On the road.

Nie Yun introduced the situation of bus No. 300 to Shen Jian.

Brother, this bus No. 300 is very weird. It only appears around 12 o'clock in the morning and leaves around 12:30. Not long after I became a ghost master, I bumped into it while collecting supplies. This yellow bus.”

And there was an extra platform on the street that didn't exist in the real world. I was so shocked that I didn't dare to stay any longer and left in a hurry.

Before going back, I specifically investigated the situation of bus No. 300 and found that it was an abandoned bus that had crashed many years ago. That platform was also a scrap point.

According to the people in the small town of Gallifrey, the No. 300 bus is the transport vehicle of the desert god of death. It regularly transports lonely ghosts to the underworld. It is a vehicle that symbolizes the unknown.

Nie Yun narrated.

Try to be as detailed as possible.

Provide Shen Jian with more comprehensive information.

After that, I was selected to enter the horror game copy for the second time. With the experience of the first time, I successfully hid under the encirclement and suppression by three parties.

And they overheard the conversation between the two ghost masters. They said that the selection rules of the pyramid man were too casual. Every time he selected 100 people, he was lucky if 10 of them survived. For this reason, the Holy See has been thinking of other ways to enter the dungeon.

Bus No. 300 was one of the experiments, but for some unknown reason, the experiment was terminated. The Holy See crossed out the option of Bus No. 300.

Speaking of which.

Nie Yun looked at Shen Jian.

The experiment that forced the Holy See, the largest ghost control organization in the entire Western world, to terminate must be that the danger has far exceeded the limit.

He suspected that there was some secret hidden on the No. 300 bus, or some unknown danger, so that even the Holy See had to give up this option in the end.

It's a pity that just when I wanted to continue listening, the two ghost masters were discovered by the ghosts and ran away. Otherwise, I might have been able to overhear a safer way.

He sighed.

If Shen Jian hadn't deliberately asked and coupled with his status as the city leader, he would never have told the other party about such a dangerous supernatural place.

That is simply going to die.

Although he was shocked at first, it was this scare that made him see the scene on the No. 300 bus.

There is a person sitting in front of every car window.

To know.

It was 12 o'clock in the morning, so how could a bus be full of people?


That's not human.

In other words, the bus they are going to now is a ghost bus that seems to be full of ghosts.

Shen Jian said nothing.

Listen all the way.

It wasn't until Nie Yun finished speaking that he asked, Do you know the route of that ghost bus? Will it drive to the pyramid?

Nie Yun was silent for a while, then shook his head and said: I don't know, but I think it must have been something wrong, otherwise the tone of the two ghost masters at that time would never have been like that.

I think the reason why the Holy See gave up on this route is that, firstly, there are too many ghosts on the bus and the level of terror is not low; secondly, it is because it cannot change the route of the ghost bus.

A ghost bus that can only travel on a designated route, even if it has the supernatural power to break the boundary between reality and illusion, will have no effect on the Holy See. So I guess that the Holy See should have tried to change the route of the ghost bus, but something terrible happened.

Hear this.

Shen Jian's eyes showed a bit of surprise.

A new player who has only controlled one ghost and has never been to the horror world actually has such an opinion.

The underworld appreciates this kind of talent.

Looking at Nie Yun, Shen Jian's eyes narrowed slightly.

What's wrong? Brother Shen, is there something wrong with what I said?

Nie Yun hesitated.

Even though he is three or four years older than Shen Jian, in the ranks of ghost masters in the supernatural circle, Shen Jian is obviously further ahead than him, and can even be said to have far surpassed him.

What is the concept of a city leader?

That is a position that can only be held by the top ghost master in a city.

The status is equivalent to that of ancient princes.

While protecting the safety of a city, it also has the highest decision-making power.

Such a big shot was beyond the reach of a ghost master who only controlled one ghost.

Call me big brother, he won’t suffer.

It's nothing. What you said is basically the same as what I guessed.

Shen Jian said casually.

Conversation room.

The two of them were walking on the street.

The surroundings were pitch black, so quiet that even the rattle of mice was not heard. The cold air blew in, making Nie Yunji shiver.


A hundred meters away from them, a station appeared out of thin air.

The station was glowing with fluorescent green, looking shabby and shabby.

Outside the platform, a yellow bus was parked there. The paint had peeled off and even the license plate was crooked, looking like it had been scrapped.

However, the strange thing is that the fluorescent screen above the vehicle is still flashing.

The words Road 300 appeared.

right here.

Nie Yun was on guard, and when he was about to observe the situation first, he discovered...

Shen Jian had already walked straight over.

Totally heartless.

Nie Yun:?

He was a little stunned.

Damn it?

Don't you need to observe the situation?

How confident is a city manager-level ghost master in supernatural events?

This is a supernatural event that even the Holy See was defeated.

He could see clearly at the beginning that the two Western ghost masters, one was level 46 and the other was level 45, were also cautious and mostly fearful when talking about this matter.

A player of this level should be no worse than a city manager.

Even they are so afraid, why is Shen Jian so brave?

By the way, he doesn't seem to know what level Shen Jian is in the thriller game right now.

Think of this.

He looked suspicious, but followed anyway.


The two of them had arrived at the non-existent bus stop.

Looking at the dark ghost bus in front of him, he looked confused.

He remembered that when he saw the ghost bus, it had green lights on. Could it be that this time it was not the departure time yet?

That's what I thought.

He caught a sudden glimpse out of the corner of his eye.

In front of the dark car window, pairs of strange eyes slowly opened through the windows.

Nie Yun's face turned pale.

I couldn't help but stagger in my steps.


Outside the dark car window, ghosts were everywhere.

Scarlet eyes were open in front of him, staring straight at him.

this moment.

Unparalleled fear arose in his heart.

He almost couldn't help but turn around and run away.

It wasn't until he saw that Shen Jian didn't move that he suppressed his heart palpitations.

Brother Shen, this ghost bus seems to be full of ghosts, but the strange thing is that when they saw us two living people, these ghosts didn't move or attack us.

Nie Yun swallowed furiously.

Is it because of the supernatural power of the ghost bus?

Shen Jian glanced at him.

That seems to be the case, but who can launch the attack with you?

Come on, let me test you. Two ghosts just attacked you. Do you know where they are?

Nie Yun:? ! !

Hear this.

He was immediately confused.

One face turned even greener.

Damn it.

Two ghosts launched a supernatural attack on him?

Damn it.

Is he some Tang Monk meat?

So attracting hatred?

Don't make trouble, brother.

I'm timid and would really cry.

His nerves were tense and his whole body was extremely nervous.

Constantly observe your own situation.


He noticed something was wrong.

Nie Yun lowered his head, and the shadow under his feet had undergone some inexplicable changes.

What was originally a two-dimensional, pitch-black shadow suddenly transformed into a woman with a black dahlia growing out of her mouth, patchwork on her face, and skin that looked like ulcers.

The woman is laughing.

The smile was very captivating.

It was like a puppet. The corners of the mouth were controlled by strings and raised a little bit, but the skin in other places did not move and looked very stiff.

He smiled so hard that his face suddenly fell.

The flesh at the corner of his mouth continued to crack, and blood flowed out uncontrollably, dripping on Nie Yun's shadow, and the shadow began to gradually turn red.

Saw this scene.

Nie Yun was horrified to the extreme.

Unbeknownst to him, a ghost really launched a supernatural attack on him.

Think of this.

He didn't dare to be careless.

A large amount of white hair oozes from the body surface.


shout for help.

Brother Shen, there's a ghost here. He's a red-shirted one. I can't stop him.

Jie Jie Jie, it's useless. You, my parasitic prey, don't think you can separate me. We are one, and I will let you be with me forever.

The woman laughed sinisterly.

There was a bit of flushing in his eyes, as if he was enjoying being one with the man, and his expression looked extremely crazy.


She didn't finish her sentence.

The next second.

A big hand like a cattail leaf fan violently pinched her head and pulled her up.

woman:? ? ?

She was stunned.

Looking back, the person who pulled her out of the shadow was another handsome human being.

Shen Jian excels in her aesthetics.

She wanted to kill another man and then enjoy it alone with that man.

did not expect.

The other party actually caught her out of the shadow.


How did you do it?

This is unreasonable.

The woman looked confused.

Haven't spoken yet.

She saw Shen Jian pinching her neck in disgust.

Before she died, she seemed to hear the man cursing and saying something.

You Loubi, you were actually killed and you don't meet the requirements. Tsk, you are ugly and worthless. How dare you appear in front of me.


before consciousness dissipates.

There was only one thought left in her mind: No, you must be sick.

It was painful enough for me to be killed.

You still call me Loubi? Call me ugly?

Even if I'm really ugly, you can't say it!

With this roar, her neck was broken and she died on the spot.

Watch this scene.

Nie Yun froze in place.

Pupils shook violently.

A red-clothed level fierce ghost, just like that... Wow! ?

Damn it!

You are ridiculously strong.

Are all the city leaders in Dragon Kingdom at this level?

Looking at Shen Jian who looked a little disgusted as if he was throwing away garbage, Nie Yun seemed to have re-recognized what it meant to be a ghost master.

It turns out that this is the person in charge of the city.

Think of this.

Nie Yun suddenly remembered something.

Brother Shen, didn't you say there are two ghosts? Where's the other one?

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