Sky War God

Chapter 3599: Chaos Giant Spider

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3599 Chaos Giant Spider

At this moment, Ye Feng tried his best to mobilize the power in his body, and an extremely huge aura spread wildly in the void.

The aura radiating from the entire Chaos Lair has been suppressed by this terrifying force.

Those giant chaotic beasts were affected by this terrifying aura and knelt down on the ground, unable to resist at all.

Even so, Ye Feng's expression was more cautious than imagined, and he tried his best to mobilize the aura in his body.

An extremely terrifying force was released in this way, and the resulting wave of destruction was so powerful that it was unimaginable, and it also brought a huge impact on those chaotic giants.

The extremely terrifying force erupted directly, forming a terrifying destructive force in the space.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock continued to resound in the void, and the power radiated from it reached a point beyond ordinary people's reach.

Those chaotic giant beasts are also doing their best to explode their own power, rushing towards Ye Feng.

This terrible breath has reached the limit that an ordinary person can bear, and even the surrounding space has been torn apart.

The terrifying energy was released, causing the surrounding space to continue to destroy the destructive power emitted, and it spread at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling such terrible energy, the bodies of those chaotic giant beasts were also shaking involuntarily, as if they could not bear such a huge pressure at all.

In the face of this terrifying energy, all the Chaos Giant Spiders present are doing their best to exhale their own natural aura, trying to offset all these fluctuations.

In the end, those terrible attacks and the chaotic power released by Ye Feng finally collided.

The invisible fluctuations spread instantly, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

The aura in this chaos lair also spread crazily at an extremely fast speed, as if it could completely destroy everything in this world.

The power of this terrifying energy is also extremely terrifying.

In a very short period of time, an extremely powerful force has been released to emit waves of destruction, and even this chaotic lair is completely destroyed.

The powerful chaotic power continues to spread in the void, as if to make all the auras between the heavens and the earth completely calm.

Those chaotic beasts were also unable to withstand such a huge pressure, and had collapsed in a very short time.

Their bodies have been continuously broken in this short period of time, quickly dissolving into the surrounding chaos.

The power that radiated was dissolved in the Chaos Realm at an extremely fast speed, making the surrounding space also contain unimaginable terrifying energy.

At this moment, Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief as he kept running the breath in his body.

The chaotic power it possesses is also constantly running at this moment, and the energy it emits has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

Chaos True Gang Art is also the energy possessed by the subsequent operation, and it spreads at an extremely fast speed.

The aura that exudes made him constantly devour the attribute power between the heavens and the earth, and the original power he controls is growing at an extremely fast rate.

Not only the power of Chaos in the body, but also the power of Ye Feng's divine mind and body have a certain degree of growth.

It seemed that this chaotic space was assisting Ye Feng's practice.

The three of their own spirits and spirits go hand in hand, and the power they emit is beyond imagination. It seems that they want to calm everything in the world in the shortest possible time.

But the Chaos Lair at this moment was also affected to a certain extent, and the original power in the body was spreading at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling such a powerful force, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and immediately burst out all of his aura.

The extremely terrifying wave of destruction was completely released at this moment, and it was severely suppressed towards the Chaos Lair.

In this short period of time, an aura of ambition was released, as if to suppress all the power of all attributes between heaven and earth.

However, even the power of Chaos released by Ye Feng was affected, and that terrifying aura spread wildly at an extremely fast speed.

In the void, Ye Feng also felt some extremely pure fluctuations, as if the aura contained in it was growing.

Soon these chaotic forces formed an extremely powerful vein, as if they were about to swallow everything in this world.

The power of such a terrifying breath is also beyond imagination, and the power in this space has been completely suppressed in the first time.

Those chaotic veins are constantly being constructed at this moment, forming a very powerful sealing force.

Such terrifying energy descends toward the direction of movement at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely block its body.

Feeling this kind of power, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely solemn, and the original aura in his body moved quickly.

This made the chaotic power surrounding his body swelling frantically at an unimaginable speed.

Especially the chaotic origin in Ye Feng's body is also constantly resonating, and the aura that exudes is becoming more and more terrifying.

Such a tyrannical force made Ye Feng's eyes extremely bright.

It's as if you want to bring all the power of the attributes between heaven and earth into your own control.

Without any hesitation, the original aura in the body rapidly expanded, causing these powerful forces to converge towards the direction where Ye Feng was at an extremely fast speed.

However, all this is in vain after all.

The terrifying force that erupted in the depths of the space was so powerful that it could not be imagined.

In a very short period of time, this terrifying breath has reached an unbearable state.

The power of Chaos released was even more powerful than Ye Feng could bear.

Such a terrifying force was released, causing extremely terrible shocks in the surrounding space, and the rumbling sound of destruction and shock spread in the first time.

That strong impact force had already fallen on Ye Feng's body for the first time, as if it was about to completely destroy his body.

The power that this terrifying force exudes is also terrifying beyond imagination.

Ye Feng couldn't bear his body at all, as if he had been shocked, he kept shaking.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, making Ye Feng's expression extremely ugly, and his face even more pale.

The various attribute powers in the body are rapidly operating, especially the power of good fortune, which is repairing the damage suffered by Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.

However, such a terrifying force of Chaos is like a tarsal maggot, attached to Ye Feng's body, constantly devouring the energy in his body.

Feeling such pressure, Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely ugly.

The original strength in the body lies in the crazy expansion at an extremely fast speed.

Even so, he couldn't change the current situation, and the original power in his body was being released crazily.

Want to rely on such power to suppress the constantly restless wave of destruction.

Get out of this embarrassing state.

Just saw the countless powerful power possessed by the power of divine consciousness in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, which completely burst out at this moment.

Nine completely different powers of divine consciousness, at this moment, exudes a horrible atmosphere, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.

Feeling such a terrifying power, the aura in Ye Feng's body is also spreading at an extremely fast speed, and the original energy in his body is constantly condensing.

Then Ye Feng finally noticed the weird fluctuations constantly emanating from the space, as if he was about to swallow his body completely.

Such a tyrannical aura is simply capable of completely engulfing all the lives between heaven and earth, and the destructive power possessed has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

In the depths of the void, Ye Feng was also aware of that terrifying aura, and the destructive power that was continuously spreading was spreading at an extremely fast speed.

It didn't take long for Ye Feng to see an extremely huge chaotic creature, approaching him little by little.

The power possessed by such a force is even more terrifying beyond imagination, enough to swallow all the life between heaven and earth completely.

Even the power of the Chaos Origin that Ye Feng possessed at this moment could not withstand such a terrifying attack, as if it would be completely swallowed up in the shortest possible time.

Without any hesitation, he couldn't quickly mobilize the exercises in his body, trying to completely shred these terrifying auras in a very short period of time.

However, the power possessed by that chaotic creature was too terrifying, making Ye Feng's body unable to withstand such a huge pressure.

That huge breath continued to radiate in the air, affecting Ye Feng, and it also made his expression extremely ugly.

It seems that the original power in the body is being plundered continuously by people, and the breath in the body is rapidly weakening.

With any hesitation, Ye Feng directly mobilized all the original powers he controlled, and the power of nine divine minds surrounded his body, constantly suppressing the changes in his body.

At the same time, Ye Feng's Heavenly Demon golden body also released the most powerful force, as if to suppress all the aura in this body.

When this breath broke out, Ye Feng could also feel that many eyes fell on him, seeming to be constantly observing the changes in his body.

At the same time, a powerful force of restraint is constantly coming, and the power it possesses is beyond imagination. It can completely swallow Ye Feng's body in a very short time.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng had already noticed that the source of power in his body was burning madly.

Such a tyrannical aura has reached an extremely terrifying point, causing Ye Feng's own energy to grow in an unimaginable state.

But this kind of growth also made Ye Feng more and more alarmed, because this kind of power was also affected by the outside world.

If that chaotic creature really has any thoughts about him, I am afraid that Ye Feng will not have any resistance at all.

At this moment, an extremely huge attribute power came down again, directly locking Ye Feng's body.

The power of such a powerful breath has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The waves of destruction that emanated made the surrounding space extremely turbulent.

At this moment, Ye Feng finally saw what that huge chaotic creature was.

A huge spider walking in chaos.

It exudes an unimaginable chaotic aura on its body, as if it is fused with this lair.

In other words, the fundamental power of this Chaos Lair lies on this Chaos Giant Spider.

Moreover, his eight spider legs are also deep in the chaos, as if they are constantly absorbing the breath of space.

For a while, Ye Feng couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying creature he was facing.

That powerful force seemed to swallow his body completely.

A pair of compound eyes stared at Ye Feng, as if to swallow Ye Feng completely.

It is such a short period of time to control the aura that comes out, has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the power possessed in every move is beyond imagination.

Facing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng didn't hesitate, and directly condensed the Holy Magic Spear.

Those terrifying moves in the holy magic spear method were completely released at this moment, carrying unimaginable terrifying edge power in every move.

The scarlet spear lights bloomed completely at this moment, and the power radiated from it reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

In the face of such a terrible attack, the Chaos Giant Spider didn't make any moves, directly ignoring it, allowing these attacks to fall on him.

At the same time, Ye Feng's body also suffered an extremely strong counterattack, and a huge chaotic force was fully bloomed at this moment.

At this moment, Ye Feng also withstood an unimaginable terrible attack, and the original power in his body was spreading wildly at an extremely fast speed.

It seems to mean that the power in the body is constantly erupting in an unimaginable realm, and the destructive aura that it exudes has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

Even Ye Feng's improvement, no matter how great, can't be compared with this Chaos Giant Spider.

It seems to possess the purest power of the Primal Chaos between heaven and earth, as well as the cultivation base of the realm of heaven and god.

Facing such an enemy, Ye Feng hardly had any resistance.

He didn't even break through any of the ancient giants' heavens, how could he resist such a terrifying Chaos Giant Spider.

The power in the body was almost madly released, and the breath that it radiated had reached an extremely terrifying point.

It was as if to say that all the attribute forces between the heaven and the earth were to be swallowed completely, and the aura that radiated even more shocked everyone present.

Facing such a huge force, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and directly released all the power of the last attribute in the body, superimposing all the power controlled by him, and condensing it on the holy magic spear.

In any case, the Holy Demon Spear is the most powerful weapon that Ye Feng controls, and the power it possesses has reached a point beyond ordinary people's reach.

In this short period of time, the power emanating from the void has become extremely terrifying, as if to destroy everything in this world.

The Chaos Giant Spider finally put all his attention on Ye Feng's body.

The terrifying chaotic power radiated from it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

In a very short period of time, that kind of terrifying energy has been released crazily, as if to destroy all of this.

Ye Feng just felt the mastery of this breath, just spit out blood from a huge shock all over his body.

As if unable to withstand such terrible power at all, the original power in the body was boiling at an extremely fast speed.

"How is it possible? There are such terrifying chaotic creatures in this world."

In Ye Feng's eyes, there was also an unbelievable look. The power under his control, in a very short period of time, was constantly brewing and emitting, and it was being released wildly at a very fast speed.

Doing his best to infuse all the breath in the body into the holy magic spear, this kind of Ye Feng also launched a terrible attack forward with all his will.

Devil blood slaughter the sky!

That scarlet spear light seemed to be stained red with blood, exuding an extremely terrifying aura, and such a terrifying force was to completely destroy everything in the world.

With such a terrifying power, Ye Feng mobilized the most terrifying aura in his body at this moment, and the destructive power exuded reached the extreme at this moment.

In a very short period of time, the power emanating from the void had begun to release crazily.

Two terrible attacks collided wildly at this moment.


The destruction of incomparable horror, the sound of shock is constantly released at this moment, and the power radiated has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

In this very short period of time, the energy emanating from the void has been beyond imagination and terrifying, as if it was about to completely destroy everything in the world.

Facing such a terrible breath, Ye Feng's eyes also showed a very gloomy light.

At this moment, the power of the attributes under his control is continuously running, and the aura it emits has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

Every time it revolves, it collides with the power in the chaotic space, and the aura that comes out has reached a realm beyond imagination.

In this short period of time, Ye Feng could feel it.

The power in his body seems to be growing a little bit, but the destruction aura that descends from the space is becoming more and more powerful.

For a while, Ye Feng did not hesitate, and tried his best to explode his own cultivation base, as if to completely destroy the entire world.

This kind of terrifying energy has reached a state that ordinary people can't imagine.

Exerting his own energy with all his strength, it is enough to completely destroy everything in the world.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng felt a tremendous force.

The breath that descended from the void seemed to cast Ye Feng's body to be completely destroyed.

Such a terrifying force is enough to completely destroy everything in the world.

The terrifying shock power had already come to Ye Feng's body in the first time, and he wanted to completely destroy his body.

Feeling such a huge force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes dimmed for the first time, and he didn't seem to expect that the other party could burst out such terrifying energy.

The destruction attack had already come to Ye Feng's body in the first time, and the terrifying power that it radiated was simply to completely destroy everything in the world.

Such a powerful force wreaked havoc from Ye Feng's body in a very short time, as if to completely destroy his body.

Feeling such a powerful aura of destruction, Ye Feng's expression became extremely solemn, and the energy in his body was spreading wildly at an extremely fast speed.

The terrifying power of destruction continued to erupt in the body, directly tore Ye Feng's body, and even destroyed all the internal organs, bone tissue, and cells in his body.

Such a powerful destructive force is really beyond imagination, and almost no one can withstand it. Ye Feng's cultivation base at this moment has also been greatly suppressed.

Even though it is the force of good fortune that is constantly running in the body, it is also under tyrannical constraints at this moment, and the breath in the body is declining crazily at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the various energies in the body have reached a terrifying point beyond imagination, and the breath that radiates from every move is that terrifying.

In an instant, Ye Feng's body had collapsed, and that terrible pressure of destruction fell directly on Ye Feng's body, as if to completely destroy him.

Under this circumstance, the power of good fortune in Ye Feng's body could not be used, and it was even directly extinguished by the destruction of that breath.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt the changes in his body, and the original power in the body system was constantly running.

The breath controlled at this moment has also reached an extreme energy, and even more lies in a very fast spreading.

Not only the body, but also Ye Feng's soul was suppressed.

The nine divine powers in the sea of ​​consciousness have been attacked by an unimaginable destruction at this moment, as if they were about to completely collapse in this short period of time.

Faced with such a terrible change, Ye Feng never thought that someone could destroy his body, and even his consciousness was not let go.

At this moment, an extremely huge breath burst out from where Ye Feng was.

A white jade **** tower slowly emerged, and the power of good fortune radiated from it reached an extremely terrifying point, as if a world was changing in it.

Such a powerful force of good fortune directly tore through the surrounding chaotic aura, as if to completely suppress everything in the world.

The terrifying energy is simply beyond imagination, and at an extremely fast speed, the surrounding space is completely sealed off.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt that he seemed to be back in the mother's womb.

That extremely powerful force of good fortune envelops his body and the sea of ​​consciousness, and the power that radiates makes him recover at an extremely fast speed.

At the moment when his thoughts condensed, Ye Feng already felt the beating of his heart and the circulation of breath in his body.

At this moment, the power in Ye Feng's body is simply tyrannical to an unimaginable realm, and the whole person has evolved out of thin air through the power of good fortune.

Such a tyrannical breath has reached an extremely terrifying power, and the power in the body is being released at an unimaginable speed.

In the next instant, Ye Feng took a step forward, and the original power in his body continued to radiate, and that terrifying aura reached an extremely terrifying state.

The changes that took place in this short period of time were far beyond the imagination of the Chaos Giant Spider. It had never thought that Ye Feng would be able to make a comeback under such circumstances.

The powerful aura released had already entered its body for the first time, violently impacting the power of the Chaos Giant Spider.

It even said that the evolving chaotic destruction power in its body has been affected, as if it was changing to another state.

When he felt this breath, the power in Ye Feng's body was also moving at an extremely fast speed, and the power of chaos contained an unimaginable breath of life.

At this moment, in Ye Feng's eyes, there was also an extremely bright brilliance, and the power that radiated from every move reached an extremely terrifying point.

At the same time Ye Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the void.

The power of chaos and the power of good fortune are intertwined to match the artistic conception of the sword controlled by Shang Yefeng.

These forces merge together, and the aura that exudes is becoming more and more terrifying.

In this short period of time, an extremely huge force was released, causing the surrounding space to become extremely distorted, as if it could not withstand such a force at all.

At this moment, in Ye Feng's eyes, there was also the brilliance of good fortune, and he directly withdrew the sword of good fortune from the space.

Just at this moment, an extremely huge force poured into it, and Ye Feng poured all the power of good fortune that had just shaped his body into it.

This made Ye Feng's newly condensed body become extremely illusory, as if he could not withstand the oppression of chaos in the space at all.

But the power of his own divine mind, the purest blood of the demon in his body, and the power of chaos he controlled became extremely pure.

At this moment, the power of the Divine Sword of Good Fortune was also unimaginably powerful, and it had already exploded with an unimaginable terrifying edge in the first time.

Relying on the aura of the divine sword of good fortune, and Ye Feng's understanding of the power of good fortune, he resonated with this world in the first place.

At this moment, Ye Feng could also conclude that this chaotic lair was created by the giant chaotic spider in front of him, and the power it possessed had reached an extremely terrifying point.

That is to say, at this moment, the brilliance emanating from Ye Feng's eyes was already beyond imagination.

That kind of terrifying power is enough to completely shred everything in the world.

The terrifying aura of destruction is constantly being released in the space, as if to completely engulf Ye Feng.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng directly mobilized these terrifying forces and gathered them on the Divine Sword of Good Fortune.

The power of heaven and earth is superimposed, as if Ye Feng is controlling this chaotic lair.

That kind of tyrannical aura had already covered Ye Feng's body in a very short time, making the sharp power he had slashed out even more terrifying.

Feeling such a tyrannical aura, even the Giant Chaos Spider had a trace of fear, and began to constantly mobilize the power of the surrounding space and the power of Chaos.

The original power of the Chaos Tide is also constantly surging at this moment, spreading towards the direction where Ye Feng is, trying to completely block his attack.

However, the power of such a breath has also reached an extremely terrifying point, as if this entire space would be completely destroyed.

The breath released by that terrifying power has reached an extremely terrifying point. As long as it is released a little bit, it possesses unimaginable abilities.

In a very short period of time, this tyrannical aura exploded crazily, and the power of chaos exuded made the surrounding space crazily distorted.

Feeling such a change, the brilliant karma in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more brilliant, and the chaotic aura condensed one after another, making the surrounding space turbulent frantically.

It was at this moment that the power in Ye Feng's body had reached a certain extreme, and the aura exuding became more and more terrifying.

In an instant, the original power in the body was released, making the surroundings actually become extremely sharp.

It was as if the power of the space was also mobilized, the terrifying edge cut out was simply tyrannical to an unimaginable realm.

In this very short period of time, the extremely powerful aura of destruction directly slashed down, and one after another terrifying sharp edge directly fell on the Chaos Giant Spider.


The extremely terrifying sound of destruction and shock resounded madly at this moment, and all the forces between heaven and earth seemed to be completely destroyed.

Facing such a terrifying aura, it seemed that no one could stop it, and could only watch the power erupt in it.

The Chaos Giant Spider is also doing its best to mobilize the power of Chaos in the body, and even release the original power of this lair.

However, this still couldn't change such a scene, watching the sharp power slashing on its legs.

The eight spider legs couldn't withstand such terrible spatial forces, and they broke apart directly, and the chaotic aura in them was also released instantly.

The fracture of the pillars supporting the Chaos Lair also allowed the breath in this space to quickly release outwards.

The atmosphere of the outside space quickly covered, and a powerful force directly shrouded Ye Feng's body.

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