Sky War God

Chapter 3597: Elder Tianyou's Revenge

[网] Lingtian War God Chapter 3597 The Revenge of Elder Tianyou

After receiving such a strong blow, Ye Feng's spirit was also a little depressed.

Obviously only a thin line away, Ye Feng will be able to find his wife and children.

But he was constantly blocked by others, and even his own strength was greatly affected.

Such a blow was also extremely huge for Ye Feng, and his revolt was to wipe out everything in his body.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Feng was also depressed for a while.

In the next few days, Ye Fengdong wandered aimlessly in the Sky Swallowing Devil Sect.

It even said that the points on his body have been continuously consumed, and it will not be long before he will be sent back to the stage of life and death.

But such a change didn't make any sense to Ye Feng either. At this moment, he no longer had any fear.

Although the power in the body is still running continuously, it has also lost the vitality, and the speed of running is quite slow.

Even the monster beasts that were close to him were affected by Ye Feng's own spirit at this moment, and could not attack him at all.

Feeling such a force, Ye Feng's eyes became extremely hollow, and the aura in his body continued to circulate.

This kind of energy is also beyond imagination, as if to completely wipe out Ye Feng's body.

Even the mark of the God of War in his chest seemed unable to affect this power.

Both have been completely consumed all the time, even if they try their best, they can't change anything.

Many people in the Sky Swallowing Devil Sect had already noticed Ye Feng's situation, but they did not make any response.

For these people, the significance of Ye Feng's existence is not great.

If it weren't for the Saintess of Tianlan, Ye Feng would not have entered the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect.

Of course, in the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect, many people are paying attention to all this.

Among them was the elder Tianyou who was entrapped by Ye Feng and almost abolished his position.

At the time, Elder Tianyou also looked at Ye Feng's extraordinary talents, and wanted to seize his body and use his body to condense his spiritual power.

But it was discovered by the Heavenly Maiden.

Saintess of Tianlan pulled Ye Feng over to obtain the power of chaos from him. Naturally, it is impossible for Elder Tianyou to be so presumptuous.

What's more, the Saintess of Tianlan, who has just taken charge of this part of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect, has to establish prestige for herself.

Therefore, Elder Tianyou was directly suppressed, and the power in his body could not be fully exerted.

After being sealed for a while, Elder Tianyou also escaped.

Of course it is impossible for him to trouble the Saintess of Tianlan, and the target can only be placed on Ye Feng.

After learning that Ye Feng was depressed and wandering on the earth, the corners of Elder Tianyou's mouth also showed a frantic smile.

Feeling such a power, Elder Tianyou's heart is also extremely excited, and the aura in his body is continuously released.

If you heard about Ye Feng's previous record at other times, I'm afraid Elder Tianyou wouldn't do anything to Ye Feng.

After all, that kind of strength is too terrifying, and even able to fight in the depths of the void.

Although the power possessed by Elder Tianyou was powerful, he couldn't resist such a terrifying aura.

Even his body is extremely weak, and the power that can be radiated from every move is extremely weak.

They are all occupying an extremely powerful power of divine consciousness to be able to compete with people of the same realm.

But at this moment, Ye Feng's spirit was diminished, and his mind was distracted, and the methods controlled by Elder Tianyou were sufficient.

In a very short period of time, the power in the body has begun to continuously release such tyrannical attribute powers, quickly condensing in the depths of the void.

Elder Tianyou stared at Ye Feng, secretly mobilizing the power in his body.

The extremely terrifying precipitation power continued to spread in the space, combined with the power of various attributes, creating shadows after another.

At the same time, Elder Tianyou is also the most powerful means of the releaser himself, creating an extremely terrifying shadow of the soul, covering this space.

You must know that the power of the gods of Tianyou elders has reached an extremely terrifying point, touching the boundary of the realm of the gods.

Such strength is beyond everyone's imagination.

At this moment, he fully operated his divine power, and the breath he radiated was beyond imagination.

It is even enough to suppress all the power between the heavens and the earth, and in front of that terrifying shadow of the soul, any conscious creature will be contaminated by this terrifying aura.

At this moment, Elder Tianyou directly mobilized the power in his body to cover the area where Ye Feng was.

That extremely terrifying shadow of the soul descended at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely swallow Ye Feng's details.

Feeling this familiar power, Ye Feng's eyes were also shining with icy light, gathering the breath in the body and releasing it at an extremely fast speed.

However, this time Elder Tianyou also reacted long ago, and the soul shadows released from his body were even more deceitful.

The divine and soul power radiated from every move is so weird, as if to swallow all the lives between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt the energy possessed in the shadow of the divine soul, and was constantly devouring his soul.

It seemed that he was going to swallow all the power of divine consciousness controlled by Ye Feng.

Feeling such a change, the aura in Ye Feng's body is constantly being released, and the original power he controls spreads at an extremely fast speed.

With this ability, no matter how powerful a cultivator is, he cannot resist this terrifying aura.

It even said that Ye Feng could feel the power of divine consciousness under his control, which was passing by at an extremely fast speed, being swallowed by that terrifying means.

"Give up, give up...

You can't do anything at this moment, and the person you care about the most is not by your side.

Everything you want will eventually disappear completely, and your efforts are meaningless.

Continue to insist on what you do, let the terrible power swallow your body completely, and let you gain eternal freedom. "

In Ye Feng's ears, in the space around his body, and even in the sea of ​​consciousness in his body, such voices were constantly echoing.

It was as if to say that Ye Feng's soul would be swallowed completely by virtue of such a force.

The extremely terrifying breath continued to spread in the void, and the power it radiated had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

Ye Feng could clearly feel the power of his own divine consciousness, which was disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

But his own consciousness has also been affected to a certain extent, and he can't move towards a higher realm at all.

It's like saying that it may disappear completely at any time.

Perceiving such a dangerous aura, Ye Feng's eyes also showed an extremely terrifying look.

A ray of brilliance bloomed in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, wanting to fully explode the power that one possessed.

However, it is not so easy to control such a terrifying breath.

The original power that he possesses, once again, is working hard at this moment, as if to suppress everything between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly mobilized the most powerful force of chaos in the community and quickly covered his body.

It was his spirit that became more and more distracted, and it seemed that he had been affected by the depressive voice.

At this moment, Ye Feng's speed in mobilizing his body's strength was also quite slow, and even was greatly affected.

The original force in the body quickly subsided at this moment, and even that force would completely affect the mind.

The devil's attribute divine consciousness was completely aroused at this moment, and the power it possessed was simply tyrannical to an unimaginable realm.

The moment that terrible magic sound was released, it was swallowed by the magical attribute of God.

However, Ye Feng's own power of divine consciousness was still greatly suppressed.

Such a pitch-black corrosive force covered Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

It was as if to completely swallow Ye Feng's soul to become others' nourishment.

Above the sky, Elder Tianyou's complexion became more and more ugly. He had never thought that Ye Feng's strength had reached such a point.

This terrible energy is simply going to completely consume his soul.

Every time that terrible shadow of the soul is released, the soul of Elder Tianyou will be damaged to a certain extent.

Changing to another person can completely let Elder Tianyou release the power of the soul in his body and take away the other person's soul.

But Ye Feng's resistance was too strong, even if Elder Tianyou tried his best, he couldn't seize Ye Feng's consciousness.

Such a tyrannical aura has reached a point beyond ordinary people's reach, and the power it radiates is even more fierce than imagined.

The original power in the body was quickly released at this moment.

At this moment, Elder Tianyou was also fierce, and directly burned his body.

Elder Tianyou is also extremely greedy for the powerful talent in Ye Feng's body and the terrifying power of divine consciousness.

If you can seize Ye Feng's body, it will be worth it even if you damage your original body.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly mobilized the most powerful force in his body, and the breath he radiated reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

Although Ye Feng had been in a muddle during this period of time, he was not without resistance.

The operation of Wanling Shenjue can make him still have a body that is powerful enough to control when he is distracted and thinking about certain things.

Now that Ye Feng couldn't break through the boundaries of space, his chaos, space, and soul were completely silent.

But this does not mean that Ye Feng does not have any combat effectiveness.

Especially when faced with such a weird devouring power, the power of Demon Dao and Divine Sense is recovering at an extremely fast speed.

The extremely terrifying Demon Dao aura was completely released at this moment, directly fusing with the Shenlong War Spirit.

Suddenly, an extremely loud dragon chant sounded in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

That terrifying shock power seemed to completely destroy everything in the world.

Elder Tianyou, who had just arrived in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, suffered such a terrible attack.

This kind of terrifying power has almost reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the breath that radiates from every move is quite terrifying.

Elder Tianyou didn't expect that Ye Feng at this moment still possessed such a powerful resistance.

The breath in the body is even moving at an extremely fast speed.

The extremely terrifying shadow of the soul was completely spread at this moment, and the breath it radiated was even more terrifying than imagined.

A series of extremely terrifying destruction attacks were released in this way, as if to completely shatter Ye Feng's soul.

Feeling the destructive power condensed in the void, Shenlong War Spirit is also quite disdainful.

The body trembled slightly, directly gathering the aura in the space, and the terrifying energy it radiated was beyond the limit of the void.

Facing those terrifying forces, the Shenlong Warrior Spirit had no fear at all, and rushed directly.

The extremely terrifying aura, constantly exuding terrifying destructive power, is simply to destroy everything in the world.

With the sound of the terrifying dragon chant, the rapid charge of the dragon and the war spirits also blocked all the devastating attacks.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock rang out, and even more terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Such a powerful force has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach, and the wave of destruction is constantly expanding in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, the power of good fortune spirit was also released.

The breath of good fortune spread out, directly enveloping the entire sea of ​​consciousness, forming a protective film.

No matter how terrible it is, it cannot break through such a layer of defense, and it will eventually become energy in the battlefield.

What's more, even if Ye Feng's power of divine consciousness is silent, the instinct to operate spontaneously still exists.

The power possessed by the dragon war spirits is still constantly devouring the surrounding breath, and those terrifying energy are constantly pouring into the dragon war spirits.

Under this kind of battle, Ye Feng's strength will not be lost, but the elder Tianyou will be under unimaginable pressure.

Even his body will continue to be consumed at this moment, and eventually collapse completely.

To know how many Ye Feng's souls had been fed, Elder Tianyou had given up his specificity and completely burned his own power to form such a terrifying shadow of the soul.

If Ye Feng's body and soul could not be captured, then Elder Tianyou would not have the power to rely on.

Before long, his soul will completely dissipate, and eventually disappear between heaven and earth forever.

Although Ye Feng didn't know this, his continuous power has reached such a realm.

In a very short period of time, such a terrifying aura broke out completely.

Elder Tianyou, who had already sensed his own situation, did not hesitate at this moment, and directly released the most powerful force in his body.

The power of that extremely terrifying divine mind, gathered madly at this moment, forming an extremely huge black palm print.

In this palmprint, there are even more condensed a dribbling eye, a terrifying magic light, released from the eye pupil, as if to destroy everything in this world.

At this time, Ye Feng's Shenlong Fighting Spirit also noticed such an anomaly.

The roar of incomparable anger was already issued in the first time, and the power in the body was released at an extremely fast speed.

The brilliance of destruction stood on the horrible palm, as if to completely wipe out the dragon and war spirits.

That is to say, at this moment, the dragon and the war spirits merged the power of the magic way and the spirit, and the power that the combination of the two powers exudes is also beyond imagination.

In a very short time, such a terrifying breath was released, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

Only saw the dragon war spirit roar, directly spit out a dragon ball, and released it into the void.

In this way, the two terrifying attacks collided together, and in a very short period of time, an extremely terrifying destruction attack was formed.

Such a powerful force erupted, immediately causing the surrounding void to exude a rumbling sound of destruction and shock, and the terrifying force was to completely destroy Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Faced with such a change, the energy in Ye Feng's Sea of ​​Consciousness was also raised to the extreme, and the Phoenix Warrior was awakened.

The fire of Nirvana flared up quickly, directly occupying the entire sea of ​​consciousness space.

The infinite flame continuously radiates its own energy, as if to completely purify the entire world.

This kind of terrifying aura has also reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the energy radiated from moving all the time is terrifying beyond imagination.

Under the attack of the fire of Nirvana, the terrifying palm print formed by Elder Tianyou received a severe blow immediately.

Such a tyrannical force is simply trying to ignite the entire sea of ​​consciousness, and the fire of Nirvana released by it is also beyond imagination.

In a very short period of time, the breath radiating from the space is already extremely terrifying.

Elder Tianyou was also completely enraged, and the power in his body was madly released.

That extremely terrifying palm print of destruction was released, as if to completely destroy everything in the world, the power of this terrifying force was beyond imagination.

The extremely powerful aura completely bloomed at this moment, suppressing it downward at an extremely fast speed.

The dragon war spirits and the phoenix war spirits also reacted at this moment, and the power emanating from the direct eruption of Nanyang's tyrannical aura was beyond imagination.

The aura of extremely terrifying power spreading crazily in the space made Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness turbulent frantically.

Also in this very short period of time, a tyrannical force was released.

The two terrorist attacks collided in this way.

The depths of the sea of ​​consciousness released a rumbling sound of terror and shock, and there was also an extremely powerful force of destruction, spreading in all directions.

This kind of power is simply to completely tear off Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and the aura it exudes is even more terrifying than imagined.

At the same time, the dragon war spirit and the phoenix war spirit teamed up, and the aura exuded was also terrifying beyond imagination, and the balance formed by the interweaving of the forces of creation and destruction was enough to suppress everything.

The release of such a terrifying force is simply to block all the energy between heaven and earth.

At the same time, a more terrifying energy burst out at this moment, as if to destroy the entire space.

Elder Tianyou's soul couldn't withstand such a powerful shock and was directly shattered.

In the next instant, his figure condensed from Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness again, but compared with before, his breath at this moment is quite weak, and his face is extremely pale.

This divine soul is constantly oscillating, and the power in the body is also running at an extremely fast speed, wanting to do everything possible to absorb the surrounding energy to restore its own strength.

However, what made him unable to imagine was that the aura that Ye Feng possessed at this moment had already occupied the entire sea of ​​consciousness, even if he would recover part of his power, he would not be able to do it.

The dragon and the war spirits are still hovering in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the devouring power it emits is beyond imagination.

It was as if to say that in the shortest possible time, everything between heaven and earth should be swallowed up without leaving any remaining power.

Moreover, such terrible swallowing power also has an unimaginable effect.

At least the energy that was swallowed no longer had any imprints, even in the presence of Elder Tianyou, he couldn't make him feel any more energy.

At this moment, Elder Tianyou's heart had also been completely covered by desperate emotions. He never thought that Ye Feng's consciousness would still have such a powerful defense in the sea.

Even to say that the actions against Elder Tianyou at this moment are just four powers of divine consciousness.

There are also five more terrifying powers of divine consciousness, who did not participate in this battle at all, and the pressure they formed was beyond imagination.

That is to say, in this short period of time, a series of terrifying auras directly entangled, locking the soul of Elder Tianyou.

The dragon war spirit roared, and the phoenix war spirit roared. The two tyrannical forces were constantly intertwining in the space, and at the same time they released a powerful aura that ordinary people could not imagine.

The voices of Longyin and Fengming turned alternately, seeming to be calling for something.

At this moment, Elder Tianyou also felt a terrifying aura, as if he could not bear such a terrifying power at all.

This tyrannical force is simply to completely shred this piece of space.

However, in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, even the power of terror could not burst out its most tyrannical essence.

It seems that something terrible is here to completely suppress all of this.

Once the force exceeding the limit is released, such defensive measures will be triggered, and the chaotic energy will be completely suppressed in the end.

When Elder Tianyou realized this, his face had become extremely pale, even if he knew it, he couldn't react.

At this moment, let alone any impact on Ye Feng, or even saying that Elder Tianyou was able to leave here alive is already the most fortunate.

Countless tyrannical forces were released crazily at this moment, and the aura that came out had reached an extremely terrifying point.

The tyrannical power continued to spread in the void, as if to completely crush the body of Elder Tianyou.

In the end, under the constant call of the dragon war spirit and the phoenix war spirit, the sleeping power finally recovered.

The last shot and sword slowly penetrated from the void.

Holy magic spear!

Good Fortune Sword!

Two of Ye Feng's zombies appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness at this moment, and the power radiated out was even more powerful than imagined.

This kind of terrifying power is like suppressing all the forces between heaven and earth, and the terrifying energy possessed has reached a level that ordinary people can't reach.

That is, in a very short period of time, the energy emanating from the void has reached an extremely terrifying state, and the aura exuded from every move is beyond imagination.

Feeling such a power, Elder Tianyou's heart was also extremely shocked.

How could he think that Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness still hides such terrible power.

The power of these two divine weapons is beyond imagination, and as long as one of them is released, it is enough to completely destroy the soul of Elder Tianyou.

Now these four powerful forces are arranged in the surrounding area, and the aura of destruction exuded is even more terrifying than imagined.

Even Elder Tianyou, using his power to the extreme, couldn't change such a terrifying scene.

In other words, even if Elder Tianyou used his most terrifying means again to release the horrible shadow of the soul, it would not be able to change the current situation.

The spirit power that surrounds Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness can't be supported at all at this moment, and it is directly torn apart.

The terrifying shadow all over the sea of ​​consciousness collapsed and fell at this instant, and the aura in it dissipated at an extremely fast speed.

The extremely terrifying devouring power was also released at this moment, directly engulfing the scattered soul power.

At this moment, the dragon and the war spirits were almost crying, and the aura in the body was spreading at an extremely fast speed, as if it could rise to a higher level at any time.

That is to say, in this very short period of time, the power in Ye Feng's body has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and his own divine power has started to continuously operate according to the practice recorded in the Wanling Divine Art.

In the next instant, an inexplicable flame burned from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the power it radiated was beyond imagination.

When he broke free of the constraints set by the elder Tianyou to Ye Feng, he had already ignited such a mysterious flame.

This is the fire of will that Ye Feng released after burning his belief and soul.

This fire also doesn't have any temperature, but it has an extremely powerful effect on the soul, allowing all the soul impurities in the body to be refined.

At this moment, Ye Feng swallowed the soul of Elder Tianyou, and also reacted at this moment.

The power possessed in the body ran quickly, and the breath it radiated reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

The energy that keeps running in the body is expanding wildly at an extremely fast speed.

After devouring the power of these divine minds, Ye Feng's reaction speed was also quite fast, and he immediately ignited the fire of his own will.

Chaos power descended on Ye Feng's body, using the power of chaos as fuel to quickly ignite those flames.

In a very short period of time, Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness once again formed a sea of ​​fire.

Those violent energies are being swallowed and refined a little bit.

The purest part of the power of Divine Sense was absorbed by the Soul's Divine Sense as Ye Feng's own foundation.

And the remaining chaotic power was swallowed by the formation.

The Soul Array in Ye Feng's Sea of ​​Consciousness also has extremely powerful control over various attribute forces.

This was also the first time Ye Feng realized that the Divine Soul Formation Disk could continue to absorb the power of the outside world, thereby using the Divine Rune Formation that evolved from the origin.

This change also made Ye Feng happy.

While constantly refining the power of the divine mind, Ye Feng also gathered a part of the fire of will on the divine soul array.

Obtaining such a ball of flame, the divine soul refining the chaotic divine power, the speed is getting faster and faster.

There will be a large number of **** patterns appearing in every move and every action, engraved on the formation plate.

With the continuous surging of these forces, Ye Feng was able to determine that the aura in his body had reached an extremely powerful state.

Even when Ye Feng's soul swallowed up enough power of the Divine Mark, the Divine Soul Array would also play a huge role at this moment.

The power in the body spreads at an extremely fast speed, and the power it can possess is simply beyond imagination.

After arriving, Ye Feng can continue to absorb the various attribute powers between heaven and earth, and hand over to the spirit formation to evolve the formation on its own.

Perhaps one day, Ye Feng can also rely on this kind of power to push his own soul power to a higher level.

At that time, with the speciality of the Divine Pattern Array, Ye Feng could completely use the power of his own Divine Sense to construct a huge array in a very short time.

Even if he couldn't easily suppress the enemy, Ye Feng was still able to play a powerful role.

Even blocking the enemy for a moment, under certain special circumstances, can give him a moment of vitality.

You know, in the battle of masters, even if there is only a moment, it will play an extremely important role.

After killing the elder Tianyou, Ye Feng's own consciousness was also rapidly recovering, and the aura that gathered in his body reached a point beyond ordinary people's reach.

The Wanling Shenjue is still running fast, and the power it radiates has reached an unimaginable terrifying level. UU reading

The tyrannical effect exuded between every move is simply terrifying beyond imagination.

That terrifying power of divine consciousness gradually penetrated the body, cooperating with his own Heavenly Demon Golden Body Decision and Chaos True Gang Secret Art.

Let the power of the whole body converge quickly.

The three elements of spirit, qi and **** are intertwined, and the power radiated by them is also beyond imagination.

It was like trying to make Ye Feng's body break into the realm behind another wall.

In this very short period of time, the power in the body has been raised to the extreme, as if it was about to break through a certain limit and exert its most terrifying power.

At this moment, Ye Feng vaguely felt that there was a certain special power that was constantly calling him.

In the endless void, there is even a tyrannical breath being released.

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