Wha, what!?

Hearing this, Zhang Ziping's expression changed.

The main purpose of his trip to the mountain was to rescue Qiqi who accidentally entered Longwen Mountain. According to his understanding, this child was related to the underworld. According to the official registration, the girl was adopted by the person in charge of Qing City and was fostered in the City God's Temple. .

He may not have known what it meant before doing it.

But since he was revived by the Judge of the Good Rewards Department and gained three years of life, the Great Xia Longque Headquarters has found him and explained to him most of the situation in the underworld.

Among them is Shen Jian, the person in charge of Qing City, who is the City God of Qing City and the first resurrected King of Hell in the underworld - King Yama.

It can be said.

This is the first god to appear after the invasion of Dragon Kingdom Horror Game.

He is also the most powerful god in the world.

One can imagine the high status of a little girl adopted by such a god in the underworld.

The person who can be sent by the underworld to protect this girl must be at least a top-notch red-clothed Yinza, whose strength is comparable to that of the real Ghost King.


Such a sinister person died quietly.

I don’t even know what killed me.

Think of this.

Zhang Ziping's face froze.

Although he controlled the three fierce ghosts Jigsaw and was granted three more years of life, during which he could use his supernatural powers without any pressure, at most he could only compete with the real ghost king.

Facing an unknown ghost king who could kill Yin Zai, he had no confidence.


He said seriously: Get out of here quickly.


They were a little stunned.


Old man, you have a masterful demeanor.

What about that domineering aura that could easily control ghosts just now?

Don't be a coward.

You are scared, and we are even more scared.

A group of people looked at each other.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Qiqi who was being hugged by the female teacher without leaving any trace.

This kid's background is too mysterious.

At such a young age, not only did he know about scary games, but he also knew about ghosts. Unlike other children who cried and fussed along the way, they were very calm and neither cried nor fussed.

No adult has this kind of psychological quality.

In addition, all the big shots in Handong Province came to look for him in person, so you can imagine how scary her brother's identity is.




The entire Dragon Pattern Mountain became ghostly and gloomy, and the vision in front of it became blurred. There seemed to be resentments wandering in the forest, emitting strange sinister laughter.

This sudden scene startled everyone.

Zhang Ziping also looked serious.

Because the ghost is coming.

Break the rules of the game and take action directly.

This shows that the mysterious master of the copy covering Longwen Mountain is actively violating the rules set by the horror game and starting to kill people unscrupulously.

This is extremely unreasonable.

The reason why a copy is called a game is because the rules cannot be broken.

The ghost will not take action until someone triggers Li Gui's killing rules or violates the rules of the dungeon.


If someone takes the initiative to provoke you, that's another matter.

But now that all of them are here, they don't meet the conditions for Li Gui to take action, but Gui just takes action.

This can only mean that the source ghost of the copy that came to the real world is trying to violate the rules of the horror game and kill them all.

Zhang Ziping smiled bitterly.

Don't know what to say.

He had never heard of such a situation.

The copy of the Supernatural Lord here gives him the illusion that he is here to seek revenge, not to invade the world of the sun.


A foul smell came from behind.

A dead man with pus on his body, pustules bursting, and thick green blood leaking out did not know when he had approached.

His movements were slow and his smile was weird.

Zhang Ziping couldn't laugh.

Because this dead man is a ghost king level ghost.

Cough cough cough...

At this time.

Another movement arose.

An old man with half his head missing appeared on the path down the mountain. He was coughing. Every time he coughed, the fog in the forest became heavier and the visibility became lower.

The old man's smile was stiff, and his gray eyes stared directly upward.


This is far from the limit.

as time flows.

The environment of Longwen Mountain began to change.

Tombs suddenly appeared in the mountains.

The grave soil is cracked.

The silhouettes of fierce ghosts kept appearing.

There are men, women, children, and old people, with gray complexions and black eyes. They hold hands and walk step by step. Every time they pass a grave, a ghost's hand is held up, and the number is increasing. .

The temperature of the entire mountain began to plummet.

The plants and woods on Longwen Mountain are withering rapidly, and there is condensation of Yin Qi and frost.

This trend is rapidly spreading outside the mountains.

this moment.

Zhang Ziping looked horrified and lost his mind.

In his eyes, the entire Longwen Mountain was surrounded by fierce ghosts. The overwhelming Yin Qi condensed in the sky, causing the ghost Qi to cover the sky and the sky quickly darkened.


There are ghosts everywhere.

Red level, ghost king level, abyss level, and even unsolvable level.

A large number of evil ghosts resurrected in the mountains, and the level of terror became even more terrifying.

At first, it was just the Red Level, followed closely by the Ghost King.

In another moment, he became an abyss-level ghost king.

In the blink of an eye, top ghost kings also appeared one after another.

A dozen, dozens, hundreds...

Everyone was stunned.

His legs and feet became weak and he fell to the ground. His whole body was in extreme shock.

The inner fear threshold has been exceeded.

Even if they are asked to stand up and run now, they have no idea at all.

Because there are too many.

So much so that they lost their faith in escaping.

Even Zhang Ziping felt cold all over at this time, and the chill reached Tianling Gai.

This number of fierce ghosts can already slaughter the entire Handong Province.

In the real world, the appearance of a top-notch red-clad ghost with supernatural killing patterns that can be triggered at will is enough to cause an S-class supernatural incident that sweeps the city.

The arrival of ghosts above the Ghost King level, regardless of whether the killing pattern is triggered or not, is classified as a city-destroying S-level supernatural event.

Ghost kings above the abyss level, based on their strength and quantity, can be characterized as SS-level supernatural events that destroy the province.

As for the invasion of ghosts and gods like the one in Ivy City, it is classified as an SSS-level supernatural event that will destroy the country.

In terms of pure horror level, the supernatural copy that descended on Dragon Pattern Mountain can only be regarded as close to the SSS supernatural event. However, there are too many ghosts here. He saw no less than a hundred ghost kings alone, and the number of abyss-level ghost kings was even more. More than thirty.

Even the top ghost kings, he saw no fewer than five.

With such a terrifying lineup of ghosts, how terrifying should the source ghost behind this copy be?


As soon as the idea came up.

Zhang Ziping was shocked.

The horror in his eyes could no longer be increased.

at this time.

There was only one thought left in his mind: He had to report to the underworld in advance.


at this time.

The ghost from Longwen Mountain walked out, but stopped midway.

The reaction of these ghosts was very unified, and they all looked at the foot of Longwen Mountain.

Other people's eyes also subconsciously moved away.

I saw...

Figures in black official robes appeared one after another.

They walked over the mountains and ridges towards Longwen Mountain, moving a long distance in one step, and their bodies were equally densely packed.

See this scene.

One word came to everyone's mind.

Something bad happened!

As the footsteps of the evil spirits get closer and closer, the ghostly energy is suppressed, the fog dissipates, but the gloomy atmosphere becomes more and more terrifying.

The aura of these sinister men was frighteningly cold, and their faces were forlorn.

With every step he took, the clanging sound of chains echoed through the forest.

What's going on!? What happened to this world?

Oh my God, I seemed to wake up violently. I saw something with the head of an ox and a body of a horse.

Mom, bull head and horse noodles!

And over there, wearing a high hat, holding a bone stick, one black and one white, it is the legendary black and white impermanence.

All the parents held their breath.

Everyone's eyes widened.

His face was full of disbelief.

Ghosts have appeared, and the masters who catch ghosts have also appeared. Now there is a group of sinister villains, with bull heads and horse faces, black and white, and impermanence. It seems... quite normal?

Damn it!

That's normal.

They begin to doubt life.

I doubt whether the place where I have lived these years is real.

Otherwise, why would even the underworld appear?

Thoughts are spinning.

One after another, the shady men in black official robes stepped onto the Longwen Mountain. They were covered in darkness. They stood on the top of the mountains in all directions, as if a large army was pressing down on the territory, besieging the city and searching the mountains. They surrounded the entire Longwen Mountain and stood on the top of the mountain, staring at the mountain with indifference. The devil.

There is a sense of déjà vu that says, Let's move and try it.

Group of ghosts:......

They stood there, their steps seemed to be rooted in the ground, not daring to move at all.

Don't dare to move, don't dare to move.


The five top ghost kings headed by them had no such concerns.

Their movements were stiff and their smiles were cold.

Confront him without fear.

The terrifying top ghost king is threatening and overwhelming.

Zhang Ziping's face turned pale.

He was about to use the ghost realm to escape further, but the next moment, his steps also froze.

His eyes suddenly looked into the distance.

The other five top ghost kings also looked over, their faces stiffened, because suddenly, they felt a terrifying supernatural force, and their bodies began to tremble. This was the instinctive reaction of the ghosts. When faced with a terrifying level higher than There are too many supernatural instincts warning of their terrifying presence.


In the eyes of everyone.

An extremely beautiful woman appeared. She smelled of clouds and incense, and her cheongsam skirt was swaying, as if she was walking through the clouds.

Who is this! ?

Why does she... look so much like the female city god in Linhai City Temple?

As soon as these words came out.

It evoked reactions from countless people.

Yes, it does look like it, very much like it.

I also have this feeling. There are not many female city gods in history, let alone the ones that still exist today. It is indeed the female city god in Linhai City.

Following the evil events, the bull's head and the horse's face, and the black and white impermanence, has even the city god come? What exactly happened here?

Countless people expressed doubts.

At this time.

Qiqi's childlike voice said happily: Aunt Rong.

Everyone:? ? !

They were stunned.

Aunt Rong?

Are you calling that female city god?

Damn it!

You, a kid, actually know the City God! ?

It's noisy.

this moment.

They suddenly thought that the reason why this child knew this female city god was because of her brother.

Her brother knew this female city god and had a very close relationship with her.

Otherwise, how could a Yin God be so close to a child?

Think of this.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Eyes widened.

There is a sense of unreality.

Who the hell is this brother of yours?

The big shot in Handong Province personally went to the mountains to look for your sister. Now even the city god of the underworld knows your sister and asked him to call her Aunt Rong affectionately. This is not a serious relationship, so he doesn't dare to call her by this name.

Who is her brother? !

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