Chapter 550 This is... dramatic

Inside the church.

The voices of verbal abuse and writing continued to sound.

An old pastor who has served in the church for more than 20 years is actually a murderer who cares about the fate of ghosts and is riddled with grievances.

If word of this spreads, the image of the church will be completely ruined.

All their efforts will be in vain.

How could such behavior not arouse the anger of many believers?

But at this time.

The old priest had no time to care about others.

He stared intently at Shen Jian, staring at the face of a handsome man with handsome features, rich knowledge, and the appearance of a handsome nobleman, and an emotion called aversion to coldness emerged in his heart.

Only those who have wronged you know how wronged you really are.

This is exactly how he felt at this time.

Completely indefensible.

He absolutely does not believe that Shen Jian's belief in the glorious ghosts and gods exceeds his, and he does not believe that Shen Jian can resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods.

after all.

How could a priest who could resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods become the leader of a group of dark side and the leader of an evil organization?

In his opinion, Shen Jian is the most vicious existence among all the dark sides.

From the time he was caught peeping, to being framed by Shen Jian and labeled as a villain, the whole process took less than five minutes.

Within these five minutes.

Shen Jian not only intercepted him one step ahead, but in the process, he had already thought of a way to frame him and took practical actions.

First, he poured dirty water on him, then smeared the black ghost blood on him, and then put the resentment of the evil ghost on him, causing him to be affected by the grievances of all ghosts, showing the ferocious side of the murderer. He was surrounded by rings, and he had no power to resist them.

at last.

Then he used the unique golden brilliance of the glorious ghosts and gods to make a name for himself, and pointed at him from the moral high ground.

And he could only bear it passively.

Such a plan that came easily at his fingertips made him feel numb.

He understands the evil nature of ghosts so well. What kind of person is he... No, how vicious and evil is this ghost? He is the aggregation of all resentments in the world, and he is a statue completely dominated by evil thoughts. Ghosts and gods?”

The old pastor's heart stirred up.

the other side.

Shen Jian didn't think much about it. He just missed the other party. He didn't have any bad intentions.

He looked down at the old priest and pondered for a moment.

Hey, old priest, I originally wanted to save you, but your situation is too bad. You have been completely eroded by evil thoughts, and your humanity has been completely wiped out. In order to prevent you from harming more people, I can only kill you with great sadness. ”

Shen Jian said, as if he couldn't bear it, he turned his head slightly.

A simple long sword appeared in his hand.

Old Pastor:...

His eyes widened.

After knowing that Shen Jian might be a ghost, he basically gave up resistance and didn't say anything more. After all, he had been labeled as a villain. No matter how much he said, he would be regarded as malicious rumors.


Seeing Shen Jian's fake compassion and sanctimonious appearance, a wave of strong resentment aroused in his heart.

You fucking\u0026amp;amp; @* # %.


The words are not finished yet.

The old priest's head fell off.

Do it all.

An imperceptible look of satisfaction flashed in Shen Jian's eyes.

The target dismembered by the Seven Star Demonic Sword will not be able to do anything even if ghosts and gods come.

This prevents the possibility of plans being leaked.

The Redemption Society has just started, but it cannot withstand any waves.

Let's break up. I am also responsible for the old pastor's behavior. I discovered the old pastor's problem, but I was unable to solve it, so I had to bear the pain and kill him.

Shen Jian waved his hands and sighed.


The believers were not happy.

Master Priest, how can this be your problem?

Yes, it was precisely because you noticed the abnormality of the old priest in advance that you prevented a greater disaster and prevented more victims from appearing.

All of this is the will of the glorious ghost and god. It is he who sent you, pastor, here. All of this is the choice of fate.

Hey, if the old pastor is like this, it will bring shame on our cathedral in the future.

All the believers supported Shen Jian.

See this.

Shen Jian's eyes rippled.

The piety in the eyes of this group of believers cannot be faked, just because he is suspected to be able to resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods. Even if he killed the old priest on the spot in the church, no one would hold him accountable.


The truth no longer matters.

These believers have one thought in their minds at the moment: the newly appointed pastor can resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods.

This level of brainwashing is truly extraordinary.

If he could give himself the title of resonating with the radiant ghosts and gods, it might not take long for his reputation to meet the requirements of a priest.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

Under the eyes of all believers, he returned to the prayer room.

at this time.

From the dark side headed by Andre...the members of the Redemption Society have finalized their plans and are ready to carry out their ambitions.

time flies.

Shen Jian stayed in the church, watching the information sent back by Andre.

He is the only one in the monastery who has taken over the dark side of the player's body, inheriting everything about the player himself, including the horror game.

[Andre: Brother, the situation in this holy city is far more complicated than we imagined. We cannot be as unscrupulous as in the monastery. In the past few days, we have only turned five fierce ghosts into evil ghosts. The coordinates are...]

[Andre: Also, in the past few days, we have found out that more and more ghosts know your reputation. Although most of them are half-believers and half-doubts, as long as you make an appearance, brother, you can definitely make this resonance with ghosts and gods. The rumors are true. 】

Looking at the messages on the chat interface, Shen Jian frowned slightly.

Holy City is the honorific name given to the city where the Temple of Elim sits.

The guards were very tight, which was expected.

According to this trend, in one month, the performance of 50 evil ghosts can be collected.

At this time, it was still within the acceptable range for him.

From this point of view, he no longer needs to worry about unlocking the hell realm.

One of his goals for entering Olympus was accomplished.


It is to find one of the dragon energy that Qingguo lost in Olympus.

Think of this.

Shen Jian felt slightly.

He possesses four dragon auras and occupies nearly half of the authority of Qingguo, the Yintian Palace of Zhou Jue. He has the ability to weakly sense dragon auras.

But the range that this ability can sense is not large.

At least so far, he has not noticed any clues about dragon energy induction.

But he can be sure that the place where Smith came into contact with the dragon's energy was in this holy city, or even near the church. Otherwise, Smith, who was holding a copy of the token of entering the church, would never have been contaminated with so much thin dragon's energy.

Shen Jian pondered.

He guessed that this dragon energy was not a dead object like a golden bead or a national jade seal, but was attached to a certain fierce ghost.

In this case, the target group to be found will be larger.

It would be difficult to find him in a short time just by his own strength.


He can also sit back and wait.

Because his current luck is max.

It is not impossible to sit in the church and wait for the dragon energy host to be delivered to your door.


A beautiful shadow is coming.

Wherever you pass, the fragrance of roses comes to your nostrils.

Are you the little priest who is rumored to be able to resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods?

A fiery and unrestrained voice sounded.

Shen Jian was startled for a moment.

Looked up.

At the door of the prayer room, a brave-looking woman with wavy red hair hanging down her waist walked towards her, looking straight at her with an aggressive gaze.

Women wear long trousers specially designed for horse riding, and their upper bodies are also girdled. Their clothes are particularly masculine.


That face was extremely beautiful and had nothing to do with men.

Immediately afterwards.

As the woman walked over, in front of him, she tied her long wavy red hair into a ponytail and floated it behind her head.

She walks dignifiedly, without any pretense, and lacks the reserve that is typical of traditional women.

Full of heroism, women are not inferior to men.

Shen Jian made an inner evaluation.

Who are you?

Shen Jian's eyes moved slightly.

Top ghost king.

The level of yin energy has reached over 96,000, which is only one step away from the 100,000 points of yin energy of ghosts and gods.

This is a top ghost king who is infinitely close to ghosts and gods.

I am the head of the Inoaden family, and my name is Siris.

The woman stretched out her hand and smiled.

Shen Jian's eyes moved.

【Ghost Duke Hillis】

[Level: Top Ghost King. 】

[Introduction: The head of the Inoaden family, one of the four holy families of the Eli Empire, began to take over family affairs when he was young. After he became an adult, he officially took charge of the family and became one of the four great dukes of the empire. He acted vigorously and resolutely, and did not like hypocrisy and cunning. People admire young handsome men very much and stop at admiring them. 】

[Current status: curious, amazed, testing. 】

[Favorability: +40 (friendly)]

Looking at the introduction on the favorability panel.

Shen Jian was slightly surprised.

One of the four princes of the empire, this status is basically equivalent to the level of a prince when converted to the Qing Kingdom.

And he is still the kind of prince with great power, few in number, and great real power.

The name Resonance with Glory Ghosts and Gods has such great influence that it can attract a duke?

I came here today because I want to ask you for help with something.

Ghost Duke Hillis is approaching again, and the unique rose fragrance is even stronger, making people fall into the sea of ​​flowers.

You can resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods. Can you help me find a group of people?


The Redemption Meeting.

Shen Jian:......

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