Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 583 Ghost: Surrender yourself and try to avoid the death penalty

Seeing Shen Jian's unafraid attitude, the long-necked ghost didn't believe it.

He is a ghost, but he can't scare a human being.

When he said this, where would he put his face?


He turned to the other three girls.


The unsurprising scream satisfied him greatly.


This is the reaction of normal human beings when seeing ghosts, screaming, panic, fear, trembling, and running away, but among them, there is only no contempt.

Think about it.

The long-necked ghost thought for a while and suddenly thought of something.

A dark grimace revealed a sinister smile.

He returned to the vehicle and removed a handgun from the driver's seat.

Hey, human, I've seen you in this situation before. Your brain is naturally slow, and you think this might be some kind of spoof variety show, so you want to show your courage in front of girls, then... you humans Are you afraid of this?


The long-necked ghost shoots into the sky.

Gunshots fired.

The three little girls were frightened.

His hands and feet could not help but tremble.

If ghosts are a spiritual attack on them.

That gun is a physical attack.

No one can remain calm when a gun is pointed at them.

No matter how good your kung fu is, you are still afraid of the kitchen knife; no matter how wonderful your kung fu is, you can knock him down with one shot.

It's about the horror of modern weapons.

They looked at Shen Jian helplessly.

The constant hints in his eyes made Shen Jian temporarily submissive.

Even if the other party is a robber, he must save his life first.

after all.

This is not a dragon country, these people really dare to shoot.

Hey, this is a real gun. For you humans, being hit by this thing is not much more painful than being killed by me.

The long-necked ghost pointed a gun at Shen Jian, and his smile became even more playful.

He wanted to see Shen Jian kneeling down and begging for mercy, with a look of fear on his face.

At that time, he will deliberately let Shen Jian go, then shoot him from behind, and slowly appreciate the beautiful expression of this human being from gaining hope to facing despair.

As a low-level ghost, he likes to see scary scenes of humans.

the other side.

Looking at the long-necked ghost holding a gun, Shen Jian had a strange look in his eyes.

Ghosts in the Western world have evolved to carry guns with them?

When you can't beat the Ghost Controller, should you just try an American Iai?

It's enough to keep pace with the times.

These ghosts know how to connect with the world.

Think of this.

Shen Jian said: You were killed for robbery, right?

Long Neck Ghost:?

He was slightly startled.

Don't understand how this human knows this.

But he still subconsciously said: So what?

Hear this.

A perverted smile gradually appeared on Shen Jian's face.

With the sins of greed and anger, plus a vengeful society, you will fall into the realm of animals.

However, God is kind to you. Today, I will help you get back on the right path and let you change your mind.

He is using King Bian Cheng's priesthood - the Oath of Ghosts and Gods - to make great aspirations.

I need to help this ghost change his ways.

he wanted to know.

What can be accomplished by the promises made after fulfilling the big ambitions?


Long Neck Ghost:? ?

He was confused.

Why isn't this human afraid of him?

Not afraid of ghosts, not afraid of guns.

And he also felt that this human seemed to be getting excited?

Is it an illusion?

Just thinking about it.

He suddenly realized that this was not an illusion.

I saw.

Shen Jian took out various items from his body.

Electric saw, scalpel, steel rod, hammer, hemp rope, scissors, stockings...

One thing after another, neatly placed on the hood of the car.


He looked at the long-necked ghost with a strange smile.

This kind of ordinary gun is useless and can only be effective on ordinary people, but these are different. Everything here can cause huge damage to supernatural things.

It's so unartistic for you to kill people like this.

Just look at this blood-stained chainsaw. It can dismember the body of any ghost at will. As the gears rotate, it will cut off your head bit by bit.

Or starting from the hands and feet, you can set up a secret room, throw the prey in, and always cut off one of its limbs every fifty meters. In this way, you can still see the hopeful prey and crawl with all its strength. Crawling until all the blood bleeds out and dying in the most painful process.

“Just a chainsaw has so many artistic methods, I’m afraid I can’t introduce it all.”

Let's talk about this scalpel again. Although it can only be used for surgery, you can add a sense of artistry, that is, without anesthesia, shave the skin tissue of the prey little by little. For three thousand cuts, you can He is a great master.

And with these stockings, I can pretend to be a pervert and hang up the prey with a hemp rope. Every time the hemp rope moves, I will use a steel rod to hit a big board on the prey's body, and use clever force. It can't be seen from the outside at all. There are no traces, but the internal organs have already exploded, and once you move around, they will be blown into a bloody flower. This is a combination technique, does it sound more artistic?

By the way, there are also scissors, which can drill bloody holes in the prey...

The more Shen Jian talked, the more excited he became.

A sudden enlightenment.

Sure enough, he still missed something when he was at the Scarlet Monastery.

So much so that those on the dark side have only learned theories, but no matching experiments.

This was his mistake as a gold medal teacher.

You really shouldn't forget to teach such an important thing.

the other side.

Long Neck Ghost:! ! !

Listening to Shen Jian's torture that was so cruel that he could not accept it, his face changed from a grinning and joking expression at the beginning, to gradually losing his smile, and then slowly becoming serious, until finally, he was almost pale.

Even his skin color could not hide his pale face.

He was completely dumbfounded.

His eyes almost popped out of his head.

He looked at Shen Jian with a ghostly expression.

Damn it, you always carry these things with you on the road! ?


Damn it, he seems to have met a real murderer.

You are so cruel that even Jack the Ripper would kneel down and call you master.

You, how can you be so cruel.

The long-necked ghost's hand holding the gun was shaking.

Because he discovered that this human being was definitely not an ordinary person.

Apart from anything else, these ghost weapons arranged in a row are not something ordinary people can own.

Even if he had been a professional robber for thirty years, he probably wouldn't be able to buy all the things above.

Think of this.

He panicked even more.

Swallowing all the saliva.

Looking at the ghost weapon with some flesh and blood on the car hood, he shivered.

My bones are loose.

The killing method described by this human being is skillful and complete in detail. Even the reaction of the victim ghost is clearly described. It does not look like a fantasy, but that these methods have actually been used.


The gun fell from the long-necked ghost's hand.

His face turned pale and he said, Master, what exactly do you want to do?

Didn't you hear what I said? I'm helping you correct your evil ways and teach you the right path.

Shen Jian said earnestly: Once you have experienced the art above, you will have no interest in doing evil. I am here to help you.

Here, you choose one.

Shen Jian urged the other party.

Long Neck Ghost:? ? ?

Damn it.

God really changes evil and returns to righteousness.

After getting to know you, I finally realized that there is still a living king of hell like you in this world.

Compared with your evil, what is the difference between me and a good person?

You should take the right path.

The long-necked ghost shouted crazily in his heart, and his knees almost gave out.

He raised his hand.

It seems that he wants to persuade Shen Jian to surrender.

He hesitated: That...


The words have not yet finished.

Shen Jian was seen looking in the direction of his finger.

There was some appreciation in his eyes.

Yes, you are very enlightened, and you actually chose the combo skill. This combination of stockings, hemp rope, and steel rod is my first time to use it, but I have a strong sense of empathy and will quickly assume the role of a pervert.

Come on, come on, stick out your neck, otherwise the hemp rope won't hit you.

Shen Jian said.

The hemp rope took the initiative to wrap around the long-necked ghost's neck.

Hoisted it up.

Long Neck Ghost:! ! !

See this.

He struggled violently.

However, under the suppression of the ghost rope, he could not move at all.

You can only watch helplessly as Shen Jian gets closer and closer, and the smile on his face becomes more and more ferocious.

No, you can't do this. I advise you to surrender, so that you can win leniency.

The long-necked ghost said in a difficult tone.

He shuddered when he thought of the so-called art that Shen Jian just described.

The ferocity of this human's methods had reached the point where he was frightened. At this time, there were only two thoughts left in his mind.

One: Advise this heinous human being to surrender and try not to be sentenced to death and to enjoy the rest of his life in prison, although the hope is not very high.

Two: die cleanly and avoid pain before this human tortures him.

Think about it this way.

He finally persuaded Shen Jian to surrender.

He just bit his tongue and committed suicide.

The head was tilted to the side, the tongue was hanging out, and the eyes were dim.

His own supernatural reactions are also dissipating.


True to his word, he killed himself.

Shen Jian:......

See this.

Shen Jian curled his lips.

You can’t help but play with the ghosts in the Western world.

That's it.

Apart from the Count of the Vampire Castle, this was probably the second person to commit suicide in front of him.


never mind.

Anyway, his big ambition is to kill the other party.

Now that the other party is dead, it can be regarded as correcting his evil ways.

after all.

He did make the other party stop doing evil.

Shen Jian stood there and waited for a while.


A blessing comes.

He could clearly sense that the great ambitions stipulated in the Oath of Ghosts and Gods were being realized.

Shen Jian:?

He was stunned.

It seems like I haven’t mentioned my wish yet, right?

Did you directly replace it with merit?

It's noisy.

Shen Jian frowned.


He was so blessed that he understood something.

King Bian Cheng's oath to ghosts and gods is divided into several stages.

The corresponding commitment will be achieved based on the difficulty of the grand ambition and the degree of contribution to all sentient beings.

For example, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Unless hell is empty, I will never become a Buddha is the so-called great wish.

And what he just said can only be regarded as a wish.

By using the clerical ability of the Oath of Ghosts and Gods, he can only let heaven and earth cash out the reward for him immediately.

That is merit.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

If this is the case, if he wants to surpass Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in his great aspirations, then he can only make the world of Yang never be threatened by evil ghosts.

Think of this.

Shen Jian suppressed this idea for the time being.

This wish is too big.

He did not want to be bound by this oath.

On the contrary, he found it very useful to make an oath to ghosts and gods, so that heaven and earth could immediately fulfill his merits.

Those with a golden body of five levels of merit have a chance to become a candidate for the King of Hell.

What about Yipin?

In the past, when he captured Li Gui, it was to satisfy himself, and heaven and earth rarely granted him merit, but it was different now.

His path to merit became immediate rewards.

According to this trend, he only needs to make a big wish before catching ghosts, and he will have great merits.

Thinking of this, Shen Jian showed a satisfied look.

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