Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 569 My sister is so good and bad that she actually eats it secretly

The next day.


When Saint Leah woke up, she suddenly felt some pain in her cheeks. She rubbed it and said angrily: Sister, what did you do with your body yesterday? Did you eat it behind my back?


How did this stupid sister know that she ate it secretly?

Is there still a taste in your mouth?

its not right.

She had obviously washed up.

In order to prevent her sister from knowing that she stayed up late at night and went to the cathedral to look for the pervert, she deliberately washed away all the traces.

What's wrong? Didn't you always care about this before?

Lila hesitated.

But if you go to eat delicious food secretly, how can you block my perception? We have to share it together.

Saint Leia said angrily.

He sniffed himself to see if there was any food scent left on him.

But there was nothing except the faint smell of ammuxi in my hair.

Definitely next time.

Lila breathed a sigh of relief, just fine she didn't notice.

Although this stupid sister of hers has not yet realized that she has fallen in love with a scumbag and still wants to make Shen Jian and Duke Siris happy, as a sister, how can she sit still and wait for death.

She did all this anyway.

As long as she doesn't take the last step, I believe Leah won't notice anything.

Think of this.

Lila felt a little guilty.

After all, the two sisters are now one body and two souls. She has been touched all over, and she can skillfully master the techniques of serving that pervert. These have physical memories.

She was afraid that it would happen too often.

Leah herself was self-taught.


She changed the subject and said: How do you plan to use the information that the big sex embryo handed you yesterday? Once the contents of this record are released, Carlisle will be doomed, and the image of the saint she has worked so hard to create will also be destroyed. It just collapsed.”

Leah fell silent.

You won't be soft-hearted, right? Lila couldn't help but remind: Don't forget, when we first came here, she showed murderous intent to us. If you hadn't stayed in the temple all the time, all the bodies would have been destroyed. Dismembered.”

And your doctor must have paid a huge price to get this record. If you let her go, the first person she will take revenge on in the future will be the person who handed over this information, which is the doctor you care about.

Sister, what are you thinking about? People like her are not worthy of becoming a saint, let alone serving the goddess. I am just thinking about who to hand over the task of collecting intelligence.

Leah frowned.

An idea soon came to mind.

Sister, this matter is of great importance. There is Carlisle's spy in the temple. The only one we can trust is Sister Hill.

Duke Hillis... Lila pondered for a moment: She is indeed the most suitable. If you decide, just go for it.

Well, this time, it's my turn to help the doctor.

Duke's Palace.

Duke Hillis, who was dressed in a more masculine outfit, stood at the door. The cool breeze blew her high ponytail. She was tall and slim. Although her figure was thin, she was full of heroism. Her long rose-colored hair made it obvious at a glance that she was Yi. Characteristics of the Noaden family.

Sister Hill.

Leah stepped out of the carriage, her hot figure stretched out her slim-fitting saint's dress, looking sacred, solemn, and sexy.

The two women held hands and walked toward the deserted courtyard.

Wherever you pass along the way, the flowers lose their color.

Not long after.

Duke Hillis looked at the record in his hand and frowned.

Leah, how did you get this information? This is too detailed. Just by presenting this information, the Saint of Carlisle is basically finished.

It was given by the pastor of the church.

It's him?

Duke Hillis was obviously taken aback.

There was something strange in his eyes.

If it's him, there should be no problem with its authenticity.

See this.

Leah asked: Sister Hill, do you really believe in doctors?

He saved me twice. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to see me now. Leah, if there was a man willing to block the gun for you, would you be moved?

Duke Hillis's eyes were complicated, and there was some emotion in his tone.

Leah opened her mouth.

She felt that no one except the doctor would be willing to block the gun for her, but thinking that her sister asked her not to reveal her relationship with the doctor, she could only nod.

Don't worry, I can guarantee you that the information he provided cannot be false. Also, do you want me to help you collect evidence? According to the information recorded in the file, in addition to the territory of Chel, the Saint of Carlisle also has I will personally go to the other experimental site, cut off the chaos with a sharp knife, and quickly help you fix the evidence.

Duke Hillis finished speaking.

A few pleasantries were exchanged.

They are preparing to sweep away the evil ghost cave vigorously and resolutely.

Witnessing all this.

Saint Leah said with some melancholy: Sister, Sister Hill seems to like doctors very much. Normally, I have never heard that she respects and trusts a man so much.

And my psychic told me that Sister Hill seemed to have had a close relationship with the doctor. Whenever she talked about the doctor, her emotions would inexplicably go to the lust side of the seven emotions.


She gritted her teeth.

This pervert was really trying to coax her.


Saint Leah is here.

Under the devout eyes of all the believers, they arrived at the prayer room where Shen Jian was.

Leah? Any clues?

Shen Jian was a little surprised.

I thought about last night's bold attempt again, and my heart felt a little hot.

He vaguely wanted to break through the last layer of the relationship and truly make this holy and sexy saint belong to him, leaving traces of uncleanness on her body.

Let a devout saint who serves in front of the glorious ghosts and gods fall to the mortal world, experience the love between men and women in the world, and even let her fall into evil.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

Not yet, but I have asked Sister Hill to collect evidence and eradicate this evil ghost cave. With Sister Hill's speed, the results will be available in less than three days.

Hear this.

Shen Jian also had a smile on his face.

Looking at it this way, in about a week, Leah will be able to become the true saint of the Elim Temple and take charge of the temple. By then, he will also be able to access the scepter that symbolizes the authority of Olympus and use it to Recycle.

After recycling, this copy should be finished.

Shen Jian estimated.

No more than ten days at most.

In this case, how to skip the five-year period and directly become a priest should also be put on the agenda.

Think about it.

Shen Jian asked for advice.

The best outcome would naturally be for Saint Leia to directly appoint him as a priest after taking charge of the temple.

Doctor, do you want to become a priest? After taking charge of the temple, I do have the ability to promote priests, but it will take a certain amount of time. And I checked yesterday. Even if I am recognized as a true saint, it will still take a long time for me to completely take charge of the temple. time, but there is no problem with touching the scepter.

After listening.

Shen Jian pondered.

There is no problem with contacting the scepter. In fact, it is not a big deal.

At most, he can do a few more big things, and then Saint Leia will take the lead to ensure that he enters the temple.

Although this is more troublesome, it can be completed within a month.

At this time.

Saint Leia's eyes turned scarlet.

First he glared at Shen Jian fiercely, and then curled his lips and said: Why bother? As long as the priests of the thirty-six participating churches are not allowed to participate, then Leah can choose the priest in advance on the grounds that the church's talents are withering. .”

If anyone objects, just say listen to the oracles of ghosts and gods. Anyway, after Carlisle is gone, only Leah in the entire temple can listen to the oracles.

Shen Jian's eyes lit up.

This is indeed a solution.

And the effect is very obvious.

The Holy City is the city most influenced by the Temple of Elim and has the strongest religious beliefs. More than 90% of the ghosts in the entire city are believers of the glorious ghosts and gods.

Saint Leah, who listens to the oracle, is the spokesperson of the glorious ghosts and gods in the Holy City. As long as she adds This is the oracle, even the most outrageous things will be believed as truth.

This is the terrible thing about religious theocracy.

Brainwashing has taken root in people's minds.

It can be said that as long as the glorious ghosts and gods appear and say that the Eli Empire will be destroyed, more than 40% of the people of Olympus will rise up and a war that can sweep the entire empire will break out.

One can imagine what kind of appeal Saint Leah has as the spokesperson of the glorious ghosts and gods.

That's a good idea.

There was a slight smile on Shen Jian's lips.

Relying on reputation harvesting, he wanted to brew for a period of time to maximize the impact.

But if the pastors of the thirty-six churches withdraw without reason, then the remaining ones will naturally advance.

Coupled with his own reputation and the influence brought by solving the Chel territory, even if Saint Leia advances the selection of priests five years ago, no one can say anything.

after all.

His reputation was already enough to become a priest, but now the time has just been advanced.

the other side.

Seeing that both the doctor and her sister thought this method was feasible, she didn't say anything more. She could only silently apologize to the goddess in her heart, and then...

She said: Doctor, Elim Temple only selects five priests every five years, and the competition is very fierce. However, among the thirty-six churches, the Holy City has the absolute advantage and can directly select two priests, and the remaining Thirty-five churches are chasing the remaining three spots.”

There are three influential churches in the Holy City. Doctor, you only need to prevent the pastors of these three churches from participating, and the quota will be guaranteed.


Seeing Shen Jian staring at her, Saint Leia asked a little strangely: Doctor, what's wrong?

If you do this, aren't you afraid that the glorious ghosts and gods will blame you?

It's okay. Doctor, you can join the temple and become a priest. This is the luck of the Elim Temple. I believe the goddess will understand me when she finds out.

Hear this.

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.

He put his hand on Saint Leia's head and smoothed down her long hair.

Saint Leah is also very useful.

It rubbed against Shen Jian's body.

He seemed to know why Leah was still confused when she reached 83 points of favorability. This was because she didn't treat him as an outsider.

Perhaps in the heart of this saint, he was a being similar to a glorious ghost. She believed in the person in front of her from the bottom of her heart, but suppressed her truest emotions.

We need to find an opportunity to let this saint know that he is also a normal man, not a god who needs to be worshiped.

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