Sky War God

Chapter 2362: War

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The attacking power of the Holy Emperor Lingtian is naturally strong, covering a space within a short period of time, and he will completely crush the body of the Lord of the Temple of Yefeng Jingyue!

But Ye Feng and the Hallmaster of the Jingyue Temple did not resist each other. Instead, they dodged toward one side by coincidence, and dodged the opponent's attack very neatly.

While evading the attack of Saint Emperor Ling Tian, ​​Ye Feng and the Hallmaster of Jingyue Temple felt the changes in their bodies at the same time.

The power in the body seems to be more surging and vigorous than before, even the individual's reaction ability and body shape speed are much faster than before.

I just feel like my body is full of power.

This shocked the hearts of Ye Feng and the Hallmaster of the Jingyue Temple. They only cultivated the two martial arts of Kaiyang Jue Jingyue Jue to the entry state, and they had this effect.

It would be hard for them to imagine what effect they would have when they practiced these two methods to the highest level.

Prior to this, Ye Feng often heard some rumors about the *gong method. He didn't expect that men and women * would bring such great effects to themselves.

"Come on, how about the results of our previous practice?"

Ye Feng said to the Lord of Jingyue Temple, the Lord of Jingyue Temple's beautiful eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but nodded to Ye Feng.

A bit of crimson appeared on her face, as if thinking of the two previous experiences in cultivating two exercises.

Immediately, Ye Feng and the Jingyue Temple Master ran the two martial arts of Kaiyang Jue and Jingyue Jue respectively.

There was a burst of sun-opening power released from Ye Feng's body, and it was constantly surging out of his body, reflecting his whole body like a golden body, and bursts of Yang Yuan appeared, looking a bit masculine.

The Lord of the Jingyue Temple has bursts of moonlight released all over her body. Behind her, a phantom of the full moon emerges. The moonlight illuminates the earth. The power released forms a sharp contrast with Ye Feng. The complementarity is just right.

It makes the bodies of both people reach a very perfect state, relying on each other's strength to make themselves perfect.

This scene caused many Lingtian Saint Palace experts, including Lingtian Saint Emperor, to look at them, and their faces appeared a little unbelievable.

"It seems that they have greatly increased their skill after doing the same thing!"

The Palace Master Chiyan said coldly, when she spoke, his eyes were still unscrupulously scanning over the delicate body of the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple, and his mind seemed to care about something that could not be described.

This scene naturally fell in Ye Feng's eyes, and he saw that Ye Feng's eyes became sharp at this moment, and a terrifying might burst out of his body, quickly fusing with the power of Kaiyang.

At the same time, his footsteps stepped out at this moment, and the terrifying aura burst out on his body, and an astonishing palm print was shot, and the palm print was fused with extremely powerful sun-opening power.

In a very short period of time, he descended in front of Palace Master Chiyan, which made Palace Master Chiyan look harmful, and immediately released one of his own attacks and resistances.

There was a terrible rumbling sound, and the two attacks instantly collided, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

However, under the influence of Ye Feng's big palm print, it was the employee palace owner who only felt his body tremble, and that endless destruction came only to penetrate everything.

He suffered an extremely huge blow within his entire body, causing him to make a scream at this moment, and his body was directly shaken upside down, hitting a mountain in the space of the mountain. On the cliff!

On the cliff you were referring to, there was an astonishing sound of concussion coming through, and under the strong inertia of Palace Master Chiyan's body, cracks appeared on that cliff.

Palace Master Chiyan Palace spit out blood, blood constantly oozing from the corners of his mouth, a bit of despair flashed in his eyes, under Ye Feng’s palm print, he could no longer hold on .

The bones of the major meridians in the body were all shattered, completely becoming a waste person!

All of this, just because of a sentence he said, a sentence of humiliation to the Lord of the Jingyue Temple, was directly shot and flew out by Ye Feng with a palm, how powerful!

Seeing this scene, Saint Emperor Ling Tian jumped into thunder in a short period of time. He had an astonishing emperor's power erupting, frantically shooting out destruction palm prints toward Ye Feng's body.

However, this time, Ye Feng didn't dodge anything anymore, but instead released the Yang Kai Yang Art, fusing the power of the Five Elements in his palm.

The power of the five elements is wrapped in it, and then the same palm print is shot. The power of this palm print is stronger than the palm print that has just been blasted against the Chiyan Palace Master.

In the blink of an eye, it collided with Ling Tian Shenghuang's palmprint, and a stronger shock sound penetrated, and in this relatively narrow mountain space, it was even more deafening.

The destructive force was madly released, causing the mountain space to tremble fiercely, and boulders were constantly rolling down on the stone walls.

Under this collision, Ye Feng's body took a step back slightly, and Ling Tian Shenghuang did the same, and the eyes that looked at Ye Feng revealed a strong coldness.

He didn't expect that in just one day, the strength of this junior in front of him would have made a breakthrough, and it has also improved a lot.

This made Ye Feng not let down the wind even in the face of contending with the Lingtian Saint Emperor.

On the other side, the Hall Master of the Jingyue Temple used the Jingyue Jue to start fighting with those strong in Lingtian Sacred Palace.

Although the strength of the Hallmaster of the Jingyue Temple is comparable to those of them, after all, there are too many opponents to besiege the Hallmaster of the Jingyue Temple.

The Hall Master of the Jingyue Temple released the Jingyue Jue, and the terrifying force of attack continued to erupt on the full moon behind him.

In the details of the Hall Master of the Jingyue Temple, there was also the Yang Yuan power that Ye Feng led the way for him, constantly surging, making her body more powerful than before.

An astonishing Jingyue big palm seal was eliminated, which contained the strongest power that could be released in the Jingyue Jue. Under the influence of the Yang Yuan power that Ye Feng extradited for her, the master of the Jingyue Temple The power of palmprints suddenly rose to the extreme.

The eyes of the two Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouses in the space in front of her were frozen for a while, trying to use attacks to resist.

However, the power of this palm print of the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple was too terrifying, and it directly swallowed all the attacks of the two people, and the big palm print of Jingyue severely fell on their bodies.

This caused the two people to make a scream, and the body was shaken out at this moment, vomiting blood!

This scene caused the eyes of Kunzu, Lord of the Ancient Demon Palace, and the others to flash, and they were a little shocked at the same time.

They naturally knew the strength of the Palace Master of the Jingyue Temple very well. The former Palace Master of the Jingyue Temple was on the same level with them, but they could tell from the attack just now.

The opponent's strength seems to have increased significantly, which makes them a little unbelievable.

After all, it has only just passed one day, and the opponent's strength has increased so much, which is really terrifying.

"Bitch, betray me Lingtian Saint Palace, you are doomed to die!"

Nine Fingers Yinsheng launched a terrifying attack on the Lord of Jingyue Temple at this time. His sonic attack was very powerful, especially in this small space.

It also has a blessing effect on sonic attacks.

But the Lord of Jingyue Temple didn’t seem to care. The phantom of the full moon behind her continuously erupted with terrifying attacking power, and the moonlight was falling down. If it falls on a person’s body, it will face that person. Causes extremely strong damage.

In a very short period of time, the attack of the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple collided with the attack of Nine Fingers Yinsheng.

Just listening to the sound of strong shocks, when the two attacked and collided, the moonlight attack of the Temple Lord Jingyue directly took the initiative, quickly destroying the collapse and destruction of those sonic attacks, but the moonlight attack seemed to be Without any barriers, he constantly blasted towards Jiuzhi Yinsheng's body.

This caused Jiuzhi Yinsheng's expression to freeze for a while, and once again released his attack and resistance, however, his speed seemed to be a bit slower.

The moonlight attack released by the Lord of Jingyue Temple landed on his body at this moment, causing the body of the Nine Fingers to tremble wildly. At this moment, the body was shaken back and forth again and again. After stabilizing the body, it unexpectedly vomit A bite of blood.

"Die me!"

Just as the Hall Master of Jingyue Temple launched an attack on Jiuzhi Yinsheng, the voice of the Bat Demon King came from behind.

The voice was icy cold, with a deep chill, and then an astonishing palm print frantically patted towards the body of the Jingyue God Temple Master, and the palm print was fused with the strongest destructive power.

If it truly falls on the body of the Lord of Jingyue, it will definitely bring a devastating blow to the opponent!

However, just as the Bat Demon King's attack was about to come, in the emptiness, an even more powerful palm print came.

This palm print was not only extremely powerful, but also incredibly fast. In a very short period of time, it intercepted the attack of the Bat Demon King.

The body of the bat demon king shook crazily, and his body was immediately enveloped by a powerful force of destruction. Under the influence of the force of destruction, the attack of the bat demon king broke apart every inch, and the force of destruction immediately fell on him. Above the body.

A scream was made in his mouth, and his body was stunned and retreated frantically at this moment, almost falling to the ground, still spreading terrifying destructive power.

The bat monster king vomited blood, his face pale for a while, under Ye Feng's attack, he suffered a devastating blow to the major organs and meridians in his body.

He stared at Ye Feng in amazement, and a sense of fear appeared in his heart. He didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng would still be able to explode such a powerful attack power when he was fighting Lingtian Saint Emperor.

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