t know, thought it was me licking them.

The lucky guy who was shocked by this sudden word of dog-licking didn't know what to say at this moment.

He glanced at Shen Jian out of the corner of his eye.

I also wrote down what the parchment was called just now.

Lord of the underworld, Lord of the underworld.

Is this the name that the parchments at that time did not dare to write?

What are the first three asterisks?

heard this title.

Shen Jian was also slightly startled.

The interest in his eyes became even stronger.

This parchment once again exceeded his expectations.

His precognitive powers can actually trace his identity as the Lord of the Underworld.

It is a complete fantasy for a mere fierce ghost to achieve this.


Shen Jian's eyes became serious.

He glanced at the parchment again.

The surprise in his eyes deepened.

You are very special. You carry with you the aura of the true spirit of Taisha Liangshi Zongtian Palace, one of Luo Fengtian.

Speaking of which.

Shen Jian had some enlightenment.

Ordinary ghosts cannot trace his identity, but Luo Fengtian is originally a part of the underworld, and the status of Luo Feng's six-day master spirit in the underworld is much higher than that of a normal city god. His power may not be as powerful as the Ten Palaces of Yama, but In terms of status, he is on the same level as the King of Hell.

It is indeed possible for such a being to find out his identity through his breath.

However, is Luo Fengtian’s master spirit still alive?

Shen Jian's eyes narrowed slightly.

The one who dominates Luo Fengtian is the Five Directions Ghost Emperor.

But according to Zhang Zhong, the City God of the mythical period, changes occurred in the underworld at that time. The Great Emperor of Fengdu, the Ghost Emperor of the Five Directions, and the King of Hell of the Ten Palaces all disappeared together with the broken six paths of reincarnation and the eighteen levels of hell. The entire underworld was completely missing.

But today, he actually sensed the aura of one of Luo Fengtian's master spirits.

If we say that the Five Directions Ghost Emperor is Luo Fengtian's actual manager.

The true master spirit was conceived by Luo Fengtian himself, and was similar to a weapon spirit.

Luo Fengtian still exists, so it is not surprising that there is still a trace of the power of the true master spirit.

Shen Jian pondered for a moment and had the answer in his heart.


The lucky ghost on the side watched eagerly.

He didn't know what Lord of the Underworld meant, but he had heard of the name, but it had to be preceded by the word Yin Cao.

The underworld.


What he knows is the evil organization that exists in this supernatural world, Yin Cao.

Because of this, he stared at the conversation between Shen Jian and Parchment, not knowing what to do.


He didn't know what to say, someone would say it for him.

Lucky Ghost didn't want to open his mouth, for fear that he would say similar dog-licking remarks again, but he could only watch his mouth open involuntarily, and let out a sound of praise from the inside out:

Great Lord of the Underworld, all the truth is so clear in your eyes, and all the lies in the world cannot escape your eyes of true knowledge like the blazing sun.

As the great you said, I am just a supernatural being with a little breath of the true spirit of Taisha Liangshi Sect's Heavenly Palace. For you, the most noble person in the world, I am so small and humble.

The lucky ghost is a praising person with a hopeless look on his face.

He finally understood that he did not even have equal rights in front of the parchment. Before the licking dog finished licking it, he was just a microphone.

The reason why the other party did not write directly on the parchment was probably because he felt that it would be a disrespectful act for him to respond to the Lord of the Underworld by writing.

Naturally, Lucky Ghost understood the meaning of the parchment.

That's what I thought.

Shen Jian stretched out his hand and grabbed the parchment.


He made sure of it.

It was indeed the remaining aura of Luo Fengtian's true spirit.

From the parchment, he sensed that the true master spirit had dissipated, and the parchment was the last supernatural thing that carried the aura of the true spirit of Taisha Liangshi Sect's Heavenly Palace.

No wonder it has such special supernatural strength.

I see.

There was some emotion in Shen Jian's eyes.

What kind of disaster did the underworld encounter back then?

Even the true master spirit was wiped out.

Just thinking about it.

More black writing appeared on the parchment, and Lucky Ghost also discovered that as the black writing was being written, he also spoke out simultaneously:

It is the greatest honor of my life to be able to fall into the hands of the great Lord of the Underworld and feel the warmth as cold as the abyss of hell.

Shen Jian:......

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Although it felt good to be complimented, the parchment was indeed too licking, which made him a little unbearable.

Okay, don't talk to me in this tone.

Shen Jian waved his hand.

Asked: How did you get here? Did the world-weary ghosts and gods send you here?



Ahem, my parchment has nothing to do with that crazy woman. I came in because I foresaw that there would be an opportunity for me to be reborn. But that crazy woman did know that I was here, and she planned to let her take a fancy to it. The disciple came to conquer me without even looking at who the great Master Parchment is, I only belong to the supreme Lord of the Underworld.

With the help of Lucky Ghost's voice, the parchment once again expressed its position.

To sum it up in one sentence: I am not familiar with her.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

He originally thought that the world-weary ghost god had obtained complete authority over Luo Fengtian and became the manager of the third Luo Fengtian, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Otherwise, Parchment would never have this attitude.


Shen Jian turned his attention to Lucky Ghost again.

You know he has one of Luo Fengtian's powers, right?

I know, that crazy woman dispersed the division authority of Zhou Jue Yin Tian Palace again and placed it on these people, preparing to wait for her favorite apprentice to absorb it.

Parchment said angrily:

How could Luo Fengtian's authority fall into the hands of others like this? This is a kind of blasphemy. That mad woman is so abominable. Great Lord of the Underworld, Lord of the Underworld, you must teach that mad woman a lesson and take back her authority. , let me, your humble servant, return to the embrace of the underworld and bathe in your grace.

Shen Jian glanced at the parchment.

Lucky Ghost shivered and quickly closed his mouth.

See this.

Shen Jian drew out the dragon energy from Lucky Ghost's body.

this moment.

Lucky Ghost regained control of himself.

Looking at the golden dragon that Shen Jian drew out of thin air, he showed a bit of melancholy.


All gone.

Not only was the parchment gone, but the so-called authority was also gone from his body.

This time, he really had nothing.

Shen Jian seemed to see what he was thinking.

Throwing the parchment back into his hand, he said casually: You keep this. I will come to you when I need to use it.

Lucky Ghost:?

parchment:? ? ?

Great Lord of the Underworld, have you given up on the insignificant me?

Don't think too much. Shen Jian interrupted: I have some very important things to do. If someone is around me, they will disturb me. When I need you, I will give you a chance to perform.


With this licking dog by his side, how could he attack the protagonist's mother?

He didn't want the parchment to say Don't be shameless when he was attacking the protagonist's mother. In that case, he might really want to use the parchment to hold the toilet.

(Another chapter was censored, alas)

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