Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 582: If I carry it back to the pyramid, can I keep my studies?

The third day after the Longwen Mountain Incident.

Qian Kuan called Shen Jian.

Mr. Shen, Daxia Longque recently decided to build Chenghuang temples across the country. I wonder...what suggestions do you have?

His tone seemed very hesitant, and he was asking tentative questions.

Although Daxia Longque had already known that Shen Jian's true identity was the first King of Hell to resurrect from the underworld, they did not want to reveal this relationship until Shen Jian did not admit it personally in front of them.

after all.

This relationship seems more cordial.

Shen Jian was startled.

Build the City God’s Temple?

This idea was very much in line with his plan.

There are currently two factors restricting the development of the underworld.

One: insufficient number of negative differences.

Second: the number of city gods is too small.

The first point is that after completely recovering the two deep-level ghost realms of Qingguo and Olympus, he can use the priestly ability of the Rogue King to cultivate the two ghosts of Luo Fengtian into suitable underworlds.

As for the second point, it is also based on the derived problem caused by the first point. If there is a difference, naturally there must be a city god who governs a place, otherwise it will be a mess.

However, except for Xiping Province, Handong Province, and Ivy City, no city gods were built in other places.

This takes some time.

As it happens, official intervention can quickly solve this problem.

You just have to figure it out.

Shen Jian was about to hang up the phone, but then something suddenly occurred to him, and he recounted what the player with the ID [Yunlong] asked him to relay in the Scarlet Monastery instance.

After listening.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

It took a moment for the sound to come out.

Mr. Shen, thank you for bringing back this news. This is very important to us. We are also aware of the ghost codenamed Cleopatra internally, but we have never been clear about the specific situation.

It's not common to open a copy of the game in the real world. Haven't you investigated it? I just checked and found that Gallifrey in the American continent is also one of the places where Chinese and international students go. There is no such thing. Did the player send back some news?

Shen Jian asked curiously.

According to Mike's words, he specifically checked where Gallifrey was.

I thought it was a very exclusive, remote town with no Chinese, but I didn't expect this place to be quite famous.

Because the pyramid is over there.

So from time to time, people from the Dragon Kingdom go there.

The dungeon is opened once every six months. Even if it is a rotation, it is impossible not to have a single Chinese player.

But in fact, until now, the information about Daxia Longque has been suspected.

This time.

The silence lasted longer.

A few minutes later.

Qian Kuan's voice became a little uneasy: Mr. Shen, we found out that none of the people from the Dragon Kingdom who went to Gallifrey in recent years have come back. In the past year, there was a police report about the wife of a couple. She came to report that her husband was missing in Gallifrey and there has been no news, but according to the investigation, her husband actually settled there and was unwilling to go back.

We just looked through it and found that there are many similar cases. The basic reason is that they don't want to go back. There must be something wrong with it.

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

Don't want to go back?

He guessed that this was most likely the way the Holy See blocked information.

Only in this way can we explain why the dungeon has been open for so long and Daxia Longque has not received any useful information.

They were afraid that the moment they stepped into Gallifrey, they would not be able to go back.


Speculation is just speculation.

The actual situation requires detailed analysis.

Think about it.

Shen Jian said coldly: If I bring back a pyramid, can Qingshi where I am located become a third-tier city?

Qian Kuan:? ? ?

He was confused for a while.

I didn't understand what nonsense Shen Jian was talking about.

What does it mean to bring the pyramid back?

This pyramid is a cultural relic with a long history. Even the Dragon Kingdom doesn't have it. If you dare to bring it back, the Holy See will have to fight for it.

What is the difference between this and I stole the B20 fighter jet back, can I keep my graduate school? or I have developed nuclear fusion, can my school upgrade my undergraduate degree?

He was about to speak.

Only to find that the call had been hung up.

Inside the headquarters.

The ancient instructor from the Demon City wondered: What's wrong?

Um, He said... bring the pyramid back, can Qingshi be a graduate school... ah, no, can it be turned into a third-tier city?

A group of Daxia Dragon Bird members:...

At this time.

A staff member asked curiously: Instructor Qian, I just found out that Shen Jian, the person in charge of Qing City, bought a plane ticket to Gallefrey.

Qian Kuan:! ! !

Instructor Gu:? ? !

the other side.

hang up the phone.

Shen Jian decisively bought a plane ticket.

According to Mike, the copy of Cleopatra has been open for only these two days.

He needed to catch up as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if he missed it, he would have to forcibly demolish it.

He is not such a person.


If what I said about ferrying ghosts and gods is correct, there is absolutely no way for Cleopatra to come to the real world, which is not consistent with the stance of horror games.

In this case, don't blame him for poaching.

As long as the hoe is wielded well, no sister-in-law... can't dig out the corners.

Think of this.

A smile flashed across Shen Jian's face.

On this trip, he not only had to poach someone, but he also needed to warn the Holy See not to cause trouble in his home.


Unlocking the beast path is also one of them.

Let's see how beautiful this Cleopatra is, whether she can disarm a ghost and god at a glance is also one of them.


Shen Jian has already stepped onto the plane.

American continent.


As soon as Shen Jian got off the plane, he was greeted by a rush of hot air.

Handsome guy, let's get to know each other? Are you here to see the pyramids too?

At this time.

Three well-dressed girls walked towards me.

Shen Jian glanced at it.

He remembered that this was the girl sitting two rows behind him. Hearing that it was summer vacation, he rarely had time to invite his good sisters to come here to see the pyramids.

Shen Jian smiled: Yes.

It's so strange. I bought a foreign card specially. Why is it so laggy? I originally wanted to start a live broadcast, but with this speed, I have to go back to the hotel and try again.

complained a little girl holding a selfie stick.

Who says it's not the case? I originally wanted to book a ticket to go back, but the staff told me that the service was temporarily unavailable. The phone also showed that there was no ticket, and I could only check again in a few days.

Another girl also complained, then looked at Shen Jian, her eyes lit up: Handsome guy, are you here to see the pyramids alone? Why don't you come with us? We three girls are unfamiliar with the place here. , with a boy protecting us, we can feel more at ease.


Handsome guy, you didn't book a hotel, right? If you did, we'll compensate you. You can come with us. We are both from the Dragon Kingdom, so it's more pleasing to our eyes as a fellow countryman.

The three little girls looked at Shen Jian expectantly.

The admiration in his eyes was undisguised.

When they first saw Shen Jian at the airport, they seemed to have discovered some treasure. They thought the man was some popular celebrity and kept secretly observing him.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t see any agents or fans until I landed.

Only then did they realize that this man was not a star.


This appearance is too foul.

If he makes his debut, if he is eighty years old or eight years old, he will probably be killed.

They were extremely excited to travel with such a man.

Hear this.

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.

Has the way back been blocked... It is indeed a simple and crude method.

Coupled with a network blockade, there was no way to get the message back.

Whoever comes must stay.

Is this the way the Holy See used to block Daxia Longque from infiltrating this place?


Shen Jian glanced slightly in the direction of the airport.

From the very beginning, he sensed a lot of supernatural aura at the airport.

Some come from ghost masters, and some come from supernatural props.

The entire airport was tightly sealed.

Basically, all accidents are eliminated.

At the same time, he also saw that someone's eyes had been vaguely falling on the four of them, as if they were judging whether they were ghost masters, but then they withdrew their gaze and said something on the intercom.

Think of this.

Shen Jian also had a strange smile on his lips.

No problem, let's go.

amid cheers.

Three little girls hailed a taxi.

They were chattering along the way, trying to find out what he was saying.

Side-by-side questions about whether he has a girlfriend and what kind of girls he likes...

Shen Jian replied casually:

No, I like them like this...

These words.

At one point, the eyes of the three little girls became brighter and brighter.


at this time.

The car stopped.

The three women got out of the car and found that they were taken to a remote trail.

Driver, where are we? Where did you take us?

You better take us back or we'll call the police.

There are four of us here. I advise you not to mess around.

The three women's faces turned pale.

This kind of scene can easily make people think of bad things.


Are these foreigners too unscrupulous?

They had just left the airport, and now they encountered a black car?

Think of this.

The three women were even more frightened.

In this foreign country, once they encounter problems, they don't even have a place to redress their grievances.

Hey, before you get in the car, don't you look at who is driving?

at this time.

A sinister smile suddenly sounded.

In the driver's seat, the black driver, who had his back turned to them, turned his head away at this moment.

The neck stretches three to four meters.

The black skin was full of corpse spots at this moment, like a dead person.

this moment.

The three women were instantly frightened.

How could a person's neck be stretched three to four meters?

Moreover, they had clearly observed before getting in the car that the driver was a living person, how could he suddenly become like this?


Could it be that they encountered a ghost? ?

Think of this.

Their legs and feet were weak.

Trembling uncontrollably.

The beauty faded.

the other side.

The long-necked ghost stared greedily at the four humans in front of him. He was very satisfied with the expressions of these humans looking at him, and their dark faces became more and more ferocious.

But suddenly.

He found that the man among the four did not show any fear.

Instead...a look of disdain?


The long-necked ghost was a little stunned.

He read an inexplicable emotion from Shen Jian's eyes.

It seems like disdain, disappointment, disgust, and a hint of resignation.

Long Neck Ghost:?


I am a ghost riding a horse.

You're just going to be disappointed.

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