Sky War God

Chapter 3632: Good fortune as a sword

Gathering the incomparably powerful force of good fortune in his body, the breath that Ye Feng exudes has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   Those bright rays of light gathered together quickly, forming a wave, and even reached an unimaginable terrible point, that kind of energy even completely suppressed everything in the surrounding space.


   At the same time, there is a breath of extremely pure force of good fortune condensed, and it even resonates with the whole world.


   Feeling such a power, Ye Feng also sensed the aura in his body, condensing at an extremely fast speed, as if to reach a more terrifying point.


   At the same time, the attribute power emanating from the space has also become extremely terrifying, and those strong people can also know the powerful power of Ye Feng.


   In this extremely short period of time, countless terrifying auras spread in the void, and the energy emitted has even reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   The power released by the dazzling sword light flashed at this moment, even killing all the living matter in the entire space.


   The good fortune sword light cultivated by Ye Feng has a powerful force that ordinary people can't imagine, and can destroy all the breath of life in a very short period of time.


   And at this moment, the aura of good fortune in his body merged with this sword aura, and the power he slashed out was even more terrifying than ordinary people could imagine.


   Those good fortune beings rushing towards Ye Feng felt such a terrifying aura at this moment. In a very short time, all the power in the body was released.


   Those extremely powerful shocks occupy the entire space at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.


   Feeling such a terrifying power, the aura in Ye Feng's body is also moving at an extremely fast speed, as if to destroy everything in the space.


   These terrible attacks have collided together in a very short time.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shock resounded, and the energy it radiated reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.


   Feeling the turbulence of such a power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has also become dazzling, and the original power in his body is moving at an extremely fast speed.


   Such a breath is completely released at this moment, and the energy it emits has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The terrible destructive power circulates wildly in the space, even to completely destroy the entire space.


   This breath completely erupted at this moment, completely destroying everything in the surrounding space, and facing those powerhouses who were under such pressure, their expressions became extremely solemn.


   The strength displayed by Ye Feng is too terrifying, even if they tried their best, they were somewhat unable to resist.


   If Ye Feng is allowed to continue to grow like this, then none of these people present will be his opponent.


   That is, in a very short period of time, the aura emanating from the void has become even more terrifying. Those strong men did their best to gather their own strength and crush them towards Ye Feng's side.


   That is, in a very short period of time, this terrible breath was completely released, and the resulting wave of destruction would even completely destroy the entire world.


   The powerful fluctuations radiated by the combination of those forces have even reached an unimaginable realm of Ye Feng.


   Countless metal forces are gathered together, as if to be transformed into a virtual one.


  The brilliant golden light blooms at this moment, just like a round of the sun.


   The extremely powerful force of destruction, at this moment, fell at an extremely fast speed, directly covering Ye Feng's body.


   is responsible for the metal shell outside of Ye Feng's body. When faced with such a terrible attack, it was a little unbearable, and it was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.


   Even if Ye Feng did his best to condense the original power, under the impact of such a breath, it seemed to be completely destroyed, and it was impossible to continue low-end.


   In the face of such terrible pressure, the original aura in Ye Feng's body is moving at an extremely fast speed, and the power of chaos connects with the original power of the entire world and quickly condenses.


   Golden brilliance bloomed from Ye Feng's body, and the original power between heaven and earth was converging at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely suppress everything in this space.


   Feeling such a power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became unusually bright, and the aura in his body and the nature of heaven and earth were constantly intertwined to form fluctuations, even reaching a point that ordinary people could not imagine.


   That is, in this very short period of time, the original power in the body is madly released from the fluctuations, and even the entire space is completely suppressed.


   Those two terrifying forces finally collided, and Ye Feng felt an extremely powerful wave of destruction for the first time, descending directly toward his position.


   Such a terrifying aura is simply to completely suppress the energy emitted by everything in this space, even reaching an extremely terrifying state.


Those terrifying powers had already descended on Ye Feng's body in a very short time, destroying the metal shell he had condensed layer by layer, and even needed to control all the power that Ye Feng quickly controlled. Obliterated.


  Even if Ye Feng's power is, no matter how strong it is to face such a terrifying pressure, the original power in his body is shaking involuntarily.


   In order to suppress such a terrifying breath, the power that he has gathered has also reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The aura of destruction that radiated from every move was already tyrannical to the point that an ordinary person could not imagine. The wave of destruction formed by the continuous eruption of that force even broke through a certain special boundary.


At this moment, Ye Feng’s expression did not change in any way, and the original aura in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed. Such terrifying power spread wildly in the void, and even caused the entire space to continue. Turbulence.


   Aware of this change, the original power in Ye Feng's body is also running at a speed that ordinary people can't match.


  'S own original power was quickly released at this moment, and the incomparably bright golden light rioted at an extremely fast speed.


   gathered all the metal power in the surrounding space, and the original power that Ye Feng controlled at this moment was also so powerful that ordinary people couldn't reach it.


   That is to say, in this very short time, the original power in Ye Feng's body has begun to continuously explode.


   When those terrifying destruction attacks descended on Ye Feng's body, they were swallowed by a special ability.


   Ye Feng's Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art is fully operational at this moment, and the energy it emits is even beyond the limit that Ye Feng can imagine now.


   Let such a force be completely released, the metal aura in the surrounding space, under the suppression of the power of chaos, quickly merged into Ye Feng's body, and even burst out the most powerful force.


   The breath of countless attribute powers spreading crazily in the void, even to completely destroy everything in this world.


   Terrible destruction attacks are spreading crazily in the void, and such a burst of breath will even completely engulf the entire world.


  The power of horror and concussion that broke out here caused unprecedented turbulence in the entire void, and countless destructive powers can once again expand rapidly.


   However, facing such an attack again, Ye Feng's expression was already extremely indifferent, and he didn't seem to have any fear.


   The original power in the body is released with all its strength at this moment, and the energy released by such a breath has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.


   At this moment, Ye Feng's figure suddenly transformed into an aura of good fortune, and the powerful aura around his body was completely released at this moment.


   In this very short period of time, the original power between heaven and earth began to riot crazily, converging crazily towards the direction where Ye Feng was.


   The original aura in the body has also moved to an extreme state at this moment, and that pure attribute power completely releases its own power.


   In an instant, the power of the origin between heaven and earth has already begun to unceasingly revolve. That powerful aura will even completely suppress the entire heaven and earth.


   At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes had reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people. This powerful wave of destruction would even completely suppress a piece of heaven and earth here.


   The power emanating from his body has been tyrannical to the point that an ordinary person can't imagine. Every breath in the Divine Comedy will run with all his strength, and this power will be promoted to more levels in a shorter period of time.


  The characteristics of the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Jue have reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the swallowing power radiated from every move is enough to completely engulf the entire space.


  The explosion of this kind of power would even completely suppress the entire space, and the energy it radiated would even reach an extremely terrifying point.


   Faced with such a breath, Ye Feng didn't hesitate, directly mobilizing the original power in his body.


   The power contained in itself is completely released at this moment, and the terrifying aura that it exudes completely releases its own power at this moment.


   That extremely powerful attribute fluctuation at this time also burst out all of its own energy, as if to completely diffuse the breath in the body.


   Feeling such fluctuations, the metal beings present are also extremely shocked. It is impossible to imagine what kind of powerful strength Ye Feng possesses to change such a situation.


   "It's impossible for this guy to come from, how can he have such a powerful strength?"


   "The power he controls is completely different from ours, and the breath he emits is even more dangerous."


   "For us, such a force is too terrifying. It seems to be able to kill all our souls in the shortest time."


   "No matter how strong our body is, it can't resist such a terrible attack. Who is he?"


   Feeling the terrifying power emanating from Ye Feng, the strong men present are also extremely angry, and they are doing their best to run the aura in the body, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.


   However, no matter how powerful the aura they contained, or even trying their best to release their own power, the sword of good fortune that Ye Feng slayed had already reached a terrifying realm.


   The extremely terrifying aura of destruction, the powerful fluctuations released by the frantically spreading in the void, even killing all the lives present.


   This powerful attribute force was madly released in the space, and the extremely terrifying aura of destruction spread in a very short time, as if to destroy everything in this world.


   That is, in this very short period of time, the attribute fluctuations emanating from the void have been tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and those terrible auras of destruction have completely erupted at this moment.


The wave of destruction formed by    spread out in a very short time, and such a tyrannical attribute force descended directly towards the direction where Ye Feng was.


   When feeling such a breath, the original power in Ye Feng's body was also churning frantically. Facing the terrible pressure, Ye Feng had no fear at all.


   The shining starlight in the hand between waves directly killed the powerful force released, and even completely destroyed everything in this world.


   Numerous waves of destruction are in the void, and the powerful aura formed by the rapid spread, even to completely destroy the world.


   Feeling such a terrifying power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become stronger, and the power of the attributes he is emitting spread out in a very short time.


   Numerous waves of destruction spread crazily in the void, and the diffused aura of destruction was directly combined with Ye Feng's sword of good fortune.


   However, Ye Feng's power of good fortune has been tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the breath that radiates from every move is beyond imagination.


   It seems that in a very short period of time, such a terrifying force has been suppressed like never before, and the original aura in the body has spread wildly at an extremely fast speed.


   The destructive powers that permeated the space collapsed under Ye Feng's slash, and there was no resistance at all.


  The purest attribute power was directly torn apart by Ye Feng, and the powerful aura contained in it was directly returned to the purest metallic power.


   The Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art is still running continuously, and the breath it exudes has reached the terrifying point of an enterprise.


Those forces between heaven and earth were directly drawn by Ye Feng and attached to the metal shell he had cultivated. The original power contained in it was directly refined by the heavenly demon golden body.


   And the sporadic brilliance that radiated from Ye Feng's body was also the aura that was attached to Ye Feng's body surgery and became even more terrifying.


   This kind of power is like releasing all the power of the attributes in the body, completely calming the aura changes in the space.


   No matter what kind of strong person, when he feels such a power, the aura from his body will be greatly suppressed.


   That is, at this moment, the power of the origin in Ye Feng's body has completely exploded, and the power emanating from the sword light of good fortune has also become more terrifying.


   Feeling such a terrifying aura, the original power in Ye Feng's body is even more powerful at a very fast speed, and the power is released in a very short time.


   "You still want to kill me with this little strength of yours, I really don't know what to say."


   Facing those metal beings, Ye Feng didn't hesitate at all, he had completely exploded the original power in his body in the first time.


   You need to know how terrifying the aura gathered in Ye Feng's body is.


   With Ye Feng's talent, even if the metal power of the entire world is superimposed on him, he will one day be completely refined and clean, and even break through to a higher level.


   What Ye Feng needs at this moment is enough energy to allow him to continuously improve his cultivation.


And the aura radiating from this world has completely met all Ye Feng’s needs, and the original power in his body is running at an extremely fast speed, and it seems that it will be able to transfer this world in the next second. Everything is suppressed.


   Feeling such terrible energy, everyone present was shocked and speechless, and countless bright stars directly landed on them.


   Then the sword light dissipated, and the bodies of these people also disappeared. The power of these extremely terrifying attributes was completely dissipated at this moment.


   Feeling the terrifying aura permeating the space at this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has become extremely dangerous.


   Feeling such a force, Ye Feng also tried his best to mobilize the original power in his body, as if to completely suppress everything in this space.


   However, at this moment, an extremely terrifying wave of destruction hit Ye Feng directly.


   That kind of arrogant power, as if to completely suppress the entire world, an extremely terrifying impact, even directly penetrated into Ye Feng's body.


   Feeling this powerful force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely bright, and the aura that has gathered in this life has even become stronger at this moment.


   In a sudden, this terrifying breath completely spread out at this moment, and Ye Feng's body couldn't withstand it. Such a powerful impact directly flew out.


   The aura of good fortune he gathered was even more unable to withstand such a powerful impact force, and in a very short period of time, they had broken away from Ye Feng's body, as if they were about to be completely destroyed.


   For Ye Feng, who is in control of the laws of good fortune, such power can't damage his body at all. The powerful force that has gathered in him is also condensed at an extremely fast speed at this moment.


   Countless good fortune functions have been revived at this moment, and the aura that comes out has also become stronger, as if to suppress everything in the world.


   Such a change also allowed Ye Feng to control his own power to an extremely high level, and the aura that he radiated was impacting the original power in his body at the fastest speed.


   It's just that no matter how fast Ye Feng's reaction speed is, he can't stabilize his body in the shortest time, and is directly rushed out of the sky battlefield by such a force.


   At this moment, Ye Feng felt an unprecedented weight, as if there was a world on his back, making him unable to move at all.


   This kind of breath also made Ye Feng's expression extremely solemn, and the original power in his body could not be released continuously, and the original aura released at this moment resisted with all his strength.


   However, the pressure on him was too terrifying, as if to completely destroy the entire world, that extremely terrifying aura of destruction erupted crazily in a very short time.


   Facing such terrible pressure, the original power in Ye Feng's body was moving at an extremely fast speed, with countless waves of destruction, even destroying this space.


   Even with such a heavy power on his back, Ye Feng's body did not tremble at all, and he was still walking forward slowly.


   The pressure in the space has reached an unimaginable terrifying state, but the metal vitality contained in it is also tyrannical to the point where an ordinary person cannot.


  The powerful energy contained in it has been absorbed by Ye Feng in a very short time, and some of the original power even made Ye Feng feel surprised.


   can absorb such a powerful force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely bright, and the aura that he has gathered himself is even about to break through a certain special realm.


   The extremely powerful attribute power in the next instant completely spread out at this moment. The powerful force beyond imagination even suppressed this space.


   Then the extremely powerful attribute fluctuations completely spread at this moment, as if to contain the entire world completely in his body.




   The extremely terrifying sound of shock, recalling the power contained in the golden body of the heavenly demon from Ye Feng's body, has reached an extremely powerful realm at this moment.


   Under the constant tempering of these metal powers, Ye Feng's bones have been completely stained with a layer of gold, and the powerful fluctuations that emanate from it even completely refine the entire space.


   The extremely terrifying aura of destruction broke out completely at this moment, and the destructive power beyond imagination seemed to leave an extremely deep mark in this space.


   That's how to bear the terrible pressure beyond imagination, Ye Feng walked forward step by step, his body also became more upright.


   After the magic golden body art of the day reached its ultimate power, Ye Feng no longer needed that much metal power from the outside world.


  The golden body of the Heavenly Demon's golden body has been completed. Ye Feng only needs to deduce the power of his own Heavenly Demon to the extreme and turn all his flesh and blood into the Heavenly Demon, and he can cultivate into the Heavenly Demon's golden body to reach the endless realm of qi and blood.


   At this point, Ye Feng's Qi-blood Heavenly Pass is considered complete cultivation.


   It’s just that it takes an extremely long process to push the power of qi and blood to such a point.


   During this process, Ye Feng also integrated the metal power that had gathered in his body into the metal shell outside of his body.


   The aura exuded by the innumerable forces of good fortune madly condensed, even tyrannical to the point that ordinary people could not reach.


  The brilliant golden light bloomed from it, and Ye Feng also brewed an extremely powerful force of good fortune in a very short period of time.


   The aura of good fortune is constantly raging, causing the original power in the surrounding space to have undergone unprecedented changes.


   The energy radiated by the unstoppable movement of its own breath has even reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The power that burst out at this moment has already surpassed a certain limit, as if to suppress all this space.


   In the face of such terrible power, the terrible pressure that came down in the space seemed to be unable to completely suppress Ye Feng's body, but instead allowed him to break through that level of boundaries at an extremely fast speed.


   After returning to the sky battlefield again, the power emanating from Ye Feng's body became extremely terrifying.


   Countless rain of light will come towards Ye Feng's position, to nourish his body, and to make the light of good fortune he condenses more pure.


   Combining with the powerful power emanating from his body, Ye Feng is also brewing his own original power at a very fast speed.


   Even the lightsaber condensed by the power of good fortune has a substantive performance at this moment.


   Even to say that in the next practice, the power radiated by Ye Feng will be integrated into this lightsaber, raising its power to its peak state.


   Feeling the powerful aura emanating from it, the metal beings in the battlefield were also completely shocked at this moment.


   They couldn't imagine why Ye Feng's strength would increase so quickly. At the moment he was shot out, his strength did not reach this level.


   But, how much time has passed since it was just a few battles, the power in Ye Feng's body was already so huge that they couldn't ignore it, and even the surrounding space was completely torn and refined.


   Numerous destructive auras expanded wildly, and many of the experts present also released their own power towards Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.


   "Boy, the sky battlefield is not something you should participate in. Leaving now can keep you alive.


   If you are still so reluctant to live and die, then it is not just that terrible shock that faces you. "


   There is a metal life, carefully observing Ye Feng's power, the aura radiating from his body has reached an extremely terrifying point.


   Such a terrifying power is simply tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and every move will exude an extremely terrifying aura, as if it is about to completely destroy this world.


   If such a force is allowed to spread in the space, it will definitely destroy the entire world in a very short time.


   However, when Ye Feng faced this force, he didn't hesitate at all, just casually waved the light sword of good fortune in his hand.


   The first incomparably pure sword light burst out at this moment, and the aura that it exudes is even stronger to a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   The frantic explosion of this power even completely suppressed the entire world, and the extremely bright and sharp power directly killed the metal being.


  His body is of course harder than imagined, able to block most of the power in this world.


   But these powers do not include the power of good fortune that Ye Feng displayed.


   Just at the moment of contact, this guy's body has already endured an extremely terrifying impact, and the original power he possessed has undergone unprecedented shocks at this moment.


   The sharp power formed by the extremely terrifying sword light of good fortune is not what ordinary people can imagine.


   That kind of terrifying aura is simply to completely destroy all the creatures in this space, and countless destructive powers spread wildly in the void.


   "Asshole, do you still dare to kill you?"


   Someone roared so angrily, the breath radiating from the body also reached an extremely terrifying state, that kind of terrifying destructive power, as if to suppress this space at this moment.


   Other metal life experts also saw Ye Feng's cruelty and domineering, and naturally it was impossible for him to continue to violent.


   The power of the origin in his body, the wave of destruction that spreads at this moment, is enough to completely suppress the entire world. UU reading


   In an instant, these destructive powers completely spread out, completely suppressing this space.


   The metal brilliance formed by the combination of those forces has reached an extremely terrifying state. Even the strongest person has no resistance to such a pressure.


   However, these attacks did not have any effect on Ye Feng, but within a very short period of time, the original power in his body had already started to run wildly.


   is just a few breaths, the original aura in his body has reached an extremely terrifying point, and the metal shells surrounding his body collapsed at this moment.


   And Ye Feng himself turned into a streamer and directly merged with the light sword of good fortune he had gathered.


The powerful fluctuations emanating from the superposition of the two powers are simply beyond ordinary people’s imagination. The terrible destruction attack is running crazily at this moment, and the energy radiated will even erupt completely in a very short period of time. .


   In an instant, the bright sword light directly slashed towards everyone present, and the extremely bright light has completely diffused.


   When those metal beings felt this kind of pressure, they were also a bit at a loss, as if they could not resist the attack released by Ye Feng at all.


   is the melodious bell ringing in the space at this moment.

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