Sky War God

Chapter 3634: The edge of the sword of good fortune

In a very short period of time, this sword light broke out completely, and the aura released was even more powerful to a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.


   Even the Qingyin ancient bell did not imagine that Ye Feng's strength at this moment was so powerful that it was so terrifying.


   Even the destructive power released by that breath has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the breath that radiates from every move is that terrible.


   Numerous attribute powers spread wildly in the space, and the power that spread out has reached an extremely terrifying realm.


   That dazzling sword light descended towards the direction where the Qingyin Ancient Bell was at an extremely fast speed, and the speed was simply beyond the limit they could imagine.


   It seemed that just for an instant, the sword light of good fortune released by Ye Feng had fallen on the voiceless ancient bell.


   That kind of terrifying power is almost completely destroying everything in this world.


   The rumbling sound of terror and shock was transmitted through the void, and that terrible destructive power spread in all directions in a very short time, as if to completely destroy the world.


   The power of the law between heaven and earth is also spreading at an extremely fast speed, and the resulting terrifying shock power is completely spread out at this moment.


   Feeling such a terrible pressure, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has become extremely pure, as if to completely suppress this space.


   Qingyin ancient bell, did not expect Ye Feng's methods to be so harsh, and the entire power in his body had exploded in the first time.


   The extremely terrifying shock power burst out at this moment, and the aura of destruction exuded even completely shredded the entire space.


   That extremely strong shock force directly acted on the magic sword condensed by Ye Feng, and the terrifying power gathered in it spread at the fastest speed.


   Ye Feng was also suffering from an extremely powerful shock when he was beheading the body of the Qingyin Ancient Bell, and even the sword light he condensed for good fortune would gradually shatter.


   Now the power in Ye Feng's body is already in a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and the aura that exudes from every move is that kind of horror.


   If the opponent is allowed to add his own strength and cause unprecedented damage to Ye Feng's body, then even Ye Feng will not be able to resist such a powerful impact.


   And after transforming the power displayed by the aura of good fortune into an absolutely powerful destructive edge, the impact on his body has also become extremely weak, as if the aura in his body can no longer continue to run.


   If you suffer an unprecedented devastating blow at this time, even your own strength, no matter how strong, cannot withstand such a terrible impact, it will be completely shattered in a very short time.


   Feeling the powerful force erupted by the voiceless ancient bell, Ye Feng's reaction was naturally beyond imagination, and the last force was released in a very short time.


   The power of Chaos' control of various attribute forces is already so powerful that an ordinary person can't imagine it. When such a breath is completely released, the entire space will be constantly turbulent.


   Especially the metallic forces that have gathered in the sky battlefield have been tyrannical to a point that ordinary people can't imagine.


   If such a breath is completely released, the power of destruction pervading the space is a realm that ordinary people cannot imagine.


   The two terrifying forces collided wildly in the space, and the terrifying and concussive sound emitted seemed to completely destroy this space.


   The extremely powerful force of destruction is enough to completely destroy the entire world, and the aura it radiates, even reaching a state that ordinary people can't imagine.


   But under such tremendous pressure, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, as if some terrible power was brewing at this moment.


  The metallic forces that have gathered have merged into Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed, and the breath that radiated from every move is already terrifying beyond imagination.


   This made the sword light of good fortune gathered by Ye Feng become stronger than ever. A huge sword light that penetrates the entire space is exerting a powerful force beyond imagination at this moment.


   "It's useless, a humble creature like you, even if it gets enough energy, it can't compete with me.


   I have the powerful existence of the Creator's body, which is not what you can imagine.


   Now express surrender to me, give me all the power you control, maybe I can go aside and let you make a living.


   Even the power in your body is quite strong, and it is also helpful to me. If you are willing to surrender to me completely, then I will not treat you badly. "


   When saying this, the aura that exudes in the space has become horrible beyond imagination, that kind of tyrannical force, in a very short period of time, releases the pressure that it emits.


   Feeling such a breath, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has become extremely bright, and the original power in his body is moving at an extremely fast speed.


   After receiving such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more radiant, and the aura radiating from his body had been tyrannical to the point that ordinary people could not imagine.


   In this very short time, the power in Ye Feng's body began to expand wildly.


  "Stop daydreaming, how many people do you think will believe what you said?


   Give all my own power to you, don't I give all my knives to others, and let others slaughter them.


   If you want to get my power, you can only ask you to take out your most powerful energy and kill me completely, otherwise you can only let me defeat you and seize your original power. "


   For the Qingyin ancient clock, Ye Feng certainly wouldn't give him any chance. The original power in his body was running fast, and the aura of destruction exuded was even more tyrannical to a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   Under such a collision of power, Ye Feng could also feel his own Heavenly Devil Gold, his body had been tyrannical to an unimaginable level, and the aura of good fortune covering his body was also transformed at this moment.


   If it is possible to completely condense all the power in the body, and the aura that it emits is integrated into the aura of good fortune, it may be able to forge an unprecedented peerless magic weapon.


   During this process, Ye Feng also thought of his own magic sword.


   If such a force can be incorporated into the divine sword of good fortune, the breath that can be exerted is definitely beyond imagination.


   Without any hesitation, the original power in the body was completely expanded at this moment, and the breath that it radiated was integrated into the divine sword of good fortune at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.


   After the aura of good fortune was integrated into the divine sword of good fortune, there was a huge turmoil immediately, and the aura that it radiated became even more terrifying.


   You must know that the quality of Ye Feng's magic sword is quite high. Even if the power that Ye Feng integrates into it has not reached that terrible point, it is also the most advanced existence among the weapons of the ancient giant.


   And now Ye Feng has gathered the power of the laws of good fortune he has comprehended, as well as the aura of good fortune tempered in this world.


   The power emanating from it is even more tyrannical to a point that ordinary people can't imagine.


Feeling such a breath, the power in Ye Feng's body is also at an unprecedented speed, the turbulence, that kind of terrifying energy, and even in this very short period of time, the entire space is complete. Suppress.


   Qingyin Ancient Bell also felt a dangerous aura at this moment. It seemed that the power emanating from the opponent's body could cause him unprecedented damage.


   At this moment, the power in the body rotates at an extremely fast speed, and the aura that it exudes has even reached an extremely terrifying point, directly suppressing the direction where Ye Feng is.


   The explosion of this power has caused the original power in the surrounding space to start a crazy turmoil, and those onlookers are completely shocked by this breath.


   Being able to control such a powerful force is definitely not what ordinary people can imagine. The original aura in the body is spreading at an extremely fast speed.


   Ye Feng’s eyes also showed an unprecedented icy brilliance, the original power in the body was rapidly rotating, and the breath radiated was enough to tear the entire space completely.


   After the Divine Sword of Good Fortune merged into these destructions, the power it radiated became even stronger, and a series of sharp powers entangled on it.


   Ye Feng can clearly feel that the power contained in the divine sword has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine, and the breath that can erupt from one movement has become extremely terrifying.


   Especially the Qingyin Ancient Bell, he can feel very clearly how terrifying the attack power that Ye Feng exudes at this moment has reached.


   Even if it is the fragment of the artifact left by the **** of creation, at this moment, I feel a certain tremor.


   "Impossible, why is his power so powerful that it is so terrible, even that the breath of the entire world can be completely suppressed, why does he have such a powerful energy?"


   Feeling the terrifying edge force exuded by Ye Feng, even the voiceless ancient bell was completely shocked, and the breath in the body spread at an extremely fast speed.


   "It's all over."


   Ye Feng's expression has become extremely plain, and the divine sword of good fortune integrated into the body is also directly pierced out at this moment.


   This sword also contains power that ordinary people can't imagine, and it is the aura that gathers like a stream of light, and it is terrifying to an unimaginable point.


   At this moment, the energy contained in the entire space has been mobilized by Ye Feng.


   The aura of the law of good fortune and the powerful force released by the constant resonance of the world and the earth have even made ordinary people feel the tremendous pressure.


   The voiceless ancient bell jingled non-stop, and the terrifying power was spreading at an extremely fast speed. It seemed that it was going to completely suppress the entire world in the shortest possible time.


   However, even if he did his best to release his own power, he still couldn't change the situation of this battle, even saying that the aura of destruction that Ye Feng exudes at this moment has been tyrannical to the point of being irresistible.


   watched as Ye Feng condensed the sword light of good fortune, penetrated layers of void, directly on the body of the voiceless ancient bell.


   is the power gathered from the voiceless ancient bell at this moment, as if butter was cut by a hot knife, quickly collapsed, and did not exert any power at all.


  In this very short period of time, the aura that permeated the space had already begun to crazily collapse, and the gathered power would even completely suppress the entire world.


   Feeling such a terrifying aura, the original power in his body is moving at an extremely fast speed, and that kind of terrifying energy is enough to completely destroy the entire world.


   Feeling the light in Ye Feng's eyes with this force, it has also become brighter.


   The last force in the body has also been fused into it, and the breath that it exudes is simply tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The strength of the voiceless ancient bell is indeed extremely powerful, but at this moment, he can't resist the terrible sword light emitted by Ye Feng, and that extremely powerful body is directly torn away at this moment.


   When feeling such a power, everyone present couldn't help but stared.


   Under the gaze of countless people, the body of Qingyin Gu Zhong was directly torn away, and that kind of terrifying aura had been tyrannical to an extremely terrifying point.


   You must know that although the power of Ye Feng's sword is terrifying, it doesn't seem to be unmatched, but the strength of the Qingyin Ancient Bell is obvious to all.


   If such a sword is allowed to fall on the body of Qingyin Gu Zhong, it seems to be able to completely tear his body, even his soul.


   But under such tremendous pressure, Qingyin Gu Zhong also tried his best to release the aura in his body, as if he was going to bounce Ye Feng's attack out in the shortest possible time.


   However, such a breath spreads wildly in the void, and the pressure it exudes is already tyrannical to a terrifying point, and it is not something Qingyin Ancient Bell can resist.


   The extremely terrifying destructive power broke out completely in the next instant, the extremely powerful body of the voiceless ancient clock, the fragments left in the body of the proud creation god.


It was torn apart at this moment, and a breath of it was directly captured by Ye Feng.


   Feeling this kind of power, Qingyin Gu Zhong's heart is also extremely desperate, it seems that he wants to use the most powerful force in his body to resist Ye Feng's horrible aura.


   However, such a force is really too terrifying. In a very short time, it has exploded its most powerful force, and it seems that it is to completely suppress the entire space in the shortest time.


   It's too late for everything.


   How powerful is Ye Feng's good fortune, and the sharpness exuding at this moment directly took away the most powerful force in the opponent's body.


   At this moment, the fragments that were chopped down were directly engulfed by Ye Feng's converging sword energy of good fortune, and the power radiated was already decomposed by the law of good fortune in a very short time.


   Feeling such a power, the original aura in the body is already tyrannical to a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and those present also watched Ye Feng take away the original power of the voiceless ancient clock.


   "Ahhhh, you bastard, dare to hurt me, dare to take my original power, I want to kill you, I must kill you."


After the body was thin, the expression of the voiceless ancient bell was almost crazy. The breath that gathered in the body was released at an extremely fast speed at this moment, as if to completely destroy the entire space. Lost.


Feeling such a terrifying power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes is also blooming at an extremely fast speed. Countless bright rays of light are entwined on the sword of good fortune drawn by Ye Feng, directly forward. Beheaded.


   In a very short period of time, the broken body of the voiceless ancient bell was torn once again, and the breath that Ye Feng burst out was even more concerned about a very fast bombardment in the opponent's body.


   An incomparably terrifying power, the terrifying aura that madly spreads in the void and has even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   In the face of such a terrifying destructive power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely terrifying.


   also seemed to say, to completely destroy the aura in the entire space.


   The destructive power released by every move has already reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.


   Although the body of the voiceless ancient bell was strong, it could not withstand such a terrifying impact. In a very short time, the extremely large body completely collapsed.


   The powerful aura radiated in it was once again completely dissipated, and the gathered terrifying energy disappeared completely in this very short period of time.


   Feeling such a terrifying aura, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has also become stronger, and the gathered attribute power dissipated in this extremely short time.


   Although it is said that it gathers the power of heaven and earth, and uses the power of the law of good fortune to bless itself, it can explode in a very short time the combat power that ordinary people can't imagine.


   But using such moves is also an unprecedented hazard to one's body, and even damages one's original strength.


   But excessive indulging in such a breath will not only not promote one's own strength, but will even erode the most powerful aura in one's body, and even affect one's own nature and cultivation.


When    perceives such a force, the powerful aura permeating the space is already completely calm, and at the same time, the sky is falling again, a cloud of light and rain.


   Although Ye Feng did not completely kill the voiceless ancient bell, the powerful aura exuding in his body has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.


  Under such circumstances, unless it is the fundamental law that can shake the world and attack the sky battlefield, no matter how strong it is, it will not be able to completely kill the opponent.


   But after defeating the opponent, the power of origin condensed between heaven and earth will slowly supplement the energy consumed by the winner, and even help him evolve his own metal with the help of the power of origin.


   Under such circumstances, it is impossible to define which kind of result it is, which is better for the saint.


  Ye Feng can't be distracted at this moment, and is doing his best to run the power in his body, wanting to digest these extremely powerful original powers in the shortest time.


   After feeling the powerful aura that Ye Feng possessed at this moment, as well as the terrifying combat power that he had just shown, the people around him were completely silent at this time.


   The power in the body moves at an extremely fast speed, and the breath that it emits has reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   circulates the aura of good fortune in his body little by little, and integrates all the power of attributes between heaven and earth into the group at an extremely fast speed, and uses such a force to continuously push up his own cultivation level.


   It even said that an invisible flame was burning in the space, as if to re-forge Ye Feng's body in the shortest time.


   At this moment, Ye Feng is also doing his best to run the power in his body, it seems that he wants to raise his cultivation level to the strongest realm in the shortest time.


   Even for the group of onlookers, Ye Feng didn't care much. The powerful aura gathered in his body completely diffused his own power at this moment.


   Just when Ye Feng was in retreat to refine the power of the source, this side of the sky battlefield has also passed on Ye Feng's reputation.


   "Have you heard? Even the Qingyin Ancient Bell was defeated. That guy's attack power is still terrifying."


   "What are you thinking? The Qingyin Ancient Bell's attacking power is also not weak. It can be defeated in such a battle without being injured. What is the main body of this guy?"


  "Stop discussing this. Although that guy is powerful, he can't match that one.


   It is said that the Phoenix-winged Zijin Boring has hit the core of the sky battlefield, and the aura radiating from the body is even more powerful to a realm that ordinary people cannot imagine.


   Those who fought with him were completely cut off in just one or two rounds, and the powerful aura exuded was even unbearable. "


   "Yes, the combat power of Phoenix Wing Zijin Boring is really terrifying, even if it makes people think about it, it feels terrifying."


   "You said that if these two people collide together and go through a battle, who will win?"


   "Does this still need to be said? Of course it is phoenix wings and purple gold boring.


   Although the strength of that sword of good fortune is terrifying, how can it be comparable to the natural gods bred in our world? "


   When these metals were discussed, the aura that permeated the space had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.


   Incomparably terrifying power permeated the space, and the entire sky battlefield was shaking frantically.


   The light curtain surrounding the sky battlefield is also being distorted and changed at this moment, and it seems that it has begun to shift the irregular movement of the center point.


   After some people perceive such a change, the aura in their bodies is also moving at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely crush the entire world.


   The shift of the core of the battlefield also means that the environment in which they can survive is undergoing drastic changes. Once they are thrown out of the protective barrier, they are leaving the battlefield.


   Although these people have no hope of impacting the highest realm, they don't want to miss such a good opportunity. They have released the most powerful aura in the body in the first time.


   And such a change also shocked all the powerhouses in the entire sky battlefield. The power of countless attributes permeated the space crazily, and it also made this metal origin aura even more terrifying.


   Ye Feng, who was immersed in cultivation, naturally didn't care about the aura gathered in these own bodies, and at this moment, it was also rapidly moving outwards.


   You must know that Ye Feng's understanding of the world is still very shallow, even if it is able to communicate the origin of the world through the power of the laws of good fortune, it is not that easy.


   The changes in the battlefield in the sky at this moment also allow everyone to release their own aura, and Ye Feng is also here to consume these scattered metal auras through the power of chaos and the golden body of the heavenly demon.


   The extremely terrifying power was continuously compressed by Ye Feng in his body. Such a terrifying energy was also releasing his most terrifying power of destruction at this moment.


   The aura gathered in the entire space has been integrated into Ye Feng's body at this moment, even saying that it is going to impact on a higher level.


   When feeling such a power, the original power in Ye Feng's body is also running at an extremely fast speed, absorbing this energy frantically.


   However, before Ye Feng could withstand such a powerful original force, a very familiar oppressive force descended on Ye Feng's body.


   Just now, the shift of the formation boundary landed on Ye Feng's body, and the aura emitted directly suppressed Ye Feng's body, even swallowing the purest attribute power in his body.


   Such a pressure also caused Ye Feng's body to begin to turbulence, and the original aura contained in it was moving at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely suppress everything in this world.


   Aware of this, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and directly spread the most massive aura in his body. That kind of terrifying energy simply reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.


   But under this kind of unimaginable pressure, Ye Feng also noticed how terrifying the energy gathered in his body was.


   Even when this breath spreads, the entire space has undergone drastic changes, and even this space is to be completely suppressed.


   In the face of such terrible pressure, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and the breath in his body was already run to the extreme in the first time.


   The aura of good fortune surrounding the body even broke out an extremely powerful force.


   In the face of the terrifying force of suppression, Ye Feng also raised his aura to the most terrifying point, step by step toward a higher level of transformation.


   Those terrifying attribute powers are also constantly devouring and refining Ye Feng's body at this moment, and the terrifying aura that it exudes blends into Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.


   During this process, Ye Feng also saw a lot of people who were rejected because they couldn't withstand such terrible pressure. The breath radiating from his body was shaking at an extremely fast speed.


   Ye Feng is naturally impossible to be easily rejected by this force, and the horror aura gathered in his body completely diffuses out at this moment.


   Even under the pressure that ordinary people can't resist, Ye Feng didn't stop. He still walked forward step by step in a very steady manner. The terrifying aura exuding from his body had already broken through a certain special realm.


   When he felt such a power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became more dazzling, and the power of the attributes emitted from his body had reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   In the next instant, the original power in Ye Feng's body had already begun to boil and surging crazily, and the aura that it radiated was expanding outwards at an extremely fast speed.


  Countless attribute powers, UU reading www.uukanshu. com exuded its most terrifying energy at this moment, as if it was trying to completely suppress and refine everything between the world.


   And in the center of this sky battlefield, countless powerful auras have completely erupted at this moment, and the terrifying destructive power is even going to completely shred this space.


   It's just that as the sky is constantly compressing, the power emanating from the space has been tyrannical to an extremely terrifying point, and even the people present can't imagine this terrifying energy, what kind of realm it has reached.


   Under such compression, the structure of the entire battlefield has become extremely oppressive. Even those strong men who have come up with their own ability can not help but become difficult to breathe when they feel such a strong pressure.


   The power in the body cannot interact with the outside world, and can only operate the original power in the body. This is an extremely huge suppression for any cultivator.


   It even said that when such a force spreads out completely, even the strongest person will feel a suffocation, and even unable to use his most powerful force.


   "The battlefield has reached its limit, then the next battle is between us."


   The voices of some people echoed in the sky battlefield, and the aura that radiated from it became more and more terrifying.


   It seems that in this battle of the sky, the last battle is about to start at this moment.

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