time flies.

During this period of time, strange things happened frequently in the Holy City.

First, an evil organization calling itself the Redemption Society emerged, with all its members being evil spirits who were extremely cruel, causing panic among people.


After the Redemption Church was raging, a priest from the cathedral stopped the evil spirits' plot in time. It is said that this priest can resonate with the radiant ghosts and gods, and is likely to reach the level of listening to oracles in the future.

According to insiders, Saint Leah of the temple often came to the priest to exchange experiences, and the two had a great conversation.

Everyone in the Holy City today knows that this priest is likely to become the first Holy Son in the history of Elim Temple.

Then continue.

It's the rumors about the Saint of Carlisle.

This is the oldest saint in the Holy City and the most prestigious saint. Before Saint Leia was not selected, Saint Carlisle was in charge of Elim Temple.

Everyone thought that the Saint of Carlisle was the leader of the temple.

It wasn't until the oracle came from the temple and the new saint arrived that all this changed slightly.

But this change did not frustrate Saint Carlisle. She still actively solved bad incidents within the empire. In just one year, she solved hundreds of evil ghost corruption incidents.

It has been sought after by a large number of believers.


I don’t know which day the wind changed.

The Saint of Carlisle's deepest sins were unearthed.

The hundreds of evil ghost corruption incidents she solved were all directed and acted by her.

She secretly cultivated evil spirits, massacred small town residents, threatened evil spirits to be used by her, and committed numerous crimes.

This move has seriously tarnished the image of the glorious ghosts and gods.

The temple side is officially involved in the investigation.

The sainthood of the Saint of Carlisle is temporarily revoked.

All of this is concentrated in this month.

It can be said that things are changing.

for all this.

Shen Jian ignored it.

He is only responsible for submitting information.

More specifically, it was executed by Saint Leia and Duke Silis.


Because of this, he has been unable to find any time alone with Duke Hillis for a while.

At night, she was attacked by Lila.

During the day, Leah spent time with Duke Silis.

He didn't even have any room to intervene.

Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

How did he feel that the two sisters, Lialila, seemed to be deliberately trying to prevent him from being alone with Duke Silis.

Think of this.

Shen Jian shook his head.

If it cannot be inserted, then we can only do business.

Right now, the Saint of Carlisle is about to collapse, and it is basically a foregone conclusion that she will be deposed as a Saint, and there is no way she can turn around.


He needs to consider his plan to become a priest and clear the main mission.

As for this, he and the two sisters Lialila had already discussed this.

Shen Jian opened the game panel.

[King of Yama: @Andre @Mike, inform the members of the Redemption Society and take action. 】


Church of Saint-Cili.

This is the third cathedral with the oldest history and the deepest foundation in the Holy City.

The pastor spokesperson for this term is a highly respected old pastor who has been in office for fifteen years.

at the same time.

This old priest is also one of the most promising candidates to become the priest of Elim Temple.

This day.


Saint-Cili's Church was attacked by evil spirits.

More than twenty evil spirits wearing black masks, holding white bone sticks, and full of resentment entered the church.

Suddenly, the scene was in chaos.

There was a flurry of excitement.

No, it's the notorious Redemption Society.

They are too courageous. This is St. Cili's Church. How dare they come here to kidnap people.

Don't panic, we only need to hold off for thirty minutes, and the disciplinary knights from the temple will arrive. None of them can escape.

Lord Glorious Ghost God, your devout believers pray to you, let these evil people be punished.

A group of believers shouted.

One after another, they intercepted these members of the Redemption Society.

But no one can get close.

Because the white bone sticks in the hands of these evil spirits are too weird.

It's like a weapon specially used to restrain evil spirits.

With one blow of the stick, the ghost believers who were not at the ghost king level fell down on the spot.

Even if you are a ghost king or above, if you are hit with a stick, you will be wrapped in severe pain, scream out, and dare not continue to get closer.


A strange scene happened in the church.

There were obviously hundreds of believers in St. Xili's Church, but they were forced to retreat by twenty evil spirits.

Screaming again and again.

At this time.

One of the evil spirits suddenly said: Don't waste time, capture the priest.

As soon as these words came out.

The church exploded.


The purpose of these evil spirits is the priest?

No, it's probably the priests of our Saint Cili Church who have hindered the development of their Redemption Society, so these evil spirits plan to take away all the priests in the Holy City.

Protect the Reverend, the Redemption Society's target is him.

There was a roar.

All the believers approached the priest above the church.

Prevent the pastor from unexpected events.

the other side.

The old priest of St. Xili's Church also widened his eyes.

He looked old, had a long beard, and looked to be forty or fifty years old. He was still very young, but his body was filled with an aura of decay, and his face was gray-grey, as if he had just climbed out of a coffin.

The old pastor was very confused about the current situation.

Does he have so much energy that this crazy redemption will come to his door?

His grandma's.

Why didn't he know he still had so much energy?

He has been re-elected as pastor for fifteen years. In addition to his time as a trainee pastor and doing odd jobs, he has spent most of his life in the church. His current reputation is entirely due to the accumulation of time.

Extremely mediocre.

He bared his teeth.

I really want to ask if these people have the wrong target.

You should kidnap the famous priest of the cathedral. He can resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods. If you don't catch him, come and catch me, this old guy.

What the hell, are you guys lagging behind on news or something?

If the situation wasn't wrong, he really wanted to yell and ask these members of the Redemption Society to kidnap the man from the cathedral.

In this case, he may have a chance to be selected for this year's priest selection.

But looked at the scene.

He closed his mouth knowingly.

The believers were allowed to be knocked down one by one, screaming in agony.

He is just a small abyss-level ghost king. He is no match for these evil ghosts. It is better to rely on believers to delay time and wait for rescue.

The old priest thought so.


A large hand with a red hemp rope tied around the wrist grabbed him.

The old priest was startled.

At this time.

An anxious voice sounded in his ears: Priest, we can't drag on here any longer. Let's run quickly.

The old priest took a closer look.

It was the owner of this big hand who spoke.

He doesn't recognize it.

But to be able to appear here at this time, he should also be a believer of St. Xili Church.

He was very moved by Shen Jian's proposal.

Because judging from the situation at the scene, this group of believers could not stop the approach of these evil ghosts. He could not guarantee whether the rescue or the evil ghosts would come first.

Isn't this good? You guys are still here to guard me. If I run away, wouldn't it mean that I'm scared?

The old priest hesitated.

Master Priest, this group of Redemption Society is here for you. Only if you leave can we fight with peace of mind. Moreover, Master Priest, you are not running away, but are going to call for reinforcements. I believe everyone will understand.

Old Pastor:? ? !

He stared.

Damn it.

How come I didn't know there was a believer like you in the church before?

What you said is so arrogant.

I didn't think of such a perfect excuse at first.


Think of this.

The old priest hesitated no longer.

That's right, I'm going to call for reinforcements. Quick, take me away.

no problem.

Shen Jian's face was solemn, and he immediately took the old pastor and left here.

See it.

The evil spirits of the Redemption Society roared repeatedly, as if they didn't want to see the old priest and just run away.

However, the believers were shocked.

He resisted even more vigorously.


Less than five minutes.

Seeing the old pastor running further and further away, the members of the Redemption Society wearing black masks could only retreat unwillingly.

We blocked it.

This is a victory for Saint-Cili.

It's a redemption meeting, that's all.

All the believers cheered.

at this time.

A believer expressed doubts.

The believer who just dragged the pastor away seemed a bit strange to me. Does any of you know him?

As soon as these words came out.

The whole place fell silent.

Then the pot exploded.

No, you don't know him?

Huh? I thought you knew each other.

MD, I thought you knew each other.

You don't know him? Then where did he come from?

Inside the church.

All the believers looked at each other.

I just felt a chill rushing up to Tianling Gai.

They don't know each other, which is enough to show that the other party is not a believer here.

But it's night now, who else can stay here besides the believers?

This is inexplicable, why is there suddenly a stranger whom no one knows?

Everyone felt a chill.

Pastor, are you okay?

Probably...not dead.

the other side.

After running for a certain distance and completely away from St. Xili's Church, the old priest just breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that the man in front of him was still pulling him away.

Run further and further.


The direction of this escape does not seem to be the location of the temple or other churches.

But a deserted alley.

This believer, where are you taking me? This doesn't seem to be the direction to ask for reinforcements.

he shouted.

But he found that the figure in front of him did not respond to him.

The old pastor's heart skipped a beat.

at this time.

Only then did he have time to observe the man in front of him.

The pupils narrowed little by little.

He was so nervous just now that he didn't notice anything was wrong with this man.

Not only did the other party enter the church with a blood-stained hemp rope that did not belong to the church, but he was not wearing the clothes of St. Cyril's Church, and he did not even have a badge symbolizing the identity of the believer.

How could such a person with three nothings be a believer?

But if he wasn't a believer, then who was this person who led him to escape all the way?

Or... what kind of dirty thing is it? !

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