Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 548 Even the bastards in the wishing pool dare not make a wish like this


Prayer room.

Today is the first day that Shen Jian officially opened the door to receive customers after becoming a pastor.

The white players headed by Mike are still rowing desperately in the sea of ​​suffering...

The little foreign girl whose IID is [Lucy] put on the large robe of a trainee priest early in the morning. Her blonde hair, blue eyes, and red lips, coupled with the charm and supernatural power she carries, make her exude the original feeling in men all the time. Impulsive desire.

Paired with a decent robe, walking in the church is undoubtedly a beautiful scenery.

It attracted frequent attention from countless believers.

Shen Jian was sitting in the prayer room and glanced at the other party casually.

He was very interested in the supernatural charm exuded by this little foreign girl. Of course, he did not refer to the other party, but to the Cleopatra behind the other party.

He must see this ghost and god living in the real world if he has the chance.

A dependent can exude supernatural powers that even the ghost king can relax his vigilance. It is equivalent to bringing a favorability buff. If it were a real Cleopatra, she could disarm ghosts and gods with just one look?

Think of this.

Shen Jian's eyes became more interested.

Don't you need to become a regular employee?

Lucy said with a grimace: The work of the trainee pastor is not heavy. Usually the believers are cleaning. All I need to do is help the old pastor here move books, and then study the Bible by myself.

By the way, I found a way to achieve success in one step. You can directly skip becoming a priest, or even skip the selection, and directly become a priest.

Hear this.

Shen Jian was slightly startled.

any solution?

Become the Saint's bodyguard.


Yes, the saint of the Elim Temple. I found out that the original Elim Temple already had a saint. But just half a year ago, the temple suddenly brought back a saint. It is said that she was personally killed by the glorious ghost. The chosen true saint, the situation in the temple is quite tense now.”

The fake saint has a deep foundation and has considerable help in the temple. Although the real saint was chosen by the glorious ghosts and gods, she has only been here for less than a year. If she can become the bodyguard of the real saint at this time, it will be quite a feat. Yu directly joined the Elim Temple.

Lucy looked at Shen Jian expectantly and said in a seductive tone,

She had basically given up any hope of becoming a priest within five years and standing out from thirty-six churches to become a priest.

Unless she is willing to stay here for ten years.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible to complete the task.


She is actively looking for other ways to clear the customs.

Becoming a guard of the true saint is a shortcut.

But relying on her alone, there is little hope.


She planned to take Shen Jian with her.

There is no doubt about Shen Jian's strength, especially when she was in the Qing Dynasty. She personally followed Shen Jian's movements and knew that even though he was being made things difficult by the warden of Beijing Prison, he still defeated the Black Lotus Society and was promoted from a junior jailer. The deeds of the Night God.

After that, because the players stopped exchanging information on the chat interface, she didn't know much, but judging from the respect that those players had for Shen Jian, Shen Jian was definitely a reliable ally.

Hear this.

Shen Jian looked thoughtful.

More than half a year ago? A true saint? Fake saint?

How about you, do you want to cooperate?

Seeing that Shen Jian made no movement, Lucy asked again.

If you have a way to see the saint, I won't mind joining in with you.

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.

His eyes were a little strange.

The saint is the spokesperson of the glorious ghosts and gods in the temple.

If he could get close to the saint, he might be able to get clues to the glorious ghost.

This ghost that marked him for the first time has been on his game board for a long time.

He coveted it extremely.

Huh? Is that how the word is used?

Otherwise? Working together? Joining the evil forces? Or colluding?


Her poor knowledge of Chinese always felt like something was wrong, but she couldn't pinpoint the specific point.

I can only choose a relatively safe word.

Okay, let's work together and pass the level together.

After concluding a temporary covenant.

Shen Jian's prayer room finally welcomed its first prayer person.

A man wearing a large robe and holding his collar tightly walked over.

A grimace full of nervousness and fear, and his face was paler than it had been since he had been dead for seven days and seven nights.

Shen Jian hasn't spoken yet.

The man had already taken the lead and said, Are you a pastor? I heard that the pastors of the church all have noble ideals and are noble people who sacrifice their family for everyone.

In that case, Pastor, can you dig out your heart and give it to me? And my two kidneys. Without them, I can't even be a man. Pastor, please help me.

Shen Jian:?

Listening to these outrageous remarks, he couldn't help but look at his own front door. Well, it was a prayer room.

What the hell, he almost thought his place had been turned into a wishing room.

Give you my heart? Will I dig out two more kidneys for you?


A few dishes, so drunk.

After hearing this, the bastard in the wishing pool shook his head and spit out your coins.

For a while.

Shen Jian's eyes became very different.

Put a “In Prayer” sign outside your door.

Then the door was closed and locked.

what did you just say?

Shen Jian said with a smile.

Can't you understand people? The man's face became ferocious, he looked at Shen Jian with twisted eyes, and shouted sadly: I just sold a kidney because I wanted to listen to the saint's speech, no I thought that the Black Heart Clinic not only took away my two kidneys, but also my heart.

I hate it. The market price of a kidney is 200,000 horror coins. The other party should pay me 400,000. Plus the heart of a ghost king, the total adds up to at least 1 million. However, the other party only gave me 10,000.

While talking.

The kidney seller untied his robe.

The bloody ghost body was revealed.

On the body, two big holes were dug in the waist, and the same was true for the heart.

It seems.

It should be violence to obtain goods.

No regard for the safety of customers.


The tone of the kidney seller became more and more perceptive.

He stared at Shen Jian with a hoarse voice: Pastor, I am missing two kidneys and a heart. I will take it from you. As the priest of the temple, you will help me, right? ?”

He came closer and closer.

The body dripping with blood slowly and stiffly approached Shen Jian, with a bit of madness on his face. A ghost hand had already stretched out, trying to take away Shen Jian's kidneys and heart to make up for himself.

See this.

Shen Jian grinned.

Did you pay the consultation fee when you came to the church? It's 10,000 thriller coins per minute. No credit.

Kidney seller:? ? ?

He was slightly startled.

Consulting fee?

Do churches now need to pay consulting fees to listen to the pastor’s teachings?

Damn it!

You guys who want to make money are so crazy.

Fortunately, I came to buy it for zero yuan, otherwise I would have to put in hundreds of thousands of horror coins for one consultation.

Why hadn't he discovered before that pastoring was actually a money-making industry?

The kidney seller paused.

Then he laughed sinisterly: Pastor, when I complete my body, I will come back to give you money. It hurts so much. Give me your heart and your kidneys. Aren't you pastors all dedicated to serving you? Ghosts and gods, eunuchs who keep their bodies flawless all their lives? It's useless to ask for them.

Haha, you don't have the money to come to my black-hearted prayer room, but it doesn't matter, you still have other organs.

Shen Jian also laughed strangely.

come out.

The words fell.

In the prayer room, a dark side full of evil thoughts emerged, one after another, surrounding the kidney sellers.

The scarlet eyes were equally penetrating.

Kidney seller:! ! !

He was stunned.


How did you show up?

This is a church, yes. You guys, who look like gangsters at first glance, how did you gather here?

He broke into a cold sweat.

His eyes kept scanning.

He saw more than a dozen shadowy figures popping up, each with a ferocious smile on his face, holding a chainsaw, a machete, and an iron rod in his hands, looking at him with a sinister look on his face.

Damn it.

No one would believe that he is a good person.

He wouldn't have just happened to stumble into a gangster transaction scene, right?

You are pretty cool enough to conduct gang transactions in the holy church.

See this.

The smile on the kidney seller's face froze.

Pulling down his robe, a forced smile appeared on his face.

Brother, I'm sorry, I'm in the wrong place. I'm leaving now.

Jie, Jie, Jie, let's go? My black-hearted prayer room has 10,000 thriller coins per minute. If you walk without giving me any money, do you think I'm doing charity?

Shen Jian grinned:

It doesn't matter if you don't have money. You're just missing your heart and kidneys now, but you still have your liver, spleen, and corneas. These are all valuable, too.

The words fell.

The 16 Dark Sides headed by Andre immediately rushed forward ferociously.

All kinds of ghost weapons were summoned to the kidney-selling ghost.

Machetes, electric saws, iron rods, hammers, and even bricks were used to hit the opponent's body, leaving the opponent's flesh and blood torn to pieces.

Some hammered the man's head, some pulled his hair, and some used steel rods to hold the man's arms so that he could not move...

The kidney seller was completely confused.

What the hell are you...

Still a human being! ?

Beat me to a severely disabled person, and then use the most unbearable way for men to tease my vaginal legs?

And that Goubi who jammed my hand with a steel rod, what on earth do you want to do?

It is illegal to buy and sell the organs of ghosts.

You are committing a crime.

will be sanctioned.


this moment.

The kidney seller was suddenly stunned.

Because he suddenly remembered, isn't the church the place to sanction this kind of behavior?

He just heard that the pastors of the church were all good people with noble moral character and would stand up for evil when they saw it. That's why he wanted to come to the church to try his luck.

but now……

This church is a place where gangs are involved.

The so-called pastor is actually the fucking leader.

Collecting dirty money, raising thugs, and buying and selling ghost organs, the pastor's principles are completely redundant when applied to you.

No, don't.

The kidney seller screamed miserably.

It sounded horrifying.

It makes people cry.


For the dark side individuals who are evil-minded individuals, such screams not only did not make them stop, but... made them even more excited.


Only by following Director Shen can we implement the path to redemption.

A dozen of the dark side thought so.

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