Sky War God

Chapter 3596: The Palace of Punishment from the Sky

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3596 The Penalty Palace Falling From the Sky

The incomparably terrifying spatial fluctuations and the aura emitted by the continuous spreading in the void reached an extremely terrifying point.

The power controlled by Ye Feng is also constantly rising at this moment, and the power of those attributes in the space is swallowed by Ye Feng at an extremely fast speed.

The chaotic power in the body is growing crazily at this moment, as if it is about to break through to another boundary.

Such a terrifying breath has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine, and the energy running in the body lies in an extremely fast growth rate.

At this moment, a strange brilliance appeared in Ye Feng's eyes, and the power in his body and the speed of movement had also increased crazily.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng directly released the power of chaos under his control, directly fusing with the power of space.

That kind of powerful force penetrated the void and slammed into another direction fiercely.

With such a powerful force, Ye Feng also wanted to destroy everything in the void in a very short time.

Even thinner than such a huge pressure on Ye Feng's screen, a bright brilliance emerged.

That is to say, at this moment, the layers of space contained in the void directly block this space completely.

It is simply impossible to break the void and descend into another dimension.

The power of such a force is beyond imagination, even if Ye Feng bursts out the most terrifying ability, nothing can be changed.


With a roar, the power in Ye Feng's body is also radiating from the continuous operation, and his aura has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

The power in the space suddenly exploded again.

With such a powerful force, he tried to completely suppress Ye Feng, and wanted to block all the abilities in Ye Feng's body.

At this moment, the energy in Ye Feng's body had also reached an extremely terrifying point, and the terrifying aura released was even more frantically erupting at this moment.

It was at this moment that an extremely large force gathered in the void.

This force formed a huge destruction palm print in a very short time, straddling the layers of space, and descending towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

At this moment, Ye Feng also felt the powerful power in his palm print, as if he could completely destroy his body at this moment.

The more Ye Feng's expression became extremely dignified, the power in his body moved quickly.

The power of chaos erupted from the body, as if to destroy everything.

Such a powerful force was also turned to the extreme by Ye Feng.

An extremely terrifying chaotic palm print was released from Ye Feng's palm and collided with the attack in the sky.


The extremely terrifying sound of shocks scattered in the void, and the power released reached an extremely terrifying point.

The extremely terrifying destructive power spread wildly in all directions at an extremely fast speed, as if to destroy all of this.

Feeling the power of such a powerful queen, a bright brilliance appeared in Ye Feng's eyes, as if to destroy all of this.

Afterwards, Ye Feng madly aroused the power of chaos in his body, and once again burst out a terrifying force.

His own breath had reached an extremely terrifying state, and at the same time, Ye Feng's body was swelling wildly.

The breath in the body has grown to an extremely terrifying point, as long as it erupts, everything in this world can be destroyed.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the aura radiating from the void has reached an extremely terrifying point.

The power possessed in the space is also running fast at this moment, and the power of destruction exuded has reached an unimaginable level.

Especially after feeling Ye Feng's resistance, he turned this force to the extreme.

The energy contained in it once again caused the release of madness at this moment, and the breath exuding was simply beyond everyone's imagination.

The energy released by the crazy burning of this power seemed to completely destroy everything in the world at this moment.

The energy of horror bloomed easily in this way, and the aura contained in it was once again a crazy operation at this moment.

The power controlled by Ye Feng has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and an extremely vast amount of energy can be extracted from the depths of the void between every rotation.

The operation of the power of chaos made the breath controlled by Ye Feng reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine, and this terrifying power continued to spread in the void.

Pushing this power to the extreme, Ye Feng can clearly feel the power in his body, which is constantly spreading, and the energy it emits is beyond imagination.

In an instant, Ye Feng directly drew the divine sword of good fortune from the void, and the extremely bright brilliance bloomed like this.

The incomparably huge handprint in the void also felt Ye Feng's resistance, and the terrifying energy burst out in the first time.

The power of destruction was madly released, making the power in that destruction palm print even more terrifying.

In a very short period of time, such a tyrannical force descended toward Ye Feng fiercely.

The energy emitted is to completely destroy this space, as if to destroy the world.

Facing such an attack, Ye Feng was not afraid, and the God of Good Fortune in his palm waved slowly.

The power of chaos that he possessed was quickly entwined on the Divine Sword of Good Fortune, and the power it possessed was directly slashed out at an extremely fast speed.

In this very short period of time, the energy contained in the void has reached a point that ordinary people can hardly reach.

The terrifying chaotic aura seemed to destroy everything in the world.

In such terrible coercion, two terrorist attacks finally collided together.


An unimaginable terrifying power exuded from the void, and within a very short period of time, the most powerful aura in the body had exploded.

The terrifying sound of destruction and shock resounded, and even more terrifying power spread wildly in all directions.

Ye Feng also felt such a tyrannical force, as if to completely destroy the entire space.

The most powerful force in the body is released immediately, and the destructive power it possesses is released forward at an extremely fast speed.

The combination of these two terrifying auras, the destructive power brewed by them, is simply unimaginable.

At the same time, Ye Feng is also doing his best to run the chaotic power in his body, as if all the power will be completely sunk by him.

Feeling this breath, the power in Ye Feng's body also spread at an extremely fast speed, and the terrorist attack released was simply beyond the reach of ordinary people.

That is in this very short time.

The wave of destruction contained in the space has reached a realm that ordinary people can't bear, and the aura of destruction released is spreading wildly at an extremely fast speed.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Feng did not hesitate.

The power of chaos in the body is directly released, and the powerful force radiated out is even more exploding in a very short time.

This terrifying power has also reached the limit that an ordinary person can withstand, and the original power in the body is burning.

"The disciples of the lower realms, dare to do such a behavior, provoke the rules of the world, really brave."

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura was released in the void, and a sacred and majestic voice sounded at this moment.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying force of coercion erupted in the void, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

Feeling such a terrifying pressure, everyone present changed their complexion in an instant, and the original aura in the body spread at an extremely fast speed.

Especially when the Saintess of Tianlan felt this power, her expression became extremely nervous, as if she would be obliterated at any time.

"The Lord of the Penalty Palace, he actually awakened?"

Feeling such a terrible pressure, the expression of Saintess of Tianlan became extremely solemn.

Of course she can recognize who is releasing this breath.

The more so, the innermost fear of the Heavenly Lady Saintess.

At this moment, this one in the void is a powerful figure in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect who is in charge of the penalty hall.

Not only is the **** with a tyrannical power, but also controls an extremely powerful world.

Especially the penalty hall he controls, is even more binding on all the disciples of the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect.

Even if the Saintess of Tianlan, as the master of the world of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect, faced the head of the Penalty Palace, she would be under tremendous pressure.

That is to say, at this moment, the aura radiating from the void has reached an extremely powerful point.

As if to say, this extremely terrifying penalty palace master may come down at any time.

However, even at this point, Ye Feng still didn't have any fear in his heart, and the original power in his body was burning at an extremely fast speed.

Such a tyrannical aura seemed to suppress all the strong in the world, and the power it possessed reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng directly released the most powerful force in his body, and the original power that came out of his body exploded fiercely again.

"I care who you are, no one can stop me today."

In an instant, the power in Ye Feng's body exploded forward fiercely, and that force of space once again penetrated the endless void, wanting to peek into the secrets of the space.


The voice of the Lord of Punishment sounded again, a tyrannical destruction, and Via erupted completely at this moment.

Such a terrifying aura has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people. The energy emanating from the frantic operation of the wave of destruction has made everyone present feel fear.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly released his most powerful force.

The breath in the body was boiling crazily at this moment, and the power radiated out reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

In this very short period of time, an unimaginable force of terror was directly released, and the wave of destruction radiated through the entire void.

The tyrannical breath above the sky finally took action.

Only saw an extremely huge destruction palmprint, slowly descending from the depths of the void, and the power contained in it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't bear.

The aura of destruction was continuously released, and the energy mobilized broke out in a very short time.

Suddenly an extremely powerful beam of destruction fell from the sky, locking Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

The destructive energy contained in this is really terrifying to the extreme. If Ye Feng is really hit by such an attack, even if he is immortal, his body will be completely destroyed.

After that, Ye Feng could only rely on the power of his tyrannical mind and the power of chaos to surround him, and finally reshape a body.

But it took a very long time, and even made Ye Feng a huge tonic in the eyes of others.

At that time, the trouble Ye Feng had to face was more than just now.

The power in the body continued to rotate, and the light in Ye Feng's eyes became more and more shining, and the entanglement of the power of good fortune and the power of chaos directly attached to the sword of good fortune in Ye Feng's hand.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng directly exploded such a powerful breath, and the extremely terrifying power of destruction was completely released at this moment.

That terrifying edge force is simply to cut off the power released by this space, and it has exerted an extremely terrifying speed.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the power emanating from the void has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

The aura of terror in every move has reached an unbearable level.

In an instant, the energy contained in the void had already circulated frantically.

The two extremely terrifying attacks collided in this way, and the power radiated out reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The original power in the body is boiling at an extremely fast speed, and the ability it possesses, as if it is about to explode again, forming a more terrifying attack.

At this moment, the two attacks finally collided together.


The sound of destruction and shock reverberated in the void, and an extremely powerful force was spreading in all directions at this moment.

As if to completely destroy everything between heaven and earth, the pressure Ye Feng was under at this moment was beyond imagination.

An extremely powerful breath released the power it possessed at this moment, reaching a realm beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It is this time.

The penalty palace master seemed to be restrained in some way, and his own power dissipated for a moment.

Ye Feng was naturally able to seize such a precious opportunity, and the power of the attributes in his body was released crazily at this moment.

The power in the body is spreading crazily at an extremely fast speed, and the aura that it exudes has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

It was this moment.

The power of the surrounding space began to turbulent, and the entire void was rippling, as if it could no longer restrain Ye Feng.

With such a short opportunity, Ye Feng directly crossed the layers of space and crossed into another realm.

That is to say, in this short period of time, the aura radiating from the void has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

At this moment, the power that bloomed in Ye Feng's eyes had reached an extremely powerful state, and the aura that radiated from every move was quite terrifying.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng directly gathered the most terrifying power in his body.

The terrifying power in the body had already exploded in this very short time.

As if to say that all the power between the heaven and the earth would be completely swallowed in.

After passing through the layers of space, Ye Feng also wanted to explore the true face of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect at this moment.

But oncoming is an extremely huge palace.

The terrifying aura exuding from it even made Ye Feng feel absent for a moment.

The terrifying power of this thing is simply unimaginable terrifying, so the entire space was completely shredded.

There is also an extremely huge force, which blooms at this moment with its most sacred power.

Countless laws and regulations broke out directly at this moment, and such a strong aura had reached a point that ordinary people could not bear.

At the same time, such a force also burst out from inside Ye Feng's body, as if to completely burn Ye Feng's body.

Penalty Palace!

Ye Feng had left his breath in the penalty hall before, and now this palace has finally played a powerful role.

The extremely terrifying power directly descended inside Ye Feng's body, and the destructive attack power formed was also powerful to an extremely terrifying state.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng directly mobilized the power of chaos in his body to resist this terrible attack.

However, at the moment this force was released, the entire space was trembling crazily.

Ye Feng couldn't bear such a powerful force, especially since this force originated from inside his body, the impact on him was beyond imagination.

For the first time, Ye Feng's body seemed to be shocked, trembling constantly.

The energy in the body is surging out at an extremely fast speed, like a flood that opened the gate.

In this short period of time, the breath radiating from the void has reached an unimaginable level.

Such a powerful force, even running through the entire void, will completely destroy everything in this world.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng had completely released the power in his body at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, an extremely bright brilliance bloomed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the power of nine divine minds fell down, trying to suppress the riots inside the body.

However, this kind of aura is too terrifying, even if Ye Feng tried his best, I'm afraid he can't change anything.

The body of the whole person was about to be completely shattered. The original power in the body was burning at an extremely fast speed, trying to suppress this change.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were also filled with countless bright brilliance, as if all these powers were growing at an extremely fast speed.

Without any hesitation, the original power in the body was already boiling frantically.

Such a terrifying energy is growing crazily at a speed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Ye Feng was able to watch such a force expand continuously in his body, and the aura exuding became more and more terrifying.

It's like saying that such power will eventually occupy his entire body, swallowing his body completely.

Feeling such power, Ye Feng did not have any fear, and directly released the most sacred and powerful ability in his body.

The power of chaos continued to condense in the body.

The formed Sea-Swallowing Divine Orb possesses a power that ordinary people can hardly reach.

The extremely terrifying power of devouring has erupted in the first time, trying to suppress the power of the riot.

However, what Ling Ye Feng didn't expect was that the moment the Sea Swallowing God Orb appeared, the power in his body rioted more and more.

It was like pouring a bucket of oil on top of the fire, making this force more ferocious, as if everything would be completely destroyed.

Ye Feng's body is also constantly gushing blood, as if the whole body will be completely destroyed.

Feeling such a force, the aura in Ye Feng's body is also rotating at an extremely fast speed.

However, at this moment, none of these forces had any effect. Even if Ye Feng used an extremely powerful force of good fortune, he couldn't suppress it.

At this moment, Ye Feng directly mobilized the energy in his body.

Shrinking all the power and condensing it to one point, Ye Feng's eyes also released an extremely bright brilliance.

At this moment, Ye Feng combined the power of his own divine consciousness, and this chaotic power completely broke out and merged into his body.

Heavenly Demon Golden Body Jue.

Gathering all the power of one body to temper his body, in a very short period of time, the essence of Ye Feng's body was running wildly.

The golden body of the Heavenly Demon that had just been cultivated also played other roles at this moment, completely taking over those powers of Ye Feng.

At the same time, the tyrannical aura exuding in the space also shocked everyone present.

It seemed to say that such a tyrannical force was enough to completely suppress the entire space.

The breath radiated from every move has reached an extremely terrifying point.

At the same time, the force that kept rioting in Ye Feng's body was also affected.

The power of the golden body of the heavenly devil is indeed terrifying beyond imagination, so all the power between the heaven and the earth is suppressed.

That tyrannical aura was once again completely suppressed by Ye Feng, and the original power in his body was circling crazily at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling the existence of such a power, in the void, the face of the penalty palace master is also a little ugly.

He had never been forced to such a degree by a disciple, and even his own means of pressing the bottom of the box had to be released.

Relying on the connections between the Penalty Palace and Ye Feng, he was also able to continuously exert pressure on Ye Feng.

But the crime Ye Feng committed at this moment was not enough to make him come out.

This has also led to the continuous growth of Ye Feng's strength, but the aura exuding in the void has become more and more peaceful.

The power of the heavenly devil's golden body is still constantly running, madly consuming the alien energy in Ye Feng's body.

At this moment, Ye Feng is also at an extremely fast speed, constantly mobilizing the original power in his body.

Such a force has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the breath that it exerts every time it turns is quite terrifying.

Originally, Ye Feng's Heavenly Demon had already incorporated part of the power of the Sea Swallowing Divine Orb. At this moment, further devouring these powers also had a source.

It didn't take long for such a tyrannical swallowing power to burst out completely, and the breath it released was unimaginable in a very short period of time.

At this moment, the power in Ye Feng's body has begun to continuously rotate.

The power released by the penalty hall was constantly swallowed up by Ye Feng, and eventually became his own nourishment.

Feeling such a change, Ye Feng's expression became extremely relaxed, and the aura in his body was constantly running.

Without any constraints and pressure, that energy is also blending into Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

In this very short period of time, the aura radiating from the void has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

That kind of tyrannical force was released crazily at an extremely fast speed.

No one can imagine that there is such a powerful energy in this piece of space.

In the next instant, the breath radiating from the void was already madly running, and the energy radiated spread outward at an extremely fast speed.

"Boy, give you one last chance!"

In the depths of the void, the penalty hall Zhu gritted his teeth and mobilized the penalty hall to launch a terrifying attack towards Ye Feng.

An extremely powerful beam of destruction erupted from the depths of the void, and the energy it radiated even more shocked everyone present.

Facing such an attack, Ye Feng didn't have any fear, and the world mobilized the most powerful force in his body.

That is to say, in this extremely short time, Ye Feng directly released the power of his own heavenly demon golden body.

He punched the attack that came down in the sky fiercely.

In the next moment, the world-shattering fist burst out, and the magic power attribute it possessed even more fiercely.

As if to destroy all the power between heaven and earth, the aura of destruction in this fist light is already powerful to an unimaginable realm.

At the same time, the energy contained in the void has reached an extremely terrifying point.

Once completely released, it is enough to completely destroy this piece of space.

Feeling such a terrifying power, Ye Feng's eyes also showed an extremely bright brilliance.

Without any fear, Ye Feng just turned the power in his body once again and released it forward fiercely.

There is an incomparably terrifying destructive power spreading crazily at this moment, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

In the next instant, such a tyrannical force was almost madly released, as if to destroy everything in the world.

However, Ye Feng's expression has also become extremely indifferent, and the power in his body has directly reached the most terrifying point.

The terrifying force in the body broke out again, directly crushing that terrible attack completely.

At the same time, an extremely cold luster flashed through Ye Feng's eyes.

The terrifying aura broke out completely, and there was no power to affect Ye Feng anymore.

When feeling such a burst of energy, Ye Feng's Heavenly Demon golden body also released an unimaginable swallowing force.

This force exploded quickly, as if to swallow all these terrifying waves of destruction.

In fact, Ye Feng did possess such power. With the powerful characteristics of the Heavenly Demon's golden body, it directly contained those destruction fluctuations, and finally became Ye Feng's own nourishment.

Seeing such a scene, even the face of the Lord of Penalty could no longer change, as if looking at Ye Feng with an extremely shocking gaze.

It took a long time for the Lord of Penalty Palace to sigh, and the powerful power he possessed was completely dissipated at this moment.

The space power possessed in the sky completely lost its support at this moment.

At this moment, Ye Feng only felt that his power had reached an extreme, and he wanted to use the power of space to spread into a deeper void.

However, this time it was only an extremely slight spatial fluctuation, which had completely suppressed Ye Feng.

This even meant that Ye Feng was already defeated before he could see how the opponent did it.

"how can that be?"

For his own spatial power, Ye Feng also had extremely strong self-confidence, and he couldn't believe that this kind of thing would happen to him.

Even if he didn't have the qualifications to see the other party, UU Reading www.uukā had been completely defeated, this feeling also made Ye Feng unacceptable.

It was at this moment that the power in Ye Feng's body began to surge wildly, especially the silver scale on his arm, which poured into extremely large spatial power.

"Don't try again, go back."

At this moment, the voice of Void Hydra appeared in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Although the Lord of Punishment will no longer pursue this matter, you will eventually fall into it in order to explore the matter of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect.

I'm still waiting for the power of Chaos in your body to mature. If you die so easily, I'm afraid I will swallow you the first time. "

Listening to the words of Void Hydra, Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely solemn.

At this moment, the opportunity for him to use the power of space to penetrate this barrier is completely gone.

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