it's over.

Zhang Ziping looked at the sky, looking at the disappearing figure of the stalwart, his eyes were a little dazed. He obviously only had three years left to live, but at this moment he seemed to have returned to his youth, and his heart was boiling, like an eternal flame. Burning.

He needs to be stronger.

As the city leader of Handong Province, he is the tallest person in Handong Province. Once he cannot withstand it, no one below can support him.

However, he is still too weak.

So what if he had a supernatural power comparable to that of a ghost king? In front of the fierce ghosts all over the mountains and fields, he was no better than an ordinary person.

Today, if He had not arrived, if not for the support of the underworld, the entire Handong Province would have fallen. It was a province with a population of tens of millions. Once it fell, there would be more than a million casualties.

At that time, he will become a sinner.

Think of this.

Zhang Ziping clenched his fists fiercely, his old and wrinkled palms bursting with unparalleled power, and his pair of cloudy eyes were as sharp as falcons.

The slightly rickety body straightened up.

He looked at the sky where Shen Jian disappeared.

I secretly made up my mind.

At this time.

He saw the three city gods who had prepared.

After much hesitation, he still walked up.


In full view.

Already in his seventies, he knelt down in front of Zhang Zhong.

Zhang Ziping, the unworthy descendant, pays homage to his ancestors.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone at the scene was shocked.

Including the members of Daxia Longque, who had already sent people to clean up the mess, they were also stunned on the spot.

what's the situation?

The old man of the Zhang family actually knelt in front of the City God of Tongluo City to recognize his kin.

What kind of divine expansion is this?

I see.

at this time.

Qian Kuan seemed to have thought of something.

Back then, that gentleman asked me to help find the descendant of a piece of jade seal. Finally, he found the Zhang family. I have always been puzzled about this matter, but now, everything is clear.

Mr. Zhang is a descendant of the City God of Tongluo City. I guess that after the Lord resuscitated the City God of Tongluo City, the City God sent people to search for his descendants. That's how Mr. Zhang was rescued by the Judge of the Good Rewards Division.

When the members of Daxia Longque relayed Qian Kuan's words, Zhang Ziping banged his head three times.

Thank you, ancestors. If it weren't for your ancestors, I might have died long ago.

Zhang Zhong watched all this quietly.

Since he recovered from the future hundreds of years later, the world has changed drastically and has become very unfamiliar to him. If there is anything in the world that he deserves to miss, it is his descendants.

This is also the only bloodline inheritance that can prove his existence.

He was kind to Zhang Ziping.

Don't thank me, you should thank Lord Yan. It's because he took a fancy to you that you could survive. Otherwise, even if you are the City God, I won't be able to bring you back to life.

Zhang Zhong waved his hand.

After Zhang Ziping kowtowed, he bowed deeply in the direction of Qingshi where Shen Jian disappeared.

Get up, you still have three years to live. If you need to do anything, do it as soon as possible. In the future, we are both City Gods, so there is no need to be polite to each other.

Zhang Ziping shook his head and expressed his courtesy as a descendant.

See this.

Zhang Zhong said no more.

The city god of the underworld cannot have much to do with the human world, but Zhang Ziping is the default candidate for the city god. If he says a few more words, it is not a violation.

Zhang Ziping opened his mouth and said: Old Ancestor, the world of horror is really like what the ferry ghost said, with such a huge heritage? Then we...

His tone was somewhat low.

The number of 50 city god-level ghosts and gods is really astonishing, even to the point of being scary.


According to the ferrying ghosts and gods, this is still not the limit of the horror world. There are still no one knows how many ghosts and gods there are hiding in the dark.

Faced with such overwhelming power, let alone the Dragon Kingdom, even the Western world and even the whole world cannot compete.

When they think of ferrying ghosts and gods to the human hell described, they inevitably feel a little helpless in their hearts.

Zhang Zhong did not respond.

He patted Zhang Ziping on the shoulder.

There is no need to be burdened, we will carry the burden forward in the future.

Say it.

He disappeared.

Along with it, there were also a lot of evil spirits who disappeared.

the other side.

Daxia Longque Headquarters.

Everyone was thinking about what Zhang Zhong said before leaving.

Are you going forward with a heavy load...

In other words, the underworld has excluded them from the team against the horror world.

Instead, the underworld has completely isolated the horror game by its own efforts.

Think of this.

Their faces were all red, and they were so ashamed that they could not speak.

I wanted to refute, but I couldn't come up with any basis.

Being able to maintain the Dragon Kingdom in a state that barely prevents it from collapsing is already the limit of the Great Xia Longque. Going further is basically impossible.

Unless there are frequent five-star players on their side, they can do their best to reduce the occurrence of supernatural incidents.


it's out of the question.

Because people cherish their lives.

There are very few selfless people like Mr. Zhang Ziping.


This is probably the reason why the underworld is willing to add three years to Mr. Zhang's life and appoint him as the City God.

“Let’s build City God temples in all major cities.”

At this time.

Qian Kuan's voice sounded.

The Great Xia Longque may not be able to walk side by side with the Underworld in the fight against the horror world, but at least... we should not hold back the Underworld and build the City God Temple across the country, so that more City Gods can be revived.

Furthermore, when the number of city god positions increases and there is still room for us, people like us may be able to enter the underworld after death and become the city god of this place and live an unlimited lifespan.

Hear this.

Many senior personnel's eyes lit up.

My heart was severely moved.

Doing good deeds during life and becoming a city god after death, protecting a place's peace and prosperity, and even becoming a Yin God. Such temptation is indeed too great.

It is similar to the legendary immortality.



I agree.

No surprises.

Everyone approved the plan.

at the same time.


Yama Palace.

Shen Jian left the ferry to the ghosts and gods.

I ask, you answer, or else I will punish you and forget the river.

Ferrying ghosts and gods:...

His grandma's.

After all, I am a near-world-destroying ghost and god. In a world of horror, I would be a moving natural disaster and a ferryman for all souls. But now, I am being thrown aside like a little chicken.

It's really annoying.

While he was unconvinced, he knelt down in the hall obediently.

Accepting Shen Jian's interrogation.

You ask, and I tell you everything I know.

See this.

Shen Jian was very satisfied.

Are you from the world of horror, or the realm of deep ghosts?

Deep Ghost Realm.

Tell me more about how the thriller game forced you to come here.

The ferry ghost showed a sneer: It's not forced, because I originally had the idea of ​​​​invading the human world, but due to the restrictions of the deep ghost realm, I couldn't successfully invade. I tried for a long time, and just when I was about to give up, the horror The game gave me permission to directly invade the human world, so I came.

However, I am not lying.

As if he was worried that his previous lies would offend Shen Jian, he immediately explained: In the beginning, I was indeed forced. For us ghosts and gods who are supernaturally intact and do not feel restrained in the deep ghost realm, human beings The world is not very attractive to us. If we want ghost-level supernatural masters like us to come to the real world, we can only rely on force.

How to force? Shen Jian asked curiously.

There are many ways, such as randomly banishing our supernatural land to various weird places, or prohibiting us from entering the scope of the supernatural land. If not, there will be riots every day... That is the whole horror world. As the highest authority administrator, we have no choice but to go through all the trouble.”

Speaking of which.

The ferry ghost curled his lips: A dog with authority, it's really disgusting.

Hear this.

Shen Jian asked again: Are all the ghosts and gods who come to the real world forced?

That's not necessarily true. For some ghosts and gods who are malicious towards humans and plan to hold blood sacrifices, or who are ambitious and want to occupy more territory, the temptation of the human world is still quite great.

But... under normal circumstances, horror games will not allow such dangerous ghosts and gods to invade the human world. After all, once these ghosts and gods come, all humans will die before the horror games can fully take over.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

He thought of another ghost who came to the human world - Cleopatra.

According to the descriptions of the two players [Lucy] and [Yunlong], this ghost has been staying in the pyramid since it came to the human world, and has no intention of occupying the territory.

Even the assessment given by the Western Holy See is that it is less threatening.

One can imagine.

How messed up is this ghost and god?

The consensus made those Western scholars begin to wonder whether the other party was a ghost or god.

And now.

He probably knew.

Cleopatra seems to have been forced into the real world.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.


He looked away.

Is the deep ghost realm you are in Qingguo? Or Olympus?

Hear this.

The eyes of the ferry ghost flashed with slight surprise.

But he still shook his head and said: I come from Taisha Liangshi Sect Heavenly Palace, and according to us, this place is called - Entertainment City.

Shen Jian:?

He was slightly startled.

Entertainment city?

Why is this name so modern?

This is the name that the city lord changed more than ten years ago. He has changed it several times before, such as the land of fantasy and the city of dreams and death.

Shen Jian nodded.

Taisha Liangshi Zongtian Palace, this is the third Luo Fengtian he knows so far.


Shen Jian looked at the ferry ghosts again.

The ferry ghost also knew that this would be the moment that decided his fate, and a licking smile appeared on his face.

You... go boating on the Wangchuan River.

Ferrying ghosts and gods:?

I am approaching the existence of world-destroying ghosts and gods. You want me to be a boatman rowing a boat?

Are you insulting me?

To insult a ghost and a god...well, I'm a boatman.

Seeing Shen Jian's lonely eyes, he immediately changed his mind.

A boatman is a boatman.

As long as you can save your life.

As for the humble status, that is inevitable.


He won't be bullied here, right?

I heard that non-staff personnel like him will inevitably be bullied by seniors when entering a new working environment.

Think of this.

He was a little desperate.

He is approaching the existence of world-destroying ghosts and gods, and now... he has to become a hard-working social beast.

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