Sky War God

Chapter 3633: Voiceless ancient bell

This melodious voice sounded, and an unprecedented powerful force erupted in the air, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.


   Countless powerful shocks spread all over the space at this moment, crushing directly towards the direction where Ye Feng was.


   Feeling such a terrible breath, even Ye Feng is somewhat unable to withstand the original power in his body, and is moving at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely suppress everything in this world.


   Such a terrifying aura, the energy released by the frantically spreading in the void, is even more powerful than ordinary people can imagine.


   The unprecedented aura of destruction, the energy released by the crazy operation in the space, is completely destroying the entire space at an extremely fast speed.


   Feeling such a power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes is also blooming crazily, and the breath released in every move is extremely terrifying.


   At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes was completely released at this moment, and that extremely powerful attribute power was spreading wildly in the space.


   At this time, the attribute aura controlled by himself is also running to the extreme, that kind of powerful force is constantly colliding with the sound waves in the void.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shock resounded in the void, such a powerful breath seemed to completely suppress everything in the world.


   The energy released by the extremely powerful destructive force spreading wildly in the space has completely exploded in a very short time.


   At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes reached an unprecedented level, and the tree-shaped power of martial arts spread wildly in the space.


   Perceiving such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has also become brighter, and the breath that can erupt from every move has completely suppressed the entire space.


   At this moment, the energy in Ye Feng's body also spread in a very short period of time, and that extremely powerful aura of destruction would even completely destroy the entire space.


   At this moment, Ye Feng felt a huge pressure. It seemed that someone was staring at him from a certain position, trying to completely suppress him in the shortest possible time.


   This kind of aura filled the void crazily, and Ye Feng's power of perception was also completely diffused at this moment, and finally locked the target.


   Not far from him, an ancient bell made of bronze exudes an extremely ancient atmosphere.


   From his body, Ye Feng also noticed an unprecedented tremendous pressure, as if the original power he controlled could easily obliterate Ye Feng.


   Such a terrifying aura also made Ye Feng couldn't help being cautious. The original power in his body couldn't help running, it seemed that he wanted to kill Ye Fengzhu in the shortest time.


   When perceiving such a breath, everyone present also exclaimed in shock.


   "Qingyin ancient bell, so he is here too."


   "Unexpectedly, this time the battle in the sky would be able to shock even this generation. It seems that the outcome of this battle is doomed."


   "That is inevitable, this guy's body is the remains of an ancient **** in ancient times.


   Who can contend with him in the whole world, I am afraid it will not take long to break through to an extremely terrifying realm. "


   Perceiving the identity of the ancient bronze clock, everyone present was also extremely shocked, as if they could not believe the result.


   This breath is too terrifying, and the power it radiates is already tyrannical to a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   It even said that if you continue to let such energy be released, it will be enough to suppress this space.


   "You are very good, but this era belongs to me, you can retreat."


   The bell sounded melodiously in the void, and at the same time, it released a very powerful mental fluctuation, directly rushing into Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.


   When he heard this voice, Ye Feng's expression was also extremely strange, as if he had been completely suppressed by the other party.


   "It's a big tone, you said let me go, do I have to go?"


   Ye Feng didn't care about the identity of the Qingyin Ancient Bell, or even cared about it at all.


   Said that Ye Feng's strength is also beyond imagination, it seems that he can completely suppress the power in the space in the shortest time.


   However, the opponent's strength is definitely not weak, and the aura that can be radiated from every move is already strong to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   In this very short period of time, the power permeating in the space has become so tyrannical that an ordinary person can't reach it, and the energy released in every move is so terrible.


   Qingyin Ancient Bell was not irritated by what Ye Feng said, but instead was still releasing his own breath.


   "I know that a Tianjiao like you has its own arrogance, and even the Giant Peak behind you will give you tremendous support.


   But none of this belongs to you. With your current strength, it is impossible to be my opponent at all, so give up as soon as possible. "


   An extremely huge pressure between the words has already been crushed towards Ye Feng's position, and the aura of destruction contained in it has even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   In the face of such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also reached an extremely terrifying state. The terrifying aura exuded in every move, even the entire space was completely suppressed.


   Feeling such a power, the original power in Ye Feng's body is also running at an extremely fast speed, and his own breath is releasing with all his strength.


   Although Ye Feng has absorbed a lot of power from heaven and earth, the original power in his body still has not reached the most powerful point.


   At this moment, the power that is constantly permeating the space is enough to completely suppress the entire world, and countless auras of destruction spread crazily in the void, as if to swallow everything in.


   aware of such a terrifying power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes is also spreading at an extremely fast speed.


   The divine sword of good fortune that his body turned into in the next instant was also cut directly toward the highest sky, directly tearing this space completely apart.


   Such a terrifying power, as if to completely destroy the entire world, an innumerable atmosphere of terror, madly spreading in the void, as if to destroy everything.


   Qingyin Ancient Bell also felt the terrifying aura released from Ye Feng's body, and immediately shook the body, suppressing it towards the direction where Ye Feng was.


   No matter how powerful the surrounding space is, there is still no way to change this kind of battle under such circumstances.


   The extremely terrifying destructive power, the terrible power emanating from it completely burst out in an instant, and even completely destroy the entire space.


When feeling such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes was also moving at an extremely fast speed. The powerful force beyond imagination seemed to give all the power of Ye Feng's body. Destroyed.


   The original power in the body exploded rapidly, and the powerful force released would even completely suppress the entire space.


   The power of destruction crazily impacted Ye Feng in the void, and he also felt the terrifying power permeating the opponent's body, as if to say that he would completely tear his body in the shortest time.


   Perceiving such a force leaf, Maple Leaf has no fear at all, and directly evaporates all the aura contained in the Temple of Good Fortune.


   The extremely bright rays of light spread wildly in the space, and such powerful auras completely released their most powerful instincts at this moment.


   The extremely terrifying edge of destruction was condensed in this way, and the feeling was like cutting off the whole world completely.


   When he felt such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely terrifying, and all the breath in his body was completely diffused at this moment.


   Feeling such a powerful aura, the original power in Ye Feng's body is running at an extremely fast speed, and the aura radiated from every move has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   "It's useless, with your little strength, it's not enough to escape my suppression."


   The voiceless ancient bell is still floating high in the sky, and the body is constantly oscillating, exuding extremely powerful sound waves.


   This kind of breath continues to spread, causing the surrounding space to have a violent distortion, that extremely terrifying power, even trying to suppress everything in the world.


   Faced with such a huge pressure, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. He just sneered and slammed directly upwards.


   Aura of good fortune is different from any kind of metal power between the heaven and the earth. It is a powerful vitality bred by the origin of the world.


   The breath that radiates from every move is already a terrifying force gathered from a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and it even wants to completely destroy the entire space.


   When the power of life runs to the extreme, the force of destruction will naturally be born.


   Even said that the powerful force produced by such a reversal is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


   If such a breath is allowed to erupt, it will absolutely destroy everything in the space.


   Feeling these terrifying powers, the original power in Ye Feng's body has already begun to burn with that brilliant sword light, it is almost as if everything in the space is completely cut off.


Aware of the terrible energy in this attack, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes is also blooming at an extremely fast speed, and the terrifying power that comes from every move is beyond imagination. powerful.


   is like saying that the whole world can be completely cut off.


   Finally, Ye Feng's sword light of good fortune and the Qingyin ancient bell collided, and the rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded in the void.


   There is also an extremely terrifying aura of destruction, spreading crazily in all directions at this moment, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.


   In the face of such a terrifying aura, in a very short time, the original power in Ye Feng's body has been severely damaged, as if to be completely destroyed.


   However, for the first time, the original power in Ye Feng's body was already spreading at an extremely fast speed, and the terrifying aura even completely suppressed the entire space.


   How powerful is the original power in Ye Feng's body? No one knows, or even knows what language should be used to describe this change.


   After all, with Ye Feng's body, it is not so difficult to accommodate the various attribute forces between heaven and earth. Every breath movement in the body can accommodate various energies between heaven and earth.


   It even said that the release of the power of chaos is enough to completely suppress the entire space, even refine it into his body.


   Ye Feng who has gathered such a breath, his body possesses a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, the energy that bursts out in every move, and even the whole world is completely destroyed.


   Perceiving such a breath, the original power in Ye Feng's body is also moving at an extremely fast speed, and that kind of terrifying energy will even erupt completely in a very short time.


   The continuous aura of destruction in the space spread completely at this moment, and that tyrannical destructive power is simply going to reach a point that ordinary people can't reach.


In the next instant, the original power in Ye Feng's body began to run wildly. The terrifying aura of destruction completely spread at this instant and the power of the world gathered, even reaching an ordinary person. Unimaginable realm.


   Suddenly, the two auras continued to collide, and the voiceless ancient bell could no longer be stabilized. Ye Feng gathered the brilliant sword light formed by the power of heaven and earth, and then took a step back at this moment.


That is to say, the aura that Ye Feng converged is so powerful that ordinary people can’t reach a realm. The aura that radiates from every move is terrifying beyond imagination, and it’s even going to take the whole world. It's the same as completely destroyed.


   Facing unprecedented pressure, Qingyin Gu Zhong was also quite surprised, and seemed to be very interested in Ye Feng's performance.


   The original power in his body moved quickly again, and countless bright rays of light spread out from his body.


   Combined with those constantly oscillating sound waves, the power radiated from the unvoiced ancient bell at this moment has been tyrannical beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   This kind of destructive power has reached an extremely terrifying state, and the breath that can be emitted from every move is beyond imagination, as if it is to completely destroy everything in this space.

   Even when Ye Feng felt such a force, he couldn't bear it in his body. Such a powerful impact seemed to be completely destroyed at any time.


   However, Ye Feng does not have any fear, the power of good fortune is still in continuous operation, absorbing the most powerful source of breath between heaven and earth.


   The kind of power that this world has gathered has reached a level beyond Ye Feng's imagination.


   If you completely control such a force, it will be an unprecedented help for Ye Feng at this moment, allowing him to truly condense his own power in a very short period of time.


   Although it is said that the brilliance condensed by the power of good fortune has a power that ordinary people can't imagine, it is not a simple matter to completely suppress such a breath.


   Even if Ye Feng is able to condense material such as the aura of good fortune from the real metal, can he reshape an unprecedented material from the aura of good fortune.


   With this thought, Ye Feng's own will is also moving at an extremely fast speed, and the power radiated even sprints towards a higher level in this extremely short time.


   However, Ye Feng at this moment did not know that what he was doing now was a step towards reaching the top of the world.


   contains all the metal power between heaven and earth to gather in his body, and extracts the most of his own power from it, and engraves him in the avenue of heaven and earth.


  Once you reach such a state, you will have infinite power in this world, and even be able to control part of the world's laws.


   And this kind of realm corresponds to the realm of the gods of the outside world.


   Before he knew it, Ye Feng had already embarked on the road to the realm of the gods, and even Suohui had already gone quite far.


   Of course, this is only Ye Feng's thoughts at the moment, and now the important thing is to face the unvoiced ancient clock in front of him.


   An extremely huge breath erupted directly from the depths of the void. Such a powerful force had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.


   The power of good fortune gathers crazily in the void, and the breath that radiates from every move is already tyrannical to the point where an ordinary person cannot.


   When the strong people present perceive this kind of power, their bodies are constantly trembling, and the aura that gathers in their bodies will even collapse completely at this moment.


   With their bodies, they couldn't withstand such a powerful force at all, and their bodies collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


   If they don’t escape from the battlefield, it won’t take long for their bodies to collapse completely.


   Perceiving such a breath, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter.


   With the constant collision, the pressure and the power that oneself can withstand has reached an extremely powerful point, and the aura that it exudes has become extremely terrifying.


   With such a force, he wanted to gather the most powerful aura between heaven and earth. Although it was impossible, it also allowed Ye Feng to find a clear way forward.


   In this very short period of time, the breath radiating from the body has reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   Those dazzling sword lights slashed directly forward at this moment, and even completely destroyed the Qingyin ancient bell.


   Qingyin Gu Zhong felt an unprecedented threat, but his breath remained unchanged.


   "You never know how big the gap between you and me is. Unless you wake up completely, you won't believe in such a situation."


   seemed to be a little impatient, Qingyin Gu Zhong said, the aura radiating from his body has become even more terrifying, as if to completely suppress Ye Feng to death in the shortest possible time.


   That extremely powerful body did not exert any strength at this moment, allowing Ye Feng to attack where he was.


   When feeling such a breath, everyone present was extremely shocked, and it was impossible to imagine the terrifying energy contained in this force.


   In an instant, the sword light of good fortune gathered by Ye Feng directly slashed on the body of the Qingyin Ancient Bell. That terrifying aura of destruction has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The extremely powerful attribute power spread wildly in the void, and every move burst out with a terrifying aura that ordinary people could not reach, and even completely destroyed the entire world.


  Sword light like this cannot be endured by even the gods, and even in a very short period of time, the power gathered in the sword light can completely destroy the illusory world in the gods.


   Even with such a terrifying power, the Qingyin Ancient Bell didn't have any dodge, letting Ye Feng beheaded on it.


   At this moment, the aura gathered in the space has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine, and the destructive power radiated from every move is beyond the scope of ordinary people's comprehension.


   The dazzling sword light was completely scattered in the end, such a powerful destructive force, even reaching a level that ordinary people could not imagine, the breath that it exudes is madly spreading towards the outside world.


   The rumbling sound of destruction and concussion was transmitted, and the divine sword of good fortune that Ye Feng had transformed directly retreated at this moment, and even flew extremely far away.


   However, the Qingyin ancient bell has not changed in any way, not even a slight shaking.


   The power contained in it is still that stable. Even with Ye Feng's most powerful attack, being able to cut through the body of the strongest person in this space cannot change this situation.


   "How could it be possible that his body is so strong!"


   At this moment, Ye Feng was also extremely shocked. The original power in his body was moving at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.


   Even the power of my own divine consciousness has begun to expand crazily, and the aura that comes out has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The power of destruction spread wildly, and the aura that gathered from the Divine Sword of Good Fortune was also so powerful that ordinary people couldn't reach it.


   The two powers of creation and destruction are intertwined in Ye Feng's body, constantly tempering the aura of good fortune, as if to nurture something.


   However, the power that Ye Feng was able to gather at this moment and his perception of various metal breaths did not reach the peak state. At this time, the quality of good luck could not be transformed at all.


   An extremely terrifying aura spreads wildly in the void, and the power of the attributes it radiates is even reaching a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   Qingyin Ancient Bell also looked at Ye Feng high above, shaking his body slightly, conveying his own will.


   "It's useless, my body is evolved from the fragments of the body of a **** of creation, and the power gathered is the most powerful material in the entire world.


   No matter how much your strength improves, it can't compete with me, even if I burst out all my strength, I can easily suppress and refine you.


   For your good talents, I am willing to let you go. If you leave now, I will consider you a friend worth making. "


   At this moment, the Qingyin Gu Zhong is still talking very seriously, and the breath radiating from his body is also tyrannical to an unimaginable point.


   The attitude shown by the voiceless ancient bell at this moment also made many magic soldiers and metals present feel the sincerity of it.


   "Sure enough, it is a powerful force derived from the body of the God of Creation, and his character is enough for us to follow."


   "The Qingyin Ancient Bell is so benevolent. If you were to change to another person, you would have suppressed this reckless guy a long time ago."


   "Yes, now this guy still dares to make a move, and even wants to fight for the background of this sky battle with the voiceless ancient bell. It's really lifeless."


   "If Qingyin Gu Zhong had taken the lead, he would have been broken into pieces a long time ago."


   When he heard these words, Ye Feng's expression did not change in any way, and the aura emanating from his body was still terrifying beyond imagination.


   The voiceless ancient clock seemed to have soft words, but Ye Feng could feel the sharp sharpness emanating from it.


   If such a force is completely released, it will also be an unprecedented shock for Ye Feng, and it will be able to completely crush his mind in the shortest time.


  If Ye Feng really did what the Qingyin Ancient Bell said, converging the power in his body and leaving this sky battlefield, it would prove from the side that he believed that he could not be the opponent of the Qingyin Ancient Bell.


   And this kind of influence will become a seed at this moment, which is buried in Ye Feng's heart. With the passage of time, this seed will continue to take root and sprout, and eventually grow into a towering tree.


   By that time, Ye Feng would never be able to compete with the Qingyin ancient bell, and even said that when his own strength continued to increase, he would be suppressed by the Qingyin ancient bell.


   Although the other party's methods were quite concealed, even Ye Feng almost didn't notice it, but when he realized such a power, the aura in Ye Feng's body exploded at an extremely fast speed.


   At this moment, Ye Feng doesn't need to operate the Ten Thousand Spirits Divine Art, his own mental power is already tyrannical to an extremely terrifying point, directly obliterating those spiritual thoughts.


   When he perceives the power displayed by Ye Feng at this moment, everyone present is also shocked. It seems that he has never thought that Ye Feng still possesses such terrifying strength.


   Especially the voiceless ancient bell.


   After feeling the aura bursting out of Ye Feng's body, the aura in his body also fluctuated slightly.


   The melodious bell sound passed through the space, and the breath that it radiated also attracted the attention of everyone present to him again.


   When feeling such a power, everyone's eyes began to converge crazily, and the breath that radiated from every move became extremely strong.


   Without any hesitation, the extremely powerful shock force burst out directly from the Qingyin ancient bell.


   The extremely terrifying aura of destruction directly shrouded Ye Feng's body at this moment, and it exuded the most terrifying power of his own.


   "Since you are so reckless and even provoking me repeatedly, then I can't give you another chance.


   Next, I will use my most powerful means to completely suppress you. At that time, you will know how stupid your own choice is. "


The huge aura between the words has spread in the void, and countless destructive powers are gathered crazily at this moment, and the energy aura emitted is terrible to the point that ordinary people can't reach it. .


   In a bang, a breathtaking thunder has exploded around Ye Feng's body.


   The destructive aura radiated by that force, countless destructive powers completely spread out at this moment.


   Ye Feng is also quickly condensing the original power in his body at this moment, and the aura that radiates from every move has been tyrannical to an extremely terrifying point.


   The power of good fortune is rapidly condensed, and the aura of good fortune is blooming at this moment, and the energy emitted is even to completely occupy this space.


   The terrifying aura gathered in the space at this moment has been tyrannical to an extremely pure state. At this moment, two powerful forces beyond imagination are madly colliding.


   Suddenly, the entire space has already begun a frenzied turmoil, the powerful destruction of the power spread in a very short period of time, as if to completely suppress the entire space.


At this moment, Ye Feng felt an unprecedented repressive force, as if he was going to wipe out his body completely. Such a terrifying breath would even completely destroy him in a very short period of time. .


   However, even in the face of such terrible pressure, Ye Feng's attitude is extremely indifferent, and the original force in his body is moving at an extremely fast speed.


   In the next instant, that terrible breath has spread wildly in the space, and the power of destruction beyond imagination is released in this extremely short time.


   The last kind of tyrannical, powerful force beyond imagination, completely released its own breath at this moment, and even completely destroyed the entire world.


   "It's useless, with this strength of yours, it is impossible to be my opponent at all. As long as I fully release my own power, you will not be able to challenge me."


   The voice of the voiceless ancient bell still echoed in the void.


   However, in the next instant, a sharper sword sound resounded from the space.

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