
Under the beating and pulling of more than a dozen dark side creatures, the kidney seller was overwhelmed and was completely shaken by the No.

Evil spirit +1.

See this scene.

Shen Jian was very satisfied.

Compared with fighting alone, Li Gui still knows how to destroy his own kind.

Do the math.

It had been less than four days since he entered Olympus, and he had already completed 20 of the fifty demons.

According to this trend, after he becomes a priest and clears the dungeon, it will be more than enough to unlock the hell path, one of the six paths of reincarnation.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's mood was ups and downs.

Although the hell realm is not as important as the human realm, it is still one of the six realms of reincarnation. If he can unlock it, he may be able to gain more permissions related to reincarnation.

No matter what happens, you can continue to unlock the next six paths of reincarnation.

Needless to say, the hungry ghost realm and the animal realm have the same nature as the hell realm and belong to the three evil realms in the six realms of reincarnation.

It is a reincarnation place specially prepared for the most evil and heinous people. To a certain extent, the dangers of these three reincarnation places are not inferior to the eighteenth level of hell.

The innocent souls who enter it are there to suffer.

The human world, the god's way, and the asura's way belong to the three good ways.

The human world is the first choice of the general public, and it is also the most well-known legend in the underworld.

Asura said, the environment is dangerous, but much of it is a normal world, but with different races.

As for the Way of God...

Shen Jian looked deep in thought. In this world, the immortals, gods, demons and Buddhas disappeared, the underworld did not exist, and the heaven did not appear. If he was reincarnated in the path of gods and was born a celestial being, would it be possible to become an immortal in this world without heaven and gods?


Shen Jian came to his senses.

Looking at another evil ghost in the soul-binding bag, he said earnestly: Very good, it seems that you have completely mastered the way to do evil. I am very pleased.

Remember, as long as everyone does a little bad thing, the world will become a miserable tomorrow.

Starting today, let the world feel pain!

You must use the knowledge you have learned throughout your life to realize your ambitions.


The dark side people had wild eyes and listened to Shen Jian's story like an oracle.

Hot blooded!

This is so hot-blooded.

As the dark side of the player's heart, they were trapped in the monastery for life. It was Shen Jian who helped them escape from the sea of ​​misery and selflessly taught them professional knowledge so that they could better implement the dark side thoughts in this world.

this moment.

They have a feeling of dedication, passion, and passion in their hearts, and they completely regard the Redemption Society as a vehicle for them to display their lifelong ambitions.

Go, according to my plan, you start with the church and transform the knowledge points I impart into practice. Every time you transform an evil ghost, remember to tell me the coordinates.

Remember, we are redeeming. We must tell the world through evil spirits that we should not be wary of danger in times of peace, do not be content with the status quo, and do not blindly enjoy peace. We must tell the world that there are still a bunch of troublemakers like us in this world.

Shen Jian was impassioned.

Okay, that's great!

A peaceful world is simply insulting Director Shen.

Yes, we are not doing bad things, we are doing good things, and we are trying to save the world. We want to give the world a warning.

This way, the theme is elevated and everything we do has meaning.

The dark side cheered.

at this time.


The closed door to the prayer room suddenly cracked open unexpectedly.

A peeping figure quickly moved away.

His steps were quick and his breathing was erratic.

It was like seeing something incredible.

He is the old pastor of this church.

Has served for over twenty years.

His position in the church is second only to that of the archbishop.

Although he only ranked at the middle level in every priest selection, he was still considered average.

However, all this changed after Shen Jian arrived.

A young, handsome, new priest who had just joined the church actually inspired more than a dozen dark side spirits in the monastery, allowing these collective evil thoughts to choose to re-live their lives.

Even the archbishop doesn't have this ability.

It can be said that Shen Jian's arrival is a huge threat to him.

after all.

A church only needs one pastor to represent it.

It was him before, but now he is probably Shen Jian.

With this sense of crisis, he wanted to know how Shen Jian influenced the dark side. Casually, let's see if he could catch the problem with Shen Jian's style.


He chose to peek.

After seeing a man wrapped in a robe walking into the prayer room, he quietly listened.

who knows.

He actually saw such a tragic scene.

What is it about influencing the dark side? The newly appointed priest is clearly the leader of this group of dark sides, a more sinful body of evil thoughts, and a representative of extreme evil.

What turns a fierce ghost into an evil ghost and then goes to quell the chaos; what makes the world feel pain; what redemption will...

He listened over and over, but only heard two words: Harmful.

With his mind lost, he showed his flaws.

He accidentally opened the door, and was discovered by the dark side who was planning a conspiracy inside.

The old pastor broke into a cold sweat.

Running inside the church.

He was going to go to the archbishop and reveal this man's true identity to the archbishop.

In this case, his position as pastoral representative is preserved.


Just as he was thinking this.

at the corner.

Shen Jian's figure suddenly walked out.

He stared at the old priest in front of him with faint eyes.

See this.

The old priest was startled and his pupils shrank.

A face covered in black spots looked a bit creepy.

How could this person catch up with him so quickly?

Although he is old and his supernatural power has not been improved for many years, he still retains a level that is infinitely close to that of a top ghost king.

How could he be caught up so quickly?

Think of this.

The old priest had no choice.

He could only yell: What do you want to do? Do you want to kill people and silence them?

This sudden sound attracted the attention of many believers.

They gathered around.

Watching the old pastor confront the new pastor, they looked tense.

Shen Jian calmed down and said calmly: Stop pretending, you have been corrupted by evil thoughts. Don't resist stubbornly. Maybe I will have a chance to save you.

Old Pastor:? ? ?

He has the expression of an old man on the subway.

God, please save me.

You damn clearly want to kill me and silence me.

As expected, he is the leader of an evil organization, and his inciting power is strong. If he is directly accused of being corrupted by evil thoughts, those who are unaware of it would have been deceived long ago.


He is also a pastor.

He has a greater reputation in the church than Shen Jian. I believe that as long as he is a normal person, he will not believe Shen Jian's words.

The old priest thought so.


In the direction of the believer, a believer covered his mouth and exclaimed: The blood is black ghost blood. Thick black blood is leaching out from behind the old priest.

No way. Such strong evil thoughts. How many murders must have been done to gather such huge malice.

I saw it too. Behind the old priest, I saw the faint sound of ghosts wailing, like countless skinned and beheaded human faces roaring around the old priest.

Oh my god, the old priest actually...

Discussions arose.

All the believers showed expressions of disbelief.

It seems that he doesn't believe that the old pastor who has been the pastor of the church for twenty years is actually a murderer who is corrupted by evil thoughts and is stained with the wailing resentment of all ghosts.

This gives them a sense of collapse of faith.

Old Pastor:? ! !

Hearing these sounds, he was stunned.

Black ghost blood leaching from his body? Have evil thoughts in you? Is the resentment and resentment of thousands of ghosts wailing around you?

I'm crazy.

This is used to describe the person opposite.

Why did it happen to him?

this moment.

The old pastor was a little panicked.

Subconsciously he touched his back.

Then his face changed drastically.

He withdrew his hand, and his palm was filled with sticky black ghost blood.

This is the blood that can only be shed by evil ghosts who are corrupted by evil thoughts.


He felt deep malice in the leached black ghost blood, and the shrill screams of all ghosts could be heard faintly in his ears.

One sound drowned out the other, impacting his mind mercilessly.

His expression became more and more ferocious, and he was almost affected by the curse of these malicious faces, releasing the violence in his heart.

At the critical moment, he came to his senses and shook off the ghost blood in his hand.

No, it's not mine.

The old priest explained.

However, his ferocious image just now has confirmed the fact that he was affected by evil thoughts.

The old pastor was speechless.

He looked at Shen Jian and roared with splitting eyes: It's you, you did all this, you are the source of the evil, you can't even think of blaming everything on me.

In Shen Jian's hand, a black steel rod was withdrawn silently.

He said with pity: Old pastor, you have worked in the church for more than 20 years after all. Do you really want to completely subvert your image today? Give up your resistance, so that I can still save you.


Shen Jian thought for a while.

There was a faint golden light behind him.

Such anomalies were naturally noticed by believers.

They are all devout believers of the glorious ghosts and gods, and they carry the concept of the glorious ghosts and gods throughout. What is the image of the glorious ghosts and gods displayed in front of the world?

It's golden light.

It is a golden light as dazzling as a star.

In the entire Elim Temple, only the Glory Ghost God possesses such grace.

But now, golden light appeared on Shen Jianjian.

Doesn't this mean that Shen Jian is implementing the belief of the glorious ghosts and gods?

Could it be that this newly appointed priest's inner belief in the glorious ghosts and gods has far exceeded theirs, and has even reached the point where he can resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods?

Think of this.

The eyes of all believers are more pious.

What a privilege it is to resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods.

One step closer, it can reach the level where the saint of Elim Temple can listen to the oracle at any time.

A priest who can resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods, how can his words be false?

this moment.

All the believers looked at the old priest with disappointment in their eyes.

Such a wicked person is not worthy to be a pastor of a church, let alone to be served by them.

the other side.

The old pastor felt cold in his heart.

He looked at Shen Jian and felt that the blood all over his body was freezing.

In the midst of betrayal and separation.

He realized something clearly:

The greatest evil is often hidden under the cloak of holiness.

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