Sky War God

Chapter 2363: Will you follow me?

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"Be careful!"

Ye Feng came to the front of the Hall Master of the Jingyue Temple and gave an instruction to the other party. The Hall Master of the Jingyue Temple nodded slightly, his beautiful eyes flashed, and the eyes looking at Ye Feng showed a little tenderness.

"Go, I'll take you out!"

Ye Feng said to the Hallmaster of the Jingyue Temple, and then, please directly hug the willow waist of the Hallmaster of the Jingyue Temple, a burst of space attribute power was released, and the endless space attribute power wrapped the two bodies.

Immediately, there was a burst of star power released from Ye Feng's body, the meteor butterfly stepped out, and the space attribute power was released together, and his body moved quickly to one side, the speed was incredible.

Seeing that Ye Feng wanted to leave this place, the eyes of Lingtian Saint Emperor and the other powerful Saints of Lingtian city flashed with extremely cold luster, and only heard Saint Emperor Lingtian speak to the master: "Stop these two people for me!"

Hearing the orders of the Holy Emperor Ling Tian, ​​a horrible aura was released from the people present, and the terrifying big palm print of destruction was shot frantically.

Trying to intercept Ye Feng's body.

However, Ye Feng's body was wrapped in the power of the space attribute, and successive waves of destructive attacks were continuously released, and every attack that came down could make the bodies of those Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouses tremble.

Even under the attack of Ye Feng, he was directly shocked and killed.


A strange sound sounded, Ye Feng's footsteps stepped out at this moment, his body quickly left this place, and quickly flew toward the exit of this space.

The Lord of the Temple of Jingyue put his arms around Ye Feng's bear waist, and felt the warmth from Ye Feng's body, and the Lord of the Temple of Jingyue felt an inexplicable sense of steadiness in his heart.

Even if there were powerful men like Ling Tian Shenghuang behind, the Lord of Jingyue Temple still had no fear.

The speed of the two of them was very fast, and they entered the tunnel of this space in an instant, and passed through the tunnel. After a few breaths, they completely separated from the direction of the tunnel and appeared in the lofty mountain. Among.

"Om, hum!"

When the body came out, Ye Feng did not continue to move forward, but waved his arm, and the light of several gods appeared, and the lines were released in his palm.

A large net of gods was formed in the void, and the king of gods contained extremely strong attributes of gods.

Immediately after Ye Feng waved his arm, the king of the **** pattern quickly flew towards the hole.

It immediately merged with the space at the entrance of the cave, and this scene fell in the eyes of the Jingyue Temple Lord beside him

Suddenly, this woman's beautiful eyes flashed, and a bit of shock appeared on her pretty face involuntarily. It didn't seem that Ye Feng would have realized such a powerful God Rune attribute power.

After doing all this, Ye Feng's eyes fell on the Lord of Jingyue Temple, and he said faintly: "I will fight with them, are you willing to follow me?"


Seeing Ye Feng's determined gaze, the Lord of Jingyue Temple nodded vigorously, and now she has completely broken with the strong side of Lingtian Sacred Palace.

More importantly, the Temple Master of Jingyue God didn't even have any resistance to Ye Feng's words. She seemed to unconditionally agree to what the other party said.

It didn't take long before Ling Tian Shenghuang and others also chased after them, when their bodies were about to leave the tunnel.

At the entrance of the tunnel, there was a burst of light from the gods, and the large formation of gods that Ye Feng had just arranged was completely excited.

The endless light of the **** pattern emerged, strangling quickly, and the power of destruction was constantly surging in the void, wrapping the bodies of these Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouses in a short time.

In the next moment, those waves of intense destruction came from all directions madly attacking the bodies of these Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouses.

So that those Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouses whose cultivation base is not high in their own strength are directly killed by those terrifying killing powers in a short time!

The screams are endless, and the blood is madly released, which looks quite tragic!

The strong men in Lingtian Sacred Palace looked shocked, and at the same time, they were very puzzled. He only heard one strong man say: "What's the matter? Hasn't His Majesty the Holy Emperor destroyed the divine pattern here before? Suddenly there was such a terrifying array of **** patterns?"

The rest of the people also had similar thoughts in their hearts. Before that, they had seen His Majesty the Divine Emperor use a palm print to remove all the divine patterns here.

However, they never thought that when they walked out of this space, there would be a great formation of gods once again, and the terrifying power displayed by this great formation of gods seemed to be more than that of the previous one. Much stronger!

"Don't panic, watch this holy emperor destroy it!"

Ling Tian Shenghuang's face was equally ugly, and his heart was also extremely shocked. He had clearly lifted all the divine pattern formations before.

Now that these people like them were once again wrapped in the **** pattern formation, there is only one possibility, that is, after Ye Feng and the two have just walked out, they used such a short time to arrange a **** pattern formation again.

And how is this possible? Not to mention the depth of the magnitude of this **** pattern, even if the two Ye Feng are really proficient in the way of **** pattern, how could they arrange such a powerful **** pattern array in such a short time?

Saint Emperor Ling Tian couldn't understand it anyway, he simply stopped thinking about it, only to see a terrifying aura released from him.

An extremely terrifying coercion descended from the sky above, and a strong might erupted from the body of the Lingtian Saint Emperor.

That power can destroy everything. The next moment, the crowd heard the terrible rumbling noise continuously.

Under the power of the Lingtian Saint Emperor, the light of the **** pattern in the square circle space was gradually crushed, turning into a cloud of dust, and the **** pattern array arranged by Ye Feng was completely destroyed.

This also made many Lingtian Saint Palace experts take a long sigh, feeling a kind of relief.

The Holy Emperor Ling Tian released his breath at will, breaking the large array of gods arranged by Ye Feng. Ye Feng didn't have many surprises.

After all, time is very rushed, and the divine pattern he arranged cannot be too strong, and the strength of the Lingtian Saint Emperor is far beyond the ability of ordinary high-ranking emperors.

Ling Tian Shenghuang and the others flew out of the tunnel. Because they were attacked by Ye Feng's divine pattern, each of them looked very embarrassed, and most of them were colored.

There was a strong coldness in his eyes looking at Ye Feng.

"You didn't escape, are you planning to die?"

Seeing Ye Feng and the Lord of Jingyue Temple were waiting here, Saint Emperor Ling Tian stared for a moment and asked.

"Suffer? Do you think you have the power to kill me?"

Ye Feng sneered, glanced ironically at Saint Emperor Ling Tian, ​​and spoke lightly.

After practicing Kaiyang Art, Ye Feng felt that her strength had taken another big leap, and her self-confidence was overwhelming now.

Even though the strength of the Lingtian Saint Emperor is really not simple, he still has the confidence to fight the opponent.

More importantly, this battle is inevitable. If things on Lingtian Continent are not settled, he will not be relieved when he returns to Tianyu in the future.

"What an arrogant guy, it seems that this holy emperor wants you to see what is true strength!"

Holy Emperor Ling Tian spoke indifferently to Ye Feng, and her words were extremely arrogant. As she spoke, her footsteps were taken at this moment, and her body seemed to turn into a stream of light toward the direction of Ye Feng and the Lord of Jingyue Temple. .

The look on Ye Feng's face was still calm. Seeing the Holy Emperor Ling Tian tried to attack him, he didn't stay here either. He stepped forward, and the spatial attribute power on his body exploded frantically.

Wrapped the bodies of him and the master of Jingyue Temple again, and then the meteor butterfly stepped out.

The speed of his figure was so fast that he bypassed the body of Saint Emperor Lingtian and descended to the position where the strong man of Saint Palace Lingtian was.

The Kaiyang Art was released frantically, and the endless power of Kaiyang was lingering on Ye Feng's body, and the Nine Turns Hunyuan Sutra that he had cultivated kept surging in his body.

An astonishing big palm print was released in front of Ye Feng, aimed at the Palace Master of the Ancient Demon Palace and others.

The Palace Master of the Ancient Demon Palace looked ugly. He had seen the scene where Ye Feng attacked and destroyed Palace Master Chiyan before.

I was deeply afraid of Ye Feng's current strength, but did not expect that Ye Feng had just walked out of the tunnel and aimed at him the first time he launched an attack.

His body tried to dodge, but the area covered by Ye Feng's palm print exceeded his imagination. No matter which direction his body was flying in, the palm print seemed to extend infinitely, making him unable to hide.

Under this circumstance, the Palace Master of the Ancient Demon Palace could only release the tyrannical demon energy in his body, and the endless demon might surged crazily all over his body.

Then he blasted out with a punch, and there seemed to be a ghost of the devil behind him, madly releasing the attack toward the palm prints that Ye Feng had shot.

The next moment the crowd only listened to the rumbling sound of terror, and the attack released by the Lord of the Ancient Demon Palace collided with Ye Feng's palmprint.

The astonishing sound of destruction was released in the void, and the endless might of destruction surged crazily in all directions.

Under this collision, the look on the face of the Palace Master of the Ancient Demon Palace completely turned despair. He had fought against Ye Feng several times before.

At that time, he was not Ye Feng's opponent, and was easily crushed by Ye Feng, but when he fought against and attacked Ye Feng before, the Palace Master of the Ancient Demon Palace did not have the feeling of despair that he has now.

At this moment, the big palm print released by Ye Feng could not be resisted by others at all. The palm print came down, making the Palace Master of the Ancient Demon Palace feel that his entire body would be completely destroyed by the endless power of destruction. .

The same is true for the terrifying devilish energy he released, a little bit of it was swallowed by Ye Feng’s palm print, and the sun-opening power merged on Ye Feng’s palm print turned into the strongest power of destruction in a very short time. He descended on the body of the Lord of the Ancient Demon Palace!

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: Brothers, flowers work harder, I will add another 300 flowers, hehe

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