God has appeared!

He came from the Heavenly Palace, and the radiance he cast shone across the nine heavens and ten earth. The sky was dotted with golden light, as if it were raining gold.

That is the legendary auspicious omen.

this moment.

Everyone was quiet.

Staring at all this blankly.

Looking at the slender and majestic figure above the Heavenly Palace.

What a miracle is that?

At this moment.

The only thought left in their minds was that mortals must not look directly at God.

That is the God who cannot be looked directly at.

the other side.

The ferry ghosts and gods looked at this scene with the same horror.

My brain exploded.

becomes blank.

Abba Abba.

who I am?

where am I?

Why am I here?

you you you……

The ferry ghost and god were in a state of confusion. Shrouded in the black mist, he only showed two eyes burning with blood flames. However, at this time, these eyes were full of horror.


Why does this exist in the human world?

No one told him?

Could it be that the ghosts and gods who had descended into the human world had deceived him?

Why is the human world just a bunch of weak ants?

What about this ant?

Isn't this harmful?

What a scam.

Think of this.

The Ferry Ghost God immediately explained: Brother, this is a misunderstanding. In fact, it was just an accident that I came here. It was the horror game that forced me to come. He told me that I could find the person I was looking for by invading here. I Unable to disobey this order, I chose to come to the human world.

Don't worry, I will go back now and never come back again.

Black mist surges.

The ferry ghosts and gods were frightened.

He didn't even need to fight to know that the opponent's level of terror had exceeded his imagination. As a ghost and god, his ability to bend and stretch was also one of his great qualities.

Don't you want to find me? I'm here.

Shen Jian spoke, and his voice echoed over Longwen Mountain.

The tone was quiet.

It's like the god of death is roaring.

Ferrying ghosts and gods:? ? !

He was slightly startled.

He reacted violently.

Look again.

The mouth opens wide enough to swallow an apple.

A closer look revealed that the figure standing above the clouds was not the Shen Jian he was looking for.


Hold the grass!

You have such fucking strength, and you were still bullying an abyss-level ghost king in the Bloody Paper Shop. This is too bad.

Despicableness should be your motto.

No wonder he always felt strange, how could a human player dare to rashly kill the Zhizha Ghost King in that situation and let her stolen supernatural being return to her true body? Dare... You are just waiting for the chance.

Just catch one, right?

Brother, what a misunderstanding. If the horror game hadn't forced me to come, I would have forgotten about this kind of thing.

A forced smile appeared on the ferry ghost's face and he said with a sneer.

Shen Jian ignored it.

Just stared at him quietly.

As if to say: Do you believe me?

The ferry ghosts and gods also fell silent.

His voice was no longer low, but became cold again.

The bloody eyes were lifeless, like a pool of stagnant water.

Human, you are indeed very strong, beyond my imagination. The voice of Ferrying Ghosts and Gods sounded, with a sense of foreboding and foreboding. Then he changed the subject, But there is only one you in the human world. At best, there is also you. The power of the three ghosts and gods cannot compete with the horror world.

His words were confident.

The human world is indeed too weak.

Even humans with a little bit of power are just thieves who steal their supernatural powers. How can such power be compared with that of complete ghosts?

Then what?

Shen Jian's voice was calm, with an unparalleled confidence, which could even be said to be arrogant, as if he was standing on top of the clouds, overlooking everything.

Listening to this voice, the blood of everyone present boiled.

Ghosts are scary.

Ghosts and gods are existences that humans cannot deal with.

However, ghosts are not invincible.

There was the underworld, the city god, and Him. Under this voice, they felt an unprecedented sense of security.

With Him here, this world cannot be in chaos.


The ferry ghost smiled sadly.

The penetrating voice was horrifying, and a chill rose in my heart.

His eyes rolled: Do you know how many ghosts and gods are hidden in the scary world? Do you know that outside of the scary world, there is an even more terrifying world, where the number of ghosts and gods exceeds 50.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's expression changed.

At the Great Xia Longque headquarters, countless members' faces turned pale.

This is their first glimpse into the horror world.


What they glimpsed was deeper despair.

When a terrifying world invades, the real world is on the verge of collapse, and human civilization is about to be destroyed.

However, from the mouths of the ferry ghosts and gods, they learned that the horror world was deeper than they imagined, and that there were even living ghosts and gods.

And outside the horror world, there is a world even more terrifying than the horror world, where the number of ghosts and gods is likely to exceed fifty.

A ghost and god cannot be suppressed by existing human civilization.

Fifty, what is this concept?

These are fifty beings on the same level as the City God.





Heavy emotions appeared on their faces, and finally turned into weakness.

They are not afraid of death.

But they are afraid of dying without any hope.

What Ferrying Ghosts and Gods described was a scene of despair.

Is this a lie?

Qingshi instructor Qian Kuan's pupils widened and his eyes seemed to be bloodshot.

In this way, you avoid believing this fact.

The ancient instructor from Magic City fell silent.

His steps subconsciously took half a step back, but he moved them back forcefully.

They are the people in charge of Daxia Longque. If even they give up, the Dragon Kingdom will really collapse and turn into the ancient feudal princes fighting for hegemony.

Such a scene is something that no one wants to see.


Their hearts are still heavy.

Because ferrying ghosts and gods is right.

There is only one underworld in this world, which is still in the recovery stage.

In addition to the three city gods, Shen Jian, the king of hell, was the only one to revive.

He needs to be able to handle all the pressure alone.

Go face the sky full of ghosts and gods alone.

There was no one behind him to help him.

Such a depressing fact is so sad.

Why don't they feel depressed inside.

It was obvious that the Ferrying Ghosts and Gods were telling a fact, but their faces turned red and they didn't even have the strength to utter a rebuttal.

At this time.

Ferry Ghost God continued, his voice full of temptation: You can't resist Huanghuang's trend. The invasion of the horror world has become a foregone conclusion. If you continue to fight against the horror game, the future is destined to be a dead end.

But... you have other options. You can join the horror game. With your strength and your subordinates, you can definitely move into the horror world, set up an area, and develop your power, even in this real world. It’s your share too, why do you have to stick here?”

These words.

It made many people look angry.

This ghost and god is actually trying to instigate rebellion against the underworld.

Are you done?

Shen Jian said leisurely.

There was an indescribable calmness in his eyes, and his tone was not wavering in the slightest.

His will remained firm.

There was no hesitation at all because of the other party's words.

In fact, he didn't need to hesitate.

The real world is underworld.

The world of horror is underworld.

The deep ghost realm is also from the underworld.

The whole world is within the jurisdiction of the underworld, what can he do to shake it?

Advise him to defect from one home to another?

Haha, don't make trouble.

See this.

There is no way to ferry ghosts and gods.

This human's attitude is too firm.

He has the attitude of clinging to the human world and would rather be in pieces than in ruins.

No amount of persuasion will help such a person.

Just thinking about it.

He saw Shen Jian moving.

Palms raised.

Press down.


In the cloud.

A terrifying big golden hand stretched out, as if it were reaching into this world from outside the world, reaching towards Longwen Mountain.

that moment.

The big golden hand that covered the sky and the sun pressed down.

A finger is like a Wuyue Mountain. It rises from the clouds and presses down towards the ferrying ghosts and gods.

They will take the entire Dragon Pattern Mountain together.

Such a handwriting is shocking to the heavens and ghosts.

Everyone's scalp was numb and they just felt dizzy.

Oh my god.

What did they see?

This is the anger of the gods.

Inflicting divine punishment.

this moment.

The ferry ghosts and gods were extremely frightened.

Black mist filled his body and spread rapidly. However, the black mist could not extend even three meters around him and turned into powder.

Under such pressure, he completely lost his resistance.

Just like a child holding an iron rod, it looks fierce, but in the eyes of adults, it is just vulnerable.

It can be suppressed even in the ups and downs.

No! You will die if you do this. Do you think you can withstand the entire horror world by yourself?

The eyes of the ferry ghost were about to burst, and he roared loudly:

You can resist, but what about this human world? At the end of the fight, you will find that you are the only one left in this world, and there are ruins as far as you can see. And all of this is in your mind. You will regret it. .”


Shen Jian's tone was faint.

After waiting for so long, there has been no sign of the thriller game.

It seems.

This Xiao Bichi does know how to run away decisively when the situation is not good.

That being the case.

He didn't need to wait any longer.

Thriller games have given up on ferrying ghosts and gods.

Then this copy should collapse.

Shen Jianxu pressed down his hand.

The heaven and earth trembled because of his move, and the earth also rustled, humming and boiling for him.

Boom boom boom!

The big golden hand spanned the space between heaven and earth and grabbed it casually.

Under everyone's dull gaze, the big hand grabbed the ferry ghost and half of the Dragon Pattern Mountain. With a lift of five fingers, the earth roared and shook, and he took away the third copy of the game that came to the real world.

Above the sky.

The golden light and shadow are slowly dissipating.

Shen Jian turned and left.

Walking with me in the Heavenly Palace, I gradually fade away.

Only a golden back was left.


Still silent.

The atmosphere at the scene could not calm down for a long time.

It wasn't until Shen Jian left for a long time that someone finally came back to his senses.

Their eyes were in a trance as they looked at Longwen Mountain, which was mostly captured by golden hands.

The highest and most famous mountain in Handong Province, Longwen Mountain, only has a small peak less than a few hundred meters left.

But they know.

From today onwards.

Longwen Mountain is even more famous.

Because this mountain has witnessed miracles.

At this time.

Suddenly, a parent who witnessed the scene took out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote something on the paper.

Someone looked over curiously.

I found that the other party was writing a phone number.

Watched for a while.

They reacted violently.

Isn't this number the phone number carved into the eyes of that ghost and god?

Think of this.

Others were also shocked.

Crazy, he took out a pen and paper. If he didn't have paper, he would take off his clothes and record it. If he didn't have pen, he would break off a branch and carve it on the stone slab.

He collected it as if he had found a treasure.

If they didn't miss it, then the phone number was the contact information of the majestic and noble god who overlooked the human world.

Even if they don't dare to call, this is the only way for them to contact a god.

In ancient times, this would be immortality.

It is a sacred object worthy of being enshrined by the family as a longevity card.

The female teacher holding the child also put Qiqi down and quickly recorded it, for fear that she would forget it.

Qiqi said in a childlike voice: Teacher, why do you remember this?

The female teacher said without thinking: Qiqi, you don't understand, this is immortal fate.

But...teacher, don't you already have my parents' phone number?

Female teacher:? ! !

It turns out that I have always been the one with the best chance of listening to the oracle! ?

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