Sky War God

Chapter 2360: Find

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When the Lord of Jingyue Temple said these words, her delicate body actually swayed again, the skin all over her body became crimson, and the scent of sweat permeated through the pores.

The Jiao body trembled even more severely, trying to pounce towards Ye Feng's arms, which made Ye Feng's expression, who was already extremely uncomfortable, suddenly surprised.

The heat in the lower abdomen became more serious, but he still held his mind and used a force to block the delicate body of the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple.

This caused the Lord of Jingyue Temple to breathe more quickly, trying to find a warm harbor to stay in impatiently.

But this harbor turned her away, which made the Lord of Jingyue Temple suddenly feel a little bit disappointed.

However, she also understands that the two of them are practicing martial arts and martial arts at the moment.

"Well, this method still works, right?"

Ye Feng asked the Lord of the Jingyue Temple. The white miasma in front separated the two bodies, but the graceful body on the other side of the miasma and the perfect curve were still vaguely visible.

But Ye Feng's heart was slightly throbbing, and he took a deep breath. Ye Feng forcibly stabilized his mind and stopped thinking about it.


The host of Jingyue Temple made a low moan, and he didn't know if he was agreeing to Ye Feng, or because of some circumstances, he couldn't help it.

In short, this voice sounds really attractive, and it can evoke people's expectations for something.

In the next period of time, both Ye Feng and the Lord of the Jingyue Temple were practicing the two martial arts of Kaiyang Jue Jingyue Jue in this mountain space.

Ye Feng used the Nine Turns of the Mixed Yuan Sutra to complete the fusion of Yin Yuan and Yang Yuan in the two bodies without real yin and yang combination.

Although you will endure a different kind of torture by doing this for the two of you, in Ye Feng's view, this is the best way for them to practice the two methods of Kaiyang Jue Jingyue Jue.

And when Ye Feng and Jingyue Temple Master were in this mountain space, Lingtian Saint Emperor led many Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouses and you were constantly searching in the Huangshan area.

One day passed, and instead of chasing Ye Feng, they found that Ye Feng had evaporated like the world, completely disappearing in this mountain area.

"His Majesty, that Ye Feng doesn't seem to be in this mountain range anymore. I don't know if he really has wings or what, why did he run so fast?"

A Lingtian Sacred Palace rushed to report to the Emperor tomorrow who was not coming.

Ling Tian Shenghuang's eyes flashed, and a few sharp lights flashed in his eyes, and he said faintly: "This mountain is vast and endless, even if Ye Feng has long wings, it is impossible to go out in such a short time. It must be a certain This kind of blindfold is hidden in a certain prescription, even if he digs three feet in the ground, he will be found by the holy emperor!"

Lingtian Saint Emperor’s words contained a bit of resentment, and the harm Ye Feng brought to them Lingtian Saint Palace could no longer be described in simple words.

Moreover, Saint Emperor Ling Tian would not allow such a young and powerful man to exist on the mainland, and it would definitely be one of its most important threats in the future.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

The Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouse took the command, and he quickly flew away from this place with a group of people, flew towards other directions, and divided his troops to search for the trail of Ye Feng in this mountain area.

Here, only Ling Tian Shenghuang and his three sons remained.

"Father, Ye Feng had disappeared on Lingtian Continent for several years. Over the past few years, he should have gone to the heavens to have the strength he is now."

Ling Tianyang said to Saint Emperor Ling Tian, ​​he still vaguely remembered that Ye Feng still existed like an ant in front of him when he fell to the Dragon Cliff mission a few years ago.

He wanted to punish Ye Feng, Ye Feng didn't have any resistance at all, but now several years have passed.

Although Ling Tianyang's strength has improved greatly, the ant person who was once in his eyes has grown to the point where she can only look up.

Even his elder brother Ling Tianjun was not Ye Feng's opponent, and was easily crushed by Ye Feng, which made Ling Tianyang feel slightly unwilling.

As the Third Prince of Ling Tian Continent, his status and status are so respected, but even so, Ling Tianyang is still not qualified to go to the heaven to practice.

This made him extremely unwilling. If he had gone to Tianyu just like Ye Feng a few years ago, maybe he is not only in his current cultivation level.

"Before the fairy gate has sent back news, this person has indeed traveled to the universe, and has joined the Jin Luo fairy gate, and won the first place in the Jin Luo fairy gate year-end assessment. But because of some fault, he was expelled by the Jin Luo fairy gate. Since then, there has been no news, and now he has returned to Lingtian Continent to make trouble!"

Tomorrow, the holy emperor spoke lightly, his words were extremely angry, and there was a vague murderous release on his body.

After his words were spoken, the three Ling Tianyang brothers immediately felt jealous. Unexpectedly, a guy who was not even considered an ant in their eyes.

They even joined the top power of Tianyu ahead of time, and got the first seat in the year-end assessment of the sect power, which made the three brothers unacceptable in a short time.

"That said, this person once joined the Jinluo Immortal Sect, so it's no wonder that he also participated in the Dragon Cliff mission!"

Ling Tianjun spoke coldly. Although he didn't enter the Fallen Dragon Cliff, the task of this Fallen Dragon Cliff caused a sensation in the entire Lingtian Holy City.

They Lingtian Saint Palace, in order to better complete this task sent by the Heavenly Selection Immortal Clan, they even summoned many top Tianjiao figures from the entire Lingtian Saint City area to enter it.

But in the end, the Fallen Dragon Stone fell into the hands of that Ye Feng, and also allowed the other party to successfully escape from the heavy siege of Lingtian Sacred Palace powerhouse.

This incident was the greatest shame to their Lingtian Sacred Palace, and even because of this incident, their Lingtian Sacred Palace was punished by the Heavenly Selection Immortal Sect.

All this must be remembered on Ye Feng's head. Now that Ye Feng returns to Lingtian Continent to make waves, they must leave Ye Feng here forever.

"Report to His Majesty the Holy Emperor that we have found an anomaly in a mountain not far from here."

At this moment, a Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouse flew quickly from a distance, panting, and told the Lingtian Saint Emperor.

The three brothers Ling Tian Shenghuang and Ling Tianyang flashed their eyes, and then asked them: "What is abnormal, please say it."

The strong Lingtian Saint Palace calmed down his aura and said, "There are faint energy fluctuations inside that mountain. I don't know what is inside the mountain?"

Hearing what this strong man said, Lingtian Saint Emperor's pupils flashed with a sharp light, and then said to him: "I will go and take a look."

The strong man nodded at Lingtian Saint Emperor, and then they flew towards the direction that the strong man said.

In about two sticks of incense, under the leadership of that Lingtian Saint Palace powerhouse, a few of them came to the front of a mountain.

This mountain looked no different from the others, and the bare rock walls were extremely steep.

But Ling Tian Shenghuang and the others carefully felt that they could discover that there was really a vague wave of energy fluctuations on this stone wall.

This energy fluctuation gives people an indescribable feeling, as if there is a fascinating force in it.

"What kind of power is this? It's strange."

Saint Emperor Ling Tian condensed his eyes, he was also extremely unfamiliar with this power, because he had never felt it in other people.

"This power is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, with a rhythmic sense of rhythm. It should be emitted from the human martial artist. In my opinion, there are people in this mountain!"

Ling Tianyang said sharply, and concluded that there are often martial artists in this mountain.

"I think so too. Although this power is very special, it is very similar to the rhythm of ordinary people when they practice the exercises."

Ling Tianjun also spoke like this.

When Ling Tian Shenghuang heard this, he quickly released his divine consciousness, which enveloped a space and completely covered the mountain.

As a powerful high-ranking emperor, Lingtian Saint Emperor's divine consciousness is naturally very powerful. When it is released, everything in the entire space can be seen in full view, and even slight changes can not escape Lingtian Saint Emperor's divine consciousness exploration.

At a certain moment, Ling Tian Shenghuang's gaze was fixed on a certain prescription position on the body, where he found something wrong.

When Ling Tian Shenghuang stepped on his feet, his body unexpectedly reached the front of the mountain at this moment. Immediately, he saw a burst of light on his body.

Immediately, there was a ray of light shining in the palm of Saint Emperor Ling Tian, ​​and the light of destruction was extremely strong.

Immediately, I saw him take a palm shot, and his palm prints fell heavily on the mountain.


A dull voice sounded This palm print of Saint Emperor Ling Tian shook the mountain severely, and cracks appeared where the palm print of Saint Emperor Ling Tian came.

A gap in the outline of a stone gate faintly emerged. Seeing this scene, the corner of Ling Tian Shenghuang's mouth could not help but a smug smile appeared.

It seems that he guessed right!

At the same time, the two Ye Feng in the mountain space naturally felt the strong tremor from the outside world.

I saw Ye Feng's eyes solidified slightly, his expression showed a bit of sharpness, and he said lightly: "They seem to have found this place!"

The beautiful eyes of the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple also solidified for a while. At this moment, her pretty face was slightly red, and the hot air on her body was still lingering, causing her body to float for a while.

Opened blurred eyes to look at Ye Feng and said, "Now is the critical period of cultivation, don't stop."

Ye Feng's face was not very good-looking, he naturally knew that it was an important time for cultivation, and he really couldn't be disturbed easily.

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