Handong Province.

Dragon pattern mountain.

According to rumors, a real dragon died here. The dying dragon crawled on the ground and rubbed off its scales on the ground, forming unique traces of dragon patterns, so it was called Dragon Pattern Mountain.

at this time.

Above Longwen Mountain, the air is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sky was extremely gloomy and snowflakes were falling.

It snowed heavily not only in Longwen Mountain but also in the entire city.

It seems to be foreshadowing something.

Longwen Mountain·Farmhouse.

A group of fifty or sixty people were huddled in the villa at this time.

One by one, they looked up at the snowy sky.

This is the southern region.

Even in the coldest winter, the temperature does not drop below 5 degrees, let alone snow.

However, the reality is that Handong Province has experienced snowflakes that have been rare in decades.

It's been a long time since I've seen you. This is the first time I've seen Xue in Handong Province in my life.

A middle-aged man in a suit muttered.

Don't worry about it. It's snowing. What the hell is this panel that suddenly appears in front of us? Is it a prank?

It's too high-tech for a prank. Not only can we see this illusory panel here, but even the children can see it.

Survival, what a rubbish game. You asked us to get out of the farmhouse as soon as possible. You said the game is about to start. You're just bluffing.

A group of middle-aged men yelled.

Trying to find out the photography and special effects team and director behind the farmhouse.

There were also a few people holding their children with solemn expressions on their faces.

At this time.

A childish voice sounded.

A little girl with pink makeup who looked seven or eight years old ran out, followed by a female teacher, who kept shouting Qiqi, Qiqi.

Uncle, let's run quickly. This is a horror game. If we delay it any longer, ghosts will appear.

Qi Qi's face was anxious and she shouted childishly.

What? A thriller game?

Hahaha, kid, are you here to tell us ghost stories?

Sorry, parents, this kid is talking nonsense.

The female teacher picked up Qiqi and apologized.

Teacher, I'm not joking. If you don't leave, the ghost will really appear later. My brother is a player of thriller games. He told me that if one day I am selected by a thriller game, in the novice mode, I must follow the game's prompts. Go ahead, otherwise ghosts will appear and kill people.”

Qiqi struggled.

His little face wrinkled up.

There is quite a sense of deja vu that they are all pig teammates and cannot be brought up.

Hear this.

A group of middle-aged men looked at each other.

I looked left and right, but no one said anything.

Kid, the scary game and ghost you mentioned, is it true?

Of course, Qing City, you know that my brother is the person in charge of Qing City. Don't any of you adults care about the strange things that happened during this period?

In order to convince these people, Qiqi directly reported his background.

At this moment.

The crowd suddenly became commotion.

Many people here do not have access to such information as the city leader, but they have heard about various strange things that have happened in Qingshi and other places.

Even if they didn't believe this child, they knew that allowing fifty or sixty people to see the game panel at the same time was beyond the scope of existing technology.

Could it be that there really is some kind of thriller game?

And... ghost! ?

As soon as this idea came up.

All the parents showed a bit of panic.

They all looked at the little girl who was picked up.

Kid, your name is Qiqi, right? Has your brother taught you what we should do now?

One parent swallowed saliva.

Of course, we must complete the mission according to the game prompts. Once the mission is completed, we can leave. Otherwise, we will stay here forever.

Qiqi's little face was entangled.

She tried to call Yin Zai, but Yin Zai didn't respond.

This shows that when the game copy arrives, an unknown existence has killed Yin Zai.

She is the only survivor of the massacre of the village by the Fallen Angel Organization, and was adopted by Shen Jian in the City God's Hall. Although she is young, she already knows a lot.

for example……

She is a ghost master, but without the old yellow dog around, it means she has no power.

There was also a conspiracy to protect her. He was a top-notch red-clad ghost, but he was eliminated quietly. This shows that the ghosts in this copy are at least four stars and above, and the ghost king has already been dispatched.

They had no choice but to wait for rescue.

If this ghost king's killing pattern is triggered again, no one in the group of ordinary people will be able to escape.

Think of this.

Qiqi changed her words again: No, uncle, we can't leave. The ghost outside has already taken action. We don't know what its killing pattern is. If someone triggers the killing pattern, we don't have any power to fight against them.

But kid, didn't you just say that if we stay here, ghosts will come to our door?

Qiqi gritted her teeth and said: That's true, but the ghosts wandering outside are obviously more dangerous. Once we encounter them, we have no chance at all. And if such a big thing happens here, my brother must have known about it. As long as my brother comes, here Nothing is a problem.”

Everyone looked at each other.

I didn’t know what to do for a while.

Some people think that they can't listen to a kid talking nonsense and horror games here, and they just need to go down the mountain the way they came.

Some people think that the situation is unclear and going down the mountain may not be a good thing. Moreover, if it snows heavily here, official people will always come to rescue.




When there is an argument.

A strange and penetrating voice came out of one of the boxes.

Headless people, headless souls, and headless people are all superior beings.

The sound is getting closer.

Eerie and penetrating.

at the corner.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Footsteps sounded.

A figure wandered out.


Ghost! It's a ghost.

There's a ghost!

In an instant.

The crowd was in chaos and screaming.

Just because around the corner, a headless corpse carrying its head walked out, and the sound just now was made by the head carried by the headless corpse.

How can a person live without his head, and how can his head still talk without his body?


This word is like a bucket of cold water poured on everyone.

They only felt a chill.

The whole person was extremely frightened.

He hugged his child in a panic and ran in the opposite direction.

Qiqi was also picked up.

As the female teacher walked away, she screamed repeatedly: Qiqi, what should we do now?

Yes, kid, we believe you, what should we do?

Damn it, what's going on in this world? Even ghosts are coming out.

The frightened sounds continued all the way.

Qiqi's face turned pale, It's okay, we haven't triggered the ghost's killing pattern. For the time being, we are safe, but there may be a ghost wandering outside. We can only pray that we are lucky and will not trigger the killing pattern. .”

Hear this.

The people on the field were desperate.

at this time.

They had run into the forest.

Escape along the path down the mountain.

At this time.

A parent suddenly screamed: You...why are your necks all red? There is a red mark wrapped around your necks, didn't you notice? No, it's on my neck too. What's going on?



The headless man is the most glorious, who's turn is next?

The sinister smile sounded again.

The headless corpse was holding its head, and the ferocious and penetrating expression on its head made people shudder.

What he said frightened everyone.

Because they discovered that this red mark was their lifeline.

Once the red marks wrap around their necks, the ghost will start killing people.

But now, the ghost has set its sights on them.

All of them are prey.

Just wait until the time is up and it will turn into a headless corpse.

this moment.

The fear of adults, the screams of women, and the cries of children echoed through the forest at the same time.

The next second.

Don't panic, everyone be quiet.

An old and energetic voice sounded.

at the same time.

A pale hand stretched out.

On the shoulders of the headless corpse.


The headless corpse fell down, and the smile on its head froze completely, rolling down.


This once again triggered a new round of screaming.

Quiet, do you want to attract all the ghosts?

As soon as these words came out, the whole place suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's eyes were turned to the sudden figure.

It was an old man who looked to be in his seventies or eighties, with an old face and wrinkled skin, but only one pair of eyes that were still as sharp as an eagle.

Are you...the Mr. Zhang Ziping from the interview?

At this time.

Someone recognized the old man.

He is a well-known figure in Handong Province and is often seen on TV.

And just now.

The old man just put his hand on the ghost, and the ghost died and became motionless.

Their eyes were in a trance.

Can this world get any better?

First it was a thriller game, then there was a ghost that existed only in legends, and now I saw a big shot who often appeared on TV, and the other party could deal with ghosts.

the other side.

Zhang Ziping scanned the crowd.

Does any of you named Qiqi? Ran Qiqi?

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone in the audience looked at the little girl in the female teacher's arms.

Master Zhang Ziping looked over.

Are you Ran Qiqi?

It was obvious that the old man breathed a sigh of relief.

Others also looked at Qiqi with surprise.

This old man is a big shot in Handong Province. It is said that he is an official and has a very high status in Handong Province.

Such a big man, still in his seventies or eighties, actually knows a child.

Could it be that the elder brother this kid talks about is really some great big shot? Has a greater status than this old man?

I am, grandpa, who are you?

I am... He was about to speak, thought for a moment, and changed his words: I am a person who owes your family a favor. This time I went into the mountain to ensure your safety.

Qiqi blinked.


The old man was saved by the underworld.

Grandpa, there is another ghost here, it's very scary.


Qiqi tells the danger.

Old man Zhang Ziping touched his beard and said with a smile: Don't worry, old man, I will protect you. Wherever the ghost is, grandpa will catch him.

I don't know, but that ghost killed the yinsha who protected me.

Zhang Ziping:......

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