He skillfully opened the soul-binding bag, and the ghost rope also threw the body of the long-necked ghost into it at the same time.

The cooperation between the two was as smooth as if they were working on an assembly line in a factory.

Having reached the previous step but before completing it, he subconsciously made the next move.

See this scene.

The three little girls looked on in confusion.

I feel like my breathing is almost stagnant.

At this moment.

There were only two words left in their hearts.


This is called professionalism.

Killing, shrouding, one-stop service.

There's fucking help.

If such a scene were seen, I'm afraid no one would think that the long-necked ghost robbed him first. Instead, they would instinctively think that Shen Jian hijacked the driver in the car, ordered the other person to drive the car to a remote place, and then killed the person and hid the body. .


Which of you two is the robber?


As a human, why can you deal with ghosts?

Have today's ghost-catching masters evolved to this point?

The operation is efficient, the movements are concise, the words are sharp, the behavior is abnormal, it is breathtaking, and it is almost a textbook way to send the ghost away.

Compared with the long-necked ghost, this ghost catching master is more like a ghost, the kind that kills people like crazy and enjoys torture.

Think of this.

The three girls were about to cry.

The oldest woman with long hair in a floral skirt hesitated and said: Brother, you...are you a human being? Are you here to catch ghosts?

Shen Jian picked up the scalpel and Jie Jie laughed: What do you think?

The words fell.

The scalpel was thrown out.

Stabbed into a wall.

Come out, stop hiding. If you don't use this hiding technique, my ninety-year-old grandfather can find you.

Shen Jian said disgustedly.

Three girls:! ! !

Hear this.

They looked back sharply.

His face turned pale.

Is there anyone else here?

What happened just now has exceeded the psychological threshold of ordinary people.

He is a normal person and knows to run away at this time.

Those who dare to stay, except ghosts, can only be related personnel.

Either way, it's not good for them.

Because this is the scene of murder and corpse hiding.

No matter who comes, there will be misunderstanding.

this moment.

The atmosphere at the scene was silent for a few seconds.

Just when the three women felt that Shen Jian had made a mistake, a man and a woman came out from the corner of the street.

There were a handful of scars on the man's face, and around his eyes, the scars were in the shape of five fingers, as if he had been scratched by some large mammal.

The woman was extremely fragile and looked weak. She grabbed the man's collar and followed him cowardly, which made people feel a bit of macho protective desire.

People from the Dragon Kingdom?

Seeing the two of them, the three women were startled.

Yes, we are all fellow villagers. My name is Nie Yun, and she is my sister, her name is Nie Yu.

The scar-faced man Nie Yun forced a smile.

He looked at Shen Jian fearfully.

At that time, the scalpel pierced the wall, only 0.01 centimeters away from his eyes, and almost blinded him.

Nie Yun explained: Don't get me wrong, the reason why I snooped was because I wanted to save you, but I didn't expect...

He hesitated to speak.

Out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but glance at the various crime tools on the hood of the car.

Those are all ghost weapons.

And the quality is excellent.

Killing ghosts is fierce.

But at the same time, he couldn't afford to use every ghost weapon here.

From here it is enough to see that Shen Jian's identity is definitely not simple.


What he was even more afraid of was Shen Jian himself.

He quickly followed and witnessed the conversation between Shen Jian and the long-necked ghost, and couldn't help but shudder.

He never thought that the cruelty of human beings could make ghosts choose to commit suicide.

This is shocking.

In the past, only human beings were so frightened that they committed suicide under the threat of evil spirits. But today, the roles have been reversed.

He was very suspicious of what Shen Jian did to be so heartless and crazy.

Save us? Were you at the airport at that time? Or were you following us?


The woman in the floral skirt caught the loophole in his words and asked.

Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

It's a long story. Now take out your cell phone and see if there is no signal.

Hear this.

The three women looked suspicious. They picked up their mobile phones and saw that there was no signal.

There were even problems with the phone itself.

It's always distorted, like a TV malfunctioning.

What's going on? The card I just bought can be used at the airport.

This is lockdown.

At this time.

Nie Yu, who was following Nie Yun, also said timidly.

After entering Gallifrey, we were completely isolated from the world. Not only was the mobile phone unable to connect to the Internet, but there was also some kind of supernatural intrusion into the mobile phone, electronic equipment, and any modern communication equipment. After leaving the airport, Completely scrapped.”

In other words, even if we die here, no one will know.

Hear this.

The expressions of the three women changed drastically.

There is still a signal at the airport. Why don't you go to the airport and explain the situation?

Nie Yun's smile became even bitterer: Who do you think has so much energy to blockade the entire Gallifrey? This airport can only be entered, not exited. Once someone steps out of the airport and returns, they will disappear mysteriously, and you The taxi we took was at the airport. Who do you think this taxi belongs to?

As soon as these words came out.

The three women felt like they were struck by lightning.

The beauty faded.

Even his voice became trembling: Are you saying that the officials here are artificially blocking this place and sending people to kill us?

It's not that serious. If someone like you happens to encounter a ghost driver, it can only be said that you are very unlucky, otherwise you will just be robbed of your money.

Nie Yun explained: Of course, this is not because the other party is soft, but to feed the evil spirits in this town.

at this time.

The three women were completely frightened.

They just came to see the pyramids, why did they encounter such bizarre things.

They want to go home, not die in a foreign country without even finding their bodies.

Think of this.

They all looked at Shen Jian.

This little brother is a master of catching ghosts. With him around, no ghosts can be afraid.

Nie Yun also looked at Shen Jian.

After some hesitation, he asked: Are you... also a horror game player? I am also a player and a ghost controller. Are you an official member of the Dragon Kingdom?

Shen Jian said with great interest: Why do you think so?

Because you didn't come here to become a ghost master. As a ghost master, I have the most say in my physical condition, and Gallefrey's evaluation in Dragon Kingdom is just a tourist attraction, not at all. It’s worth a visit for ghost masters who don’t have much time left.”

Nie Yun said categorically: Moreover, you didn't react at all when I told you about the situation here. This means that you have known about the situation here for a long time, and you are here for this.

Shen Jian was noncommittal.

You could think so.

Hear this.

Nie Yun's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: Do those in the Dragon Kingdom already know about the situation here? Are you among the first to come over to investigate?

No, I came alone and did not notify Daxia Longque. Shen Jian shook his head.

how so……

The Qi Yi in Nie Yun's eyes immediately disappeared.

His expression fell silent.

But looking at Nie Yu's light poke behind him, he quickly adjusted his mood, It's funny, but this is still good news. We people are missing. Daxia Longque may not know, but an official People are missing, and Daxia Longque will investigate here sooner or later, and then we can get away.

Leave here with me. Gallifrey is not safe. We, the people of the Dragon Kingdom, are not only the targets of ghost hunting, but also the targets of white people and black people.

The three women looked at each other and Shen Jian.

Shen Jian was more casual.

Followed directly.

As he walked, he asked: What is your situation? Please tell me in detail.

Nie Yun explained: We are all members of Freemasonry. This is a small organization established by us Longguo people to help each other. It is to rescue fellow villagers who came here unexpectedly. Because of this, I will go all the way. Following you.

Shen Jian asked curiously: How many people are there in your Freemasonry? Are they all horror game players who only came here?

He wanted to know whether the chances of picking someone for this copy of Ghost and God were high.

Not many, only about a hundred people. Most of them are ordinary people. Only about ten are horror game players, like ghost masters. I am the only one in the entire Freemasonry.

Nie Yun shook his head.

You are very unlucky. In another day, it will be time to re-select people for the thriller game dungeon. Once selected, we people from the Dragon Kingdom will be unable to move. We can only hide and wait until the dungeon is over, because the Holy See cannot They will watch us pass the customs and become the dependents of the master of the pyramid.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

There are hundreds of people, more than ten horror game players, plus the number of people who died in the dungeon, the chance of being selected is quite high.

As for being hunted, this is all too common.

When he entered the Scarlet Monastery, he was also hostile to a dozen white players who wanted to kill him in the dungeon.

As for this copy of Cleopatra, once you clear the level, you can be selected by the ghosts and gods to become their vassals, and gain a trace of the ghosts and gods. If you truly serve, you may even need to use the power of the ghosts and gods to fend off enemies.

How could the Western Holy See allow Easterners to get involved with such a copy?

Think of this.

The interest in Shen Jian's eyes became even greater.

What he said to Qian Kuan at that time was not casual.

But I really plan to do this.

He wanted to know how the Western Holy See would attack him if he brought a pyramid back to the Dragon Kingdom.

Use your own power to fight against the Holy See, which combines all the resources of the West...

This thought came to Shen Jian's mind.

His eyes became deeper.

The color is ups and downs.

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