Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 571 You are so cowardly, what the hell are you doing?

In a deserted alley.

The old pastor tried to break free from the big hand of the cattail leaf fan on his wrist, but there was no response at all.

The man in front still pulled him and ran deeper.

He was completely panicked.

What the hell is this figure that suddenly appears in the church and pulls him away?

How did the other party enter the church when he was clearly not a believer?

With so many people there at that time, how did the other party squeeze in to him and successfully bring him out?

The more I think about it.

The old priest became more and more creepy.

He felt like he was caught in something dirty.


The man in front stopped.

Turn around slowly.




In a trance, he saw from Shen Jian's eyes a deep and endless hell, with thousands of ghosts wailing and miserable screams constantly ringing out.

A vicious grimace with only its head left magnified in front of him.

An eerie ghostly voice lingered in his mind.

The old priest's pupils grew wider and wider.

Evil...evil ghost?

This dirty thing that dragged him away turned out to be a collection of countless resentful and resentful souls.

He is the evil spirit among evil spirits.

Completely cruel and devoid of humanity.

this moment.

He felt a deep sense of fear.

Obviously a few minutes ago, this figure was his hope of leaving the dangerous place. A few minutes later, the hope he had been pinning on became his greatest despair.

Ah! Ghost!

The old priest screamed in horror.

In panic.

He actually broke free.

Then he ran in the opposite direction without looking back.

There was deep fear in his eyes.

How do evil spirits of this level survive in the Holy City?

What about Elim Temple? Where is the saint?

Why does no one know that there is such darkness hidden under the peaceful holy city?

Nothing wrong.

This is definitely a member of the Redemption Church.

Apart from the Redemption Society, an evil organization rich in evil spirits, no other criminal organization can be found that dares to absorb evil spirits.

And he just fell into the trap.

The people of the Redemption Society obviously knew that they would not be able to capture St. Cili's Church in a short time, so they planned to lure him out.

Instead of dealing with a group of believers, it would be better to lure this important target out and kidnap him alone.


In the initial panic, he became hot-headed for a moment, believed the other party's conspiracy, and was deceived.

Think of this.

The old pastor regretted his mistake.

If he persists, maybe the disciplinary knights from Elim Temple or support from other churches will come.

But he was so anxious that he sought medical treatment and chose the stupidest method.

But it's okay.

He broke free.

He also has the opportunity to return to the church.

In addition, he has already seen Shen Jian's appearance. When he returns, he will send people to search the whole city to find out the whereabouts of these members of the Redemption Society.

Just thinking about it.


The old priest bumped into a figure and fell to the ground.

Take a closer look.

They were a group of unknown strangers with vicious looks. At a glance, there were about twenty of them.

The old pastor was delighted.

If you can still walk in the alley at this time, there are basically no good ghosts.

But none of that matters.

In front of evil spirits, others don't think you are good or evil.

I am the pastor of St. Cili's Church. There is an evil spirit from the Redemption Church following me. Please help me stop him. I will go back to the church now to fetch reinforcements.

The old priest finished.

There was no movement in the audience.

Just staring straight at each other.


He took something out of his pocket.

Cover your head.

The twenty evil spirits who attacked Saint-Cili's Church stood naked in front of the old priest, their sinister smiles unstoppable.

Old Pastor:? ! !

His mouth dropped open.

I was immediately stunned.

Damn it!

What the hell kind of luck is this.

They have already run away, and they can still run into the gangsters head-on.

What the hell...

Who should lower his head?

Otherwise, how could a person be so unlucky?

Da da da……

At this time.

Heavy footsteps sounded from behind.

The old priest was extremely frightened.

He turned his head stiffly, just in time to see Shen Jian walking calmly from the corner.

As he walked, he made an intrusive Jie Jie sound.

Such a scene is so scary.


The old priest rolled his eyes.

Just go into temporary hibernation.

Huh? It's so embarrassing. You're the second person I've ever seen to scare yourself into unconsciousness. You're so brave that you wouldn't even dare to watch a ghost movie.

I saw the old pastor was shocked.

Shen Jian spat in disgust.

Deep contempt for the character of this pastor.



Their eyes were twitching.

Their president is too bad.

Those who knew it were trying to break the other person's mentality, but those who didn't know it thought they had met a pervert.


What they are doing now seems to be this kind of perverted thing.

Forget it, just catch the ghost. Then it will be the turn of the other two churches. You guys will continue to play their old tricks. In such a short time, the news will not spread so quickly.

Shen Jian waved his hand.

Let the pastoral spokesmen of the three largest churches in the Holy City disappear, thereby easily achieving the goal of being taller among the short ones.

The Holy City has two places.

Besides him, he wanted to take Mike out.

Break into the enemy and start by personally training undercover agents.

As for the others, after he takes back the authority of Olympus, he will naturally be able to clear the level.

Take action.

Shen Jian said.


The night passed.

News spread that the three largest churches in the Holy City were attacked by the Redemptorists at the same time and the priests were kidnapped.

More and more people know about this.

People are panicked.

Because of this, Shen Jian's business work increased.

Every panicked believer immediately thought of coming to Shen Jian to pray.

His reputation was growing rapidly.

To this.

Shen Jian accepted all the orders.

Not a few days.

Saint Leia claims to have received an oracle from a radiant ghost.

The meaning is obvious: there is insufficient talent reserve for priests, and the temple has started a new round of priest selection in advance.

The news spread like wildfire.

Everyone is immersed in the preparations for the glorious ghosts and gods to reveal their oracles.

This day.

A Chinese man with the ID [Yunlong] found Shen Jian.

Yam Luo, although I don't know how you did it, in this selection, you will definitely be selected to become a priest. If you clear the dungeon, I have something to ask of you.

Shen Jian looked at the other party with interest.

What's up?

Inform the Great Xia Longque about the arrival of ghosts and gods in the Western World, and tell the Great Xia Longque about Olympus, so that the headquarters can prepare early. The Western Holy See is likely to start a war.

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

These words were equivalent to revealing that he was an undercover agent dispatched by Daxia Longque Headquarters.


Daxia Longque is really willing to give up.

He even sent a level 56 player there.

In the supernatural world, this is at least one of the top five ghost masters.

If one is missing, it will be Dragon Kingdom’s loss.

after all.

A top ghost controller of this level is no longer just the person in charge of a city, but the general person in charge of an entire province.

Seeing that Shen Jian didn't respond.

Yunlong explained: Yan Luo, I am also a member of the Great Xia Longque Headquarters. In order to explore the secret of why Western ghost masters are generally so much higher than us, the Great Xia Longque Headquarters did not hesitate to arrange a secret operation to let I defected to the Western world with some of my secrets.

In order to join the Holy See, I lay dormant for a long time, and then I learned the important clues. It was only after entering here that he understood why the Western ghost masters are so much better than us. This news is very important.

Because according to the Holy See, our side is also connected to a supernatural place similar to Olympus. It's just that my level is not high enough to get clues on how to open this place.

Shen Jian looked as usual.

The opportunity to open the deep ghost realm is the dispute over the authority of the administrators in the horror world area.

Once someone inherits the authority of the manager, under a sense of crisis, the deep-level ghost realm will be fully released, allowing more subordinates to enter and increase the level of terror.

Perhaps it was during this process that some Western ghost masters were replaced.

This has resulted in the current situation in the Western world.


Shen Jian asked: When you talk about the coming of ghosts and gods, do you mean the Cleopatra who descended on the pyramid?

Hear this.

Yunlong was obviously shocked.

He didn't seem to understand how Shen Jian knew.

But he still explained: Yes, this is the first ghost and god to come to the real world. I got a secret clue. This ghost and god will randomly open a copy. Those who successfully pass the level can become her dependents and get a A token to go to the deep ghost realm.

If the Great Xia Longque Headquarters plans to be independent of people in the future, it must break the dungeon monopoly of the Western Holy See.

What about the war?

The development of the Western world has reached a bottleneck. They need to annex the Dragon Kingdom and even the entire Eastern Continent to expand their territory.

After listening.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

It’s not surprising that Cleopatra has her own copy.

After all, this is already a characteristic of horror games that have successfully invaded the real world, and as the master of the dungeon, Cleopatra can naturally control the opening of the dungeon.

It's war...

This was not what he expected.

Did you think that the ghost masters of the Dragon Kingdom were weak, and did you come up with this idea?

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.

He seemed to be thinking about something in his heart.

a long time.

He just nodded: I understand, I will tell the Daxia Longque headquarters.

Thank you.

Yunlong breathed a sigh of relief: In this case, even if I can't publish the dungeon, I can still repay Daxia Longque's kindness.

Say it.

He turned and left.

Shen Jian was left alone thinking about something.

The eyes are dark.

He did not want a devastated world, which would increase the burden on the underworld.

However, the footsteps of the Western Holy See will not be moved according to his will.

If you want the Western world to wait, the power of the underworld will have to make everyone jealous, afraid, and afraid to move.

Only in this way can he keep everything as it is before the underworld's power expands enough to encompass the Western world.

Think of this.

Shen Jian stood up.

Calculating the time, the Saint of Carlisle has also fallen. It's almost time to reclaim Luo Fengtian's authority...

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