Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 585: We can’t walk on dry roads, so we have to take water roads


This is a dark and damp basement.

When Shen Jian came here, he saw oriental faces with numb expressions.

Although he was not malnourished, he still looked like a zombie.

Forgive me, these people are tourists like you who came to Gallifrey, but as you know, this place is isolated from all electronic devices, and we have lost hope of going home. Fortunately, because there are no electronic devices, we live in No one will notice here at all, and I can go to the nearby shopping mall every day to bring back supplies, so my life... is quite peaceful.

Nie Yun sighed.

Invite Shen Jian and his party to sit down.

To be fair, the environment here is not bad.

It's almost like an underground billiards court.

Apart from being a bit cold and dark, it is still a good place to stay.

The reason for the deep twilight is simply because these people have lost the hope of going back and can only take root in a foreign country for the rest of their lives until they die.

This is heartbreaking.

What affects them is psychological pressure, not their living environment.

Brother, can we only stay here from now on, waiting for hope that has no deadline?

A woman in a floral skirt who was following Shen Jianjian said in a panic.

Shen Jian glanced at it.

He remembered that the long-haired woman was called Chu Qian. She was the calmest of the three women. She was also the one who keenly noticed the flaw in Nie Yun's words and was the first to question it.

at this time.

She has regarded Shen Jian as a life-saving straw. She doesn't trust anyone except Shen Jian who came with her.

Will not.

Shen Jian said calmly.

These words.

It attracted a lot of people's attention.

But seeing Shen Jian so young, the light in their eyes dimmed a lot, his mouth was hairless, and he was weak at work. This sentence is perfectly suitable to be used here.

Among the members of their Freemasonry, some have been here for more than a year, and some have just arrived for less than three months, but they know that unless the Dragon Kingdom officials find out and intervene, no one can save them.

Not long after.

Inside the office.

Nie Yun invited Shen Jian in.

In addition, there are Nie Yu and eleven scattered players.

Brother Shen, I'm sorry, I can't reveal your identity yet. After all, we don't know when Daxia Longque will realize that something has happened to you. Now tell everyone in the Freemasonry your news, in case Daxia Longque It took three and a half months for Que to know that the last string supporting their hearts would completely collapse.

Nie Yun explained.

Shen Jian nodded.

His current identity is that of an official who came here alone. In the eyes of these people, he does not have the ability to save people, so naturally he cannot announce the news hastily.

Otherwise, over time, there will be chaos.

This Nie Yun is quite capable of management.

Others also looked at Shen Jian one after another.

They are all horror game players, but they were forced to play here. Before that, they did not believe that there were ghosts in this world and such supernatural phenomena.

But Shen Jian is different.

The other party is an official and a horror game player who became a player in the Dragon Kingdom. According to Nie Yun, the other party is also suspected of being a ghost master, having personally forced a white-clad ghost to commit suicide.

That's a white-clothed level devil.

Killing people like hemp, you can wipe out their existence at will.

Except for Nie Yun, the other players in their Freemasons simply don't have the ability to compete with white-clothed ghosts.

With the addition of Shen Jian, the strength of their Freemasonry has been raised to a new level.

Think of this.

All of them had genuine smiles on their faces.

Immediately afterwards.

Nie Yun said in a deep voice: Brother Shen, do you still remember what I said before? Tomorrow, a copy of the thriller game will be opened here. The selection scope will be the entire Gallifrey. By then, everyone in Gallifrey will Human beings may be selected to start a new round of dungeon tests.

If you are unlucky enough to be selected, Brother Shen, remember to escape. This dungeon has been occupied by the Western Holy See. Their number is several times ours, and there are a large number of ghost masters from other places in the dungeon.

It is said that some of the Holy See's ghost masters have even controlled the three powerful ghost Jigsaw. They have terrifying strength comparable to that of the Ghost King. Once they are caught, they will kill them without hesitation.

There used to be thousands of people in the Freemasonry. The manager at that time was still my teacher. He controlled two fierce ghosts. But in a copy, he was killed and was wiped out without any resistance. The Freemasonry The members also died one after another, leaving only the current hundred or so people.

Hear this.

Everyone at the scene fell silent.

Fists clenched.

They were blocked here, complaining that the sky and the earth were not working, and that they were like prey trapped in a gladiatorial arena, being hunted by white and black players.

Humiliate as much as you like.

Not to mention their dignity as people of the Dragon Kingdom, even their lives, they couldn't save.

He can only hide here like a rat in the sewer.

All the bloodiness has lost its effect under the strange supernatural power.

Supernatural things don't make sense, various killing patterns, mortal curses, and supernatural props emerge in endlessly, and they have no chance of winning.

Just when the atmosphere became increasingly gloomy.

Shen Jian said coldly: What should I do if I can't choose?

Nie Yun:?

Nie Yu:? ?

A group of players:? ? ?

Hear this.

They were stunned.

The corners of his mouth twitched sharply.

God couldn't choose.

Wouldn't it be better not to be able to choose?

Entering a place where there are ghosts, white people, and black players everywhere, what they have to face is a state of being attacked from both sides. Of ten players entering the dungeon, it is a miracle that two of them survive, it is good luck to survive if one survives, and it is normal for all of them to die. .

They can't even avoid such a dangerous dungeon. Who can't think of entering it?


All the eyes of the audience fell on Shen Jianjian with different eyes.

Nie Yun was also surprised and said: Brother Shen, do you plan to go in? Did you already know that a copy would come here? Is your purpose to go in?

He responded quickly.

I figured something out immediately.

Breathing became rapid.

He might have guessed something wrong.

Shen Jian is indeed an official, but he is not insignificant, but someone with a certain status. Is he the so-called city person in charge?

Think of this.

His face turned red.

Can't be wrong.

Hearing that the dungeon was so dangerous, he still didn't give up the idea of ​​entering. The opponent was definitely a ghost controller at the level of a city leader.

Only in this way can one dare to explain why Shen Jian is not afraid of death.

Because he is the top ghost controller who controls the three powerful ghost puzzles.

Brother Shen, you, you are the person in charge of the city!?

Shen Jian nodded.

Nie Yun became even more excited.

A city official came here in person. Even if the officials didn't know what was going on here, they were definitely aware of something.

There is hope for them to get out of trouble.

See it.

Nie Yun immediately said: Brother, there are indeed other ways. I have heard those white players say that if this is a copy of the horror world, no one can enter except the participating players, but this is the real world. , the opening location of the dungeon is the pyramid.

According to the information I know, there is a bus station in Gallifrey that does not exist at all. There is a No. 300 bus that drives there in the early morning every day. Taking this bus can break the gap between reality and reality. This may be a way to create a virtual barrier.”

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

A bus that goes back and forth between reality and virtuality has the same effect as the ghost bus he took when he first entered the horror world of Nanjiang District.

Using this method, it is indeed possible to break into the copy.


If he remembered correctly, such a ghost bus was a vehicle used by ghosts, and there must be many ghosts on it who met the conditions for unlocking the beast path.

Catch them all and fill up the animal path.

Try to unlock the second six paths of reincarnation as soon as possible.

Think of this.

There was a hint of excitement on Shen Jian's face.

That night.

When the clock turns to 12 am.

A large number of scarlet panels descend on the town.

This indicates that a new round of game copies is about to begin.

Within the Freemasonry.

Cries and howls sounded.

Shen Jian looked around.

Six fellows were selected by the thriller game.

A scarlet panel appeared in front of him.

Among them was Chu Qian, one of the three little girls who came with him.

When she saw that she had been selected in the thriller game, Chu Qian's face immediately turned pale and her figure began to falter.

Brother, I have been selected. There is still half an hour left in the countdown. What should I do?

She grabbed Shen Jian's collar quite helplessly.

See it.

Shen Jian was a little envious.


It would be better to choose him.

He felt that this should be the reason for the maximum luck value attached to the dragon energy.

Fortunately, this danger is naturally avoided.

Hide, I will go too.

Shen Jian said without interest.

He ignored the others.

Instead, he came to Nie Yun's office.

It's a shame I wasn't chosen. Where is the bus stop?

Shen Jian said.

I'll take you there.

Nie Yun was silent for a few seconds, stood up, and said firmly.


Shen Jian was slightly startled and said with great interest: I plan to enter the dungeon. When you come with me, do you plan to enter the dungeon with me?

You are the person in charge of the city. You cannot die. If you die, we will have no hope at all. When it comes to understanding this copy, no one must be more familiar with it than me. Let me lead the way and you can avoid many dangers. .”

Nie Yun said sincerely.

See this.

Shen Jian said nothing more.

That's okay. As long as you're here, you'll know where there's danger.

Shen Jian turned and left.

Nie Yun:......

His mouth opened slightly.

Why did he feel that what Shen Jian said did not mean the same thing as what he said?

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