Sky War God

Chapter 3598: Chaos Nest

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3598 Chaos Beast Nest

Feeling such a force, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely shocked, and the breath in his body was even going to be completely released.

Especially the power of Chaos in the body is constantly turbulent, as if being continuously drawn by such a force.

If it weren't for Ye Feng, he would try his best to operate the Chaos True Gang Art, and the chaotic power in his body would be released spontaneously.

At that time, Ye Feng's cultivation base will weaken at a very fast speed, and even dissipate completely between the world.

The terrifying power that is constantly brewing in the void has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

The power that radiated was spreading wildly at an extremely fast speed, and it caused Ye Feng to extend and enter into the void.

At this moment, Ye Feng didn't seem to have any resistance, so he could only let such a force involve him.

In the next moment, the original aura in the body was the energy released by a very fast speed, and it reached an unimaginable terrifying point.

In a very short period of time, the power in the body has already moved to an extremely crazy state, and the energy in the body is spreading at a very fast speed.

To suppress such power, Ye Feng must do his best and concentrate on it.

A slight slack will cause the strength in the body to collapse, and it will no longer be able to resist.

At this moment, the power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body moved faster than before.

The chaotic power that has been continuously extracted is even more integrated into Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

In order to suppress the chaotic power of such a riot, Ye Feng is also doing his best to mobilize other auras in his body.

Whether it is the extremely powerful Chaos Spiritual Mind or the golden body of the Heavenly Demon that has just been cultivated, Ye Feng has already been fully operated.

Such a tyrannical aura has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the power radiated from every move is terrifying beyond imagination.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng could clearly feel the breath spreading out of the void, which had reached an extremely tyrannical stage.

That is, time, Ye Feng directly released the power in his body and the aura exuded from the place was constantly resonating with the power in the void.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Feng was able to break through the defenses of layers of space and enter the depths of the void.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Feng traversed layer after layer of space power, and finally reached an extremely vast realm.

It's empty here, with no top and no ground.

But it exudes an extremely vigorous aura, and every move can have a powerful force beyond imagination.

In a very short period of time, the energy in Ye Feng's body had already run to the extreme, and the original power in his body was spreading at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling such a change, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely dignified, the original aura in his body, and the speed of movement was beyond imagination.

In a very short period of time, the power in the body had already started to circulate wildly, and the aura that it radiated had reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng finally began to observe the surrounding situation.

The power of chaos is intertwined in the depths of the space, and it seems to be constructed into a special **** pattern formation.

With this powerful formation, it can continuously absorb the original strength between heaven and earth to increase the concentration of aura here.

Moreover, Ye Feng also felt a stronger breath of life here.

It was like saying that in this space, an incomparably huge life could be bred.

After having this idea, Ye Feng shook his head involuntarily.

Although the power of chaos is the origin of everything in the world, the power it possesses is beyond imagination.

But the power of chaos here is still quite violent, even if Ye Feng survives here, he needs to keep running the exercises.

For other creatures, I am afraid that they have been completely shattered by those terrifying chaotic auras before they can gain a foothold here.

It is precisely for this reason that even if a powerful force of good fortune is truly gestated in this world, there is no possibility of life.

Ye Feng is quite sure about this.


At this moment, an incomparably low roar, the aura that spread in the void, made the surrounding space constantly oscillate.

When he sensed such a breath, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely solemn, and the attribute power in his body was released at an extremely fast speed.

"How is it possible? There really is life here!"

Just when these words were just finished, a huge monster appeared in front of Ye Feng.

A creature like a hill emerged, his body resembling a lion but with the head of an elephant.

The breath radiating from the whole body is like chaos, and unimaginable terrifying power is brewing in every move.

Feeling such a powerful breath, the power in Ye Feng's body was constantly shaking.

He did not expect that such a terrifying creature could appear in this space.

If you are not careful, you may be completely swallowed by such a terrifying aura.

The original power in the body circulates quickly, and Ye Feng has also become a terrifying creature in large numbers.

Soon, Ye Feng had realized that this creature was able to survive because the power in his body was entirely composed of the power of chaos.

The breath of such a huge energy is also huge beyond imagination, and the power radiated from every move is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

Before Ye Feng could react, an extremely terrifying force was released, and that chaotic power directly locked Ye Feng's body.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng stepped directly, the spatial attribute power in his body exploded, and he quickly dodged toward another direction.

Although Ye Feng had tremendous confidence in his own strength, Ye Feng did not dare to act rashly in the face of such a terrifying chaotic behemoth.

Although Ye Feng also cultivated the power of chaos, there was still a certain gap between the chaotic power in his body and the chaotic behemoth in front of him.

If Ye Feng rushed up to take care of the Chaos Giant Beast unconsciously, he would be the first to be killed.

Such a terrifying force is constantly released in the space, and the pressure it radiates is even greater than imagined.

Before Ye Feng could react, a huge roar was already resounding.

That kind of horrible aura is simply to completely destroy all the power between heaven and earth.

The chaotic ripples released were even closer to the direction where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed.

The tyrannical power radiated was even more than enough to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.

Perceiving such a force, Ye Feng's expression has also become extremely cautious and fast.

In a very short period of time, the power of the spatial attributes has been fully exerted, and the aura that it exudes has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

In a very short period of time, a terrifying energy was released, and the power radiated was simply controlled to an unimaginable level.

That extremely terrifying chaotic power has begun to condense into substance, descending toward the direction where Ye Feng is.

Looking at that attitude, it was like saying that Ye Feng would be completely killed in the shortest possible time.

Feeling such a huge pressure, Ye Feng's expression became extremely solemn, and the original power in his body was released again and again.

However, the more so, the more Ye Feng felt the horror of pressure.

The ubiquitous chaotic power in the void is invading his body little by little, as if to completely occupy his body.

And the power possessed by those chaotic giants, under this circumstance, is also growing at an extremely fast speed.

Moreover, this growth rate is far beyond Ye Feng's understanding, and the original power in the body is also released at a speed that an ordinary person can't imagine.

In a very short period of time, Ye Feng directly condensed the chaotic power he possessed.

In an instant, a sea swallowing **** orb was released and slammed into the void fiercely.

The incomparably terrifying swallowing power, followed by the release of the breath, has been tyrannical to a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The power of chaos around it gathered at an extremely fast speed, trying to fill that swallowing black hole.

But Ye Feng's Sea Swallowing Divine Orb was completely imprinted on him, even if the powerhouse of the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect came, he couldn't find anything.

The power contained in it is also beyond imagination, and it has completely swallowed the surrounding coercive force in the first time.

At the same time, some extremely huge chaotic auras are constantly being released, allowing those chaotic powers to be swallowed by the Sea Swallowing God Orb at an extremely fast speed.

In a short time, the power contained in this sea swallowing **** orb has reached its extreme, as if it would collapse anytime and anywhere.

Ye Feng also stretched out his hand at this moment, and directly put the Sea Swallowing God Orb into his palm.

In an instant, this sea swallowing **** orb full of chaotic power had been sent into the world of mixed sky spirit orb.

The chaotic power that it possesses is being continuously digested by the Heavenly Chaos Spirit Orb, and it is condensed into the most original chaotic power.

Such a power is quite precious to Ye Feng, but the speed at which Ye Feng condenses the power of the Primal Chaos has also dropped a lot.

The space in the original Sky Mixing Spirit Orb was still extremely vast, and the aura it radiated was beyond imagination.

The various attribute powers swallowed in will be compressed and refined by the power of chaos, and finally the most important power of chaos origin is condensed.

But the space in the Huntian Spirit Orb was only that big.

Even if the power of the chaotic origin is constantly running, it is impossible to open up the space inside in a short period of time.

At this moment, the forces that are constantly surging in the void are becoming stronger and stronger, and they are also gradually filling up this space.

It is precisely because of this that part of the surrounding environment has become extremely crowded.

The power in it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

But if you want the space in this chaos orb to be fully utilized, you must further control the power of the chaos in it.

In this very short period of time, Ye Feng also felt extremely intense pressure.

The aura exuded by the power of the chaotic origin is also a huge increase beyond imagination, it is to suppress all the power in Ye Feng in an instant.

If you want to improve your own strength, naturally you have to further cultivate your own various techniques.

I saw that the chaotic power in Ye Feng's body was constantly rioting, even involving other forces to suppress the chaotic changes.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were also shining with extremely brilliant brilliance.

The power of a chaotic origin was carefully pulled out by Ye Feng.

Then such a powerful force was directly sent into the sea of ​​consciousness by Ye Feng.

The nine extremely powerful powers of divine minds are fully recovered at this moment, vying to swallow the chaotic origin power.

You know, the power of the chaos origin, but the power of the gods, can help the gods to cultivate their own world.

It is even said that this power is still above the power of the rudimentary world.

Now that Ye Feng consumes this power to practice his own practice, it is extremely luxurious for all aspects.

In a very short period of time, the aura radiating from the void has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the original power in the body is running wildly at an extremely fast speed.

The divine power, which is constantly consuming the power of the Primal Chaos, also has an extremely powerful effect at this moment, and has suppressed the changes in Ye Feng's body for the first time.

In the next instant, a more terrifying aura was released from Ye Feng's body again.

Ye Feng also drew out a chaotic origin power again and sent it to his heart.

The Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art then started to operate, and the heart was beating continuously, digesting the power of the chaotic origin at an extremely fast speed.

Drops of bright red, blood flowed from the heart, quickly spreading throughout the body, seeming to be strengthening Ye Feng's body.

Under this circumstance, Ye Feng was also able to clearly feel the power in his body, and he had reached an extremely tyrannical point.

Every heartbeat exudes an immense force, pushing Ye Feng's body to a higher level.

At this time, Ye Feng could also clearly feel that every power in his body was growing rapidly.

On the contrary, it was the power of chaos that was constantly rioting in the body. Under Ye Feng's continuous suppression, the aura in it began to calm down a little bit.

Even said that the external power of attributes has become weaker for him.

But what followed was an even greater crisis.

When Ye Feng was refining the power of the Primal Chaos, he also exuded some subtle auras.

In other places, no one may notice anything.

It won't take long for the breath to dissipate completely.

But this time it was completely different.

The force in the space is simply tyrannical to the point where ordinary people can't reach it.

The fluctuations emanating from every move are so obvious, especially for the Chaos Behemoth.

The attraction of the power of the Primal Chaos to them is simply so powerful that it is indescribable. Every time the aura in the body rotates, an extremely large force will be emitted.

At this moment, the original aura in Ye Feng's body had reached an extremely violent point.

The original power in the body is also running wildly at an extremely fast speed, and the aura that it exudes is even more powerful to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

The more so, the more crazily the monster beasts entangled, and the more terrifying the aura it exudes.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the energy radiated in the void has been tyrannical to an unimaginable realm.

Not only the monster beast staring at Ye Feng before, but also other chaotic giant beasts emerged.

At this moment, the pressure Ye Feng was facing was beyond imagination, and the energy radiated from every move was terrifying to an unimaginable level.

Moreover, the images of these chaotic alien beasts are also different in shape, and each alien beast possesses a powerful force, as if it can't be described by ordinary people's understanding.

This kind of breath also made Ye Feng's expression extremely solemn, and the original power in his body was spreading at an extremely fast speed.

In the bodies of those chaotic giant beasts, an extremely terrifying aura also exploded, converging towards the direction where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Ye Feng was able to clearly feel the powerful power that they possessed, as if an extremely huge pressure had formed to swallow Ye Feng's body completely.

In this very short period of time, Ye Feng also saw different forms of chaotic giant beasts, some resembling fish but with tiger claws, some resembling eagles but possessing the body of a fish.

The power in the body of these chaotic giant beasts contains an extremely huge source aura, which is also an unimaginable pressure for Ye Feng.

Wanting to resist the powerful force that they radiated was simply not something Ye Feng could withstand at this moment.

It even said that once the power in the body was dissipated, Ye Feng would be completely swallowed by those terrifying monsters.

No remaining power will be left behind, and they will be thoroughly eaten and wiped out in a very short period of time.

Feeling such a terrible pressure, Ye Feng's eyes also showed an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

A series of extremely powerful swallowing powers gathered around Ye Feng's body.

The Sea Swallowing Divine Orb continued to condense out, and the devouring power that burst out was simply to an unimaginable realm.

Any Chaos power near Ye Feng's body will be swallowed by the Sea Swallowing God Orb, and finally sent into the world of the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb.

And the power of the Chaos Origin that is constantly gushing out will become Ye Feng's nourishment.

Constantly strengthen Ye Feng's spirit and physical strength to resist the terrifying aura around him.

At the same time, Ye Feng's hands also condensed an extremely terrifying killing power.

The power of the attribute is constantly running in the body, and Ye Feng also combined the magic path attribute and spirit with his own power, and directly drew out the holy magic spear.

The Holy Magic Spear, which contains the power of the origin of the magic path, also exudes a tyrannical force that ordinary people can't imagine, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

Such a terrifying force has simply reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The extremely terrifying scarlet spear light, the power radiated from the constant flow in the void, is more than enough to completely destroy everything in the world.

The power in motion is being released crazily in the depths of the void at an extremely fast speed, and the energy emitted has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

It was at this moment that the power in Ye Feng's body had run to the extreme, and the original power in the body was spreading at an extremely fast speed.

The original strength possessed is to quickly release its own coercive power at a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Holding the holy magic spear in his hand, Ye Feng's aura has become extremely cruel, and a terrifying aura of destruction can erupt from every move.

The demon beast that appeared first arrived at Ye Feng's body at this moment, and then he saw Ye Feng, and without hesitation, pierced out the holy magic spear in his hand.

An extremely bright red spear light was released at this moment, directly locking the monster beast.

The terrifying aura of destruction fully bloomed at this moment, colliding with that chaotic beast.

In an instant, a rumbling sound of destruction and shock erupted in the void, and there was also an extremely powerful destructive force spreading in all directions.

The power contained in it even completely destroys the surrounding space, and there is no room for return at all.

At this moment, a tyrannical shock force straddled the void and landed on Ye Feng's body.

Such a powerful destructive power also made Ye Feng's body a little unbearable, and the power of terror spread wildly in his body, causing his body to tremble continuously.

This intense pressure also made Ye Feng's expression extremely pale, and the aura in his body fell fiercely.

But the chaotic beast that fought with him was equally uncomfortable. Its body was torn open by Ye Feng with a holy magic spear, and a steady flow of chaotic aura was pouring out from his wound.

Feeling such a change, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely cold, and the aura in his body was released crazily at an extremely fast speed.

That kind of terrifying aura has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach, and every move can exude extremely terrifying attribute power.

The power of chaos spread wildly in the void, and the aura that it radiated became more and more terrifying. The energy radiated from every move reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the power in the body circulates rapidly, and it releases an incomparably huge power.

Finally, I saw Ye Feng take a sudden step, and the breath in his body quickly released forward.

Now that the giant chaotic beast had been hit hard, Ye Feng could not let it go so easily. The power in his body was spreading out at an extremely fast speed.

The aura of destruction possessed has reached a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people, and the energy radiated from every move is that terrifying.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly released the strongest power he possessed, cooperated with the holy magic spear, and directly killed the chaotic giant beast.

At this moment, the extremely powerful scarlet spear light and the fusion power of Ye Feng merged together, as if penetrating the void, and descending on the chaos behemoth.

In just a very short period of time, the extremely terrifying aura has completely exploded the power radiated out, and it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

That is to say, in this short period of time, an extremely huge force burst out, as if it had penetrated the entire space, a bright red radiance was released from the void.

In this short instant, Ye Feng could clearly feel the source of the power that was constantly pouring in from the holy magic spear, which was impacting his body time and time again.

This kind of severe pain made Ye Feng's expression incredibly hideous. What a huge power broke out at this moment, and the breath that radiated made people's hearts on the verge of collapse.

If there is no Heavenly Demon Golden Body Decision, Ye Feng can't withstand such power at all, and his body will explode completely in the first place.

In the next moment, the breath spreading in the void once again released those monsters, felt the power emanating from Ye Feng, and became even more violent.

As if to give Ye Feng to the corpse thousands of pieces, a series of terrifying attacks spread wildly in the void.

That is, in a very short period of time, all of these forces have been fully condensed, and the aura that it exudes has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In a very short time, the power emanating from the void has become extremely dangerous.

The energy transferred from that scarlet spear light swallowed Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

Without any hesitation, the major exercises in the body are moving at an extremely fast speed, and the whole body is like a huge melting pot, completely refining the heavens and the earth.

Feeling such a breath, the giant chaotic beasts present also showed extremely clear expressions.

The expression is extremely solemn, and the original power in the body is running at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Feng's mouth is also constantly roaring, and the power in his body is spreading at a very fast speed, as if to completely engulf the entire world.

Even if the spear demon in the holy demon spear is completely suppressed by Ye Feng, the terrifying power impact will not disappear because of this, but will become even more terrifying.

While suppressing the power in his body, Ye Feng's eyes became more fierce.

The power in the body is madly released, and the power it possesses is beyond imagination.

In this short period of time, a horrible force was completely released and the aura that radiated, reached an extremely terrifying point.

A series of bright red spear lights penetrated the entire time and space, as if forming a huge cage, to completely destroy this space.

However, those terrifying chaotic behemoths did not have any fear at all, and released one after another terrible attacks from their bodies.

The power contained in these attacks is also beyond imagination, as if to completely destroy everything between heaven and earth.

Facing such a terrifying power, Ye Feng was also completely shocked, and he had not thought about it. At this moment, the power of these chaotic giants was also so powerful.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng released the most powerful force in his body, and the original power in his body was surging crazily at an extremely fast speed.

The power in his body was completely burned, and his most powerful aura was thoroughly mobilized, and he merged with the holy magic spear in his hand.

Devil blood slaughter the sky!

The ultimate ultimate move contained in the holy magic spear technique was used by Ye Feng, as if to destroy the heavens and the earth, an incomparably powerful aura was madly released in the void.

Such a terrifying force is enough to completely destroy everything in the world, and the power contained in it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

That kind of destructive power is simply unimaginable, and the power in the body keeps running, and the aura that comes out is getting more and more terrifying.

In such a time, Ye Feng directly mobilized the most terrifying force in his body.

It collided with the terrible attacks released by those chaotic monsters.

The rumbling sound of destruction resounded completely at this moment.

An extremely large destructive force is simply to completely cover the entire space, and directly spread wildly in all directions.

Such a terrifying destructive power has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach, and the coercive force it radiates is even greater than imagined.

The constant crushing of the two forces, the ability to radiate crazy changes in the void, even more shocked all the lives present.

Ye Feng could clearly feel the original aura in his body, burning at an extremely fast speed, as if this piece of heaven and earth had completely collapsed.

His own consciousness is becoming more and more vague, even forgetting the existence of self, just constantly mobilizing energy, refining the power of the chaotic origin, and then wielding the holy magic spear.

Such terrible energy continuously released one after another in the void with scarlet spear lights running through the void, UU reading seemed to completely destroy the entire world.

But Ye Feng himself became extremely ethereal.

It was like saying that the whole person had merged with the moves he released, and the power radiated had reached an unimaginable terrifying realm.

Ye Feng had already reached the realm of the unity of man and gun, but the aura that Ye Feng had transformed at this moment was even more terrifying.

At this moment, the power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body suddenly exploded, resonating with this space again.

As if it was the unity of man and nature, as if he wanted to blend into this world, the power in Ye Feng's body was also running wildly at this moment.

Suddenly, an extremely large force was released in this way.

The entire Chaos Lair was trembling crazily at this moment.

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