Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 581 The hell realm is unlocked; the new Yama Hall

The land of six reincarnations.

[Hell Path: (Unlocked)]

When the system prompt appeared, a whirlpool that was completely gray in front of Shen Jian suddenly bloomed with a burst of light.

Ripples float.

In the whirlpool, an extremely ferocious and dark aura rushed toward his face.

Shen Jian's eyes suddenly lit up.

The realm of hell, one of the six realms of reincarnation, is completely unlocked.

From today on, the underworld will also officially restore the divine power of the mythical period - sending the souls of those who died in vain to be reincarnated.

Think about it.

Shen Jian walked over and reached out to touch the entrance to the hell realm.

A line of prompts suddenly appeared.

The status of the King of Hell cannot be reincarnated into the six realms of reincarnation.

See this.

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.

He is the current lord of the underworld and possesses the divine power of the six kings of hell. It is only natural that he is not allowed to reincarnate.

If he were reincarnated, the underworld would be completely in chaos.

not to mention.

No one wants to be reborn in hell, one of the three evil realms.

Those who can be sent to the hell realm are all those who have committed serious sins and committed heinous crimes during their lives. Reincarnation is not to start a new life, but to transition from the eighteenth level of hell to another endless purgatory to continue to fight for one's previous life. Accumulated sins to atone for.


The underworld has become the name that evil people least want to hear.

Shen Jian took back his hand.

Continue to look at the other five reincarnations that have not yet been unlocked.

[Tian Shen Dao: (unlocked)]

[Shura Dao: (unlocked)]

[The Way of the World: (Unlocked)]

[Beast Way: (Unlocked)]

[Hungry Ghost Road: (Unlocked)]

Shen Jian clicked on them one by one.

Except for the unlocking conditions in the Human World, there was no other response.

When the animal path is clicked, the unlocking conditions are generated.

[Beast Way: (Unlocked)]

[Unlocking conditions: 50 ghosts with ten evil karma. 】

See this.

Shen Jian's expression changed.

He showed a thoughtful look.

Having the ten evil karma, one falls into the animal realm.

One does evil with the body, two with the mouth, three with the mind, four with greed, five with anger, six with delusion, seven with insults and insults to living beings, eight with anger and harm to all living beings, and nine with incompetence. Pure things, ten practices of sexual immorality.

In layman's terms, people who do evil will fall into the animal realm.

People who die because of anger, ignorance, and greed will fall into the animal realm.

Those who commit suicide due to depression and lack of ambition, and those who choose to retaliate against society will fall into the realm of animals.

The condition for unlocking the Beast Path is to catch 50 ghosts of this type.

Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

According to his experience, the ghosts who died in the real world due to various reasons seemed to conform to the characteristics of the ten evil karma.


This is an unlocking condition that can only be obtained in the real world.

Although there are ghosts of this type in the horror world, they are very rare.

After all, as a ghost, even if he dies again, it is not death in human cognition. It is still unclear whether the talisman meets the standards of the ten evil karma.


A cold system prompt sounded.

Mission: Rebuild the Underworld.

Phase 4: Unlocking one of the Six Paths of Reincarnation (Completed)

Reward: Bian Cheng Palace.

Shen Jian's eyes were slightly surprised.

Unlocking the Six Paths of Reincarnation can also reward the Palace of Yama?

This discovery made Shen Jian smile with satisfaction.

He originally thought that after unlocking the eighteen hells, if he wanted to collect all the ten palaces of Yama, he would need to advance his meritorious golden body to the fifth level. Unexpectedly, unlocking the Six Paths of Reincarnation rewarded him with a Yama Palace.

According to this progress, when all six paths of reincarnation are unlocked, he will also be able to control all the divine abilities of the Ten Palaces of Yama.

The Ten Halls of Yama have always played an important role in the underworld. Whether it is judging ghosts or sending them to reincarnation in the six realms of reincarnation, these are closely related to the Ten Halls of Yama.

According to myths and legends, Emperor Fengdu divided his divine power among the ten kings of hell. If he could gather the divine powers of the ten kings of Yama, he would become the emperor of Fengdu, which is often called the Son of Yin Tian.

And he is very close to this goal.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's face showed excitement.

He opened the game panel.

[Name: King Yama. 】

[Level: Level 58. 】

[Identity: King Guang of Qin, King of Chujiang, Emperor of Song, King of Wuguan, King of Yama, King of Biancheng, King of Zhuanlun,]

[Ability:...Oath of ghosts and gods, hell contract. 】

The oath of ghosts and gods belongs to the priesthood of King Bian Cheng.

Targeted at oneself.

Make a big wish, and once it comes true, you can promise something to heaven and earth.

Hell Contract is a derivative ability of King Bian Cheng.

For outsiders.

When a contract is signed, the violator will suffer the backlash of merit. If there is no merit, he will die suddenly and completely.

Shen Jian pondered.

His brows furrowed slightly.

This King Bian Cheng's ability can only be regarded as the icing on the cake for him. His own clerical abilities still need to be further tested to know, but just the addition of King Bian Cheng's own status as King of Hell is enough to make him feel ups and downs.


Shen Jian returned to the Palace of Yama.

Now the hell realm has been unlocked.

There are unlocking conditions for the animal realm and the human realm.

Fortunately, the beast path is not difficult to unlock.

On the contrary, it is the human world that first appeared, and the unlocking conditions are a bit difficult to handle.

Qingguo's authority has been divided into nine. Now he has only collected five dragon spirits. The glorious ghosts and gods promised to help him find one. Emperor Qing has one in his hands, and the traces of the other two are unknown.

The authority of Olympus was divided into two, he got the part belonging to the Temple of Elim, and the remaining half was in the hands of the emperor of the Eli Empire.

And based on the words of Ferry Ghosts and Gods, he got clues about the third place, Luo Fengtian - the city of entertainment.

However, from the words of the glorious ghosts and gods, he knew that some ghosts and gods in the deep ghost realm knew information about Luo Fengtian in the underworld, and understood that Luo Fengtian's authority could not fall into the hands of a single ghost and god.

Based on this situation, he suspected that Luo Fengtian's authority in the third department had also been divided.

If this is the case, every time you want to recover a piece of Luo Fengtian, you will need to spend a lot of time and energy.


Should he try and subvert Luo Fengtian directly?

The advantage of this is that it can be recycled quickly.

The bad thing is that after the subversion, the underworld needs to expend great efforts to reestablish order.

This will seriously hinder the development of the underworld in the real world.

Shen Jian became thoughtful.

Thinking about it.

The ghost sister-in-law Lu Rong has arrived in the underworld and entered the Palace of King Yama.

How did you come?

Smelly brother, can't I come if you have nothing to do?

She gave a charming and scornful look, and her well-dressed cheongsam swayed as she walked. At this time, she looked nothing like a city god holding the city god's seal and suppressing evil spirits from all directions, but a passionate and charming royal sister.

A gust of fragrant wind blew over my face.

The ghost sister-in-law sat down.

Their skins touched.

Concave and convex.

Feeling the initiative of his sister-in-law in his arms, Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

At this time.

Ghost Sister-in-law exhaled and said, Qiqi is so cute. I also want to have a child of my own. My mother-in-law said that she also wants one. She said: If it is you, she is willing.

Bad brother, you have to work harder. I don't want my children to call my mother-in-law's children my brothers and sisters in the future.

I just have to suppress my mother-in-law.


Shen Jian was a little funny.

This sister-in-law's damn desire to win was actually used in such a place.


Let a pair of nominal mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get pregnant together...

Think of this.

Shen Jian's heart rippled.

There is a fire burning in my heart.

Ready to move.

Then remember to stand up straight...

He picked up the ghost sister-in-law and returned to the real world.

A while of sowing and transplanting.

Shen Jian's eyes returned to the game interface.

Someone sent him a private message.

[Mike: Sir, everything is going well. I have infiltrated into the Holy See. The original brother is really good to his younger brother. He almost responds to every request. My return has not aroused anyone's suspicion. 】

Shen Jian saw it.

Mike is now a brand new individual taken over by his second personality, the evil body. He has not only inherited the original body’s horror game account, but also inherited his memories and supernatural objects.

It can be said that even the people closest to him, unless Mike takes the initiative to expose his characteristics of being corroded by resentment, no one will be able to discover it.


Messages on the chat interface continue to come.

[Mike: Sir, with my current authority, I still have no way of knowing about the ghosts and gods’ followers and the things you want me to investigate, but I already have information about the Cleopatra you mentioned. 】

[King Yama: Let’s talk about it in detail. 】

[Mike: According to internal records of the Western Holy See, the ghost code-named Cleopatra lives in Gallifrey on the American continent, which is one of the birthplaces of the pyramids. Every six months, this ghost will open a copy. , all humans in Gallifrey have the opportunity to be selected to participate in the trials of ghosts and gods. As long as they can make it to the end, they will have the opportunity to become the dependents of ghosts and gods. 】

[Mike: This is the content of the three rounds of trials. Sir, please take a look. 】


A brief glance.

Shen Jian was very interested.

The reason why he paid attention to Cleopatra at first was because she was a ghost or a god who came to the real world. He was very interested in how this ghost and god came to the real world.

But now.

He already knew the answer from the ferry ghosts and gods.

He speculated that the ghost codenamed Cleopatra was probably forced to come by the horror game. After arriving in the real world, it broke away from the control of the horror game to a certain extent, and naturally chose to destroy it.

Otherwise, the situation in the Western world is likely to be even worse than it is now.

[King Yama: When will it be opened? 】

[Mike: According to the time estimate, it may only be three or four days. 】

See it.

Shen Jian had an idea.

Sooner or later, he would have to go to the Western Holy See.

but not now.

The current underworld does not have enough foundation to govern the Western world. Even if he takes over, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and sooner or later it will be out of his control.

Otherwise, he would have already allowed the underworld to fully occupy all parts of the world.


He could let the Holy See know how wrong it was to plan to launch a war and annex the Eastern world.

Since there are no conditions for jurisdiction now, then convince the other party so that they don't dare to move.

Waiting for the arrival of the underworld.

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