Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 574 The underworld is in action, gathering in Handong Province


Shen Jian still got what he wanted.

Saint Leia looked up at the ceiling, and the color of her pupils kept changing. One time she was her sister Leah, and the other she was her sister Lila.

Twin evil spirits, one body with two souls, unless one of them blocks their senses, everything they experience will be a double experience.

at this time.

Shen Jian raised his head slightly.

He opened his lips slightly and said in lip language: Did you enjoy watching it? Why don't you come down and join us?

Glorious Ghost:! ! !

She covered her mouth.

His pupils trembled.

Does the other party know that she is eavesdropping?

This is impossible.

Her hobby was so deeply hidden that no one knew about it except her.

Moreover, she only got into the habit of listening to people in corners recently.

There is no reason to spread the news.

Is he scamming me?

Thinking of this, Guanghui Ghost and God left with a guilty conscience.

Today's trip was well worth it.

But it can't be discovered again.

for a long time.

Shen Jian put on his clothes without caring.

There is an experience bar, and even God will kill it for you to see.

With a favorable opinion level, even a god can be conquered.

Although 30 points of favorability is just the beginning of the friendly stage, after this scene, unless the glorious ghosts dig out his brain and format it supernaturally, they will never forget him.


Once he completely recovers the Zongling Qifei Heavenly Palace, this Olympus will be his back garden. If he wants to meet, there will be many opportunities.

On the contrary, the other half of the authority controlled by the Eli Empire...

Shen Jian pondered.

at this time.

There is a new message in the chat interface.

[Xuan Jiu: Great God, the third copy of the thrilling game that has descended on the real world has appeared. 】

See this.

Shen Jian was slightly startled.

This thriller game is really persistent.

They have been destroyed by him twice, and they still dare to invade the realm of the underworld. Is it because they think the number of underworld's underworld is too small, so they sent another batch?

[King Yama: Do you need to inform me about this kind of thing? You are the inspection envoy of Daxia Longque. Go directly to discuss with the local Daxia Longque. Otherwise, you can bring a few undercover people to collapse. 】

[Xuan Jiu: Great God, it was the city manager of Handong Province who asked me to find the underworld. They said that the total Yin Qi value of the game copy that came to the real world this time has exceeded the standard, and the highest Yin Qi index is above the top ghost king. 】

[Xuan Jiu: Handong Province, and even Daxia Longque Headquarters unanimously believe that the difficulty of the game copy that comes this time is likely to reach an unprecedented five-star difficulty level. 】

[Xuan Jiu: Moreover, Qiqi is likely to be involved in the copy...]

Shen Jian's eyes were calm.

[King Yama: Got it. 】

Close the chat interface.

Shen Jian looked out the window, his eyes seemed to have transcended many obstacles and saw the palace of the Eli Empire.


He looked away.

Copy settlement.

Shen Jian muttered softly.

Having recovered half of the Zongling Qi Fei Tian Palace, he can now settle the copy at any time.

at the same time.

A scarlet panel emerged.

[This round of game has ended. 】

[Congratulations to the player for clearing the Bloody Monastery copy. 】

[The copy is being settled...]

[Rating: S+. 】

[Experience gained: 1000%. 】

[Note: You have been promoted to level 58. 】

[Items obtained: Thriller Coin*50,000. 】

[Get special reward: half of Olympus authority. 】

[Note: Due to the player's outstanding performance, 50% of the rights are granted to the glorious ghost resources. You have become one of the heirs of Olympus and can decide to open the copy at your own discretion. 】

[Get special rewards: the trust of glorious ghosts and gods. 】

[Note: The player reaches a deal with the glorious ghosts and gods, establishes a good relationship, and reaches 60 points of favorability, which can trigger the glorious ghosts and gods plot missions. 】

[Get special reward: Holy Son of Elim Temple. 】

[Note: Due to the player's reputation, the glorious ghosts and gods have given you a small convenience, sent down an oracle, and made you the holy son of the temple. 】

[Get special reward: the attention of the Emperor of Eli Empire. 】

[Note: Since the player has become the new heir to Olympus, the contract between imperial power and divine power has been broken, the non-intervention treaty has become invalid, and the Emperor of the Eli Empire has cast a greedy eye on you. 】

As the scarlet panels continue to emerge.

Shen Jian opened his eyes.

We have returned to the Chenghuang Temple in Qingshi.

Looking at the densely packed list of rewards on the panel, he just glanced at them casually and then looked away.


A slight throb appeared in his heart.

Shen Jian's eyes became deeper.

Reach out and make a move.

The life and death book appeared in his hand.

It turns over without wind.

Turned to one of the pages.

[Name: Ran Qiqi. 】

[Life span: unknown. 】

[Time of death: 2 days later (crossed out) unknown. 】

[Cause of death: unknown. 】

[Place of death: Longwenshan Farmhouse, Handong Province. 】

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

Qiqi is the paper-making angel of the Fallen Angel Organization. He is the only survivor of the cursed angel massacre of the village. He picked him up and fostered him in the City God's Hall.

Now that problems arise, Life and Death will naturally respond.

But what was strange to him was that the throbbing just now seemed not entirely directed at the people around him, but also at him.

In other words.

This copy of the game that came to the real world has something to do with him.

In other words, the supernatural master of this copy has a grudge against him.

Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

Have a grudge against him?

real or fake.

Was he possessed by something evil in the thriller game copy, and who did he let go?

Shen Jian thought about it.

I can’t even imagine who it is.

after all.

The king of hell travels without taking a needle or a thread.

Anyone who has a grudge against him should have entered the eighteenth level of hell long ago.


Shen Jian seemed to feel something.

Glancing at the game panel.

[Name: King Yama. 】

[Level: Level 58. 】

[Identity: King of Yama, King of Qin Guang, King of Chujiang, Emperor of Song, King of Officials, and King of Wheels. 】


[Special status: Attention from glorious ghosts and gods. 】

[Special status: Ferry the hatred of ghosts and gods. 】

[Special status: The curiosity of world-weary ghosts and gods. 】

[Special status: Emperor Qing’s anger. 】

at once.

Shen Jianfu to the soul.

I have the answer in my mind.

Needless to say, the Glorious Ghosts and Emperor Qing were in the deep ghost realm and it was impossible to lower their copies.

The only ones left are ferrying ghosts and gods and world-weary ghosts and gods.

Shen Jian thought for a while.

Ferrying ghosts and gods is a special reward from the four-star dungeon Bloody Paper-making Shop. He killed Mrs. Suyi’s husband, the Paper-making Ghost King.

This paper ghost king stole part of the supernatural powers of ghosts and gods and transformed himself into a paper man. When he died, the stolen supernatural powers would return to the ghosts and gods and restore the situation at that time.

He still remembered that he seemed to have engraved his home address on the body of the spirit that was about to escape, waiting for him to come over.

But there has been no news.

As for the world-weary ghosts and gods, they are the source ghosts and gods behind the supernatural cinema that is the second copy of the game to come to the real world.

I have always wanted to invite him to enter the dungeon again and star in a wonderful movie.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

If there is no mistake, the third copy of the game that came to the real world this time is one of these two ghosts and gods.

Shen Jian's eyes looked into the distance.

There was a dark light flowing in his eyes, which he couldn't explain.

The line of sight seems to penetrate a province, directly seeing the scenery of Handong Province from Xiping Province.


He looked away.

After getting the news, Xuan Jiu quickly came to the Chenghuang Hall.

Great God.

Seeing Shen Jian, Xuan Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there are now three city gods in the underworld, and their power is large enough to annex two provinces, she still feels that only Shen Jian can be safe in her heart.

This was the sense of security brought about by Shen Jian showing the power of God in front of her again and again.

To be more specific, didn't Qiqi go to elementary school in Qingshi? Why did she go to Handong Province?

Shen Jian asked.

Death is the end for the common people, but it is the beginning of the underworld.

The least thing he worried about was someone dying in front of him.

Master, as far as I know, the parents of Qiqi's class invited all the teachers and students to play at a farmhouse for a few days. Qiqi had mentioned this before, and we also sent an undercover agent to follow, but not long after Recently, there was no news, and Zhang Ziping, the city manager of Handong Province, sent a message claiming that all the magnetic fields near Longwen Mountain were out of order.

After testing, it was finally confirmed that this is a sign that a copy of the terrifying game is about to come to the real world. Through professional detection of supernatural props, this game copy was finally determined to be a large-scale SS supernatural event. It is suspected that... there is a ghost that is above the top ghost king.

The Great Xia Longque Headquarters also sent me a request for help. They believed that the arrival of this dungeon was abnormal. It was only the third time they invaded the real world, so they lowered the dungeon with a suspected five-star difficulty. This was just to destroy the world of Yang.

Furthermore, some experts have speculated that you, Master, have destroyed the dungeon twice, which has led to Horror Games no longer choosing Xu Xu Tuzhi. There is a high chance that a ghost and god will appear in this dungeon that is suspected to be a five-star difficulty, as well as a tower full of monsters. A supernatural place of evil spirits.”

After listening.

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

Although there is some deviation from the truth, this time the thriller game is obviously intended to be taken by force.

Otherwise, it would not be reduced to a one-star dungeon for the first time, a two-star dungeon for the second time, and a five-star dungeon for the third time.

And Daxia Longque was right about one thing.

There are indeed ghosts and gods in this copy.

And it was directed at him.

He pondered for a few seconds.

Shen Jian raised his eyes.

There are sounds of ghosts and gods in his mouth.

All the Yin servants from the underworld rushed to Handong Province, surrounded Longwen Mountain and designated it as a jurisdiction, and everything was taken over by the underworld.

The words fell.

All the ghosts in the fourteen cities in Xiping Province headed towards the neighboring Handong Province at the same time.

The number is hundreds or even thousands, vast and vast.

The city gods of Linhai City, Tongluo City, and Lantau City also raised their heads at the same time.

Shen Jian's voice sounded in the sky, echoing in the City God's Hall.

You guys should come over too. When old friends come, the landlord's family will naturally give him a warm welcome.

The City God's Hall was shaken again.

The faint sounds of gods and ghosts rippled out.

I will obey the orders of Lord Yan!

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