Sky War God

Chapter 2361: Dog men and women?

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Next, there was another trembling sound, which made the entire mountain tremble constantly, and the power of this tremor was stronger than before.

Even above the body space where Ye Feng and the two cultivated, there were pieces of rubble falling down.

A bit of haze appeared on Ye Feng's face involuntarily.

Outside, after discovering this stone gate, Ling Tian Shenghuang became more determined to open the stone gate.

Next, several palm prints were released in front of him, and each palm print was extremely powerful.

After several palm prints descended, the stone gate on that mountain was completely destroyed by the shock, turning into pieces of rubble and rolling down towards the bottom of the mountain.

After this stone gate was shattered, that tunnel appeared in the eyes of Ling Tian Shenghuang and others.

"There really is a secret here."

Saint Emperor Ling Tian spoke lightly, a smile appeared on his face, and the rest of the people did the same, all of them were eager to try.

"Father, don't worry, if Ye Feng is really hiding here, be careful of fraud!"

Ling Tianyang reminded Ling Tian Shenghuang.

Saint Emperor Ling Tian nodded at Ling Tianyang.

Immediately, a ray of light flashed in the hands of Saint Emperor Ling Tian, ​​and an extra object appeared in his palm.

This object should look like some kind of weapon, Mitsubishi octagonal, looking very sharp.

Ling Tian Shenghuang muttered a word, and this weapon gradually enlarged in his palm, shining with a strong light, and a powerful force was released from the weapon, giving people a cold feeling.

Immediately, when the Holy Emperor Ling Tian stretched out his hand, the weapon was released from his palm, and it quickly flew toward the inside of the tunnel.

"Om, hum..."

Sure enough, there were bursts of strange noises inside the tunnel, and immediately, lines rose up, quickly evolving into a **** pattern totem.

There was endless brilliance on the **** pattern totem, and then it strangled quickly, turning into a wave of the strongest killing power.

"Ping pong pong..."

Next, the crowd heard waves of metal crashing sounds. Under the influence of the destructive power of the **** pattern, sparks continued to be released from the weapon.

The power of endless destruction wrapped this weapon and strangling it continuously, but this weapon had no influence at all.

It kept flying towards the inside, inspiring a totem of gods, and the power of destruction was higher than the waves.

After the **** pattern totem was stimulated, the Lingtian Saint Emperor condensed an astonishing large print of destruction, on which the strongest power of destruction was integrated.

Before the palm prints were released, the terrifying power of destruction made everyone present feel depressed, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

At the same time, Ling Tian Shenghuang photographed a palm print, the power contained in this palm could not be described in words, and the void wherever he went.

At an extremely fast speed, the large arrays of divine patterns arranged in the tunnel collided together, making shocking sounds of impact.

The crowd only listened to the terrifying sound of rumbling, and the destructive power was madly released. Under the effect of this palmprint of the Lingtian Holy Emperor, those **** pattern totems burst every inch.

The power of destruction continued to spread in all directions, and those **** pattern totems continued to release the power of destruction when facing the palm prints of the Holy Emperor Lingtian.

But the might of destruction under the hands of the Holy Emperor Ling Tian, ​​it seemed vulnerable, and it continued to explode.

Lingtian Saint Emperor's palm print seemed to penetrate everything, and he kept blasting towards the depths of the tunnel.

This caused the **** pattern totem in this tunnel to burst continuously.

The hearts of all the people present tremble fiercely, and the strength of His Majesty the Emperor is really beyond their imagination, and the power of this palm print has become appallingly powerful.

"Go, let's go in!"

Saint Emperor Ling Tian said to the powerful people beside him, and while speaking, he was the first to bear the brunt and flew toward the tunnel.

The rest of the people saw Ling Tian Shenghuang doing this, and they followed suit.

A palm print of the Saint Emperor Ling Tian shattered all the divine pattern arrays arranged on the periphery of the tunnel, and they moved forward step by step.

"They seem to have come in!"

In the mountain space, Ye Feng couldn't help but say to the Lord of Jingyue Temple.

A look of panic appeared on the face of the Jingyue Temple Hall Master, and he immediately asked Ye Feng, "Then what should we do?"

"Come on first!"

Ye Feng's eyes were sharp. Although the two of them did not completely end the first practice at this moment, they had to stop the training process and prepare for the enemy.

The Lord of Jingyue Temple nodded slightly, but when she thought of ending the current scene, she felt a bit reluctant to give up. This feeling really gave her a sense of indescribable beauty.

Ye Feng and the Hallmaster of the Jingyue Temple worked together and gradually stopped the exercises. Now they, after more than a day of cultivation, have cultivated the Kaiyang Jue Jingyue Jue two exercises to the entry level.

Although the level is not high, Ye Feng is also very much looking forward to using the two masters of the Jingyue Temple to release the combined attack of these two techniques.

Although the two exercises of Kaiyang Jue and Jingyue Jue are in an independent state, when the yin and yang are combined, it can be said that the body has a certain connection.

And these two exercises themselves are complementary, and if the two can cooperate perfectly, they can actually exert a power beyond imagination.

"Ye Feng, you really are here!"

At this moment, at the entrance of this space, an extremely cold voice came.

This voice is extremely familiar, and the person who speaks is naturally Holy Emperor Ling Tian.

After hearing the voice of Holy Emperor Ling Tian, ​​the Hall Master of Jingyue Temple used his clothes to wrap his body as quickly as possible, although it was covered by layers of miasma.

But in this case, the Lord of Jingyue Temple also knew how to protect himself, and Ye Feng naturally did the same, quickly putting on his clothes.


Since they had completely focused their attention on Ye Feng's body before, they did not notice the Lord of Jingyue Temple.

It was only at this moment that the other party's existence was discovered, and Ling Tian Shenghuang and the others could not help but look surprised.

It seemed that he didn't expect that Temple Master Jingyue would be staying with Ye Feng.

"Hallmaster of Jingyue Temple, why are you here!"

Ling Tianyang's eyes were sharp, falling on the Lord of Jingyue Temple and asked.

The beautiful eyes of the Lord of Jingyue Temple flickered, but he didn't say anything. People don't kill themselves for their own sake. His Jingyue Temple belongs to Lingtian Sacred Palace.

But what did Lingtian Sacred Palace do for her Jingyue Temple? They will only ask for it infinitely, but they will not provide any help to the Jingyue Temple.

The Lord of Jingyue Temple is a wise man, so naturally he will not have a sense of belonging to Lingtian Sacred Palace.

"Ha ha!"

After Ling Tianyang's words fell, a figure stepped out not far away, and it was the Palace Master Chiyan.

The palace lord of Chiyan Palace had sharp eyes, and there was a bit of irony in the eyes looking at Ye Feng and the lord of Jingyue Temple. Yin and Yang said strangely: "Didn’t the three princes see it? I'm doing something with Ye Feng. Our arrival has ruined people's happiness!"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of many Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouses present showed somewhat ambiguous smiles, and they began to discuss.

"Bitch, I didn't expect you to be such a shameless thing. My Lingtian Sacred Palace treats you not savagely. You are eating inside and out. You are here to stand by Ye Feng. It seems that you are going to betray my Lingtian Sacred Palace. !"

The voice of the palace lord of Tianlei Palace rolled, and he looked at the palace lord of Jingyue Temple indifferently, saying that the words were very vicious.


However, after the words of the Palace Master of Tianlei Palace fell, the crowd heard a strong wind passing through the void.

A huge force furiously lashed towards the face of the palace lord of Tianlei Palace, and the expression of the palace lord of Tianlei Palace flashed a bit of coldness.

He quickly used his attacks to try to resist, however, his speed was still much slower.

This huge force descended on half of the face of Palace Master Tianlei Palace in a very short time.

Hearing a crisp sound from him, the palace lord of Tianlei Palace made a scream under the action of this huge force, and then the crowd saw the body of the palace lord of Tianlei palace flying upside down. , Vomit blood when landing!

The crowd's eyes froze for a while, and no one thought that the mighty Palace Master of Heavenly Thunder would be slapped and slapped.

"Remember, she is not something you can insult, if you let me hear it again, it won't be as simple as usual!"

Ye Feng looked at the Palace Master of Heavenly Thunder Palace with cold eyes, and said indifferently, his words contained a strong sense of coldness.

Suddenly, the hearts of everyone present could not help but tremble.

The beautiful eyes of the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple flashed, and he couldn't help but glanced at Ye Feng secretly. What Ye Feng said just now made her feel warm.

It turns out that the feeling of being protected is so wonderful.

" How dare you be so arrogant in front of this holy emperor?"

Saint Emperor Ling Tian spoke indifferently to Ye Feng, with a bit of cold murderous intent in his words.

"Don't talk nonsense with this pair of dogs and men. Let them be a pair of mandarin ducks here!"

The Palace Master Chiyan Palace said to Ling Tian Shenghuang, with a bit of irony in his words.

The other Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouses were the same, and they couldn't help but nod their heads. At the same time, they released a terrifying aura, trying to surround Ye Feng and the Jingyue Temple master in the center.

"Jingyue, waiting for the holy emperor to treat you badly, I didn't expect you to betray the Lingtian holy palace. It seems that this holy emperor is going to take you and punish you for this rebellion today!"

Holy Emperor Ling Tian didn't seem to expect that the Lord of Jingyue Temple would fool around with Ye Feng, and his voice was very cold.

Before the voice fell, a terrifying aura was released from his body, trying to launch a desperate blow to Ye Feng and the Lord of Jingyue Temple.

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